MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 207 representatives of colleges and universities

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"Then just wait."

Ouyang Rui laughed out loud and smoothed things over.

"Come on, everyone, have a good cup of tea. I'm usually reluctant to take out this tea."

Hearing this, the representatives sent by these various universities all smiled and nodded.

Among other things, because of Ouyang Rui's status as a master beast master, even if they are standing behind Yanhuang's top universities, they still want to sell him face.

Ye Wenqian lowered her head slightly, lost in thought.

He couldn't help but think back to the previous conversation with the Ye family.

"They seem to think that Lin Yu is carefully cultivated by me, ready to bring back the family's reserve force..."

She smiled wryly, not knowing how the little guy would feel when he found out.

Forget it, forget it for now, the current situation is also good for him... Ye Wenqian took a deep breath.


The gate of Ancheng High School.

It was crowded and bustling, and high school seniors returning to school greeted acquaintances from time to time.

Although the college entrance examination has ended, which means that their high school career has come to an end, many people still choose to come to school to say good news to their teachers today.

Or pack things left at school.

They put on their own clothes, chatting and playing around in the school wantonly, which aroused the envious eyes of the students in the first and second grades.

However, it was the two "guests" who had just arrived at the school gate that attracted the most attention at this moment.

The students cast their gazes from time to time. The temperament of these two people is really outstanding among a group of students.

One of them looked to be in his thirties, with a handsome face of a scholar, looking gentle and refined.

He was wearing a pair of glasses, a white shirt, and his back was straight.

Coupled with the warm smile on his face at that moment, it was too lethal to a girl of this age.

The other person looked much younger, probably in his early twenties.

But his mature temperament immediately distinguished him from the high school students.

Under the **** miniskirt is a pair of round and slender long legs.

Coupled with a pair of fox ears trembling slightly above the head, and a cute tail swaying at the buttocks, it shows an exotic style.

A **** and charming beast girl is equally lethal to boys of this age.

The boys passing by secretly fixed their eyes on the older sister from time to time.

"She should be a fit talent?"

"It's too hot, why do you keep fit when you're not fighting?"

"What do you know, maybe people keep in shape all the time to increase the bond with the beast."

"Good lick!"

Looking at the high school students who were blushing not far away, the white fox girl smiled happily.

"Sure enough, high school is still interesting, don't you think so, Mr. Liu?"

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded, and the tail behind her shook.

The quiet man whom he called Mr. Liu felt a little helpless, and he also knew that his student didn't intend to cause such a commotion on purpose.

The origin of this girl is a bit special. She grew up in a group of pet beasts, the Sky Fox, and did not return to human society until she became an adult.

And the bond between her and the sky fox that she contracted with her is even deeper.

Staying fit all the time has considerable benefits for both her and her beasts.

"But now is not the time to think about these things..." Teacher Liu gradually pulled back his thoughts.

"This should be the destination. The person we are looking for goes to school here."

"Really, why don't I ask." The white fox girl rolled her eyes and said playfully.

After all, she looked at a boy who just passed by, and walked over with a smile.

"That beauty actually found Ye Tian?"

"Damn it, why not me!"

Seeing this situation, one after another jealous voices sounded from all directions.

Ye Tian couldn't help but stop, slightly dazed.

Even if he is as cold and arrogant as him, he can't help but lose his mind when facing this woman.

He could feel that this big sister not only had outstanding looks and temperament, but also had terrifying strength.

So he didn't dare to show off.

"Student, do you know a man named Lin Yu?"

However, as soon as the white fox girl opened her mouth, Ye Tian was stunned again.

Then he nodded numbly.

"I'm talking about Lin Yu who took the first place in the college entrance examination. He goes to this school, right?"

Ye Tian nodded again.

"It's all right, thank you!" After asking the desired answer, the girl turned her head and left, her lively appearance looked more like a high school student than everyone present.

Ye Tian's face was already flushed red, and he just stood there like a wooden man.

"Hahaha, I thought she had fallen in love with Ye Tian, ​​but she was looking for Lin Yu."

