MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 45 Disturbed Madness

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Xie Tingyue will faint before. One is that she bumped her head. The other is that her emotional turbulence is strong. She breathed out and did not hold it. In fact, her body is not affected. The forehead is not severely hurt. Moving outside, it's just not real.

Wouldn't he understand even what Xiong could guess?

This Long Qingfu has enough eyes, and I don't know when it started, and I have already begun to plan. It seems that some things must be achieved, presumably ... I also knew about them in advance and determined how to make the game more secure. In order to be absolutely secure, Long Qingfu returned to his hometown, and used all his tactics, put bait, and took a lap outside, and then unexpectedly appeared, thinking that others would never think of it.

It's a pity that it is too underestimated.

Qin Ping always stood behind Chu Mu. What Chu Mu commanded and what he did, it seemed that he was only loyal and did not have his own thinking and judgment, but that was because Chu Muzhu was on the side. In front of such a wise and dreadful person, who wouldn't be suppressed?

Qin Ping has a mind and a man who is clever. He has many times when he is doing business alone, and he is alone, but there is no order from Chu Mu at any time, but he has done a good job of piles and pieces, and Xie Tingyue has not seen him. He made a big mistake.

This time the event was a bit thrilling, but Brother Xiong was able to survive it. Xie Tingyue believed that Qin Ping must be fine. Now sure enough, Qin Ping is here!

Qin Ping knew his eyes, and came to the ceremony to report the peace: "Mrs. Master, everyone has been saved."

He didn't say anything else, didn't mention details, and didn't need to say that this result alone was enough to comfort people.

Long Qingfu didn't believe it: "Impossible! You can't find them, I'll put them--"

"Hidden in the dark room next door?" Qin Ping snorted, and the angle of his eyebrows was scorned. "Play with us under the lights, you are very brave."

"No, I don't believe it-I don't believe it!" Long Qingfu's eyes were slightly opened, his chest fluttered, and he waved and sent people, "Go and see!"

Xie Tingyue was relieved.

He doesn't stupidly ask Qin Ping to bring people now, or say where to save them. Compared to these, he is more concerned about the status of the two: "Did they get hurt? Are they scared?"

Qin Ping arched his hand: "Return to Madam, there is a little fright. Shen Sannian is old and has many things. After being rescued, she calms down. The sister of the Qi family is not a big deal. Shen Sannian is always with her. He was not very good and was not frightened. He came to thank me and neither of them was injured. "

"That's good," Xie Tingyue was really relieved. "San Niang has a pair of skillful hands. Sister Qi's big eyes are clean and dusty, as if she can talk. It's a shame if she loses her charm."

The people in Longqingfu over there are flying fast, they have already turned around and returned to report, they are really gone!

Long Qingfu was so upset that he heard Xie Tingyue's words again, and his eyes suddenly burst into flames: "She is my prey, which onion you count!"

The accusation was unknown, and Xie Tingyue was a little strange, frowning.

Chu Mu narrowed his eyes, looked at Long Qingfu, his voice was dark, with a seemingly coercive coercion: "That's why you count my wife?"

Xie Tingyue is unknown. So, which is this?

Long Qingfu seemed to suddenly realize that Fang had performed poorly, and reminded himself not to talk arbitrarily, clenched his lips tightly, and did not return to Chu Mu.

The scene was suddenly quiet.

The confrontation between the two sides stood tight, making the atmosphere tense.

Xie Tingxing didn't feel right.

Some things he understood, others just ... but this did not prevent him from thinking. The surname of Long was obviously secretive, and he hid something and refused to say it, but his brother wanted to know.

I remembered something I had encountered before—the child's eyes turned around, and they seemed to be able to help in some places.

He quietly dragged his brother's sleeves, let him lower his body, stomped and whispered something in his ear.

Xie Tingyue pinched his brother's ears to show that he knew it. When he looked at Long Qingfu again, his vision was quite meaningful.

After observing for a moment, my mind was set.

"What's the matter with your clothes, husband? I'll take care of you."

Xie Tingyue stooped and very gently arranged for Chu Mu.

