MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 37

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The rock tribe is not as simple as it seems on the surface. In addition to the old leader, there is another wave of forces within them, but they are only temporarily peaceful.

Yaken borrowed troops, these were her and the old leader's cronies, because they were optimistic about the future of the Phoenix tribe, and wanted to show sincerity before the tribe formed a scale, so that they could form an alliance in the future.

Sang Yu can't let people do their work in vain, and promises that she will pay back with salt after the work is done.

In this way, Ya also had an explanation to the Rock Tribe, and both parties were happy.

Ya left happily, and Sang Yu started to prepare for the confrontation with the Eagle Tribe.

Although Xin and the others found Ta's body, they couldn't find out who did it for a while.

There were dozens of tribes, large and small, participating in the fair, and there were five strong men in the tower party. It was impossible for ordinary people to deal with them all at once.

According to common sense, Xin might not even set his sights on the Phoenix Tribe.

All the tribes participating in the fair knew that there were only two men in the Phoenix tribe, and the rest were women and children. In their eyes, such a combination is not the tower's opponent at all.

The only worry is that Xin will check from Wu and Shouhou, then they will go to the old site of the Bird Tribe, and then they will find that there are still new traces of living there after the genocide was exterminated, and they will find the traps around them. Come to the new land.

As a result, the battle had to be accelerated.

She then found Yan and Jiao and asked about bows and arrows.

It is consoling that the two lived up to expectations and made bows and arrows made of the best materials they could find at present. The short feathers at the end of the arrow shaft made Sang Yu's eyes shine.

The first one before was not very accurate because there was no arrow feather. I didn't expect the two of them to perfect this thing.

After all, if the arrow wants to shoot a perfect flight arc and fly more stably, it depends on the arrow feathers. Even modern guns are evolved from the principle of arrow feathers.

Sang Yu tried its power and accuracy, and it was dozens of times better than her original simple version.

The bow body is full of elasticity and feels very good in the hand. The addition of short shield-shaped feathers makes the arrow more stable, as long as the hand does not shake. Especially for targets in a static state, the hit rate is extremely high.

"It's amazing, you have completed this mission perfectly."

Sang Yulian said a few good words, and Yan and Jiao, who were praised, were elated and proud.

"How many have you done now?"

"I made five."

"Work harder these days, make a few more, so that everyone in the tribe can use bows and arrows, and then we will practice shooting uniformly."

"It's the leader..."

It can even take a year to make a good bow. But they can't wait that long now, and they don't need to build a magic bow like Genghis Khan. They only need a bow and arrow that can shoot out and bring damage to the enemy.

So Yan and Jiao forgot to eat and sleep to make bows and arrows with all their strength, and people from other teams also came to help.

It took ten days to make thirty bows and arrows.

From that day on, everyone, regardless of gender, age or age, had to go to the training ground to practice shooting.

The training ground is located in the west, on the wasteland beyond the wall. Under the arrangement of Sangyu, Yanhejiao set up a dozen thatch-made bullseye archery targets on the west side for everyone to practice.

From shooting indiscriminately at the beginning, to being able to pass the archery target slowly, and then to being able to shoot on the target, and even hit the center of the circle, the big guy is improving day by day.

Among them, several outstanding archers appeared, Yu and Wu, with excellent accuracy. Even hit the bull's-eye many times during training.

Sang Yu selected ten outstanding performers for special training. She asked Que to find a ram, and tied a movable target to it to make it a movable target for the team members to practice.

After more than a month of assault training, the shooting ability of ten people has made a great breakthrough.

Going to war with the Eagle Tribe is already on the verge of death. If it drags on, wait until the other party really finds out that those people in the tower were killed by them. At that time, the large troops of the Eagle Tribe will come directly, and they will have no power to fight back.

After Sangyu went to the Eagle Tribe to spy, everyone already knew that the leader was arranging to rescue the tribe.

This is what they asked the leader from the beginning. Now that we really have to put it into action, everyone is nervous and excited.

He was not at all afraid of his team of only thirty people.

Because they believe in the leader, if the leader says they can fight, they can fight, and the leader has a firm will to win. They believe that as long as they follow the leader's arrangement, everything can be done.

The inexplicable sense of trust did not come out of thin air. Rather, during the nearly one year period, Sang Yu led them to overcome one problem after another, and achieved some things that were impossible to achieve at all.

In the hearts of these people, the leader is sent by the gods, or in other words, the leader is the gods.

Sang Yu has no intention of becoming a **** in their hearts, but the behavior of these people's beliefs can save her a lot of trouble in managing the tribe, and she will no longer refute.

Before leaving the Eagle Tribe, she mainly had two things to do.

