MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 208 Conditions for Winning Lin Yu

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"The last two are representatives of Mingdu University." Ouyang Rui's voice sounded again.

Lin Yu looked at the next group.

He is also quite familiar with Mingdu, which is located in Tiannan Province, and Mingdu University is the best school in the province.

"Damn it, beast girl?"

The moment Lin Yu saw the white fox girl among them, Lin Yu was slightly taken aback.

Skin as white as jade, the pair of peaks that seemed to tear the white shirt, and the pair of fox ears trembling slightly above the head.

are particularly striking.

Lin Yu lowered his head slightly, his eyes quietly moved under the table.

After he saw the girl's miniskirt, a white tail suddenly trembled.

White fox girl!

He swallowed lightly.

As for the other gentle and jade-like man, he had already selectively ignored him.

"Her beast master talent is also fit?"

Lin Yu's mind turned quickly, and he thought of this in an instant. After all, he had already seen the changes brought about by this talent during the college entrance examination.

To let the beautiful girl maintain a combined form to win me over, this Mingdu University also...

How sincere!

"This is Teacher Luo and his students from Mingdu University." Ouyang Rui seemed to be interested in this university, so he introduced a few more sentences.

"Mingdu is not far from Ancheng, and we have had some cooperation with Mingdu University."

Lin Yu nodded, and didn't think much about the cooperation he said for a while.

The senior white fox showed a charming smile at him, as if she was very interested in him.

"Cough cough."

Lin Yu coughed dryly, and turned his head: "What about these people?"

In the future, there are clearly two forces still sitting, but judging from Ouyang Rui's meaning, it seems that he is not in a hurry to introduce them.

"They, they are special, not from colleges and universities."

Ouyang Rui seemed to organize his words in his mind, and after pondering for a while, he said, "They are from Yanhuang's research institute and the military respectively."


Lin Yu was startled, and raised his brows, did he even startle such forces?

Representatives of the institute, one of them is a middle-aged man, wearing a suit, looks quite amiable.

The other person was an ordinary-looking man, younger, as if his face was paralyzed, and there was no expression on his face.

After meeting Lin Yu s gaze, the middle-aged man smiled slightly.

For some reason, Lin Yu suddenly felt like a spring breeze blowing on his face, and his mood became more comfortable.

Unconsciously increased a little favor for him.

"Is it a beast? Or does he have any special talents?"

While being surprised, Lin Yu also raised a little vigilance in his heart, and turned his head to look at the last party.

The military only came with a strong middle-aged man.

His face was as cold as ice.

The figure is tall and straight, and the waist is always straight when sitting in the position, like a long gun ready to shoot at any time.

"The height is estimated to be more than 1.9 meters." Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

His skin was dark, as if he had been exposed to the sun for many years, and his muscles were as strong as an iron tower.

Concentrating slightly, Lin Yu felt the chilling aura on the opponent.

"Hello, my name is Yan Changqing, and I'm from the Black Fang Army of Yanhuang Ninth Army." The strong man's dull voice suddenly sounded.

He actually stood up directly, leaned over, and stretched out his big calloused hand.

Lin Yu got up quickly and shook hands with him.

At this moment, a conjecture even appeared in his mind.

"Will he suddenly try to test me like those novels say?"

But reality is not fiction after all.

The burly man from the military looked fierce, but he was quite polite. He just shook it lightly and sat back.

Lin Yu was inexplicably a little disappointed.

In fact, he really wanted to try what level his current physical strength had reached.

Ouyang Rui picked up the teacup, took a sip with a smile, and said, "This is Lin Yu, the best student in our school. I believe you all know it."

"Everyone is here for him this time. Since that's the case, why don't you take the initiative to introduce him?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu couldn t help being lifted up.

He knew that the headmaster had asked them to make a condition.

The next step is to see who offers more exciting conditions.

His attention became extremely concentrated, and the atmosphere at the scene began to become slightly tense.

Ye Wenqian straightened her body with sharp eyes, while Ouyang Rui leisurely shook the teacup in her hand.

Lin Yu opened his eyes wide, and scanned the faces of the representatives, trying to see something from their expressions.

