MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 164 final copy (12)

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Because of Mr. Luo's special attention, Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi succeeded in getting Boubu's diet to be more concerned.

The newly served meat dishes must be carefully identified and confirmed to be beef before they dare to eat them with confidence.

I am not afraid that Mr. Luo will not give extra meals, but I am afraid that Mr. Luo will bring private goods and want to give "good things" to eat.

If it weren't for the presence of a director in charge of the set, with Mr. Luo's mysteriousness, he would be shortlisted for their Ghost King candidate.

But if you think about it carefully, is there really a slight possibility that Mr. Luo is the ghost king?

As a mission NPC on an equal footing with the Ghost King, Xiaoqiao can transform into a housekeeper and work for Miss Ghost King, so why can't the Ghost King work for other people?

What if this ghost king has some evil taste of being inferior to others?

Or is he enjoying the identity of the black hand behind the scenes who seems to be in control, but actually controls everything?

There were a lot of thoughts in their minds, and for the sake of rigor, the two of them finally decided to put Mr. Luo on the ghost king candidate list.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Anyway, they are all enemies, and it is beneficial and harmless to guard against one more.

They are in charge of using their brains, while Boo Boo is in charge of using his mouth.

She has no worries, as long as it is eaten by mothers, she will eat whatever is given.

The Little Ghost King never slackens in cooking, and hesitating for a second is disrespect for every meal!

Bubu had a good time eating, and he also enjoyed watching the barrage.

Mr. Luo felt more and more satisfied looking at her, the greed hidden in his eyes gradually spread, and there was nowhere to hide.

Seeing the situation, Xia Zhi silently sat a little forward, blocking the sight of Bubu and Mr. Luo.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for entertaining us so generously and giving our children so much delicious food. The food is very delicious, and we will enjoy it."

After she "raised the point", Mr. Luo came back to his senses and looked at her young mother again.

He twitched the corners of his lips and showed a shallow smile: "It's fate that you can come to my place to stay overnight. I'm very glad to help you. I hope everyone can enjoy this lunch."


The carefree little ghost king killed a piece of beef again with a smile on his face.

After eating, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu immediately took Bubu out of the restaurant.

Mr. Luo, who was behind him, glanced at them and said in a very friendly way: "If the children want to eat, they can tell the housekeeper at any time, and the housekeeper will prepare for her, anything."

Jing Ruyu turned around to meet his eyes, thanked him calmly, and left with Xia Zhiyi and Bubu.

Boubo walked in front, touching his belly as he walked, it was round.

She was very full and satisfied with this meal.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi became more worried when they thought of Mr. Luo's preferential treatment for her.

This Mr. Luo, no matter how you look at it, looks like a villain who wants to abduct the child!

Xia Zhiyi knelt down/supported Bubu's shoulders, and said earnestly: "Bubu, listen to your mother, this place is very dangerous, maybe someone wants to separate Bobu from the mothers, so Bobu should be tightly Follow the mothers, no matter who calls you, you must not follow them.

"If you are hungry, tell the mothers that you must never run around to find something to eat, let alone follow the clapping uncle just now.

"Have you remembered Boo Boo?"

Bubu listened carefully, nodded obediently, then got into her arms and said coquettishly: "Bobu is not going anywhere, Bobu don't be separated from mothers."

If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be able to leave the Guyi tribe.

Being imprisoned in the depths of the dense forest, she can't see the scenery along the way, can't make friends, can't eat these delicious foods, and she won't be able to receive her mother's preparation every time she opens her eyes and arrives at a new place. new gift.

Although she still doesn't understand the truth, at least she knows what she likes and who is the one who is really good to her.

She likes whoever is nice to her—she likes mothers, and always will.

Xia Zhiyi embraced her in his arms and gently stroked her hair.

Moms don't want to be separated from you either...

In the following time, as they expected, Mr. Luo sent people to look for Bubu many times.

Every time she said it was delicious, knowing that Boubo likes to eat, I wanted her to go over and try it.

The two guardians naturally did not agree.

It’s okay for children to eat less, but it’s a big deal if children are eaten!

I don't know how many intentions this Mr. Luo is hiding, and whether he is the king of ghosts with evil tastes. If they don't watch out, the next person who feeds Hua is probably Boo Boo!

Thankfully, Boo Boo appeared after the script was written and was an accidental variable that didn't exist in the original script.

So every time minions come to invite Boo Boo, the script doesn't force them to hand Boo Boo over.

Every time Mr. Luo sent out people, they were rejected, without exception.

He stood in front of the glass window of the room and listened to the reports of his subordinates, nodded slightly, waved lightly, and told the other party to back down.

