MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 57

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early july.

At the farm at noon, members of the breeding team Sangyu and Finch were milking the goats.

The farm now has six adult cows and three calves.

One of them has just given birth and can squeeze for a while.

As for the sheep, after harvesting more than a dozen sheep in the salt mine for the first time, and then captured two flocks of sheep one after another, plus the more lambs born this year, there are now more than one hundred sheep in the sheep pen. only sheep.

Except for killing one to celebrate the victory of the Eagle Tribe last time, the rest of Sang Yu didn't dare to make people panic.

However, there are about 60 ewes in the flock, and only four to five rams need to be reserved for breeding. The rest of the rams are all castrated. On the one hand, it is convenient to manage and prevent inbreeding, and on the other hand, the character of the eunuchs Become docile, no longer just climb the ewe's back when there is nothing to do, don't fight with other rams, eat and drink, and raise meat with peace of mind.

These sheep are also called Jie sheep. After castration, they are raised in a separate sheepfold as mutton sheep, which will be used as food supplies for the tribe in the future.

These more than forty goats, all fat and strong, looked like a group of walking food.

This kind of sheep tastes tender and plump without any smell. The meal during the Chinese New Year still gives Sang Yu endless aftertaste.

Yu Wu came to look for Sang Yu after her patrol, and saw her squatting in front of a young ewe milking, surrounded by a group of breeding team members.

Couldn't help being curious, I pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in to have a look.

Sang Yu was taken aback when she saw her coming.

It's not that they haven't been squeezed before, but these people have never squeezed well, and the ewes hurt and can't squeeze out. So Sang Yu had to hold another special training class and teach it again hand in hand.

The lecture was going well at first, but who knew that when the little girl squeezed in, Sang Yu's palm, which was squeezing, couldn't hold down for no reason.

But she has always controlled her emotions well, and after a while, she began to decompose the movements slowly, ensuring that every member present could see clearly.

But now that the weather is hot, beads of sweat ooze from my forehead after demonstrating for a while.

Because of the convenience of work, she **** her long hair. But the underside of the hair still gets wet very quickly.

Thin beads of sweat flowed down the neck, and finally disappeared into the fabric on the chest.

Others may not feel much, but the young girl who just got off the horse in the crowd was fascinated by the scene in front of her.

She seemed to transform into that mischievous drop of sweat, rolling down drop by drop along the back of her hands and her slender neck, scalding every inch of her skin.

But the **** was only between the eyes, Yu quickly squeezed out of the crowd, picked a huge leaf from the side of the road, turned back to the farm, walked around behind Sangyu, and fanned the leaf.

Sangyu, who was in the sweltering heat, felt the refreshing cool breeze behind her and turned her head.

I saw the little girl who was fanning herself. Immediately I felt refreshed, my eyes were bent, and then I withdrew my mind. After two rounds of demonstrations, I quickly ended the training content and let everyone practice by themselves.

Livestock in the farm have to drink water every day, so the water is specially brought here.

After Sang Yu got up, she went to the sink to wash her hands, and the human fan behind her followed suit.

After she finished washing her hands, she splashed some water to wash her face, and then cooled down her body temperature.

She turned around and said to the little girl, "You are also sweating profusely, do you want to wash it?"

Yu shook his head and wanted to continue fanning.

"It was hot when there were too many people there just now, but now it's not hot when you walk around, so you don't need to fan."

Hearing what Sang Yu said, Yu hesitated for a while, and finally ran over and threw the leaves into the cowshed, and then ran to the sink to wash his hands.

Sang Yu looked at her lithe and vigorous figure, and couldn't help feeling the youthful vitality.

At this moment, Qing came over with a jar of goat milk.

Sang Yu had ordered that all the cow's and goat's milk had to be processed before it could be drunk.

Moreover, the milk is reserved for the children of the tribe to make up for themselves, and the Cihe sparrow counts every night at dinner, and the breeding team knows the severity, so they send it to the kitchen for disposal when they are ready, and they dare not drink it secretly.

"Is the leader going back? Can I go with you?"

It takes twenty minutes for the farm to walk to the kitchen.

Knowing that Sang Yu didn't come on horseback today, Qing thought of walking over together, so that she could get closer to her leader.

Yu at the side didn't seem to respond, but in fact his ears were already pricked up.

But I heard Sang Yu beside me laughing and saying: "I'll just take it along the way, you don't need to make a special trip, you can go and do other things."

Qing didn't expect that Sang Yu would reject her chance to be alone with her with just one word, so she quickly withdrew her hand.

"No, no, I'll send it over. The jar is heavy. After a while, the bird will know that I have given my job to the leader, and I'm afraid it will scold me."

Sang Yu patted Yu's shoulder and said, "Look, I still have an errand, let her hold her."

Qing originally wanted to fight for it, but Yu had already stretched out her hands.

He could only pass the jar reluctantly.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly looked at him and said, "Yu, come here, I have something to tell you."

