MTL - Banished to Another World-~ Times 514

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This is not the reason why Sumen really hesitated. He hesitated to make a dream before he received the message. A reading book w?ww·1·cc

Strictly watching children seem to be afraid of what, naturally added a little soul force in the words, "Don't be afraid, tell Master, what did you dream of?"

The child's emotions are obviously soothed and the body relaxes. "I... dreamed that she was crying, cursing, she was blood, lying in a big, gorgeous room."

This should be the mother of Sumen? Strictly and casually sat on the ground, sat down and took the child to his lap and asked him: "Have you ever dreamed of your mother?"

Sumen nodded and shook his head again. "Maybe dreaming, but I don't remember."

When the teacher and the teacher spoke, the original battle was called.

Nowadays, the hornless people have formed a rebellious team because of the oppression. However, there are many situations in the inside. If they were not the original, they saved a lot of hidden hornless warriors in these days. There are still many left to join the rebel army, I am afraid that there are more problems.

The original battle was not dedicated to the management of this team. He was waiting for the lion to bring the demon abyss to the team. When the demon abyss of the Demon Warrior team arrived, some hornless people who could make a lot of interest and food Naturally someone manages and tutors.

He spends more time now absorbing the energy of the blood stone, because he knows very well that these hornless people are just the rabble in his mouth, and it is impossible to rely on them to confront the horned people. . Even if the devil's abyss comes, if he and the strict force are not strong enough, this team will not be destroyed for a long time.

On the other hand, he did not know what special abilities Suma had. Sumen did not say that the Asian sorcerer would not even tell him. He doesn't think that the child doesn't say that he is jealous of him. Maybe Suma himself doesn't figure out what his abilities are.

"Apart from the occasional dream of your mother, can you dream of something else? For example, your father or someone else?"

"I will dream about them, I..." Sumen looked at Master's eyes. He had a big secret and never dared to say to others, but should Master be able to believe it?

"Master," the child hugged his neck and leaned into his arms. "There is something... I said you won't be afraid of me?"


"you promise?"

Slightly laugh, raise your finger, "I promise."

The child is willing to go down and say: "Master, I... I used to be locked in the house by the man. He didn't let me go anywhere. Sometimes Buhua looked at me and pity me to take me around the yard. Once I told them that they didn't pay attention to want to sneak out and they were caught. The man shut me in the house and used the bone chain to hold me."

Strictly, there was no bad feeling against the Duke of Morton, but when he heard the child say this, his sense of the Duke of Morton immediately became a negative value, Sumen calculated the unpopularity and blessing, but if you really don’t Like this child, either give the child to the mother, or give Sumen to the Temple of the White Horn, even if it is thrown away, or if the heart beats him at the beginning, the Duke of Morton will leave the person. When I got off, I closed the child for nine years, and didn’t let him touch it. I raised him like a beast. This kind of imprisoned life is even more terrible than ** abuse. The child is not fooled. It is the help of the gods.

Sumen also whispered his secret there. "I am very uncomfortable. I saw birds flying in the sky, envy them to fly and fly, and I thought if I could fly to the sky just like a bird, then ... I dreamt that I was flying, I saw... my body was below, but I was floating on it."

Is this the soul? Severely distressed children.

"I was scared at first, but I thought it was a dream, and I wanted to go out too much, so I drifted out, then I saw it outside." The voice of Xiaosumen is full of dreams, he and his master Sharing his first flight and seeing the mood and experience of the world, he said a lot. ?壹 Yan Mo has been waiting until the child has stopped actively, only to ask him in detail: "How long can you let the soul fly out every time, how long can you do such a dream?"

The child twisted his brow. "It's very short, but it grows longer, but it can't be a longest when it's long. Otherwise, it will hurt and hurt when you wake up."

Strictly screaming, the child is too daring, he is not afraid that he will not come back when he floats out, but he can understand the mood of the child. Maybe Sumba had to return to his body at that time, and he I thought he was dreaming!

