MTL - Banished to Another World-~ Times 513

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Wangcheng Palace. ??壹Reading ww?w·1?k?anshu·cc

Neil King and Hu Lian, the high priests in the hearts of the people, are sitting at a long table to enjoy the food. The waiter shuttles back and forth carefully to wait for the two.

Most of the dishes placed on the table are made of gold and silver. The small part is the bones, and the cutlery has a knife for cutting meat, a spoon with a size, and a fork.

It is said that these tablewares were only spread after the 6th National Congress, especially the forks. Before this, the horns were quite uninhibited in eating food.

Hu Lian put down the tableware, gently wiped the corner of the mouth with a napkin, and picked up the glass of the hand and took a sip.

The delicious wine, or he feels that life is too boring, deliberately excavated from the memory, let people find the grapes brewed. Think about it, many things that are used in the life of the horns seem to be related to him.

Hu Lian didn't know why she had memories of this knowledge. He always speculated that he was probably a fallen god, and that all the knowledge in his memory that was clear or vague was from the realm of God.

And the one who made him persistent should also come from the same place as him, he thought.

Neil Wang saw Hu Lian no longer eating, he also put down the knife and fork, while waving the waiters to retreat.

All the waiters in the hall left the restaurant quietly.

Neil Wang also grabbed the wine glass. "The situation is more chaotic than we expected. The two hornless people made it earlier."

“Can it not be completely unfavorable to us?” Hu Lian shakes the glass and smells the sweet smell of the wine.

"Yes." Neil Wang poured a sip of wine and smiled smugly: "The two hornless people probably thought that they did not know what they were doing. If they were not secretly confused, they could just cover up our actions. I have already sent People killed all those hornless people."

"Don't underestimate the two." Hu Lian stared at the wine in the glass and seemed to be captivated by the dark red water.

Neil Wang did not care about "hmm". "After waiting for things, we can just push the crimes of killing the black horns and the high-level horns to the two. Then tell the people that we have horns during this time. The suffering suffered is the demon of the Devil's Abyss colluding with the Demon Warrior of Dongda 6. It is only necessary to deal with our horned horns. When..."

"Demons abyss should not be rushed to eliminate, no horns can not kill, left can also be alert to the horns behind, so that if there is no foreign enemy, their own internal began toss." Hu Lian put down the wine glass and pushed away.

"Just do what you said." Neil Wang is very fond of the taste of wine, drink a cup and sip a cup, "If our magic warrior is cut off, you need it later, we have to go to the east. It’s a bit inconvenient for the Big 6 to catch people."

Hu Lian frowned. He didn't like Neil Wang repeatedly reminding him that he needed a warrior, but he hinted a few times. The other person just didn't understand. If the other party didn't use him every five years, he would take the initiative. To send him at least one high-ranking demon warrior, he must doubt whether this person is using this matter to pinch him.

"Is the little prince of the White Horn found?" Hu Lin shifted the subject.

Neil Wang licked his mouth. "The Baijiao hid him very tightly. I sent people to secretly turn over several possible places that were not found. Maybe people have been sent away."

"It is also possible that the two hornless people took Sumen away. Don't forget that the two hornless people sent Summen back.? n?shu ·cc"

"You mean the white horns and the hornless collusion?" Neil Wang sipped a second glass of wine.

"It’s not that the Black-horned family is not our Red-horned man who took Sumen. The Sumen’s whereabouts are only two possibilities. One is hidden by their Baijiao themselves, and the other is that the hornless person took him away. But you can't find so many places in the White Horns, and stare at them so tight that they don't find the child. There is only one truth."

Neil Wang laughed, "Good! Good! The white horns collude with hornless people, this is really great!"

Hu Lian waited for him to laugh enough before saying: "The Baijiao has no inheritance and is not afraid. First concentrate on dealing with the black horns. As long as the big forces of the black horns are completely eliminated, you will be the real king of the three tribes in the future. ""

Neil Wang was not stunned by the bright future. He suddenly remembered the general and asked: "Isn't the person who went to Dongda 6 yet found a place to inherit?"

Hu Lian shook her head. "There is no news yet, it should be no."

Neil Wang is dissatisfied. "Nita doesn't know what to do. Last time I sent a message to him, he actually ignored me."

"The big bones teacher is like this. Many talented people have a bit of eccentric temper. Neil, Nita is your brother, and he has no doubt about his loyalty."

Neil did not say in the mouth, but his heart was sneer. In this world, apart from Hu Lian and himself, he will never believe in the third person. Even if his brothers are like him, he does not believe that Nita is really not interested in his position. If Nita is not right, how can he take the initiative to ask for Dongda 6?

If he is here, he will be very surprised, because he knows Nita, the red horn man who once gave him a slave bone. What surprised him even more was why Nitamin knew that he was on him, but did not tell Neil Wang and Hu Lian?