Yu directly refused: "What can't be said here?"

"Just... I'd better tell you in private."

"Forget it if you don't say it, the leader is not an outsider."

When Sang Yu heard that she couldn't stay any longer, she turned around and left, not wanting to passively accept the little secrets between the children.

But the hand was pulled.

However, before she could open her mouth, Qing scratched her head and said to Yu hesitantly: "It's Liang, he ask if you want to be nice to him."

Sang Yu didn't expect to hear such a revelation about courtship.

Originally, it's okay for a child to fall in love, she can't say anything, as long as she doesn't cross the line.

Moreover, these primitive people have their courtship traditions. In the case of not violating the regulations, their inheritance should be respected.

If it were the little girls of Bai and Hong, as long as they were willing, she might be quite supportive.

But Sang Yu didn't know why at this time, but she was not as happy as she expected, and she was not in the mood to tease Yu at the checkpoint that day, so she just stared at the little girl blankly, watching how she answered her.

When Yu heard Qing's words, the blood on his red face instantly faded, and he subconsciously glanced at Sang Yu first, and then his eyes gradually became cold.

"No, I won't follow anyone. Don't talk about this kind of thing for others in the future."

Qing looked at her good friend a little at a loss, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

For young people of their age. If you let it go before, you can already have children.

It's just that the leader doesn't let everyone pair up too early, but it's still allowed to fall in love, so let's talk first, but Yu's reaction is so big, he feels a little wronged.

"It's fine if you don't like it, it's so big."

Yu also seemed to realize that he was a little too excited, so he calmed down and said, "I don't want this kind of thing now."

"Okay..." Qing had no choice but to give up the lobbying, but her eyes still couldn't help but linger in the direction of Sang Yu.

At this time, Sang Yu had already stepped back a few steps and turned her back, leaving some space for them.

As for Qing's straightforward eyes, Yu naturally saw it, couldn't hold back, and asked instead: "You like to help others so much, why don't you tell yourself."

As soon as Qing heard this, her face immediately turned red to her ears.

Can't help but look back at Sang Yu for a few more times, his lips twitched for a long time, unable to speak.

Just when Sang Yu turned her head and saw him hesitating to speak, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Look at me, I know it's hard for you to talk when I'm here. Okay, I'll go there first, you two little ones Let's talk for a while."

After speaking, he stepped forward to hug the jar, lifted his legs and left.

Yu had already seen Qing's reaction just now, and his heart was on fire, and he couldn't help but look scarlet when he looked at Qing.

Qing didn't have time to reply, but when she saw Yu like this, she misunderstood in an instant.

He was in a hurry to comfort his good friend, and said incoherently: "I... I... I'm actually the same as you. I don't think about it now, and I don't think much about it. It's fine as it is now."

When Yu heard what he said, the anger in his chest disappeared instantly, and he asked with some uncertainty: "Are you serious, you don't have any thoughts about other people?"

Yu's reaction further confirmed Qing's guess that Yu definitely didn't want to be nice to others. It's because he wants to be good with her, that's why he confirmed it like this, and why he is so brooding.

He couldn't help but looked at Sang Yu's back again, and finally turned his head, gritted his teeth and said, "No, my heart is on this farm now, the leader is right, we are still young, and these things are not enough. Not in a hurry."

At this time, Qing only hopes that Yu can find someone he likes as soon as possible, and don't put his mind on him. After all, the other party didn't say it directly, so it's not easy for him to refuse directly.

But I'm afraid that Yu will know what's on his mind in the future, so it's better not to feel too uncomfortable.

Yu is neither blind nor foolish. But since Qing said so, she got the guarantee, and she didn't bother to entangle with the other party any longer, she turned around and ran towards her own Dahei, got on her horse neatly, and chased in the direction of Sang Yu.

Sang Yu heard the sound of horseshoes and turned around.

The elegant figure of the girl who came against the light was connected with the plants on the plain.

She squinted her eyes: "It's over so soon?"

Yu reined in the horse, jumped off the horse, walked up to Sang Yu in two steps, and hugged the milk jar.

"I'll get it..."

Sang Yu wouldn't bother with her about such a small matter.

"Go back and let Yuan filter it, boil it to kill bacteria, this time you have to drink a big bowl."

In fact, Yu didn't have much interest in these strong-smelling goat's milk. But the leader asked her to drink it, saying that only by drinking it can she grow taller and become stronger and more powerful.

So she obediently and obediently drank it in one breath every time.

None of the other children were treated like her.

"I'll give you half this time, okay?"

"I've grown up, I don't need to drink it, I'll leave it to you, you have to drink it obediently."

"I want to give you a drink."

"Don't drink..."

"Then have a drink."

During the dispute between the two, the people from Zhuang came to report that the hunting team had discovered a very strange stone.

Usually they hunt outside, eat lunch outside, and burn fire in the same place. Surprisingly, after the stones there are roasted.