"That's all right."

"Ye Tian was killed by Lin Yu again."

After watching the lively crowd tease a few words, he shook his head and started walking again.

Since Lin Yu's strong rise, Ye Tian is no longer the idol of the whole people who suppressed the entire senior year of high school like before.

The slightly sarcastic voice gradually faded away, leaving only Ye Tian in place.

His face was terribly gloomy, and he stared fixedly at the backs of the two "guests" who had come from afar, watching them enter the office building.


"I didn't expect there were so many people in the school today."

In the classroom, Lin Yu touched his head and said in surprise.

"Do you think that as soon as the college entrance examination is over, the senior three will start to sleep together?" Zhang Yuze joked.

He laughed dryly, if Ye Wenqian hadn't made that phone call, then he would really have slept all day.

As for packing things, there's no need to be in a hurry, it's fine after a few days.

Besides, these high school things seem to be useless.

He originally planned to wait for the new pet to hatch and let it [swallow]...

"By the way, do you know that a big beauty came outside just now?"

Suddenly there was gossip from a certain corner.

Hearing this, Lin Yu immediately pricked up his ears.

"and then?"

"Then she found Ye Tian."

"Fuck, is this kid lucky?"

There was a gasp in the classroom.

"Hahahaha." The classmate who spoke first suddenly laughed, "Guess what she said to Ye Tian? They just went to him to inquire about Lin Yu."

After the classroom was quiet for a while, there was a burst of laughter.

Those who pricked up their ears to eavesdrop couldn't help it anymore, and the air began to fill with joy.

Wang He pushed his glasses, smiled at Lin Yu and said, "You are the protagonist again."

Lin Yu also pretended to push the bridge of his nose, and said seriously: "To be handsome is to be able to do whatever you want."

He didn't expect to have such fun today.

As for the girl who inquired about him, if nothing else happened, there was a high probability that she was sent by a certain university.

"Your luck is coming." Zhang Yuze put his hand on his shoulder and said with a smile.

"My kidneys have always been well maintained." Lin Yu was still thinking about the coming from the university, and answered casually.

The next moment, he immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed his words:

"I mean my luck has always been pretty good."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The few people around him laughed and gave him a "I understand" look.

"Lin Yu, are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

During the commotion, a female voice suddenly sounded in the ears of several people.

"Damn it, Teacher Ye!"

The teenagers quickly closed their mouths and looked at Ye Wenqian resentfully.

"Isn't it still nine o'clock?"

After Lin Yu glanced at the phone, he looked at Ye Wenqian with a guilty conscience. He was not sure whether he had heard the conversation just now.

Ye Wenqian turned around and said helplessly, "Let's go."

Smiling awkwardly at the little friend beside her, Lin Yu got up and left behind her.

Along the way, he also tried to get information from Ye Wenqian about the school representatives who came to recruit people.

"The principal will introduce it to you later." Ye Wenqian shook her head, expressing that she didn't know too well.

Pushing open the door of the meeting room, it was the first time Lin Yu came to this room.

In the middle is a huge round table, and there are about ten or twenty people sitting around it.

There is some space between every two or three people, and it seems that they should be seated according to the school they belong to.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lin Yu touched his head, embarrassed.

No matter whether they were just tasting tea or talking, everyone stopped at the same time, and cast their eyes on him in unison.

Looking at this young man who caused an uproar in the upper class.

After curious eyes passed, many people nodded to Lin Yu and smiled.

"Sit down."

Ouyang Rui smiled slightly, motioning for the two to take their seats quickly.

Lin Yu found an empty seat nearby and sat down directly, while Ye Wenqian sat next to him.

"Let me introduce you." Ouyang Rui stood up and looked at the people sitting on the far left with a smile.

"These are representatives from Imperial University."

Lin Yu followed the prestige and saw two men and two women with solemn expressions.

They were all about thirty years old, wearing gold-trimmed robes, all with blond hair, and looked completely aristocratic.

