MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 59

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Mei is from a tribe called Fang.

If her grandmother was still alive, if her grandmother had also marked her age on the branch, she would have found eighteen scratches carved into the tree.

The Fang tribe has only fifty members, not even a small tribe.

The tribal leaders are trembling every day, for fear that other big tribes will attack them one day.

Until one day, people from the Eagle Tribe came, and the leader died, as did other warriors. She and more than 30 strong men and women were brought back to the Eagle Tribe and became slaves of the Eagle Tribe.

In the past, life in the Fang Tribe was very difficult, and there was no next meal.

In the tribe, the men make the decisions, and Mei can only rely on them to make a living, and she can live on by eating some insects and grass roots.

If one day is lucky, you can hunt a prey, at least you can have a full meal.

Sometimes there are few prey, and they can only gnaw on the leftover bones of the leaders and hunting warriors to satisfy their hunger.

Mei can't say whether such days are good or bad, anyway, she just lives like this.

Until she became a slave, Mei found that life was even more difficult. Not only did she not have to lick her bones, but even the bark around the eagle tribe was licked bald. Sometimes she was so hungry that she had to eat two mouthfuls of dirt.

But the most frightening thing is that people like the Eagle Tribe don’t treat them as human beings at all. They are woken up by whips before dawn, female slaves go to gather, male slaves go to hunt, rush to the forefront, and die when they die .

This is the most common thing in the wild.

Suffering during the day and suffering at night, everyone's eye sockets are sunken and skinny. Mei has suffered from several illnesses, but this does not prevent the people of the Eagle Tribe from calling her around.

During a high fever, when Mei thought she was going to die, she heard Miao from the Bird Tribe say that someone would come to save them.

So she gritted her teeth and persisted.

That night, she fled in a panic with other slaves. From the firelight, she saw the woman's fair face, and she felt inexplicably at ease when she looked at her from afar.

It wasn't until after following her for a long time that Mei realized that that kind of look was called pity.

After coming out of the Eagle Tribe, the people of the Bird Tribe were full of joy, but they, the captives from other tribes, felt helpless in their hearts.

I don't know if I will be taken in, and if I am taken in, will I continue to be a slave like in the Eagle Tribe.

If so, what is the point of fleeing.

But when the food was evenly distributed to everyone, Mei felt a little more at ease. She wolfed down this thing called cassava. A delicious bite to eat.

However, to everyone's surprise, everyone was also given a small section of jerky.

The hard jerky is extra sweet when chewed, full and delicious, and has a hint of saltiness.

Mei admitted that this was the best thing she had eaten since she was born. What kind of tribe would let slaves like them eat jerky.

Hearing that the team leader reprimanded the restless son of the former leader of the Bird Tribe, Liu Huo, Mei decided that she would stay in this tribe no matter what.

So when the female leader asked them what this group of people wanted, Mei shouted yes without even thinking about it.

The voice was so loud that even the female leader couldn't help looking in her direction.

The smile that the other party showed immediately made Mei feel very excited. She knew that this smile was for herself alone.

When I came to the new tribe, everything was new, everything was so unexpected, including cutting hair and taking a bath, but everything was developing in a good way.

Everyone drank the broth and lived in their own huts.

The confidants of the female leader and the team leader interspersed and lived together. These people were only loyal to her, and no one was allowed to split the small group and maintain the order of the team.

There is also the huge Patronus, sleeping next to the camp, walking around with bamboo shoots in its arms.

If someone makes trouble, a slap can slap him on the ground.

Mei had never felt so at ease. That night she had an extremely comfortable sleep. She even had a dream. She dreamed that she was lying in the clouds in the sky, her whole body was comfortable, and she woke up with a smile on her lips.

The female leader did not despise them because they came from other tribes, but instead valued them more.

I deliberately assigned myself to the handicraft team and the pottery team.

It is said that Jiao, the captain of the handicraft team, said that the leader valued their team very much, and Mei felt happy in her heart.

Her good sister Lian was assigned to the planting team.

At the beginning, the captains of each team did not allow members of different teams to play together, and she did not dare to look for Lian, but every time they ate or went out to work, they occasionally bumped into each other.

Seeing that Lian's face began to grow flesh, her eyes were not as sunken as before, and she was still smiling, she knew that Lian was doing well.

Similarly, she believes that Lian can also see that she is actually doing well.

Can it be good? There are two fixed meals a day, a piece of cassava and a big bowl of broth. Mei has never been hungry since she came to Xindi.

Since taking a bath on time every day, she feels that her head and body are no longer itchy, and there are no more strange sores on her skin.

Every day when it gets dark, I go back to the shed to sleep, and get up on time at dawn, no longer worrying that someone will drag me away at night, and I have never been woken up by a whip in the morning, and I get enough sleep every day.

May loved it so much.

And her work is not tiring at all.

After washing up, report to the workshop on time and start a new day of work. After Mei and the others arrive, the first task is to make bows and arrows.

She is responsible for peeling and polishing the bow body with a stone knife. This kind of work is not strenuous at all, and she can also chat with people in the same group.