In front of outsiders, his wife called a husband, Chu Mu was beautiful, but his clothes didn't need to be organized ... Why is it getting messier?

Chu Mu realized that Xie Tingyue had done it intentionally and did not speak out. He also pointed at his head very cooperatively: "Madam, my hair crown is a bit uncomfortable."

"Well, let me see ... Yeah!"

Xie Tingyue happily helped Chu Mu organize her crown, and then ... the more rational the more crooked.

In his or most people's opinion, crooked is also very beautiful, looks good, in some people's eyes, fear is not the case.

He also squeezed Chu Mu's clothes firmly and squeezed the folds.

Most of them are dusty and very embarrassed because of different experiences. Chu Mu is different. Apart from being scared, she has been sitting in a wheelchair. The clothes are the cleanest and the most clean. It wrinkles, but Xie Tingyue's frustration is like rude scratches on the flawless Meiyu directly.

It is not smooth, not moist, asymmetric, and the scratches are turning white, which is particularly ugly.

Long Qingfu's fingers shook, "You-you-"

Not to mention this, Xie Tingyue hooked up and asked Qin Ping to come forward and order a few words.

Qin Ping immediately placed a hidden weapon, but instead of returning to Long Qing, he directed at the earth. Due to the strength enough, the soil flew out of a pile, and Dangdang Zhengzheng covered Long Qingfu's face.

Long Qingfu: ...

He touched his face with trembling fingers, saw the dust on his fingers, collapsed and shouted, "Ah-"

Xie Tingyue was very satisfied, and Qin Ping nodded in appreciation.

Qin Ping: ...

Madam please don't look at me! Look at my master! My master is the best looking man in the world!

Master, listen to me explain! I really just follow orders and didn't whisper to my wife. My wife called me completely smoothly. This is for sure your tuning | teaching results, this is love!

Chu Mu's line of sight ‘love’ has been crossed for a long time, and now I understand.

This Longqing Fu is afraid that it is a little different from ordinary people.

He has seen such people. I especially like cleanliness, tidyness, and meticulousness. If the environment is too messy, I will feel uncomfortable. If everything is clean, I will be a little messy, and even more terrible, I can't stand it.

Long Qingfu is also afraid.

How did Xie Er know? He turned his gaze slightly, passing Xie Tingxing-afraid he had observed it when he was blocked in a dark alley before.

The younger brother is a bear, and his observation is good.

I do n’t know how the mud on the ground formed. Long Qingfu held the spar and wiped it for a long time, but it could n’t be cleaned. The angry eyes were flaming and the orchid fingers were thrown out. Purification should be domesticated, like Qi Yingfei! "

Before waiting for Xie Tingyue to understand how terrible this sentence is, the other person ’s orchid finger has been thrown over, pointing at his nose and saying ruthlessly: "And thank you second, Qi Yingfei will soon be my person. You must not like you ! "

Xie Tingyue froze, "What did you say?"

Like the two words, really unexpected, Long Qingfu is misunderstanding something! How could he treat a little sister ...

Chu Mu's lips were tight, obviously unhappy.

Xie Tingxing is even more fascinated. Purification? Domestication? What the **** is this!

"Why didn't you talk?" Long Qingfu seemed very satisfied with the effect, which made him have a special sense of superiority. He even went forward two steps slowly, "I don't understand, is it? How simple is to let her Obedient. "

"How beautiful is Qi Yingfei, with big eyes, clean and proud, as if she can talk ... It's fun to take away the light in these eyes and cut off the proud bones, don't you think?"

It can be seen that Long Qingfu is really excited, his breathing rhythm is fast, and he has some sort of confession.

