MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 209 Simulate different dimensions and [Jingxin School]

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"How about it, do you want to come to our Imperial University?"

The blond man smiled slightly, looking at Lin Yu as if he had a winning ticket.

It's not just him, at this moment, everyone's eyes are on Lin Yu.

"Isn't there someone who hasn't finished?" Lin Yu smiled lightly.


The blond man froze for a moment, as if this was indeed the case, the representative of Mingdu University hadn't spoken yet.

But both Imperial University and Modu University have offered conditions. It seems that it is unnecessary to listen to other people's words at this time, right?

He didn't believe that Mingdu University could offer better conditions.

"Two, please."

Lin Yu turned his head and motioned to them slightly. At this moment, he calmly reminded everyone that this is the host.

The gentle teacher Luo glanced at him with a smile and nodded.

Then the white fox girl beside her said: "Student, in terms of money and resources we can give, it should not be as good as that of Modu and Imperial University, and it is about the same as Youdu Huadu and the others."

After all, she blinked her eyes, as if asking Lin Yu if he wanted to continue listening.

Lin Yu was not surprised by this, he was more curious about other conditions?

His eyes scanned the opponent up and down.

Like, a beast girl buddy or something?

After feeling Lin Yu's seemingly appreciative gaze, the white fox girl's reaction was beyond his expectation.

She smiled slightly, then straightened her back, and looked at him without showing any weakness.

"Although there is no secret place in our school, there is also a special place where dimensions have appeared before..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly paused, and then tentatively looked at the teacher beside her.

Could it be that what she was going to say just now was a dimensional crack Lin Yu's heart moved.

The heartbeat suddenly started to speed up slightly.

That's right, the dimensional rifts appear without warning or regularity, so it doesn't seem impossible that they just happened to appear in the university?

What happened later, you should tell me quickly...

He took a quick look around. As representatives sent by the top universities, everyone was obviously aware of the situation, and it wasn't particularly surprising.

That Teacher Luo nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the white fox girl grinned, and then said:

"Student, you may not be very aware of the existence of the dimensional rift, but I can tell you that there are many novel and good things in it."

After blinking, she continued: "There was such a crack that appeared directly in our school before. The teachers of the school shot with all their strength, suppressed the beasts that ran out, and captured them."

When she said this, Lin Yu had already vaguely guessed something.

Could it be?

"Afterwards, they collected various resources and simulated to create a place similar to the world in that crack."

"Can students go in to seek opportunities and experience?" Lin Yu swallowed and said.

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, otherwise why did the other party build such a place.

That's a lot of information...

Mingdu University is really a big deal, and each of these top universities should not be underestimated.

"Yes, there are all kinds of pet beasts that you can't imagine." The white fox girl seemed to be excited.

"However, teachers and students need certain conditions to enter. If it is you, the school can directly grant you a place and allow you to enter and exit at will."

I have to say that after these words, Lin Yu really felt a little moved.

He may not be very interested in the simple secret realm like the one in Youdu University.

But this involves a dimensional rift.

He was really curious which dimension the created environment was simulated in.

According to the official classification, it seems that each dimension has a number and a name...

He glanced at Ye Wenqian beside him calmly, Ye Wenqian frowned at the moment, as if she was a little worried about his safety.

After all, there are many extremely dangerous pets in different dimensions.

"Are there any other benefits?" Lin Yu asked tentatively again.

Although I have already moved, but I can't just take the bait so directly, can I?

If you can get more benefits, you can get more.

Seeing this, many people in the room had already started to feel uneasy. They were not stupid, and they all saw that the young man was obviously interested in Mingdu University.

The white fox girl was overjoyed, opened her mouth, and frowned again, as if she was racking her brains for what else she could come up with.

"There is also a [Jingxin School] in our school. Only those students with the highest aptitude and potential can enter and enjoy the best treatment."

Suddenly, a gentle male voice sounded.

The white fox girl turned her head, but it was the male teacher who spoke.