"Right," Neil Wang asked more casually. "My priest, why are you so interested in that low-lying savage sorcerer? I heard that you seem to have sent a dark team to look for. he?"

"Your Majesty, it seems that you have heard a lot of things."

Seeing Hu Lian cold face, Neil Wang took a deep breath and pushed the chair up. After walking to his chair, he leaned forward and approached Hu Lian in an embracing position.

"My priest, ah, for you, I am willing to give everything, but you have been so far away from me." Neil Wang grabbed Hu Lian and sighed deeply.

Hu Lian's finger stroked, the silver long break, then Hu Lian stood up and walked out of the hall without looking back.

Neil Wang grasped the long stern and kept up, "Lian!"

Hu Lin turned around and said, "Look, don't forget the choice you made."

Very ordinary words, the king of Neil suddenly stopped. Yes, he made a choice twenty-five years ago and he chose the throne. However, he thought that he would get his priest after he got the throne, but his priest chose him to find his current wife with the quickest degree after his choice.

Nowadays, he is already a king. Later, with the help of this person, he will become the real king of the three tribes who don’t have to give up again!

But his priest can only be his priest, and he will no longer allow him even if he is close. Read a book?·1?·cc

Maybe you can't get what you want most. Neil Wang watched Hu Lin leave after he saluted him, opened his mouth and said nothing.

When Hu Lian returned to the temple, he immediately went to the secret room.

The contact bone device was taken out from the storage bone device, Hu Lian was inlaid with the crystal in the bone device, and the blood left by Nita was taken out and dropped on the contact bone.

Part of the contact bone is an empty ring about one meter high. After the bone device is started, a burst of light is heard in the middle of the empty ring, and a light curtain of water appears.

Nita looks like the daytime, he first salutes Hu Lin, and then asks slowly: "Is there something eager to find me so eagerly?"

In addition to the large-scale contact bones, the long-distance contact bones will consume a lot of souls. If it is not extremely important, Hu Lian will never open it easily.

"You said that you have found the bones last time, where?" Hu Lian came directly to the subject.

Nita was surprised. "I thought you didn't care about that."

"I don't care, but I don't want it to fall into the hands of others."

Nita looked unfortunately: "I know where it is, but I can't get it for the time being. The ancient soul in the bones is protecting the hornless man. I was vetoed, and the guardian soul inside refused to admit me." We all know what kind of endure the strong bones will get." If not, how could he allow a hornless person to hold that precious bone!

"There is no horn? You said that you got a boneless man?" Hu Lian’s heart was not good.

"I didn't tell you?" Nita raised her eyebrows.

Hu Lian did not speak.

Nita raised her hand. "The priest, don't be angry. The guardian of the bones told me that the bones must be passed to a horned person, but the hornless person who chose the inheritor, I originally wanted to use The slave bone let the hornless man pass on the inheritance to me, and then I will give it to you, so I will not talk to you. I want to give you a surprise. Unfortunately, the hornless man is very embarrassed and knows how to crack the slave. The bones are still running. Why, is there someone who has no horns?"

" said that the hornless man who got the bones will not be one of the two hornless people you reported last time?" Hu Lian's voice became sinister.

Nita smiled. "Oh, it's not easy to see how you look angry. Indeed, I remember that the hornless man who got the bones is the priest of the Ninth 6 of the Dongda 6 new power. It is called sin. Is he really right now? Are you there?"

"Nita!" Hu Lin was really angry. "This is not a trivial matter. Why didn't you tell me clearly at the beginning?"

Nita looked at Hu Lian for a while and admitted: "Well, I want to get bones myself, so I don't want to tell you and my good brother."

The anger that Hu Liangang had risen disappeared again. It is not surprising that Nita’s character and his obsession with the bones would do such a thing. Who in the legend bears the memory of countless ancient souls who do not want to get it? That is the true sea of ​​knowledge!

"If you have a bone-bearing thing, Nita, you have to do something for me. You should contact me with a token, let him help you to win the tribe called Jiuyuan, and wait for you to win that department." When you are behind, tell me the fastest."

"Do you want to stay alive?" Nita seems to understand who Hulian said.

Hu Lian sinks for a while, "Leave, it's best to stay in the majority, I am useful."

At the same time, it was located in the temporary base of the hornless people in the east of the city of Lorraine.

Strictly call Qi Hongzhi to the side before going to sleep.

Qi Hongzhi’s injury has basically healed, but his face has left a scar that was originally burned.

Strictly want to use his will to help him heal, Qi Hongzhi actually shook his head and refused, "Adult, don't do it now."

"Well? Then when are you waiting?"

Qi Hongzhi kneels down on one knee. "Adult, keep this as a reward for me."

Strictly did not understand the meaning of Qi Hongzhi, but the original war understood, he signaled to come over and whispered to him: "Pray Hongzhi is good, he and the sunset and the lion are not pulling up a team, Probably he wants to wait for them to make some achievements, let you eliminate the scar on his face in front of those hornless people. This can show you the extraordinary of this god, but also tell others that only make achievements In order to be rewarded, not plain, you can get benefits."