One is to continue to practice the big guy's bow and arrow shooting ability. For those who have no talent for bows and arrows, such as Zhuang and Cao, it is necessary to train their melee combat ability.

Just like a tower defense game, there are tanks and shooters, and only by cooperating with each other can the damage be maximized, one light and one dark, to surprise the enemy.

Another one is that the construction of simple bamboo sheds and new toilets is to prepare for the management of the subsequent absorption of new personnel.

Especially toilets and bathhouses must be built in advance. Otherwise, when these people arrive in the new land, they will find a convenient place at will, and the smoky atmosphere in the good place is absolutely unbearable.

The management in the future must be kind and majestic combined with strength and softness. These more than 30 people who have followed her from the beginning are the backbone of the future management of the tribe, the part with the purest thinking, and the performers of all her future methods.

They trust each other.

After the people are rescued, these people will be broken up, and these 30 people will lead the team. The management must be from top to bottom, and the personnel must be divided into groups. She will use these small leaders to show both kindness and power!

Well, it is to rescue them, give them a house to live in, and give them food to eat.

Prestige is the majesty from top to bottom, and it is an irresistible and unquestionable means of rule.

In the marching chapter of "Sun Tzu's Art of War", it is necessary to "command it with literature, and align it with martial arts"; "

"If the **** is not attached to him and punished, he will not accept it, and if he does not accept it, it will be difficult to use; if the **** has been attached to him but cannot be punished, he will not be able to use it. Therefore, ordering it with literature and equalizing it with military means it must be taken."

These two sentences mean:

If the soldiers are punished before they are close and attached, they will be disobedient, and disobedient will be difficult to use;

Soldiers have already attached themselves, but military discipline and military laws are still not enforced, so it is impossible to use them to fight. (The above four paragraphs are all quotations, please refer to the author’s words for details.)

So this time I played against the Eagle Tribe. In addition to ensuring that we must win and saving everyone, the most important point is the management of this group of people after returning.

Build houses, provide shelter and food, that's grace.

Strict discipline, one of Qi uses force, this is prestige.

The two are interdependent and indispensable.

But to ensure that these disciplines and systems can be implemented, there needs to be something or means to deter these later generations.

The thirty junior managers are the first, the mythologization of Sang Yu's identity is the second, and the fighting power of the tribal patron saint is the third.

Siya has been raised fat and strong now. Once it becomes crazy and destructive, dozens or even hundreds of people can't handle it.

Among a group of people, no matter whether they are slaves, refugees or prisoners of war, less than 5% of them can really do things. Most of them have become numb under long-term oppression and have been trained to be servile.

As long as you get 5% of them done, the rest will be self-defeating.

Who doesn't want to have a good time.

When other people who want to live a good life are disturbed by the rebels, they will never agree.

As long as the key points are properly managed, these people will be further transformed into the main labor force of the tribe in the future and an indispensable part of growing the tribe.

Sang Yu's thinking is clear, and her methods are simply not sloppy.

Immediately order to stop the construction of the wall. With only a few people like them, building a wall can't build anything. It's better to wait for those people to be rescued and then assign this work to them.

Except for Que and Qing who continue to take care of the farm, and Ci who take care of the wounded and children, everyone else is involved in training and house construction.

In the morning the hunting team went to inspect the traps, others built houses and trained in the afternoon.

The planning of the bamboo house should also be very particular.

It is necessary to break up people into teams and prevent good people from gathering together and spreading negative information to each other.

Therefore, the distance between the bamboo houses of the groups should be wide enough, and there should be a clear distinction between the groups.

Cut off the associations that are unfavorable to the tribe, establish new connections, and facilitate the control and guidance of people's thinking dynamics.

Breaking up those who form private cliques, promoting those who are loyal and capable, and some small group forces will also be broken.

All conflicts will also be easily resolved.

The distance from the foot of Xindi Mountain to the river is still several kilometers away. Today's developed farmland only takes up less than a little of it, and the house can extend from the foot of the mountain down to the area.

Sang Yu drew six districts and built fifty bamboo houses in each district. Now the conditions do not allow, it can be built more crudely.

These six areas will be grouped according to teams in the future, namely hunting team, construction team, handicraft team, kiln burning team, planting team and neighborhood committee. Those who belong to which team will live in which area. The current 30 people They are also randomly assigned to their own management areas for easy management.

This is the initial living arrangement, which is convenient for arranging labor and management. When the community system matures in the future, these people will be tamed and assimilated, and they will truly become members of the Phoenix Tribe, so they don't have to stick to the current living method.

More than a dozen people worked together to build the house. With their proficiency, it is no problem to build 20 bamboo houses a day.