"Can't be too harsh on her, that's a future thing. At this stage, she will be afraid, not to let her be wary, otherwise she won't be able to get close ... or be too petite, she will become indulgent. It is necessary to properly point out her shortcomings. Encourage and exchange your own shortcomings, so that she feels your intimateness and sincerity ... such as Qi Yingfei, has been seen throughout the body, innocence has broken, you can tell her that this is a disadvantage, but it is not a big deal, I Not disappointed, I also died, my father and mother, grew up in a mess, everyone is in a mess, if you want, you can make friends with me ... "

"Let her have a good impression of you. When she is proud, don't show up when you are with everyone. When you are uncomfortable with orders, you must go to comfort. Once you are born twice, you will get her heart over time. When you are really together This is the foreplay, strengthening the previous rhythm, deepening it little by little, hitting her, humiliating her, making her lose confidence, leaving her no way back, making her unable to ask for help, and slowly becoming your darling. , You will never have your own opinion ... when you use a whip or a candle, or share it with others, it all depends on your interests. "

Long Qingfu's lips opened on both sides, completely like an individual.

He suddenly played like this, and the people behind him were startled, and hurried to pull it carefully. However, Long Qingfu was very interested, and he waved away his descendants vigorously: "You haven't played enough, please leave me away!"

Xie Tingxing was a bit scared, and his brother was too far forward, and he had no choice but to hide behind Chu Mu's wheelchair.

Chu Mu glanced at him and simply held the child's head to make him squat behind him, covered by his figure.

There is something wrong with Longqing!

"I'm worried about how God doesn't know that the ghost doesn't feel like doing this, then He Yuanqi planned to slap people and let me get the light!" Long Qingfu talked of Xing Zhengnong, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he couldn't stop.

Xie Tingyue suddenly understood that the accident might have been caused by him.

In the last life, he left the field early and did not make friends with Qi Wenhai. Qi Wenhai lost the business war and lost to He Yuanqi. He Yuanqi is in a fortune. He has no effort to step on his feet. He has accumulated a lot of pleasure. Why would he want to go back? Qi Qingfei?

This time, because of his involvement, accidents happened again and again, so He Yuanqi did this, only to have Long Qingfu have a chance.

Before and after thinking about it, Xie Tingyue felt something unpleasant.

His decision may have affected many things, many of which he did not want to happen.

With a warm palm, Chu Mu held it.

Xie Tingyue turned back, Chu Mu smiled at him, his chin raised slightly, motioned him to watch Long Qingfu.

Chu Mu might just remind him not to be distracted, but when he saw Long Qingfu's expression and the madness in his eyes, Xie Tingyue suddenly understood something--

Such people, as long as they have ideas and come forward, as long as they can act, they will not give up.

The last time He Yuanqi didn't move, it doesn't mean that Long Qingfu didn't move in the end, but he didn't know many things.

Xie Tingyue returned his attention and stared at Long Qingfu tightly: "The one outside today, the He family firm came with a noble man, with a silver box ... also arranged by you? Want to open me?"

"Yeah, I thought you valued business and would rush back. Who knows you are so stable ... why not obedient!" Long Qingfu stared at Xie Tingyue and suddenly lost his temper, "As long as I play tricks, other people Will obediently follow the way I want, I can fool everyone, why can't you! "

"You **** bitches, little daughters-in-law, shouldn't be so brow-eyed, watching people like me live? How can you live how you live, not let you die, no matter how uncomfortable you are Smile to me! Why are you different? When you meet me, everything changes! "

Long Qingfu's eyes were all red, just like a lunatic, let alone Xie Tingxing, many of the guys present were a little stunned.

This person ... I'm afraid there is a crazy disease!

"I have successfully started. Seeing that I want to succeed, as soon as you appear, I do n’t know what she said with Qi Yingfei, she will change! She will laugh, will dress herself, and dare to go out! Do you make her like you? On what grounds! For the person I worked so hard to find, the hard-working round, you have to grab it! "

Xie Tingyue frowned, her expression gradually becoming serious.

He has seen many similar examples.

As people in the world, we hope that we are good, and we hope to meet all good people, but the fact is always so regrettable.

Too many dark-hearted people are happy to torture others for their own selfish desires. In this world, men's physical predominance, and women are most likely to be bullied. In order for women to be obedient and to make them suffer, the usual way is to-a few more meals are good.

Break their pride, break their hearts, let them know who has power, let them have no way to ask for help, and can only rely on themselves ...

