MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 58

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One of the most important days in July is Qixi Festival.

As for the traditional festivals, Sangyu intends to copy a few and apply them to the tribe.

Because standing at the level of the tribe, or even rising to the level of the country, celebrating festivals is conducive to enhancing the cohesion of the tribe and enhancing the sense of identity.

When the tribal economy develops in the future, the holiday economy will also promote consumption to a certain extent.

That's another story.

Sang Yu still pays more attention to this year's Qixi Festival.

Earlier, she was adhering to the idea that the development of tribal population cannot rely on women's belly.

But most women are very eager for love and family, and if they have feelings, they will think about the crystallization of love.

The same is true for men, this desire cannot be stopped.

Therefore, Sangyu needs to find a way to solve the other major needs of getting married and having children while preserving the needs of individual independent personalities.

Qixi Festival will also be a good opportunity.

Those captured by the Eagle Tribe were a group of young people in their twenties, and this group of people was at the time of hormonal agitation. Even the heavy physical labor during the day does not affect their yearning for the other half.

Because of the many bad habits that existed in the old tribes, many partnerships were often involuntary, which caused many women to be unable to make decisions about their life-long events.

Sang Yu also specially dealt with this situation. Those who were once in love will continue to maintain a fixed partnership and re-register, and all others will be invalidated.

Now there are ten other couples in the tribe, including Gao and Liu.

The remaining two hundred or so people are still single. As the head of the family, Sang Yu naturally has to find a way to provide opportunities for the big guys.

Of course, everything must be done on a voluntary basis.

Before registering her marriage, Sang Yu hopes to complete two things first.

One is to create the Four Treasures of the Study for registration and records, and everyone has to send out such a marriage certificate, so that the sense of ceremony can be made to look more decent.

The most important thing is that the tribe has to formulate some laws and regulations, which must also be recorded and bound into a book, so that there can be laws to follow.

Relying on word of mouth alone, the deterrent effect is also reduced by half.

The learning and application of characters is now an urgent matter.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Making paper is not difficult.

Not only papermaking, but also the redevelopment of other simple technologies that exist in modern times can be made with a little brainstorming.

The most important thing is to work on the organization of this work.

First of all, we must pay attention to it ideologically. At present, the redevelopment of these production tools and methods of the tribe is arranged in the order of the needs. For basic and necessary technologies, we must pay special attention and give priority to development.

The second is to call out the corresponding personnel to start doing this matter.

So once certain things are put on the agenda, when it comes to personnel deployment, it is already half the battle.

It is time to bring out papermaking technology at this time.

Ordinary papermaking, if made of bamboo, needs to go through more than 70 processes such as soaking bamboo, boiling bamboo hemp, pulping, scooping paper, squeezing paper, peeling paper, and drying paper. The whole process takes about 50 days. about.

Sangyu only needs technical guidance, and the rest is handed over to the handicraft team.

There are many bamboos around the tribe. A pond is built, and these bamboos are cut up and thrown into the pond to soak. Natural microorganisms are used to decompose and wash away the green skin of the bamboo.

After soaking these bamboos for two or three months, they are steamed in a huge triangular pottery tripod, adding quicklime just discovered earlier, and the fire should not be cut off for a week.

Then put these boiled materials into a stone mortar, and beat them continuously to make these bamboos into mud.

Next, pour these muddy bamboo materials into the sink, and use bamboo curtains to swirl the materials in the water. Make as many bamboo curtains as you want. These paste-like bamboo materials are attached to the bamboo curtains to form a thin layer.

After the water has drained, stack them up, add wooden boards to squeeze out the water, and then spread the paper to dry, and the paper is ready.

But the process of making it, from soaking the bamboo to pounding it into a paste and then making it into paper, also takes three to four months.

The Qixi Festival is just a few days away, and Sang Yu finally couldn't wait for the paper to be made before arranging Qixi Festival activities for everyone.

Fortunately, the rules and regulations can be written in one's own small notebook first, and the same is true for marriage registration. After the paper and pen and ink are made, they can be copied into the marriage registration book.

Therefore, the activities of Qixi Festival will be held as usual, and the work of papermaking will be carried out according to the schedule.

As early as when Sangyu announced the festival that would be celebrated in the tribe in the future, everyone was looking forward to Qixi Festival.

Two days before Qixi Festival, Sang Yu first summoned all the personnel and announced the discipline that the tribe would fully implement from now on.

There are mainly two laws.

One is the criminal law, and the other is the marriage law.