Over time, it shattered into powder with a light pinch. If it hits water, it will smoke and become quite hot.

Sang Yu once told everyone that when you go out, you must pay attention to all kinds of stones, especially black, hard, or soft. Anyway, it is different from other ordinary stones, so you must tell her when you meet them.

Her move was to find iron ore.

It has been almost two years since I arrived here, and the tribe is still groping for stone tools. These tools are really outdated, and the efficiency of cutting melons and meat is extremely low.

Similarly, if a tribe wants to be strong, it must be able to attack and defend, and it cannot do without iron.

If someone else finds out in advance, he will be threatened by then.

For this reason, Sangyu is very obsessed with stones. Every time the people of the tribe go out with the leader, they see her always touching all kinds of stones here and there, which makes them pay extra attention no matter where they go. Stones on the mountain.

Now seeing this kind of stone that turns into white powder when burned, he hurriedly took it to show the leader.

Sang Yu knew what it was at a glance, it was limestone.

Limestone has a wide range of functions, such as mixing limestone and clay, and then calcining at high temperatures to make cement.

When a mixture of limestone, quartz sand, and soda ash is melted at high temperature, it can be made into glass.

For example, the field by the river was improved before, and part of the silt was extracted from the river. It is also best to add slaked lime during the treatment process. It can sterilize bacteria and neutralize the acidity of the soil, further improving the structure of the soil. Provide plants with the calcium they need.

Quicklime is also the best material for storing grain, it can prevent moisture, and can be used to make desiccants.

It can be said that the role of limestone is very extensive.

Sang Yu also seemed very happy because of their discovery.

Now the tribe already has bricks and tiles, but the main component of the adhesive for these building materials is still clay. The clay is far less effective than cement, and it is easy to fall off after being exposed to moisture.

Now that Xindi is building underground drainage pipes, she was worried about what to do without cement.

Seeing limestone now is like being offered a pillow just as you are dozing off.

It's a pity that these materials have to be calcined at ultra-high temperatures to become cement.

As for the Phoenix Tribe, they have all these raw materials for making cement, but they don't have the equipment to calcine them.

Sangyu dared not expect to be able to produce cement. But with the help of brick kilns, they can still process these raw materials. Even if they can't reach the level of cement, they can still mix them with fine sand by the river to make simple mortar.

Such mortar is not as effective as cement. But compared with the mud that everyone uses now, it is much better in terms of bonding effect and waterproof effect.

So people from the construction team went to the place where the limestone was found, mined the stone, transported it down and put it in an earthen kiln to burn it into ash, then mixed it with clay and fine sand by the river, poured it with water, and the mud-water mortar was made. .

Of the eighty construction workers led by Yan, half of them were digging pipes and the other half were laying bricks.

Seeing the mortar made by the leader, Iwa used it directly when laying bricks that day.

At the beginning, the effect of the mortar was not obvious, which made the construction team slightly disappointed.

Until the next day, the mortar dried and became very hard, and it was impossible to remove it by hand, and it was impossible to smash it with a stone.

Yan was overjoyed immediately, if this mortar was used to build sewers. No matter how the water flows, the channel will neither collapse nor leak, and the corrosion resistance is higher.

When doing these experiments, Sang Yu was of course watching from the sidelines.

Looking at the hard inner wall of the pipe, everyone is boiling.

It is conceivable that this kind of mortar, combined with the bricks and tiles fired by the brick and tile team, makes a house. It is not afraid of wind and rain, and it will not leak wind and rain. It can live for many years.

Yan asked: "Boss, if we mix this mortar with sand and gravel on the road, will the whole road be smooth as if it had been cut by a knife?"

Although these mortar concretes are not as good as cement, they are almost in the form of cement.

If the output keeps up and is used to harden the road surface, it will definitely be a great boost to transportation.

Of course, all of this has to be based on the increase in the production of "mortar cement".

But Yan's statement is theoretically feasible, so Sang Yu nodded.

Everyone else cheered when they saw their leader nodding.

All the roads are paved flat, like a knife-sharpened stone surface, which is amazing.

Just thinking about it makes me feel excited.

In this world, I am afraid that only the leader of his own family can do such an impossible thing.

This one praise after another, people who are not strong will easily lose themselves.

Fortunately, Sang Yu is a rational person. She always remembers where she came from, and also knows how she got the knowledge in her body. She didn't drift away.

What I have done now is too shallow, let alone get carried away by it.

She looked around, thinking about how to plan the development of the land after the underground drainage pipeline was built on this land.

Now the tribe has fire bricks, tiles, and "cement" mortar.

It can be said that the future building materials of the tribe are complete.

Except for the steel bars.

But as long as the construction of high-rise buildings is not considered, whether there are steel bars is not a problem.

It is easy to build a one-story courtyard or a small courtyard.

Now we have to wait for the construction of the underground drainage system in the new land to be completed, and then we can build brick houses.