How many complaining couples in the world, and how many couples will join?

Anyway, it ’s a grind everywhere, everyone is the same, everyone is here, and the patience is over ... These words are not only seen by the lively people, but my family said that they have believed it for a long time.

But this is wrong.

It should not be like this!

"Who do you think you are? How long is the one or two meats that are set with gold and are superior to others? Should a woman be bullied by you, or is it the fault of others?"

Xie Tingyue was angry: "I am!"

"Yes, people come from different backgrounds and have different things. You are rich and have a status, others are short of you. But the possibility of the future is the same! The girl who is not married is also a treasure at home. Growing up, why do you practice such beasts like you? Without your garbage, they may have a bright future, become calligraphers, a new school of embroidery innovation, a generation of female business legends, and open up different achievements. You ruined it before it sprouts? "

"None of us men who should take part in the grand event have regretted scolding you. You still have a shouting face. Who gives you courage? Oh, I forgot that you are not a man at all. You do n’t know anything. Call it brave man, I will teach you today for your father! "

Xie Tingyue used to teach his younger brother, who is also a bear with a quick mouth. He is often a bit ridiculous. He fights wit and perseveres all the time, and he has acquired a skill, but he does n’t say anything. Whenever he wants to talk and curse, he is fast and imposing People ca n’t plug in!

"The man should look down on the sky and carry his shoulders on his shoulders. When the enemy comes, he knows to take up a knife to protect his family. In peacetime, he knows how to make money to give his family a better life. He makes all choices with good conscience and is not afraid to show his back to his opponent. Also hug your family. Your mother will give you an extra piece of meat, hoping that you will be a man, support a home, and accomplish something, not for you to bully a woman! "

Longqing Fuqi's fingers trembled: "You--"

"Why are you?" Xie Tingyue held her arms, and taunted. "Just like you, you are less courageous than the meat below you. Do n’t bully a woman! Oh, purification, domestication, why don't you find A gangster full of evils is here! "

Xie Tingyue began to suspect that there was more than one young girl planted in Long Qingfu's hands.

The little girl is not wrong, these wrongdoers are wrong!

Long Qingfu was scolded with red ears and red ears, but he sighed as he tried to scold, his coughing lungs were coming out, but he still failed to scold him back.

He wanted to say that he wasn't wrong. A woman was born to be used by a man. He wanted to say what you knew. He would pretend to be a gentleman and talk without back pain. He wanted to say that the piece of meat below him was not small at all!

It's a pity not to say anything.

The first time I didn't talk back, it seemed like a default, and the momentum suddenly disappeared.

The other person looked at him with contempt, and people began to look at him with strange eyes. Long Qingfu's eyes were red, and he was about to vomit blood.

Xie Tingyue: "Did you kill He Yuanqi?"

He felt that Long Qingfu was in the wrong state, and it was too late to ask this question again!

"Ha ha……"

Long Qingfu suddenly covered his face with one hand and laughed out: "Why should I kill him? Still killing in the public court? If I want to kill, I should kill you!"

He pointed at Xie Tingyue, his eyes were full of crazy hatred.

In this way, it seems that Xie Tingyue has deep blood and hatred with him.

Xie Tingyue did not understand. Regardless of his past life or this life, he was not at all involved with the other party. Where did the hatred come from?

"Tao Mushu! You let me die, I will kill you!"

Shouting was not enough, people really drew a knife and rushed up.

Of course, the presence of Qin Ping would not let him near Xie Tingyue's body.

Xie Tingyue narrowed his eyes. Who is Tao Mushu?

Chu Mu was also very surprised. He and Xie Tingyue quickly looked at each other, and their thoughts were the same.

This incident is weird from the beginning to the end. Qi Qingfei may be Long Qingfu himself, but Long Qingfu's plan seems to be related to Xie Tingyue. Even Brother Xiong can see that he is worried With his brother, this matter is quite delicate.

Right now Long Qingfu suddenly called out the name Tao Mushu, and that was the answer.

He recognized Xie Tingyue as Tao Mushu.