There are also a few sisters from the Fang tribe in the team. Everyone is polishing their bows and chatting.

A little girl named Hong had been with the leader early on. Looking at her fair face, Mei knew that she was doing well.

When working, Hong often shared with them the experience of working with the leader, including how to discover cassava, how to find Xindi, and how to fight against leopards.

The team leader is a horn, and he never scolds his subordinates, as long as they are doing their jobs well, sometimes he and Shu will join their chats.

From Hong's mouth, Mei once again refreshed her views on female leaders.

If she is really a god, there is nothing she can't do.

Of course, what Mei Anxin admired the most was the way the leader managed the tribe.

It's good to manage the team, so that these people are not allowed to gather together and disrupt the original small team. Isn't it because of this that Liuhuo and those people were separated and finally became useless.

Gradually, those people with evil intentions also knew that they couldn't please themselves.

Mei herself is willing to act as the leader's eyes and ears,

She really didn't want such a good day to be ruined.

The fire is gone, and the others have begun to settle down.

The teams were finally not as strict as before, and she could finally go to Lian to have a heart-to-heart chat, and she could talk until she went to bed before coming back.

Lian also had a good time in the planting team. She went out to open up wasteland every day, and 40 or 50 people pulled weeds and burned fallen leaves together in the open air to make fertilizer. Laughing in the wilderness, it may be harder than in the workshop, but it is also more free a little.

And their captain is Zhi, this woman is also easy to talk to, Lian and the others have a better working atmosphere.

But don't think that being a woman is easy to provoke. Zhi's son is the number one warrior in the tribe. No one dares to provoke her, and the leader values ​​her. It can be said that Zhi is the most comfortable person in the tribe.

In fact, unlike Liuhuo and those people, none of the big guys wanted to make trouble, everyone just wanted to live a quiet life, eat enough, sleep well, that's all.

There are more and more smiles on Lian's face now, and she looks much younger than before.

Later, the leader asked for military drills. Some people didn't understand, but Mei knew that the leader's actions must have her reasons.

She always supports all the arrangements of the leader.

Besides production affairs, she became an archer. Many of these bows and arrows are made by her hands. She knows how these bows and arrows work and fly, so the hit rate is super high when shooting.

Of course, no matter how tall you are, you can't be taller than Yu.

Some people are born fighters, she knows this truth, envy, but not envy.

In the battle at the checkpoint, all the hatred used to be concentrated on the tip of the arrow, and one arrow nailed those minions of the Eagle tribe who did not treat people as humans to the ground.

Mei had never felt so relieved before, and it turned out that this was the pleasure of revenge.

She knows very well that revenge depends entirely on her own leader.

The victory of this battle proved once again that the leader's planning and arrangements were always correct.

She is god.

Until this afternoon, the leader announced the two laws of the tribe, the criminal law and the marriage law.

All the women burst into tears and couldn't believe their ears.

It turns out that people can still live like this.

Perhaps, the leader is really here to save them, including those men, so that they can be civilized from chaos and become a better version of themselves.

Mei looked back at Lian who was in the queue next to her, and the other party just happened to look over, and both of them saw the sparkle in each other's eyes.

Mei's back was straight, her chest heaved, she had never been so proud, she had never been so lucky.

According to the leader's calculation, today is Thursday, and the day after tomorrow is Saturday, which happens to be the Qixi Festival, so the leader specially arranged for half a day of training on Saturday, everyone rests in the afternoon, and the weekend can be a good holiday.

After the announcement, everyone's faces were filled with unstoppable excitement.

It is a matter of the law, and it is also a matter of Qixi Festival.

That night, Mei Xing was so excited that he could hardly sleep.

The leader will definitely attend the Qixi Festival, I don't know if she will speak to everyone.

After coming to the tribe, there have been many meetings, but only at very important meetings, the leader will speak, and usually Gao or Yan will do it for him.

But even if the leader doesn't speak to everyone, she will definitely attend.

If she is here, Yu must be there.

Sometimes I am quite envious of Yu, who is good at shooting bows and arrows, and is so favored by the leader.

Every time the leader looked at her, there was doting in his eyes, like a big sister looking at a little sister, so warm—oh, tender.

Tenderness was a word May had just learned, and it soon came in handy.

But I can't envy this kind of thing, I heard that the leader was rescued by Yu.

It turns out that the gods have fallen into the mortal world and need protection from humans.

Mei recalled that day at the pass of the Eagle Tribe, when Yu stood in front of the leader with a murderous look on his face, as if anyone who dared to approach the leader half a step would immediately let his blood splatter on the spot.

Yu has such a magnanimity at a young age, and Mei thinks she is not as good, and also understands that not everyone can get the favor of the leader.

The whole night passed in such wild thoughts.

When she woke up the next morning, Mei's complexion was still particularly good, and the corners of her mouth always turned up involuntarily.

Because today is her turn to distribute tools.

The manual team will make tools according to the needs of other teams. Every morning, they will send people to send the tools made the day before to each team. Arrange everyone to take turns to do this job, and today it happens to be Mei's turn.

