MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 38

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Si Ya ran in the direction of retreat with Sang Yu on her back, and soon caught up with the large army.

Sang Yu ordered the team to keep going, and it would take another three hours to stop.

Only if they go far enough, the people of the Eagle Tribe will not be able to catch up.

It was about two o'clock in the morning, seeing the big guy was really tired, and finally reached the place where the food was hidden in advance on the way, and then stopped to set up camp.

When I came here, Sangyu had already planned every rest point, and put away the food in advance, so that I don’t have to worry about eating when I retreat, and I just need to hurry the whole way.

Sang Yu counted the number of people. In addition to the 170 captives from the Bird Tribe, there were 50 people from other tribes taken captive by the Eagle Tribe.

These tribes have been exterminated and have nowhere to go.

Now the Phoenix Tribe is willing to run with them, which is what they wished for.

Sang Yu divided the two hundred and twenty people into five teams, each with forty-five teams, led by Gao Hecao, Huaheshu, Daxue and Erxue, and Yanhejiao as the captain and vice-captain respectively.

The rest of the people are interspersed in each team.

The captain and vice-captain, and those who mingled with the crowd. In addition to protecting these rescued people, it is also necessary to promptly discover those who spread rumors and negative energy, and stop and guide such speeches to bring order out of chaos.

The captain went to Heyuan to collect food. Each team carried a basket, mainly cassava and dried meat.

There is a water source in the resting place, and drinking water is not a problem.

Now that I'm outside, I don't have to think about boiling water and broth, as long as I can eat enough.

Today is the day of June, the climate is comfortable and pleasant. But it is still necessary to light a fire, mainly to drive away wolves and wild animals.

The thirty members of the Phoenix Tribe are used to drinking broth. Now eating dry dry food, I still feel a little choked.

And these people who were taken captive, how could they have eaten such glutinous cassava and such fragrant jerky? As soon as the food was eaten, everyone exclaimed, this jerky was actually salted, and it was delicious Chewing, delicious and filling.

Gao Hezhuang and the others looked at the appearance of this group of people, and smiled cheerfully, laughing at them who had never seen the world, and waited until they returned home. If you eat the broth, you don't know where you will be surprised.

As for the fifty captives from other tribes, Sang Yu asked them if they would like to go to the Phoenix tribe to settle together, and those people nodded repeatedly.

From the way of rescue today, the food they eat now, and the way the Phoenix tribe gets along with everyone, these people are very yearning for this tribe.

The members and captains interspersed in the team also waited for the opportunity to share with others the details of their daily life in the tribe, including the house they lived in, the broth they drank, and the fish they could catch in winter. They told these people that as long as they Obediently listen to the leader's words, and don't worry about food and lodging.

Moreover, in Xindi, there are no slaves, as long as they do not make mistakes, no one can bully them.

Such a seemingly soft incitement, I wonder who else can resist the yearning for the new land, everyone is extremely positive and obedient.

The most important thing is that this tribe has a huge protective beast. They have seen all the supernatural power that the beast played in the Eagle tribe just now.

Just imagine which tribe has such a beast, and is afraid of being bullied!

They were even afraid that Sang Yu and his party would leave them behind.

They have nowhere to go now and are ecstatic to be taken in.

Looking at the slaves of other tribes eager to join the Phoenix tribe and become one of them, these slaves of the Bird tribe couldn't help but rejoice that they were members of the Bird tribe, and they could step into the Phoenix tribe with almost no threshold.

Little did she know, Sang Yu actually paid more attention to them.

People from foreign tribes know how to cherish, and they will be grateful for a little favor, but people in this tribe may not think so.

After everyone filled their stomachs, Sang Yu asked Gao to arrange for people to go to sleep. People from each team slept together and could not mix together.

Yuan dutifully lit up a few more fires to scare away the beasts that tried to approach.

After the night watchmen were arranged, the weary people finally lay down to rest.