Suddenly, he was in a complicated mood. He had never encountered such a loyal subordinate who was so thoughtful and solid-hearted for his predecessors. Should he say that people nowadays have less ideas and therefore are more primitive?

No wonder the superiors in the past do not like to open wisdom to the fools. Except that it is not easy, is it not because of ignorance or ignorance?

It’s ignorant to fool, so I can lie.

Just like the modernity of his past life, the people were affected by the information explosion. Everything can be known and everything can be understood. It is difficult to fool them. Before the information explosion, it was not all what was said above, what to do and what to do, most of them were very honest.

So he often heard some older people sigh: We only know hard work at that time, like the young and young... Barabara.

In order to control the people's thinking, some countries are banned from banned or even banned.

Strictly slap the brain and think far. Now it is his turn to be a superior, how to open the wisdom of the people, but also to preserve the simplicity and kindness of human nature, while at the same time they are brave and fearless, and when they are embarrassed, it becomes a matter that he must consider.

"The teaching materials and basic ideas are very important." Yan Qizhi was given up, and he promised his request, and patted him on the shoulder, saying that he would never be ill-treated.

As a result, Qi Hongzhi was moved, and he refused to retreat after repeated thanks.

When the original war and other prayers left, he asked, "What did you just say?"

Slightly a little bit of brain, "When we go back to Jiuyuan, we will get the doctrine. Since there are temples and priests, we can't waste this advantage."

"Doctrine? Are you saying the same rules as the nine original rules?"

"Similar, but more detailed, almost contains all the wisdom of thinking about things." To make the original war understandable, Yan Li explained it and gave many examples.

How many generations did you think that his home country had a Confucian doctrine? Modern is still affected by it, no matter how good or bad.

What he intends to do in the future is to use his supreme identity and absolute influence to write a new doctrine in the name of God, so that Jiuyuan and the world can use this as a guideline to brainwash and brainwash them until the doctrine Deep to become their genetic memory.

There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to doing this, but nothing can be done with no disadvantages. What is strictly done is to make this teaching content more beneficial to all kinds of intelligent creatures. This is better than waiting for him in the future. After the war was let go, the new rulers appeared in Jiuyuan or Dongda 6, and then the rulers turned over and over again for their own interests.

The original battle clearly understood the meaning of the priests of his own priests, and he knew the benefits of this doctrine as soon as he heard the strict description. He naturally supported this and repeatedly said: "The priests and the leaders are all god-given. This is good, this must be retained!"

Strictly slanting him: Look, even if he was immersed in the primitive war for many years, he knows what is best for himself. How can this make him believe in the future rulers? If he does not clearly state in the doctrine of God that "the position of the leader cannot be hereditary", I am afraid that Jiuyuan will become a home for generations.

"God is not good unless you want to be controlled by the priests in the future."

The original war did not feel that there was anything wrong with being controlled by the priests. This guy also opened his mind and said: "You can divide the power into the half of the priest and the priest, and then the priest and the priest must be married."

Speaking silently, "What if the witch is the leader, what should I do as a priest?"

"If you don't let hereditary, they will not have the chance to become a priest and a priest." The original war as a father, of course, hopes that the Jiangshan can be passed on to his descendants. He does not understand why he should hand over Jiuyuan to others. .

"The middle interval can be used." Strictly, of course, already think about how to make a hole. "The doctrine can limit the upper period of the collar, just like the horned family. For example, if it is rotated once in ten years, it can be postponed once, that is, for a maximum of 20 years. It is also because of the long life of the blood-blooded warrior, so whoever has the ability to go up. The priest does not have the actual ruling power, only exists as a spiritual symbolic meaning, at most he is responsible for both education and medical treatment. ”

"How do you choose the one?" The original war had his own thoughts, but he did not immediately say it against his priest.

"You can pass the recommendation of the previous generation and other high-level and local recommendations, and then let everyone vote for these candidates." Although the referendum has many drawbacks, many people do not know much about the people they want to vote for, but this is The power belonging to the people, even if it is in the form, must be preserved.

"When we go back, we will find them and discuss with them in the deep valley." The original war did not immediately make a decision, but adopted a procrastination strategy.

Strictly know that this guy has not given up his plans for the world, but he has the confidence to convince the nine seniors, even if he can not convince, he has the last move - the will of God! So don't mind this guy delaying.

"Master." Xiaosumen squatted and ran over, and plunged into his arms.

Slightly bowed, seeing the child's face seems to be a little uneasy, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Xiaosumen’s expression is a little bit tangled, and she doesn’t seem to know whether it should be open.

Slightly kneel down / body, little his nose, "Say, what?"

Xiaosumen hesitated for a while, or said: "The Syrian witch sent a message, and the man told me that someone had sent a message to the Asian witch, saying that the woman who gave birth to me wanted to see me..."