He smiled warmly, and continued to say unhurriedly: "If it were you, I can guarantee that you will directly enter [Jingxin School] in the first semester of your freshman year."

Hearing this, Lin Yu frowned slightly.

this one?

It's not that he is arrogant, he feels that with his own potential, even with his own strength, it may not be difficult to enter such a [Jingxin School].

If even he can't get in, how unnatural are the students in this school?


"Why do you have to wait until next semester?"

Teacher Luo also saw his confusion, and said with a smile: "Because of the school's regulations, freshmen are not allowed to enter [Jingxin School], at least they have to wait until sophomores to take the entrance examination."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed once you go in."

"You can enjoy the various benefits of the school first, and the resources in the resource library can also be purchased and exchanged at a discount. The school will also organize to take you to travel outside."

"Even taking you abroad for a walk is quite normal."

As he said, Lin Yu nodded.

It sounds very interesting, and Mingdu University is also full of sincerity.

"Okay." Ouyang Rui's laughter echoed in the conference room, "So Lin Yu, what is your choice?"

After contemplating for a moment, Lin Yu raised his head, his eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

Everyone has different expressions, but they are all very exciting.

The representatives of Youdu and Huadu looked a little nervous, but also had a trace of struggle and anticipation.

Obviously, they all came with missions, and naturally they didn't want to return empty-handed.

The representative of the imperial capital seemed much calmer, but his eyes were firmly on himself.

The old lady in Shanghai still had a smile on her face.

As for Mingdu, who just made a splash, the white fox girl winked at him, while the teacher next to him maintained a warm smile.

"I choose Mingdu University."

After taking a deep breath, Lin Yu didn t hold back his appetite, and gave a direct answer.

"You didn't choose Imperial University?" The blond man seemed quite surprised, and looked at him with some resentment.

The expression of the old lady in Modu also froze.

Everyone else showed varying degrees of disappointment, only the white fox girl looked excited.

"You really have vision, junior!"

If it weren't for the distance, Lin Yu felt that she might rush over to hug his arm.

"Cough cough." He coughed dryly and took a sip of tea.

In the end, he made such a choice, naturally not because he was tempted by this little fox lady, but because the conditions offered by her were the most in line with his wishes.

Whether it's the simulation site related to another dimension, or the so-called [Jingxin School].

They all really hit his preferences.

The preferential treatment offered by other schools is not so attractive.

For example, Shanghai University said to find a master or even a grand master as his teacher...

But he felt that with his own potential, it would not be difficult to become a master or even a master even without special guidance.

As for the schoolmate... Forget it, as Zhang Yuze said, his current love luck is strong enough.

Moreover, Mingdu is in the province, and it is also close to Ancheng, which is also an important reason.

"Congratulations, Lin Yu, you have chosen your favorite university."

The sudden sound of blessings sounded, and Lin Yu noticed that the representatives of the research institute and the military had not said a word just now.

It was the researcher's middle-aged man who spoke now.

"By the way, you are also here to win me over, right? But I have already chosen a university..."

He was slightly puzzled.

Could it be that you want to let yourself join them and skip the college stage directly?

"Going to university and entering a graduate school are not contradictory." The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"How to say?"

"If you want, you just need to register with us. You can come here occasionally, and you can officially join after graduation."


"After entering the research institute, do you have to spend all day doing research in the laboratory?" Lin Yu asked curiously.

In his imagination, researchers should be wearing lab coats and immersed in experiments all day long.

Doesn't that mean I don't have time to chat with my young lady... Ahem, no time to cultivate pet beasts?

The middle-aged man laughed dumbfounded, and said, "It's not like this every day, but it will definitely take a lot of time."

"Forget it then." Lin Yu shook his head, expressing his disinterest.

And I don't seem to have any outstanding talent in this area, why did the research institute find it...

Could it be that he fell in love with Xiao Zi... Suddenly his heart moved.

If they joined, they would naturally be able to study Xiao Zi in a legitimate way.