Sang Yu leaned against Si Ya and fell asleep, and Yu guarded her as always.

In the middle of the night, approaching the early morning, Sang Yu was awakened by bursts of crying.

She hurriedly got up to check, and it turned out that there were a few members who had just been rescued. Looking back on the period of captivity, humiliation patterns were carved on their faces, and they lived an inhuman life. Now sleeping in the wilderness late at night, I can't help but feel sad.

A few people around me were also unable to sleep, and burst into tears in an instant.

Sang Yu looked at his watch by the light of the fire. It was five o'clock in the morning and everyone had only fallen asleep for three hours.

He could only arrange for the team leader to comfort him, but when he raised his head, he saw a familiar figure sitting at the end of the line, and a small man beside him.

Sang Yu walked over and looked at the originally tall man, who was buried on his knees and wept uncontrollably.

Sang Yu knew about Yan.

To be able to make him so sad must have something to do with his wife Ling.

It's just that Sang Yu had a lot of things in his mind last night, and was always vigilant about everyone's situation, so he didn't remember anything about him for a while.

Looking at it now, it seems that Ling did not wait for their rescue operation.

Sang Yu regretted a little, why didn't he act swiftly and quickly, maybe Ling could be rescued earlier.

When Wu heard footsteps, he raised his head, saw that it was the leader, and stood up quickly.

I saw that his face was full of guilt, and he was so anxious to cry.

"Boss, when I first came back, I told Yan Ling that he was still alive. In fact, when we first arrived at the Eagle Tribe, Ling didn't survive. I...I didn't want Yan to be too sad, so I lied to him that Ling was still alive. I-I-I Damn."

As an outsider, Sang Yu knew how the two of them were feeling at the moment.

Wu didn't have a reason to lie to Yan, if there was, it was to convince Yan to take action against the Eagle Tribe as soon as possible to save the others.

Everyone in the tribe felt that way. Therefore, it is too far-fetched to identify this as Wu's reason for lying.

And even though Yan was very anxious, he never urged Sang Yu, but just patiently waited.

Wu thinks that the concealment is for Yan's own good, but Yan doesn't necessarily think that what he did is right.

In particular, the hope that was full of hope is poured into the heart, and it hurts even more.

Now that the matter was over, Sang Yu had no choice but to blame Wu, but walked to Yan's side, knelt down and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"You still have pears, cheer up."

Upon hearing Rika, Iwahara's drooping head lifted slightly, but he still couldn't help crying silently.

To be honest, Yan is such a kind and righteous person. Moreover, he is an indispensable talent for the handicraft team. Sang Yu admires such a person very much.

"The tribe is still unstable now. If you want Li to live a peaceful life in the future, you can't retreat at this time, you have to grit your teeth and get through it."

"Everyone lost their relatives because of the Eagle Tribe, and no one is not sad. But if they give up at this time, there will be more lost relatives."

"The management of the tribe cannot live without you. Look at these people, their faces are engraved with other people's totems. They are all scarred, humiliated, and their spirits can't be found. As the person behind you, you have to think about how to do it for her. revenge."

The word "revenge" made the originally sad and decadent Yan raise his head instantly.

Yes, to take revenge, we cannot let Ling die in vain.

Seeing how excited he was, Sang Yu said, "If you want revenge, you must listen to me. There are so many people in the Eagle Tribe, and anyone who breaks in alone will die in vain. Listen to me, and I can help you."

Yan clenched his teeth tightly, "Leader, I will listen to you, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"Pear must be proud of you, and so is Ling."

When Yan heard this, tears fell like rain in an instant.

After comforting Yan, Sang Yu rubbed her knees and stood up slowly.

Seeing this, Yu at the side stretched out his arm to help her.

Sang Yu couldn't help laughing: "Am I so old that I need to be helped?"

After squatting for a long time, the blood does not circulate, and the legs are just a little numb.