The method is to follow Sangyu's teaching, use fire to get the bamboo from the roots of the bamboo, and then put the place you want to cut on the fire to quickly cut the bamboo.

Because the houses are in rows, a long bamboo can be directly erected on the pillars without cutting them down. As long as the pillars are fixed, the row of bamboo houses is more than half completed.

But what I'm making now is just a simple version of the house, with pillars and beams and a roof. When I have time later, I will go to the mountain to cut bamboo or other thatch to surround the surrounding area.

At the same time, bathhouses and toilets were built in each area near the farmland. Each area must have more than ten male and female toilets, and the same is true for the bathhouses.

Due to the limited manpower, most of these have a support and a roof, and the rest will be sorted out when people come.

The hunting party has also dug traps at the west wall, and everything is ready.

It was night, the moon was bright in the sky, and there were hardly any stars.

There was silence in the Eagle Tribe pass.

The tired people fell asleep early, surrounded only by the sound of crickets rising and falling in the mountains and fields.

The pass was gloomy and gloomy, with not a single star of fire in sight.

The people inside didn't even know that outside the pass, a team of about 30 people crawled forward in the night carrying dry firewood, followed by a giant beast weighing more than 400 kilograms.

This small team did not gather together. Instead, it spread out to both sides around a big tree in the middle of the pass, enclosing the pass in a semicircle.

For the next hour, they kept carrying firewood and piled it by the entrance.

With the sound of a cuckoo, a raging fire was ignited in the pass, loud noises came from all directions, and the quiet night suddenly became commotion. The slaves lying in the open broke free from the ropes and ran out of the firelight .

The guard was dozing off, and when he opened his eyes, he was hit by dense fists, and passed out before he could make a sound.

The aborigines of the Eagle Tribe who lived in the cave on the upper floor found that the defected below, shouting that the slaves had rebelled, and the whole pass was in chaos.

The slaves have already been told to run out whenever they have the opportunity, to the place where the fire is lit, and they don't have to worry about the people behind, as someone will protect them when they come out.

The slaves ran out one after another, and most of these slaves were from the Bird tribe. But at the same time, there were also some people from other tribes.

Previously, Miao, as an internal response, only told them that once someone attacked the pass, they should run out as hard as they could and not look back.

But when he ran out, he was still confused. He didn't know if he would be caught back, and he was very upset.

Especially when I just rushed out of the pass, I saw a woman in a strange dress riding on a huge mythical beast. The giant beast was ferocious, and the surrounding land could only tremble when it opened its mouth and roared.

The woman is not angry and majestic, her long hair moves with the wind, like a god, sacred and inviolable.

The slaves were startled and terrified, their legs trembling with fright. But soon they found that the women were surrounded by familiar faces.

Strong, tall, rocks, flowers, grass, sparrows, etc., these are people from before the Bird Tribe. They hold spears in their hands, and some people hold a crooked thing in their hands. I don’t know what kind of weapon it is. It looked majestic.

Standing high on the edge of the pass, he is responsible for leading these people who have run out.

After seeing Gao, these people felt that they had a backbone, and they were taken to the woods and grass behind the team. Under Gao's arrangement, they frantically shook the branches and shouted together.

In an instant, the entire pass was lit up with flames, and the countless shouts scared the people of the Eagle Tribe into a panic.

The people of the Eagle Tribe looked out from the pass, and there were flames everywhere. Even the mountains in the distance were billowing with black smoke.

They couldn't figure out who was so bold and dared to step out against their tribe.

Only then did people realize that the always vigilant leader hadn't appeared, and the other cronies hadn't moved at all.

They rushed into the chief's cave and found him sleeping like a dead pig.

When they woke up all the sleepy people, they were scared by the loud shouts and flames outside and dared not come out of the cave. They couldn't tell how many people had come, and the people who watched the movement were probably more likely than the people from their own tribe. Much more.

Even the halfway up the mountain is full of flames and people.

In this way, how can I beat it.

But Black Eagle's son Xin has always been fearless of death. Ever since Ta's death, he had a vague ominous omen in his heart. In these years, no other tribe has touched the people of the Eagle Tribe. Ta's death is just the beginning.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long, and before he could find out which tribe did it, the other party came to him.

After Xin was woken up, regardless of his old man Black Eagle's obstruction, he picked up the stone ax and ran out of the cave. He wanted to see who it was, who dared to provoke the Eagle Tribe because he had no eyes.

The pass was full of flames, but those people hid in the woods, the shadows flickered in the forest, shouts followed, and they didn't know how many opponents there were.

But it feels like there are people everywhere in the woods.

