MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2377 He Jingun is actually ...

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? The superb swords of the two super giants came and beheaded. Xie Aoyu didn't move. The sword in his hand went down a little bit. The two supergiants shot with all their strength and chopped fiercely on the sword. ""

"Click!" "Click!"

Although the sharp knife of the two of them is sharp, they can't match the sharp knife of Xie Aoyu.

As a result, they cut off the sword by themselves.

As soon as they were struck by God, Xie Aoyu ’s sword was turned upside down, and a “trick” cut off the head of the super giant on the left, and punched his right hand to the heart of the super giant.

This technique is also extremely fast.

Fast, ruthless, accurate!

In one go, it doesn't give anyone a chance.

The super giant on the right reacted a little faster, and subconsciously backed away. Xie Aoyu's fist failed to touch his body, but the huge boxing energy had already blasted on his chest, and he screamed with screams. Blood, a blurry area appeared on the chest.

Xie Aoyu was a little surprised that he was severely wounded and failed to be killed.

Similar to this kind of super giants, unless they have special identities or special adventures, they can't insist on a trick at his hands, let alone attack at the opponent's god's stall, but it is more useful than a sneak attack, after all, Realm is almost the same as the super giant. The magic power is more than twenty times that of ordinary fighting. It can kill the super giant by itself.

Xie Aoyu took advantage of his left-handed sword and slanted it out.

Daoguang flew, and the super giant on the right was almost killed. Where can he still resist, but when Daoguang arrived, he saw the super giant's body drift out about one meter to the left, which just avoided Xie Aoyu. Knife light.

At this time, Xie Aoyu also noticed the problem.

The one who really helped the super giant was a black and black ghost cat on the shoulder of He Jingun, which mobilized the power of the wind to make the super giant speed extraordinary.

Mobilizing the power of the wind could not help but make Xie Aoyu cautious.

What kind of cat is this?

"Xie Aoyu? It's you!" He Jingun couldn't help but look at the man who attacked himself, "You actually came to the deep sea!"

"Is it okay for me to come to the deep sea." Xie Aoyu calmed down. He was concerned about the civet cat. As for the golden gun, he really didn't pay attention.

A civet can mobilize the wind, something Xie Aoyu has never encountered before.

He Jingun said coldly, "You can come, but since you are here, don't leave alive!"

"Is it up to you?" Xie Aoyu said scornfully, "He Jingun, although you and I have never met formally, we should have heard each other, you are not my opponent."

"I didn't say I was your opponent." He Jingun calmly, he reached out and held the black civet with his shoulders in his arms. "But I have it, not to mention you, even a quasi-invincible giant. Delusion is arrogant before me! "

Xie Aoyu stared at the black civet. "It looks very powerful."

There was a smile on the corner of He Jin's mouth, "It's not great, because it doesn't have the slightest combat power, but it is very powerful, because it can mobilize the power of the wind, making my speed unparalleled. Under absolute speed, no one is me Opponent. "

Use the power of the wind without attacking.

That is purely auxiliary.

This kind of auxiliary Warcraft was first seen by Xie Aoyu.

"I've heard for the first time that there is such a Warcraft." Xie Aoyu said.

"That is because from time to time, there is only such a ghost cat. There is no second one. Since its birth, the ancestor of the **** tree has given it to me, and I have never used it. How can anyone know." He Jingun Proudly said, "It's called the Demon Shadowless Cat, um, do you know why I gave it a devil's name? Because it was mutated after the failure of the true spirit family Warcraft in the days of the sky curse."

Xie Aoyu was surprised that the feelings were mutated from the true spirits of Warcraft.

That may indeed be the only one.

"The demon shadowless cat is so powerful. If the **** tree carries it, it will be of great benefit to him in robbing the emperor's heart. How can it be presented to you?" Xie Aoyu wondered.

What is the identity of this golden gun, which can be treated like this by the ancient psychic tree.

He Jingun laughed and laughed, "It doesn't matter if I tell you, I am the only son of the ancestor of the **** tree. When the birth and death of the reincarnation world was destroyed, it was already dead. It was the ancestors who used mystery to gather my frontline souls. Isn't it a surprise to have been born again? "

"It was no accident," Xie Aoyu said lightly.

"What do you mean?" He Jin shot.

Xie Aoyu said, "It was you who was his son by accident. It was not because you were probably used by him as a reserve for looting, but unfortunately, you are too bad, so after you and Li Qingbiao appeared, you were Give up, and I, he can't win, and can only choose Li Qingbiao. "

He Jingun could not help but hold it.

He had never considered it in this regard, but after careful consideration, it seemed that it was really so. The ancient psychic tree gave him extra care, especially the special attention in refining the body, and all made He Jingun feel a chill.


Seeing He Jingun's eyes drifted away, Xie Aoyu shot suddenly.