"I once dreamed, I dreamed of her. She cried at the door and said that she wanted to see her own child. At first I didn't know that she was a person who gave birth to me. She just felt that she was very close to me and later heard her. I know who she is when I talk to someone in the Duke’s house."

The eyes are full of pity for the child. The child replaces the word mother with "her", but only listens to his tone and knows that the child still cares about the woman.

Sumen bit his finger. "I sometimes dreamed of her when I especially wanted to dream about her, if she was not far from me. This time... I didn't want to dream about her, but I don't know. Why did you dream about her?"

Strictly, it is now certain that this is the child’s ability. No wonder the child is imprisoned for nine years and has some common sense. The reason is probably here. He did not hide the child and said directly to him: “You don’t have to be afraid, this should be You are one of the great witches. And that woman has the deepest blood relationship with you, you will not dream of her dreams, and I suspect that you are not dreaming, but similar to the soul. Yes, you get Does the big witch inheritance say that other big witches have the same abilities as you?"

The child carefully recalled and shook his head. "I didn't see so much. The ability of the big witch I saw was different from mine. He seemed to understand the words of the plant, so his witch medicine refining was the best of the white horns at that time. ""

Suddenly lifted the child's face and said to him with a little cautiousness: "I will go to the Temple of Lorraine next time and ask the Aramaba to see if he knows the same situation as you. Before that, if there is no special necessity You still don't want to do such a soul-in-the-ear game, that is, don't want to be a subjective one who wants to dream, can you do it?"

The child is very nodding.

Solved the first problem and began to solve the second one. "Are you... want to see that woman?"

The child is hesitating for a longer time.

Strictly waiting for the child with one hand, patiently waiting.

"I... I want to go, I feel she is going to die." The child doesn't know much about death, but he has seen those killed animals and hornless people, and the scene he just saw in his dreams makes He felt that the woman was going to die.

"I want her to hold me before she dies, just like Master holding me like this." The little boy said his little simple wish. He didn't know what kind of feeling he had for the woman, but he saw other mothers and children getting along in his dreams. He hoped that the woman who gave birth to him could hold him.

"Do you hate your mother?" Yan sighed in his heart.

Sumen shook his head. The woman was almost a stranger to him. If she didn't want to see him every time she came to trouble, he wouldn't care about her. But as he can feel that the woman is nearby, he can also feel that she is not as important to her as she said in her mouth. He once followed her twice in her dreams, and every time she left the Duke's House, the sadness on her face disappeared.

Strictly pat the child, he can understand the child's psychological state at this time. He has seen many such children in some places in previous lives. They are separated from their mothers when they are born. They can't have feelings without contact, and they can pass the education of the day after tomorrow. They know the word "mother". When they see other mothers and children, they will inevitably beautify the "mother" creature, and then have high expectations for seeing their mother, but some people Just like Sumen, I just want to see one side and make a knot. ?? Then go see her. "Strictly help the child make a decision, although he feels that the child does not owe the white-horned woman, but... this is not a guide! He knows this, but does not let the child go to see the dying." Mother, God knows what the guide will look for to punish him.

Although he decided to take the child to see the white-horned woman, his temper would not let him beautify the woman. Instead, he would wake up with a sigh: "I want to take you to see her because you are My disciple, I want to satisfy your wishes. But you have to understand that you don't owe her anything, even if she gives birth to you, but you don't want to come to the world, and your arrival is better than her. Design, you are not the crystal of love, you are just a product of conspiracy, you are imprisoned for nine years, that woman has to pay half responsibility! So if the woman says how much she loves you, it must be lying to you, if you really love you She won't ask you to see her at this time."

Maybe the woman is not like this to Sumen. Maybe she is forced out, but she is not a good person. He will not tell Sumen to add trouble to himself and his children.

Speaking harshly, the child was very cold. He thought that his master would say "she gave birth to you after all". In the great witch inheritance, the great witch said to one person.

Strictly pick up the child, and finally said: "If she asks you too much, don't care about her, huh?"