When Xin rushed out, he saw that the ropes that originally tied the slaves outside were all broken, and all the slaves ran away. He was so angry that he rushed out regardless of how many people were outside.

Looking at the beautiful woman opposite in the pass, Xin narrowed his eyes.

Could it be this woman who released all the slaves.

The death of the tower on the side of the market is also related to this woman?

Xin remembered that when he went to the swamp tribe to investigate the situation, their tribe also mentioned the Phoenix tribe, but when he heard that the other party had only two men, he directly ruled out this tribe.

But I didn't expect it to be true!

She's too courageous, and I'm going to teach her how to be a human today.

With a roar, Xin kicked his feet, like a cheetah, galloped towards Sangyu from a distance, and the sharp stone ax gleamed white in the light of the fire.

Xin rushed out unexpectedly. Sang Yu and his party believed that the aborigines of the Black Eagle tribe should temporarily retreat to the back mountain through the secret passage in the tribe without knowing the enemy's situation.

Unexpectedly, this madman rushed out and went straight to Sangyu.

He was so fast that no one could stop him for a while.

As soon as they were about to rush to Sang Yu, all the slaves widened their eyes and couldn't help but let out exclamations.

At this moment, with a whoosh, a sharp arrow cut through the night sky and went straight to Xin's back.

At the same time, a huge figure walked over unhurriedly the next moment, blocking between him and Sang Yu.

Xin's eyes went dark, and the light in his eyes was blocked by the strong body, and then a biting pain came from his shoulders and back.


Xin's painful face twisted.

Si Ya waved his bear paw and slapped him on the ground.

Xin Gaoda's body lay on the ground, twitching uncontrollably.

And the red arrow feathers on his back shoulders are very eye-catching.

A small figure jumped down from the tree in front, came to Xin's side in two steps, stepped on the man's back, grabbed the arrow body, and pulled it out forcefully.

At this time, Yu's face was extremely stern, with an indifferent light in his eyes, and he stood in front of Sang Yu. Even though the figure is not that tall, but it is very imposing, and there is a tendency for one man to be the one who is in charge.

It seems to be telling others that whoever wants to have an opinion about the leader must pass her test first.

But the people inside the pass didn't know what was going on outside. When they saw Xin Chong coming out, they had to follow. He was the eldest son of the leader. If something goes wrong, they don't have to live.

Unexpectedly, before rushing out of the pass, he was stabbed by an oncoming arrow.

The people behind were shocked when they saw this, how dare they rush forward to die.

Shouting loudly: "Run for your life, a lot of people are about to break in—"

"There are a lot of people here, Xin is dead, run—"

"There are beasts, beasts are going to eat people—"

The most feared thing in the war is this kind of escape. When a few voices shouted, the people of the Eagle Tribe subconsciously squeezed towards the entrance of the secret passage.

The leader and his cronies drank the water that Miao had drugged, but they didn't fully wake up. Seeing such a situation now, he hurriedly shouted and retreated into the cave.

Sang Yu didn't order to chase.

Her goal today is to capture two hundred people from the Bird Tribe.

The people of the Eagle Tribe are very cruel. Once they are desperate, they will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Their real combat power now is less than thirty people at all. Those slaves have not been trained, and their hearts are inconsistent and unstable.

What he had to do now was to scare people away with his bluff in the dark, so that the slaves would have a chance to escape.

The archers had limited arrows, and the opponent used the cave to hide in a protracted battle. The stalemate continued until dawn, and the one who suffered was definitely himself.

Moreover, there were only a dozen archers, only one strong tank in the front row, and the others had only trained for a month, so they couldn't withstand the attack of hundreds of opponents.

Even if Siya can resist, she can't stand the intensive wheel-to-wheel battle with many people on the other side.

If the people of the Eagle Tribe knew that they had only this level of fighting power, they would definitely be counterattacked.

At that time, no amount of trickery will be enough.

It's better to save people back for training first. At that time, the two sides will be evenly matched, and Xindi will be the main battlefield again. They are really not afraid of the Eagle Tribe gathering to attack.

Sang Yu had already followed these lines of thought, and when she saw the slaves running out, she immediately ordered everyone to retreat quickly.

Gao led the way in the front, the others interspersed among the group of people, and she and Siya were at the rear.

Seeing his large army leaving, Siya ran into the pass, picked up stones and threw them everywhere, and roared, the Eagle Tribe people who were too frightened to escape shivered and hid in the caves, not daring to come out.

Let you see the destructive power of my old lady.

After Sang Yu and Si Ya stayed for about two more hours, they estimated that the time was almost up, and then waved a torch at Ya and the others who were still building momentum on the mountainside, signaling to retreat, and then set off to walk back.