The criminal law mainly emphasizes four aspects:

Article 1 Tribal Security Regulations, whoever betrays or splits the tribe shall be punished by death;

Article 2 Intentional homicide, death penalty;

Article 3 Rape//rape, death penalty;

Article 4 For the crime of intentional injury, according to the seriousness of the circumstances, the punishment shall be reeducation through labor or expulsion from the tribe.

Article 5 The crime of encroaching on property includes encroaching on tribal property and other personal property. According to the value of the property and the severity of the circumstances, the decision to reform through labor or expulsion from the tribe shall be imposed respectively.

These five criminal laws almost cover the major categories of criminal offenses that may occur in the entire tribe, and they have been sufficient for a short period of time.

As soon as the five articles of the criminal law are announced, one, two, four, and five articles are taken for granted. It is not a pity to die for betraying the tribe.

But the third article, the death penalty for rape, is different from what they have always followed and agreed with.

A long time ago, I heard from my parents that women were the predominate in the tribe, and a woman could have multiple husbands.

Until now, the gathering business gradually declined, and the tribe survived only by relying on strong men to hunt, and men became the masters of this world. A man wanted a woman, and if he won a fight, he could get it. Women, what they want to do is up to the man.

There is actually a crime of **** here, and the men shook their heads one after another.

Sang Yu was not in a hurry, but asked a random man, "Cage, tell me, why are you shaking your head?"

The cage was brought out, and the whole person was directly bathed in the gaze of his own leader, and he was instantly shocked.

In the past, it was difficult to get her to look at more. At this time, the leader's beautiful eyes are all focused on him, and the unreachable leader's eyes are all about you, what kind of feeling is this.

Cage felt that he was almost suffocated and could not speak.

He shook his head instantly and said, "No, no, I didn't shake my head, I didn't—"

Seeing that the cage was cowardly, the other men secretly scolded him for not being up to date.

Sang Yu immediately ordered another person.

"Knife, why don't you agree."

The knife is better than the cage, but when I met the eyes of the leader, I couldn't help but feel a little weak, but I still mustered up the courage to grit my teeth and said: "In the past—if you win in the past, you can get a woman, what do you want? That's it!"

When Sang Yu heard this, her face turned slightly cold.

The knife trembled suddenly, consciously saying the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Sang Yu snorted lightly: "So, if you want to get me, you have to fight. If you win, you will take me away, right?"

As soon as this was said, the whole tribe instantly boiled. But this boiling comes from the boiling of anger.

Sang Yu's status as the spiritual leader in the tribe, after more than two years of intensive cultivation, has become an unshakable position, which is equivalent to the existence of a god. If you dare to blaspheme the gods, you are against everyone.

But at the same time, when Sang Yu's words fell, some people had secret thoughts in their hearts.

Yu Xiao's face was tense, and a pair of sharp eyes scanned the surroundings.

After all, this sentence "get me" made too many people tremble.

However, these people are a minority after all, and more importantly, they absolutely cannot allow their leaders to be offended and angry.

Zhuang went straight out of the line, lifted the knife up, his eyes were as thick and round as a copper bell, and his nose was breathing heavily.

He was frightened instantly by the raised knife, and he would not dare to disrespect the leader even if he had a hundred courage.

He struggled and shouted: "No, no, I'm not talking about the leader, I'm talking about other women."

As soon as these words were said, more than a hundred women in the tribe shook the bamboo spears in their hands and roared.

Under Sang Yu's "teaching//teaching" for such a long time, women's thinking has changed from the past. They have performed well in both internal production affairs and external wars.

They are more able to endure hardships, are more willing to use their brains, and learn to make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses.

It can be said that compared with the daily performance of men, their advantages have been greatly reflected.

"Zhuang, put him down."

Zhuang snorted coldly, let go of his hand forcefully, and the knife was thrown to the ground in an instant.

The women around him spat at him one after another, their disdainful eyes made Dao feel embarrassed.

Sang Yu said coldly: "The leader is no different from other women. Whenever you mention women, you will involve me as the leader."

Dao's face turned ashes in an instant, and the other men who had just shaken their heads also lowered their heads.

"I ask you, which one of you was not born by your grandmother!"

The entire venue was completely silent, and no one dared to vent their anger.

"Since they were all born by your grandmother, why do you feel that your grandmother is humble? Are you willing to see your grandmother trampled on and do whatever she wants? Is this the attitude you should have as a person? A son like this, even The pigs in our farm are not as good as the dogs in the checkpoint."

"You still have sisters. In the future, you will have daughters. Can you just watch your sisters and daughters being bullied by others?"

"You are still human!"

Four or five rhetorical questions in a row, knocking on everyone's hearts one sentence at a time, everyone's emotions were instantly aroused.