"Good guy, quite impressive!" Lin Yu sighed slightly in his heart.

He could feel that their auras were extremely powerful, at least they were all beast masters above the senior level.

This is a heavyweight object.

Needless to say the name of Imperial University, as the top school in Yanhuang, whether it is the strength of teachers or the strong financial resources inside the school, it is the strongest in the country.

Among them, countless top beast masters emerged.

It can be said that entering Imperial University is the biggest dream of every young person in Yanhuang.

"And even such a school is now taking the initiative to win me over."

Lin Yu's heart was hot, and he couldn't help being a little proud.

And the four representatives were also very friendly. After Ouyang Rui's voice fell, they all nodded at Lin Yu.

But the facial expressions are relatively calm.

"The next few are from Huadu University." Ouyang Rui continued to introduce.

Following his gestures, Lin Yu moved his eyes.

Then his eyes lit up.

There were only two representatives of Huadu University, but they turned out to be twins.

They were wearing milky white dresses, and their long pale pink hair was draped over their shoulders, shining with a charming luster.

On those two exquisite faces that are always smiling, the curved eyebrows are as slender as willow leaves, which reminds people of willows in spring.

The skin of the two is better than snow, and their temperament is extraordinary, Lin Yu's eyes just moved back and forth between them.

What a pair of sisters!

"But the students sent by Huadu University turned out to be students?"

Lin Yu was slightly surprised. Judging by the appearance of these two people, they were not a few years older than him, and they obviously hadn't graduated yet.

As for the city of Huadu, he had also heard about it.

It is located in the middle of Yanhuang, quite prosperous and famous for its many beauties.

It is also a very popular tourist city.

"It seems that the university over there is the same, rich in beauties." Lin Yu casually imagined what Yingying and Yanyan looked like in the school.

The two twin sisters didn t seem surprised by Lin Yu s curious eyes, and they smiled sweetly at him.

"Cough cough."

Lin Yu had to admit that the two sisters were quite lethal when they worked together.

After coughing dryly, he turned his gaze to the next group of "competitors".

The next three people were all wearing black robes, exuding a deep aura from all over their bodies.

Their whole bodies were covered in robes, only their faces were exposed, and they all looked middle-aged.

"Good guy, is this the late stage of Second Second Disease?" Lin Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is the representative of Youdu University."

Just as he was guessing their psychological process in his mind, Ouyang Rui's voice rang in his ears.

The three middle-aged men also smiled at Lin Yu.

"Why is the representative of this top university dressed like this..."

It looked almost like a black wizard Lin Yu muttered in his heart.

"By the way, it is rumored that Youdu is a bit special. The sunlight that shines there seems to be weakened. The people there live in a dark environment almost all year round."

he recalled.

Could it be that they have become autistic after living in the dark for a long time?

As thoughts flashed, this university left a deep impression on him.

"Modu University is next." Ouyang Rui's voice softened a little.

With Lin Yu's spirit lifted, the name of Modu University has long been known, and it is also relatively close to Tiannan Province.

Compared with other schools that sent several representatives together, Modu University only dispatched one person.

An old lady was sitting there alone.

The wrinkled skin, loose teeth, and the monocle gave Lin Yu a weird feeling.

But he didn't dare to underestimate the other party. UU Reading Mordo University has always been as famous as Imperial University.

Both schools belong to the pinnacle of the pyramid, far ahead of all other schools.

Moreover, Lin Yu was keenly aware through his strong mental power that this person who looked like a representative of an old lady who could be seen everywhere on the roadside had a much stronger aura than everyone present.

Combined with Ouyang Rui's attitude and her age judgment.

Its realm may be above the master level.

"I actually sent a master over here." Lin Yu was slightly speechless.

From this aspect alone, Shanghai Metropolitan University may value itself more than Imperial Capital University.

The old lady didn t seem to notice the strangeness in Lin Yu s eyes, she turned sideways slightly, and grinned at the young man.

It just looks slightly scary.

Lin Yu hurriedly returned the gift.