Mei couldn't help but feel a little excited when she thought that she could go to the planting team to find Lian, and also...the brick team.

Obviously I am not young anymore, but these days I always feel that I am still young, and I can't help jumping even when I walk.

It must be because the leader said that a person can live for a long time, and I am not much older than a child.

As usual, she got up and put on the newly issued sackcloth. The new sackcloth made her feel completely new.

Washing, the toothbrush made of willow branches can make your breath fresher.

First go to the handicraft team to carry the tools, and then go to the planting team at the first stop, and what you get is a rake made of newly polished fan bones.

Walking to the edge of the farmland, what comes into view is a neat piece of land, and the cassava has just been planted in the field.

During the meeting last week, the leader said that the tribe now has 150 mu of fertile land, and it is no problem to feed the entire tribe with cassava alone.

Thinking of never having to go hungry again, Mei walked briskly.

In the field, members of the planting team were digging the ground. Seeing Mei coming, everyone knew this pretty girl and greeted her one after another.

Mei shouted at Lian: "Lian, come and get the shovel."

Lian had also seen her a long time ago, and ran over from a long distance after leaving her things behind. The two sisters held hands and looked at each other with silly smiles.

"Okay, you help me carry it, I have to go to the brick team."

"Okay, you go, see you later for dinner."

"Well, hee hee, I'm leaving."

Mei picked up her pannier and walked towards the brick and tile yard by the river.

But he didn't expect to meet Sang Yu who was walking towards him on the way.

"Hi sir—"

Hearing the clear voice, the woman raised her head, opened her beautiful eyebrows, and replied with a smile: "It's Mei, and I sent the tools to the planting team early in the morning."

"Yes, leader, this was finished yesterday afternoon, and it's my turn to deliver it today."

"Well, it's hard work. If you are Shen, I will ask one more person to share with you next time."

"Unsinkable leader, this thing is light."

"That's good, hurry up and go."

Mei nodded, turned around and walked in the direction of the brick and tile yard.

After walking a few steps, I couldn't help but look back, and saw the leader's tall back disappearing near the farm.

The leader has always been very busy, in a hurry every day, running to the farm for a while and the construction site of the underground passage. Everyone has eaten every day, and she is still holding a notebook and drawing something, and she has to take care of everything.

But looking at the players of other teams, they do their own things every day, and go to eat and go to sleep when the time comes.

Mei felt that the leader had lost weight, and at this moment she hoped that she knew more things so that she could help the leader share the work.

It's a pity that I don't know anything.

After a short period of frustration, it soon came to the brick team.

Compared with the planting team, the brick and tile yard is a bit busy here, and the big guys are all dirty.

"Hey, here comes May, here comes the mold."

"Yes, I'm afraid you are in a hurry, Captain Jiao asked me to send these over first, and send another batch later."

When Mei saw Lei, her eyes were flickering and bright.

"Okay, next time if it's Shen, you can tell us to go and get it."

"It's not sinking, there are only a few of them, I'm more energetic now, Lei, are you tired of this work?"

This was the second person besides the leader who cared about whether he could carry it, and Mei felt hot inside.

"Hey, what is tiredness? We men are tired from doing this kind of work. Why don't we just play in mud? What's the point of being tired? Besides, if you're tired, take a break. It's time for dinner later. Can you be tired?" Where are you going?"

The weather was hot, and Lei and a few young guys took off their shirts, sweating profusely, but compared to the previous skinny, after several months of work, there are still some signs of muscle.

Mei felt ashamed now, so she couldn't stare straight at him, picked up the pannier and waved to Lei, "Lei, I'm still busy there, so I have to go first."

After speaking, he quickly turned around and ran away in a hurry.

The guys next to me couldn't help joking: "Lei, is Mei interested in you?"

Lei scratched his head in embarrassment, and now he rubbed the mud on his head directly.

"Hey, I don't know. There are also a few people in the construction team who secretly like her. She may not necessarily like me."

Daxue happened to come over to get the mold, and heard a few guys talking, and said with a smile: "If you like it, go after it, maybe Mei likes you too, and our brick and tile team is not bad, haven't you seen that she only looks for you every time she comes over?" , but the ugly words are up front, if a girl doesn't like you, you can't keep grudges in your heart."

"How can this be? Captain, Mei is a good girl. If others treat her well, I will be happy for her."

"You stinky boy, can you show the temperament of our brick and tile team, you retreated before you even started."

"Captain, what kind of temperament does our brick and tile team have?"

"The temperament of playing with mud." Several people laughed instantly.

Daxue finished making jokes, and then said seriously: "If you like it, go after it. Tomorrow is Qixi Festival. The leader will hold an event specially for everyone. When the time comes, clean yourself up. Whether people like it or not, but on our side, we have to keep ourselves clean." Bring out the best side."

"I know the captain."

"There are also you guys, boys and girls, pack yourself up tomorrow and go to the Qixi Festival."

"Understood the captain."

Read The Duke's Passion