The men were ashamed, their adrenaline surged instantly, and the women were deeply shocked.

"To be a man, you have to be a man who is indomitable, protect your wife and children, protect your brothers and sisters, and protect the members of the tribe. If you can't do these things, you still want to bully people who are weaker than you. Is this worthy of being a human being?"

"Not worthy!"

The emotions were not contagious in an instant, and pushed to a new climax, people shouted loudly with righteous indignation, just wanting to let the female leader in front of them hear their voices and see that they are a man standing upright.

"The same is true for women. One day you will do exceptionally well, let alone forget that your mothers were humiliated in the past, and treat others like this."

"Women committing rape/rape are also punishable by death!"

After saying this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, would a woman do such a thing?

Sang Yu shook her head: "Everyone makes mistakes, first set the rules, everyone should act cautiously, respect and love each other."

Sang Yu emphasized the word "respect" over and over again. Over time, people gradually learned to respect, and they also gradually discovered that respect can make the relationship between each other more harmonious, everyone looks very kind, and the atmosphere of the tribe is very harmonious.

Now that the leader mentions it again, it is easier for everyone to accept it.

After such an operation, the criminal law was quickly passed.

The latter marriage law is built on the basis of the previous criminal law. For more than a year, Lai Sangyu has been emphasizing the autonomy of marriage, and everyone already has a psychological foundation.

The content of the marriage law is as follows:

Article 1 Freedom of marriage includes freedom of marriage and freedom of divorce. Anyone who hinders the freedom of marriage shall be sentenced to different degrees of labor reform.

Article 2 Monogamy is enforced, and bigamy is judged to have an invalid marriage and sentenced to reform through labor.

Article 3 The minimum age for marriage is over 18 years old, and offenders shall be sentenced to death or be expelled from the tribe according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

The foreshadowing in the front was well done, and the following marriage laws were also passed smoothly.

After all, the amount of "debt" is not overwhelming. The previous one is the same, so it doesn't matter if there are more debts or less debts.

But there are also many people who disagree with the age of marriage. After all, in everyone's general consciousness, the life span of tribesmen is extremely short, and they have to hurry up to pair up and have children, otherwise they will have no offspring after death.

In fact, the average lifespan of thirty years in primitive society does not refer to the lifespan of people dying. The source of this data includes the death of young children, the death of young men hunting, the death of illness due to poor sanitation, the death of famine and other factors.

If a person is free from disease and disaster, and is not threatened by the outside world, it is still possible to live beyond the age of fifty or sixty.

At least the witch from the bird tribe in the past seemed to be sixty years old.

According to other people's descriptions, the former leader of the Bird Tribe, that is, Liu Huo's father, should be in his forties after careful analysis.

Therefore, the average age of primitive people is about thirty years old, and this data can no longer be used as a reference for the current Phoenix tribe.

Sang Yu only said: "I can make everyone live a good life. As long as there are no accidents, everyone will live longer than the previous Wu. Are you still in such a hurry to have children?"

As soon as this was said, no one else spoke.

And so the law was established.

Sang Yu finally announced the judiciary department, and the tribal leaders and the captains and deputy captains of each team formed a division to conduct justice.

The law enforcement department is the deputy captain of each team led by Yan.

On weekdays, the patrol team cooperates with law enforcement agencies to maintain daily order.

The judiciary and criminal law work are both performed by the big guys. The captain needs to spend more time on production affairs, and it is more reasonable for the deputy team to share the law enforcement tasks.

And from another level, it also gave the deputy team more room to play.

Of course, it's not for nothing. Sang Yu promised that rewards will be given to these staff at the end of the year.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange time to collect and register the situation of all personnel, especially the age of children.

Newborn babies can now begin to count their ages. But children like Qinghebai, Hong, Dami, etc. need to be determined by knowing the situation. For example, Yu is fourteen years old this year. It would be fine if they were born before Yu.

If it is after Yu, you have to ask how many snow seasons will be in the future, so as to determine their age, and do a good job in the preliminary work for the next step of marriage law enforcement.

As for the rice siblings, they may have to rely on their physical characteristics to make a judgment.

But this situation is only a small guess. After all, these children don't have enough food and clothing, and grow slowly. Such an algorithm will not delay things as a whole.

After all the related affairs were arranged, Sang Yu ordered Yan to lead everyone to recite the tribal criminal law and marriage law twice every Saturday during military drills. In everyone's bones, their original cognition is subtly changed, and then the whole person is reborn, which also lays a good foundation for the long-term future career of the Phoenix Tribe.