Yu tilted his head, looked at Sang Yu, thought for a while and said, "Not old, right?"

Sang Yu was stunned. If Yu's mother was still there, according to the tribe's custom of giving birth so early, he would really catch up with her mother.

Seeing these people waking up one after another, she didn't have the time to continue teasing. She reached out to rub her hair and went to the captains of the teams to find out the situation.

Seeing this, Yu followed closely with a bow and arrow on his back.

When the team leader came to report, most of the people were awake, and everyone was in a low mood.

Sang Yu thought for a while, thinking that instead of being sad and suffering here, it would be better to turn grief into strength and continue on the road, the farther the better.

Once the Eagle Tribe notices, it's not good to be caught up.

So he immediately ordered all the staff to get up and hurry.

Sang Yu's original team of 30 people has always obeyed her, as long as it is an order from her, they will only obey it without a word of doubt.

But some other people don't think so. They have to get up to drive at night before falling asleep, and they can't see the road before dawn.

The one who reacted the most was a man named Liuhuo.

Liuhuo has a special identity, being the son of the leader of the Bird Tribe and Miao's ex-husband.

The Bird Tribe was attacked, and almost all the young and middle-aged were captured, and Liu Huo was no exception.

But as the son of the tribe, the people of the Eagle tribe are more willing to torture him and gain a sense of superiority from it.

Let him do the toughest work, pee on his head.

Even **** the seedlings away.

Miao is one of Liuhuo's wives, and also the most beautiful one. For Liuhuo, these wives are his personal belongings, and he feels extremely humiliated if his personal belongings are taken by others.

Even when I saw Miao, I couldn't help wanting to kill her, thinking that she was a lowly woman.

But even so, he still couldn't bear to die.

He regrets his life.

Later, he heard that some people in the Bird Tribe were still alive, and they were going to come to rescue them. He was overjoyed, thinking that as long as he could return to the original tribe, he would be able to return to his former glory.

The leader's father died, and he should take the position of leader as a matter of course.

But when he ran out of the pass, he announced his identity as the leader's son to everyone. But these people did not rejoice at this, but let him hide behind other slaves.

Wearing the stars and wearing the moon, mixed in the crowd and hurried on the road.

Hungry and thirsty, he went to Gao and asked him for some food, but the boy said no.

He clearly saw that the straw bag on the kid's waist was bulging, and he obviously had something to eat.

He touched the jerky and found the dried meat, but Gao put the straw bag back and said, "Even if I have it now, I can't distribute it. If other people see it, they will make trouble. I will distribute it when I get to the place."

Liu Huo was furious, as the leader's son, how could anyone else have the guts to make a fuss if he got something to eat.

But Gao ignored him, walked straight to the front of the team, joined the new leader, lowered his head, not knowing what he was talking about.

The woman didn't even look back at him.

Liu Huo felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and fixed his eyes on the back of Sang Yu's head, feeling very unhappy.

Now that he was called out to hurry when he was half asleep, he was even more annoyed.

He said angrily that he hadn't slept enough to leave.

But who knows that Zhuang, who looks like a small mountain tower, has round eyes and shouts loudly: "Leave as soon as the leader says, if you don't want to follow us, leave by yourself, and go where you like."

Sang Yu only noticed this side at this time, and combined with what Gao told her last night, she immediately knew what was going on.

Seeing Zhuang scolding Liuhuo so much, she turned her head and stopped looking at them, acquiesced to Zhuang's actions, and then gave the order.

"Set off-"

Although the others were tired, they did not have such a temper. Today, they are rushing day and night, not to escape from the Eagle Tribe as soon as possible.

And when I think of the jerky that I ate before going to bed, there is one piece of jerky per person, and no one is left behind. If it was replaced by another leader, it would be impossible to achieve this step.

The previous leader couldn't, and Liuhuo couldn't. Last night, Liuhuo even wanted to grab other people's food, and he calmed down a little after being warned by Zhuang.