"If you join us, you can get in touch with a lot of pet beasts you haven't seen before."

The middle-aged man was persuasive. Obviously, from the successful case of Mingdu University just now, he smelled Lin Yu's interest.

What a benefit Lin Yu twitched his mouth, but still shook his head.

If he wants to see more wonderful pet beasts, he can do the same when he goes out to explore and travel after he reaches his level.

You can even search for dimensional cracks at that time...

"Wait, isn't he talking about a pet beast from another dimension?"

Lin Yu thought to himself, thinking that it is not impossible.

As a place where Yanhuang's top research talents gather, it seems that there is nothing wrong with studying pet animals in another dimension.

"So joining the military doesn't conflict with going to school?" Out of curiosity, he asked the tough guy in the military.

"No." The tough guy shook his head, "After joining the military, you won't be able to go to school anymore."

"But at the same time, you can get top-notch training, and the life-and-death crises you encounter during missions can also make you grow up quickly."

Lin Yu was dumb for a moment, and what he said seemed to be pretty good, but...

"Forget it, I still want to go to Mingdu University."

With a hint of apology, he also said to the middle-aged man: "I have no idea of ​​doing research."

The middle-aged man from the research institute seemed a little disappointed, while the tough guy from the military didn't show any expression.

As the dust settled, Lin Yu was about to get up, and many school representatives hesitated to speak.

He also got up, as if he still wanted to catch up with him.

Seeing that the commotion was about to start, Ouyang Rui snorted coldly, and the power of a master beast master was instantly released by him.

Ye Wenqian also followed, unreservedly showing the peak aura of a senior beast master.

The atmosphere in the room froze for a moment.

The representatives immediately woke up and realized their gaffe.

They all smiled embarrassedly.

"Are you really not coming to the research institute? Just put your name on it." The middle-aged man quietly added behind Lin Yu.

"Sorry, I'm really not interested in doing research, I want to spend more energy on cultivating pets and fighting."

And the representative of the military strode over directly.

Shen Sheng said: "I really like you. If you come to the army, you will definitely be able to show your strengths."

"Sorry, I don't have any idea about that either."

Lin Yu felt that he was used to freedom, and it was inevitable that he would not adapt to going to the army.

And it would definitely be inconvenient to go out to find something [Swallow] at that time.

It's still free.

Ten minutes later, the other representatives had already left, leaving only the two people from Mingdu sitting quietly in their seats.


Seeing that the annoying guys had already left, the white fox girl moved a bit, and leaned directly towards Lin Yu.

Looking at her shaking fox ears and slightly trembling tail, Lin Yu felt quite interesting.

"Senior sister, are you a fit talent?"

"That's right, I'm in a fusion with the Sky Fox right now." She smiled frankly.

A faint fragrance came to his nostrils, and Lin Yu smelled a wild and charming smell.

I feel as if I have come to the wildflowers.

"Let's add a friend first, and I'll show you around after you enroll, senior sister."

"Okay." Lin Yu took out his phone and added the other party as a friend.

"By the way, when do we start school?" He asked curiously.

"Just like other schools, September 1st." The white fox girl put away her phone with a smile.

Lin Yu said "um" After thinking for a moment, he said: "Then you will go back right away, or should we have dinner together at night before leaving?"

The white fox girl froze for a moment, then turned to look at the teacher behind her.

"You go, I have to do something, we'll go back tomorrow." He smiled and said.

"Teacher, won't you come?" Lin Yu naturally wanted to get closer to this teacher in advance.

"I will not interfere with your young people's communication." The elegant man smiled gently, but his tone was quite firm.

Maybe he really has something... Lin Yu nodded.

Then let's get acquainted with this senior first, it seems that she should also have quite a status in school.

After all, how can it be ordinary students who can be sent out by Mingdu University to entrust them with important tasks?

"By the way, let's call Zhang Yuze and the others by the way." Lin Yu thought for a while, took out his phone and started sending messages to a few of their friends.