The blood-red wine was rippling in the goblet, and he felt extremely sorry looking at the dark cloudy sky outside the window.

He just wants the child to eat more.

"It really failed me."

He smiled meaningfully, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.

Before the script had no next instructions, the two of them were not idle.

They were looking for information on the next safe point and the ferry.

Fortunately, they have also found the safe point, but unfortunately, there is still no shadow of the ferry.

If the sound of the ferry is no longer heard in the afternoon, it must be at night.

However, in this old castle, the danger will obviously increase with the passage of time, and the daytime is already full of dangers, not to mention the monsters' favorite night.

This dungeon is really tricky.

But at this time, they can only take one step at a time and respond flexibly.

This time the safe point is refreshed at the end of a narrow corridor.

There was no one around, the atmosphere was gloomy, and a faint cold air blew across the back of the neck, making one's hair stand on end.

They took this position and left, the script did not force them to move forward.

But when it appeared at the first corner, the script jumped out to be a demon again:

[You found that the corridor on the left has not been carefully investigated. As members of the Adventure Club, you will never let go of any secrets in this castle, so you immediately decided to go to the corridor on the left to find out. 】

The two turned their heads to look at the left-hand corridor where they were called.

There is only one room in this corridor, and the door of the room is closed. I don't know what is hidden in it.

Two candle lamps were lit in the corridor, the faint orange light intertwined with black, spreading all the way to the end of the corridor, silently turning into a gloomy darkness that could not be peeped at.


It doesn't look like a good place.

Jing Ruyu bent down and picked up Boubo.

The young couple walked in with the baby in their arms.

That's all, grudge player, no choice.

They walked lightly, and they didn't want to disturb anything that shouldn't be disturbed.

As they walked forward, the distance between them and the darkness at the end and the door of the house gradually shortened.

Gradually, there were more subtle voices in the air beside my ears.

As the distance changed, the voice became louder and clearer—


"Boom, boom, boom."


There are no rules.

It sounded like the sound of a knife falling on a chopping board, each stroke was made with great force, it sounded extremely terrifying.

The two couldn't help but stop, the voice in their ears was already clear and close to their eyes.

Their eyes slowly turned to the closed door.

The sound... came from here.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu suddenly thought tacitly: the script should come out.

Sure enough, the script prompt appeared in front of them in the next second, but this time the script was a little different——

[The mysterious sound of chopping knives continues, as if they are chopping on your body, each sound is extremely clear, making you feel deeply uncomfortable while curious, and fear arises spontaneously, which cannot be ignored.

[For the sake of safety, you don't want to disturb the things inside, so you decided to stop this exploration, turn back and leave, and make plans later. 】

Xia Zhiyi: "?"

Jing Ruyu: "?"

They were amazed by this.

It's really amazing. It turns out that this desperate script also knows how to write the words "fear" and "safety"?

Without saying a word, the two immediately turned around and left with Bubu in their arms.

Since the script didn't send them to their deaths, they didn't hesitate, and they must not procrastinate when fleeing for their lives!

At this time, a line of words suddenly floated in front of Xia Zhiyi's eyes:

【You sneezed, disturbing the contents inside.

[Note: The sound here must be loud enough. 】

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Dog copy, I have a hundred bad words, I will tell you later!

She greeted Jing Ruyu first.

Then he accumulated energy with a speechless face, and then exaggerated his acting skills, but sneezed loudly enough, which was not natural at all: "Ah-chee-!!"

The next second, the sound of chopping knives in the house stopped abruptly.

They were still forced to disturb the contents.

The atmosphere instantly became tense and dignified.

However, the barrage is not tense at all:

—Ghosts, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a forceful and poor acting, it’s full of perfunctory

—Lung capacity is so good, the deaf next door to my house can hear it, the miracle of underworld medicine belongs to it

—When the protagonist discovers the secret, he will "accidentally" make a noise, this kind of plot is really bad

——She sneezes, it’s really funny to be perfunctory!

Xia Zhiyi felt that the barrage was right.

This plot here is really bad, not only bad, but also very dangerous for them!


The two resolutely accelerated to leave this eerie place!

At this time, just behind them, where they could not see, the closed door opened slightly, revealing a gap.

Inside the door is darkness that can't be seen.

A faint cool air came out from the door.

In the next second, an eye suddenly appeared in the crack of the door, disappearing like a ghost.

It remained motionless, its black pupils staring closely at the leaving figure of Jing Ruyu and the two...

The author has something to say:

It's National Day, it's a holiday, I hope there will be more comments (pray...)