The child gimmicks throws the words of the great witch in the inheritance and nods his head, and then sincerely said: "Master, then we will not go see her."

Strictly laugh, "Go, why not?"

He would like to see the Red Horns or the ghosts of the Hulian High Priest. Just as Hu Lian and Neil Wang should be able to guess that Sumen is in their hands, he also understands that Hu Lian’s use of the white-horned woman is not for Sumen, but to leave him and the original war.

The most important thing is that he does not want his apprentice to be troubled by the extra people. It is not necessary to have a white horn to let his apprentice take responsibility. It is unnecessary to run out of an unconscious mother.

The people from the Syrian witches did not leave, he was waiting for a strict reply. Because Alan, they all know, whether Sumen wants to see the woman is not determined by Sumen, and they are also a little careful, they do not want Sumen to take risks, but they do not want to take the responsibility of preventing Sumen from going to see their mother. If the woman dies because of the crime, what should Summon hate to hate?

Strictly seeing the messenger laughed, the messenger was thin and the face was red on the spot.

Strictly, the "benevolent" did not poke their intentions and asked: "Where does the other party say where to meet?"

The messenger replied reverently: "The family member ran to the door of the temple and cried, saying that he wanted to see the last side of his child. The other party left the time and place to meet, tomorrow morning, the Blue Valley."

The Blue Valley and the Three Cities form a diamond shape, close to Shentu City and Lorraine City, opposite to Xuanyu City.

Although the valley is close to the three cities, it is rare, because it is an ancient cemetery that has been passed down from ancient times. There are not many buried bodies in it. It is equivalent to the mass graves of the past, some slaveless slaves or dead. Those who are not glamorous will be thrown there, perhaps because there are too many corpses abandoned in the valley. Over time, the valley becomes cloudy and lush, and the suffocating, poisonous and poisonous plants are not lacking. No one dares to get involved easily.

The next morning, I listened to the sorrowful legends of the Blue Valley, and went to the appointment with Sumen. The original warfare was of course followed.

Soon after the three people left the camp strictly, some people quietly passed the news.

Qi Hongzhi heard the report and his expression kept unchanged: "Don't move him first, keep on staring."

Blue Valley.

Here is the valley. In fact, it is a hill with a "concave" shape. The mountain is not high. The highest point is about 600 meters. It is not a small area, almost equivalent to the area of ​​a city.

In addition to a small road that was stepped on in the mountains, all other places were mixed with wood and long grass.

In order to avoid the mountain suffocation, the sun was strictly waiting for the sun to enter the valley.

At this time the original battle is no longer around him.

"It seems that the suffocation here is very powerful, and the birds are less." Yan said to Xiaosumen.

Sumen grabbed his hand and watched his feet carefully.

There are small flying insects gathered around, but they can be blocked when they fly to the side of them.

The most amazing thing is that the long grass and the tree vines under the feet will automatically avoid.

Sumen’s eyes widened and he was a little scared. “Master, look!”

Strictly no longer surprised at this. When he first arrived, the "spirit" here showed his closeness, and when he last put a big blood sacrifice in the temple of Wangcheng, he didn't even have to What to exchange with these elves, as long as he is wherever he goes, whether it is grass or rock will automatically avoid, only occasionally some naughty, will deliberately wrap his feet, but will not hurt him.

Sometimes, the sternness can even be a little feminine and flattering from the actions of these elves.

Strictly funny, he hasn't figured out why these "spirits" like him, only knowing about energy, but what is special about his energy?

"...people,...someone is hiding in the mountains, a lot..."

Strictly stepping forward, the wind seemed to send the whispers of the elves.

"Where are they hiding? Can I avoid them?" When the soul was used to ask this sentence, the elves were not expected to answer him.

But very quickly, the road in front of him suddenly grew a lot of weeds, blocking the way, and the dense wild forest on his left hand separated a path that only allowed one person to pass.

The smile appeared on the face of sternness. "Is this going? Thank you."

Strictly holding the small Sumen turned and embarked on another road.