After a moment of silence.

Representatives of Youdu University who he identified as "autistic patients" spoke first.

"Lin Yu, if you come to our school, a 20 million incentive fund will be approved for you as soon as you enroll. You can also use the simulated environment venues in the school as you like, as well as the resources in the school resource library. You can use them every month You can choose ten pieces at will."

"Of course, if it is a high-level resource, depending on the situation, the quantity will be reduced proportionally." The man added.

Lin Yu's eyes were fixed, this is indeed a big deal.

Twenty million yuan in cash was directly distributed to a freshman who just entered school, which is too exaggerated.

Although he can already make money from [Ming Lingyu], who would think that there is too much money?

Not to mention that it is still a huge sum of money.

As for the repository he said...

Youdu University is one of the top universities in Yanhuang, and after countless years of accumulation, there must be a lot of good things in it.

Thinking of this, he felt that his [Swallowing] talent seemed to be ready to move.

No one needs resources more than him.

There is also the simulated environment venue mentioned by the other party, which is very popular in Yanhuang.

After all, pet beasts with different attributes have completely different cultivation effects in different environments.

In order to better provide convenience to students, those universities have also built various environmental venues on campus.

For example, a freezer suitable for ice-type pets, a hot area suitable for fire-type pets, or a natural botanical garden suitable for wood-type pets.

The more top schools, the bigger and more complete the simulation environment will be.

Seeing that Lin Yu seemed to have begun to move his heart, the representative continued to speak, persuading:

"Our school also has a secret realm, which is especially suitable for dark-type beasts. Practicing in it can get twice the result with half the effort."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, obviously he had done his homework before coming here.

I learned that Lin Yu's pet beast is a pet beast with dual lines of darkness and undead.

Lin Yu was not surprised by this, but just continued listening quietly.

"In that secret realm, in addition to speeding up the cultivation, the pet beast also has the opportunity to enter a special mood. If you practice skills, your proficiency will increase very quickly."

After saying that, he looked around, obviously a little proud of the secret place of his school.

"There is such an effect..." Lin Yu was a little surprised.

Skill proficiency can only be gradually improved through a lot of practice. It is estimated that there are not many places in the country that can achieve twice the result with half the effort through this method.

No wonder the other party is confident, Youdu University deserves to be one of the top universities.

He nodded slightly.

This last olive branch was indeed a blockbuster, but unfortunately, the bomb hit the wrong person.

If I didn't have the [Swallow] skill to improve my skill proficiency faster, I might be tempted instantly.

"I don't know if other schools have similar secret realms?" Lin Yu secretly thought in his heart, and began to look forward to the conditions they would offer.

"Brother Lin Yu." A clear voice like the cry of an oriole sounded.

It was one of the twins from Huadu University who spoke.

"Senior, please speak."

Lin Yu smiled cheerfully, but the other party was quite good at making friends, and he called his junior directly before he entered school.

"Do you know what is the biggest feature of our school?"

"I don't know." Lin Yu said sincerely.

"There are a lot of girls in our school." She smiled. "There are all kinds of beauties. Most of the beautiful girls from all over Yanhuang will choose to come to our school."

"What does this have to do with me?" Lin Yu blinked a little "naively".

You are a master at pretending to be a lake... She smiled and explained patiently:

"Come to us, after school starts, you will definitely become the focus of attention, and you will have the opportunity to meet girls with both strength and beauty. College life will be infinitely exciting.”

The senior sister spoke with high spirits, as if she had seen the future scene.

"Want to seduce me?" Lin Yu's eyelids twitched, and he secretly glanced at Ye Wenqian beside him.

It was found that her expression was calm, as if she hadn't heard these words.

"Ahem, sister, you misunderstood, I am not such a person." Lin Yu straightened his waist and said seriously.

The beautiful senior sister smiled generously, not discouraged, and continued: "For someone as outstanding as you, junior, the school can also provide you with four companions, from freshman to senior year, who will personally assist you in your cultivation."

"Each of them is a girl of the heavens, with excellent knowledge, and has the auxiliary talent of beast control, which will definitely bring you a lot of help."