Since this demon shadowless cat was mutated from the true spirit family, it is naturally amazing. Seeing that it can easily mobilize the power of the wind to let the seriously injured super giant avoid its own attack, you know its terrible place .

"Meow ~~"

The ghostless cat made a harsh noise.

All the black hairs were erected suddenly, and a pair of slightly yellow eyes were also opened, giving off a dazzling coldness. The power of the wind around it was quickly controlled by it, and it was added to the body of the golden gun, making its speed abrupt. It increased more than tenfold. When Xie Aoyu's magic sword fell, He Jingun suddenly retreated thousands of kilometers away, and actually avoided his attack.

"So fast!"

Xie Aoyu's eyes flashed.

Really compare the power of the wind with the magical shadowless cat to realize the terrible speed.

He Jingun also waked up in time.


Since he shot, He Jingun no longer thought about other things. In his hand, a pure gold long gun of about two meters in length flashed. Flowers and trees were carved on the gun body, and the tip of the gun was triangular.

The name of He Jingun came from this gun.

This golden gun is a famous gilt chasing triangle prism in the era of the world!

The Tongtian-level sharpshooter is also the first sharpshooter most suitable for wood attributes. As far as its power is concerned, it contains a line of golden sharp sharpshooters, and its attack power is very amazing.

"Ling Mao helps me, speed is unparalleled, kill!" He Jingun attacked with a gun.

The fur of the civet cat suddenly began to awaken the power of the wind.

Although it is strong, you can see the speed that Xie Aoyu just showed, but also know that if you are not careful, you may not be able to beat Xie Aoyu's speed, so it is full of attack.

The power of the wind raises its body.

The speed of He Jingun suddenly increased by almost ten times. Under the combination of the human gun, only the golden gun image emitted by the Jinjin chasing shadow prism can be seen, but the figure of He Jingun was lost.

It's almost to the limit.

Xie Aoyu's eyes narrowed, like a pinhole.

His mind also played a role. Under the special observation of that mind, the figure of He Jingun gradually appeared, and Xie Aoyu saw the direction of his attack. Among the thousands of gunshots, only the one who clicked his throat The point of the gun is the real attack, everything else is fake, too fast to be distinguished.

At such a speed, Xie Aoyu felt somewhat powerless.

This is the first time in his life that speed has made him feel that way, which is really awkward. He can also feel that when he faces others to exert speed, others feel.

Obviously stronger, but to be suppressed, that taste is quite uncomfortable.

Xie Aoyu can only prepare in advance. The magic knife does not wait for the magic gun to arrive, and it is the first to cut it out.

This opportunity was rare, and Xie Aoyu shot all out.

All the magical powers, in conjunction with the upgraded version of the broken shield and chopped, will be cut to the tip of the gun with the edge of the sword, and will also play the fastest speed, so that the magic shadowless cat is too fast and can dodge.


The sword was cut, causing Air Xun to roll out on both sides.

The blade is aimed at the small gun point.

The distance between the two kept shrinking, and it was about to meet. The demon shadowless cat suddenly made a clear meow, and the power of the wind around it vibrated slightly. He Jingun was pushed to the left by a horrible palm.

There was a smile on He Jingun's face, but Xie Aoyu was defeated.

Such a short distance, such a fast shot, was actually cracked by the demon shadowless cat with speed.

Swipe ...

It was only when he almost hit the head that He Jingun didn't dare to confront head-on. He also saw that Xie Aoyu was too easy to kill the super giant, obviously he was not even able to fight it.

So He Jingun chose speed guerrilla warfare.

He regarded Xie Aoyu as a tree, and quickly forgive it around him. With the power of the wind provided by the demon shadowless cat, he was so fast that he could not capture his figure, and turned around Xie Aoyu, leaving a string of residual Shadow, as if dozens of gold guns were standing in place, that was not a phantom technique, but an effect created entirely by speed.

At this speed, Xie Aoyu willingly bowed.

He has to admit that the speed of the demon shadowless cat is not his opponent.

Since speed doesn't work, you can only take another strategy.

Xie Aoyu pointed his sword at the earth obliquely, his eyes closed, the whole person relaxed, his whole body was flawed, and by virtue of his speed, he could completely avoid giving him a chance to save himself.

This move made He Jingun noticeably stunned, and his movements were slightly stagnant, but Xie Aoyu never took the opportunity to stand and stood quietly there.

He Jingun kept running fast, and intuitively told him that Xie Aoyu must have any ideas, but he had to rely on speed to kill Xie Aoyu. Naturally, it was impossible for Xie Aoyu to do nothing, especially Xie Aoyu still revealed this Many flaws give him the best opportunity.

The demon shadowless cat also floated, and on the left shoulder of He Jingun, the hair on the whole body spread out, fully mobilizing the power of the wind, so that the speed of He Jingun was constantly increasing.

It turned faster and faster, and after reaching a level that He Jingun recognized, he finally chose to attack.

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