They thought back to last night's jerky, which had salt in it, which was a luxury.

They can't wait to see the new tribe.

They started their journey at four o'clock in the morning, and at about ten o'clock in the morning, they came to the next resting point.

Sang Yu ordered to rest, and according to yesterday's arrangement, a team of 40 people lit a fire and barbecued meat.

When I came here, I met two deer. I killed them, pickled them with salt and hid them in the cave. Now I just take them out and roast them.

The distribution of food is naturally also divided by Sangyu's people. Liu Huo looked at the venison in his hands that was the same size as others, and the muscles on his face trembled.

But no one paid any attention to him. Everyone seemed to forget that he was the son of the previous leader. The venison they ate only a few times in their lives was so beautiful that they forgot where they were.

They also noticed that the female leader, sitting next to everyone, ate the same piece of venison and a small piece of cassava, eating with relish.

The venison in her hand was even smaller than theirs.

Some people thought that the leader had no meat to eat, so they tore their share in half and gave one half to her.

Sang Yu said with a smile: "You can eat, I can't eat that much, don't worry, there will be food, and you won't be hungry."

The people next to her were grateful and happy when they heard what she said, and couldn't help wiping away their tears.

Sang Yu was a little surprised. She didn't intend to put on a show to win everyone's favor, but sometimes she did it unintentionally.

But she also knows that as the leader of a team, apart from maintaining the majesty that this position should have, there are other times.

Regardless of whether there are many or few people in the tribe, you must set a good example. Only by caring about the people in the team, caring about their food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, and not letting anyone freeze to death or starve to death, can the tribe last and its leader status last.

She's not attached to being the leader, which was a mess for her in the first place. But since she intervened and wanted to make them live better, she had to have the right to speak and let people do things according to her instructions, so she had to be the leader.

Liu Huo not far away is also looking at this woman from time to time, his face is uncertain.

He turned his head and pretended to be nonchalant, and said to the turtle beside him: "The tribe has always been ruled by men, how can we let a woman ride on the head."

Guizheng was eating the venison with relish, when he heard Liuhuo say such words unexpectedly.

Turtle was a little scared. He actually liked the female leader. From last night to now, everyone has watched the leader's every move.

She was kind to everyone, and if she couldn't walk behind, she ordered people to tie wooden sticks into a frame to carry them away, and no one would fall behind.

To be honest, Gui admired the new leader very much.

But when Liuhuo said such words, it was obvious that he had plans for the position of leader. Gui didn't know whether Liuhuo would succeed in the future, he knew he couldn't afford to offend him.

So he stood up, took the venison and cassava and moved to another seat, not sitting with Liu Huo.

When Liu Huo saw it, he bit his gums.

After resting for a while, the team continued on their way.

The team had a full meal, with staple food, meat, and salt. Now I just rush on the road without carrying heavy loads, and I am not as tired as I imagined.

The most important thing is that these people who were taken into captivity were almost all young and middle-aged men and women of the tribe. Compared to him, he is the strongest, but during the time he was taken captive, he could not eat enough and sleep well, and he was often tortured, so he gradually became weaker, but as long as he took good care of him, he could recover.

After walking for four or five days, the distance from the Eagle Tribe got farther and farther away, and Sang Yu finally felt relieved to give them a good night's sleep.

Hurry up slowly, and finally arrived at Xindi at noon on the seventh day.

After stepping over the low earth wall, everyone was stunned by the scenery in front of them.

Xindi has beautiful scenery, with mountains, plains, and rivers.

Rows of brand-new bamboo houses are neatly located between the buffer zone between the foot of the mountain and the plain, and the pieces of land are squarely arranged, covered with grain, and a large piece of fruit protrudes from the ground, which is very pleasing to the eye. .

"Got home!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

Then everyone cheered in unison.

"Got home-"

"Got home-"