"How about your appearance and figure?" Lin Yu couldn't help but blurted out.

For a moment, he felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop, and Ye Wenqian raised her willow eyebrows slightly.

"I promise to satisfy you." The senior said with a gentle smile.

Lin Yu touched his head, smiled embarrassingly and said: "Haha, that's pretty good, so I just asked casually."

Damn it, this school is trying to corrupt me in this way?

There was a wave of turmoil in his heart.

"Let's take a look at the conditions of other schools first, and put Huadu University on the watch list." He thought to himself.

This school buddy is too fragrant...

I just don't know if the twin sisters would like to be their schoolmates?

Although he was very curious about this, he would not ask directly on the spot inappropriately.

"Other aspects, such as incentive funds, resources, etc., are similar to Youdu University. We can give you what they can give." The senior sister added.

"Okay thank you."

Lin Yu nodded to express his gratitude, and the other party calmed down after smiling at him.

After turning his gaze around, he fixed on the old lady from Shanghai University.

Seeing Lin Yu locked on to herself, she grinned.

"Come to us, the incentive money will give you 40 million yuan, and you can receive 20 resources every month."

Her voice is not loud, and her speaking speed is relatively slow.

But this opening was astonishing. Some of the common conditions promised by the previous two schools were directly doubled by her.

"As expected of the University of Shanghai, it is really rich and powerful." After taking a deep breath, Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

The faces of the three from Youdu University were obviously not very good, and the twin sisters from Huadu University also froze there.

"Although there is no secret realm in our school, if you want to improve your proficiency, we can help you find it and apply for it. It's not like you can't find similar places in Shanghai."

She continued to speak without haste, full of confidence.

Lin Yu couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, as a super metropolis, there must be no shortage of places like artificially controlled secret realms.


Seeing that Lin Yu seemed a little moved, the old lady smiled slightly and struck while the iron was hot: "We can arrange a master beast master in the school, or even a grand master beast master, to be your teacher as soon as school starts."

She dropped another bombshell.

These conditions seemed to form a chain, and Lin Yu was to be firmly attached to the giant ship of Modu University.

"Grand master beast master?" Lin Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He naturally knows this realm. As a superpower above a master, every master needs decades of immersion to achieve it.

"I've been in this world for so long, and I haven't seen a real grandmaster yet."

He muttered in his heart, not knowing how powerful they were.

"How about it, do you want to come to our place?"

The old lady stared at Lin Yu with a smile. Although she looked a little weird, Lin Yu could feel her kindness.

"Let me think about it again." He said seriously.

The old lady was startled, and said: "What else are you thinking about, young man, don't you want beautiful women? You can ask if you need it, and I will arrange it for you."

The corner of Lin Yu's mouth twitched, and he was about to refute, when suddenly, one of the representatives from Imperial University interjected:

"We can give you all the conditions she said."

Speaking of which, he glanced at the old lady with some hostility.

It seems a little dissatisfied with its performance just now.

They actually wanted to win Lin Yu over directly before their Imperial Capital University opened the conditions?

"Cough cough." Lin Yu coughed dryly, and was not surprised by his reaction. After all, Imperial University and Modu University have always been rivals like rivals.

"And..." the blond man, the representative of Imperial Capital University, smiled and said, "We can also introduce you to join the Royal Club of Imperial club is that? What is that for?" Lin Yu tilted his head and said curiously.

"It's a special club in the imperial capital. There are all kinds of members, including social people and students." The blond man explained patiently.

But there is one thing he didn't say. In fact, even if it is Imperial University, there are very few students who can join it as students.

"After entering, you will not only have the opportunity to meet many rare beasts that cannot be seen in the outside world, but also meet various high-level people." He continued.

Good guy, as expected from the imperial capital, he is high-class... Lin Yu sighed in his heart, he could feel the arrogance between the lines in the other party's words.

Turning his head and looking at the old lady in Modu, he shook his head sadly.

Why don't you have this kind of club? Let's fight for your breath, Tianlong people!

The old lady smiled cheerfully, as if she didn't understand the thoughts in Lin Yu's eyes, she gently took a sip from her teacup without speaking.