The name was unheard of, and Xie Tingyue had doubts in her heart, and just asked, "Why did I let you die?"-Who are you?

Long Qingfu: "You snatched Menghuai! She is my life, my hope, everything to me, but you snatched her, you took her away, took my life away! Just the little grandson gave me a little comfort, but my heart was so ashamed that I didn't even want the little grandson ... I think she came to pick me up, but you dominated her and didn't let it go! "

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu looked at each other, little grandson?

Who does Long Qingfu think he is? According to the circle of life-

Chu Mu whispered and Xie Tingyue said, "His grandfather, he passed away a few years ago."

So this Long Qingfu plays his grandfather? Is Tao Mushu taking his grandfather's sweetheart? Xie Tingyue's bad luck became Tao Mushu?

At present, it is certain that Long Qingfu's brain is sick.

Moreover, the illness was particularly crazy, and the strength was also extremely great. People couldn't help pulling it out.

Xie Tingyue saw this kind of scene for the first time and was a bit unaware of what to do. Chu Mu noticed and held his hand.

This action seemed to stimulate Long Qingfu. He suddenly sneered, pointing at Chu Mu: "You are the same! When I don't know who you are? Oh, the Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, no matter how noble it is, it will be bullied to death! Your If you have n’t cured the disease, wait for your death, that blue Yingcao, you will never get it! ”

Chu Mu's eyes paused.

This person ... knows who he is?

The focus of Xie Tingyue is at the end, which seems to mean-Lan Yingcao can cure Chu Mu's life!

Long Qingfu was so sure. He definitely heard such words from somewhere. He also determined that the preciousness and scarcity of Lan Yingcao could not be reached by Chu Mu.

But they just picked up one! Now in the arms of Chu Mu!

Xie Tingyue was suddenly full of hope, her eyes looking at Chu Mu seemed to be glowing.

Don't die, Chu Mu is saved!

Chu Mu was very cautious, her brows raised slightly, and she seemed to ask: Do you believe what he said?

Xie Tingyue thought about it, too. Long Qingfu was obviously suffering from the onset of the disease. Was the statement really correct?

Maybe he is blind, and it is not necessary to see Chu Mu as someone else.

Have to try again.

"Who wouldn't pretend to be stupid?" Xie Tingyue laughed mockingly. "I said you wouldn't say that but I, ashamed in my heart, and embarrassed to admit it, just want to get confused? You said his illness was not cured, you know what his name is What is your name? "

Long Qingfu was short of breath, and her nostrils were widened: "Who doesn't know this sick goblin, isn't it the Chu family who is useless?"

If you know Chu Mu, you are not a grandfather.

Xie Tingyue narrowed his eyes: "What about you, what's your name?"

"Lao Tzu will not change his name or sit and change his name. My name is Long Qingfu!"

Xie Tingyue: ...

Is this back again?

Isn't that the grandfather who was robbed of his lover?


Xie Tingyue didn't believe in evil, and wanted to talk again, but was suddenly interrupted.

"I'm rude, I'm disturbing you!"

The descendants of the Long family respectfully lead and come alone in the distance.

The bamboo-green gown is tall and has a natural smile on the corners of the lips. It feels warm and kind, and it is not alienated at all: "In the lower reaches of Qinglong, I will disturb you--"

Knowing that the younger brother was in trouble, the arch of the hand was extremely sincere and the waist was extremely low.

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu and shook her eyebrows: Long Qingfu's brother?

Chu Mu's jaw head: Obviously.

Long Qinglin walked to the front of the person, without a word, split directly on the back of Long Qingfu with a single palm, Long Qing Fu stunned without a hum, and the man behind him hurried forward to hold him.

According to the smoothness of this line of water, we know that this kind of thing often happens.

Sure enough, Long Qinglin explained the following: "The younger brother grew up beside his grandfather. After his grandfather's death, he became ill. He asked many doctors and took a lot of medicine. He was not even good when he became ill I ca n’t remember that what I did was not from my heart, and most of what I said was disappointed. I apologize for the offense. ”