When he walked half a horn, Sumen looked more and more eagerly, and he thought his master was amazing! Looking ahead, there is no road, but his master has not yet come to the front, there is a new path.

Su Gong has lost his way, but he is not afraid at all. His master taught him some herbs on the road.

"Yeah!" Xiaosumen was scared to pick it up. Did he just step on a man's hand? "Master!"

Slightly bowed, I saw a pale palm in the wet mulch, and a vague stench.

Strictly squatting / dialing, laughed out: "Hey, isn't this a zombie hand mushroom? I really didn't expect to see it here."

"Mushroom?" The child was surprised and knelt down.

"Yes, but still can eat, non-toxic, it is smelly, you need to eat your nose. Do you want to take some to eat?"

The child shook his head and he didn't want to eat strange mushrooms that grew like human hands!

Severely got up and pulled up the children. "There are so many terrible legends here, probably related to these zombie hands. Whatever is going on the road will be caught by the hands of the deceased, what sees the hands of countless dead people reaching the ground Hehe. Look, here is a piece..."

Suddenly and suddenly dumb, there was a clear space in front of him. There were no big trees in the open space. They were all low shrubs. They were still sparse. The strange thing is that the soil here is very fertile and there are many on the ground. Zombie hand mushroom.

He thought it was a zombie hand mushroom, but if you look closely, you can see that it is not a mushroom, but a real man!

The human hand will extend out of the ground like this, there is only one possibility, here is a live burial pit!

"...come, go, ... looking for you..."

Strictly pull the child's hand, and quickly ran into the newly emerged path, and tentatively asked: "Can I get close to them?"


"I will protect myself, please believe me." Can be said to be dangerous by "the gods", how powerful are those who intend to ambush them?

It is impossible to avoid them all the time, he needs to understand the enemy.

"This side..." The vines that fell in front of the mountain wall crawled, revealing a narrow gap.

Strictly carrying Sumen into the gap, the gap is full of snake worms, seeing someone coming in and escaping.

The gap is narrow at the beginning and begins to widen from the back.

In the middle of the road, a cave appeared on one side of the mountain wall, and a python swam out, spit out the snake letter and then drilled into the cave.

Sumerously followed, Sumen was very nervous.

The cave is very long, and when you walk about half a corner, you can see the gap of light.

The python was in the gap, and the snake's head swayed against the gap.

Strictly and boldly approach the python and get in front of the gap.

Outside, a team of six people is resting, without exception, all without horns.

The six hornless men are different in dress, looks, gender and age. The only thing that is the same is that they wear a bone collar on their necks.

"Strange, why can't we find those three people?" said a thin middle-aged man among the six hornless people.

"Yeah, according to the news, when people entered the mountain, there were people who saw them three. Later, there were only two left, but after the big one entered the mountain, no one even saw them again." Another woman with an ordinary appearance.

"The two are also demon warriors. It’s so strange to disappear in the mountains. The gods are so big, do you see the three?" A person like the leader asked another one sitting on the big stone with his eyes closed. Half old man.

The half-old man opened his eyes, flashed a trace of incomprehensible meaning, and shook his head.

"You can't even see them? How is it possible!" The leader was shocked.

The semi-old voice is low and dumb: "What has covered my eyes and I don't want me to see them."

The woman took a breath of air. "Why did Hu Lian's high priest arrest them in the Blue Valley? This ghost place..."

"Hey! Forbidden! Hulian high priest's decision, you dare to blame, want to die, don't bother us!" The youngest man yelled.

The leader also frowned. "The Blue Valley is annoying. This place... no one wants to come, nor why Hulian High Priest chooses here."

"Hulian high priest is probably for that person..." The thin man who spoke first said hesitantly.

Everyone else seems to understand who he is talking about, and they are all silent.

The fierce curiosity hiding in the mountain wall is dead. Who is that person? What is the skill? Why did Hu Lian specially arrange the meeting in the Blue Valley?

Does he want to bring Sumen to continue to the appointed place?
