MTL - Beauty and the Bodyguard-Chapter 10655

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   Just to hurry, he cut off one of the former giant's palms. If he is allowed to wander around the alliance headquarters, he may cause many troubles in the future.

  Be it Shen Sanchi or Chu Ye, at least they are familiar faces, Lin Yi will always give these two people some face.

  However, nothing unexpected happened.

   Accompanied by the two of them, Lin Yi just entered the alliance guest house, and was greeted by a group of powerful spiritual scrutiny, most of them were competitors from his trip.

   These people didn't pay much attention to him before, but after the battle with Nie Yongnian, Lin Yi has inevitably become the target of public criticism.

  As soon as he arrives, all kinds of temptations from these competitors are always inevitable.

  Shen Sanchi and Master Chu frowned at the same time. When this group of people probed Lin Yi, even the two of them were involved.

Promptly using your spiritual sense to detect others, unless the other party is not aware of it, otherwise this is definitely an unfriendly behavior in any place in the cultivation world, just like what you look at in the secular world. It is common to start on the spot.

   It is true that these people are definitely not good at being invited by the Supreme Board of Directors to come and try to sit in the tenth position. In terms of strength and status, they are not inferior to the implementation of these alliances.

  However, this does not mean that they can so despise the majesty of the alliance's execution!

  The two were about to explode, but Lin Yi gave them a wink and said with a smile: "Don't mind, he is saying hello to me."

   After finishing speaking, an extremely powerful shock of spiritual consciousness centered on him, exploding in all directions.

  Almost at the same time, a muffled groan came from all directions at the same time.

   Soon, figures with powerful auras appeared one after another, and they were the competitors who arrived one step ahead of Lin Yi.

  At this time, everyone looked at Lin Yi with more fear.

  The battle with Nie Yongnian completely pushed Lin Yi to the forefront. Among the sixteen people invited, he has become one of the most dangerous people who need to be guarded against.

   And this greeting from Lin Yi confirmed everyone's fear of him.

  Although the lethality of the large-scale concussion and shock of spiritual consciousness just now is not amazing, the competitors present all felt dizzy for a moment.

  Even if the duration is extremely short, they are all experienced masters, so they naturally know what it means.

  However, jealousy is jealousy, and there are some violent masters among them.

   "It's quite arrogant, anyway, the test sitting hasn't started yet, why don't you practice with me first?"

  A young man who was as thin as a monkey but had a terrifying aura came out with a sneer.

  Lin Yi raised his eyelids slightly. Naturally, he had researched the basic information of these people on the invitation list in advance.

  This man's name is Xijile, and he is a new generation master of the Xirulai Group. He is also the nephew of Xirulai. It is rumored that he is very likely to be the next successor of the Xirulai Group.

   Of course, this statement has limited credibility.

  Xi Tathagata still has Xi Chenyuan as his son after all. Although he is not very successful, as long as he is still alive, it is impossible to give up the position of Xi Tathagata to others.

  Even if Xijile is his own nephew brought up by himself.

  Lin Yi glanced at him: "Where is Xichenyuan, why didn't he go with you?"

  Xi Ji Le's face suddenly darkened: "What did you say!"

  Xi Chenyuan disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown. This is a well-known fact.

  Even though the intelligence agencies controlled by the West Tathagata Group have been operating at full capacity, there has been no news for such a long time.

  If it weren't for being able to confirm that Xi Chenyuan's life safety has not been substantially threatened so far, Xi Tathagata would have gone berserk long ago.

  From the perspective of others, Xijile is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary of Xichenyuan's accident.

  After all, without Xichenyuan, the position of Xirulai can only be entrusted to him in the future, and no one else can compete with him.

  Just in this way, he became the biggest suspect in kidnapping Xichenyuan.

  Even if Xi Tathagata speaks out in public, Xijile is by no means the mastermind behind this matter, but people's hearts and ghosts still can't stop other people's various conspiracy theories.

  Even for Xi Tathagata, it is one thing to express his position publicly, but what he thinks in private is another matter.

   Therefore, Xijile is now in an embarrassing situation in the Xirulai Group. Almost everyone from top to bottom is deliberately walking around him.

   Right now, he is trying to sit in the tenth position, which is his best chance to break the game.

  As long as he succeeds, all doubts surrounding him will disappear in an instant.

It's not that if he sits on the tenth position of the giant, it can prove that all his previous actions are just, but after he takes the position, under the endorsement of the halo of the giant, no matter what happens in the future, he will be the representative side of justice.

  This is the way of the world.

  Since the feud between the West Tathagata Group and Lin Yi, it is reasonable for him to stand up against Lin Yi at this juncture, no matter what angle he comes from.

  Xi Ji Le narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and the momentum behind him began to rise rapidly, as if he was about to attack Lin Yi in the next second!

  Seeing this, Shen Sanchi said solemnly: "Since you have come to the alliance headquarters, you must abide by the rules of the alliance. If you trample on the rules of the alliance, then don't blame us for being rude."

At this time, another frivolous voice interjected: "The rules of the alliance, it seems that they have never said that they can't fight, right? There are a total of 16 people on the invitation list for the test seat, which is a bit too much. I think we It’s not a bad thing to eliminate internally first.”

   Everyone followed the sound, and the person who spoke was Nie Tianlu, a candidate from the Nie family.

   Given the current relationship between the Nie family and Lin Yi, it is not surprising that he jumped out to target Lin Yi.

  Similar to Xijile's situation in the Xirulai Group, although Nie Tianlu is the strongest of the younger generation of the Nie family, he is not from Nie Yongnian's branch. There is still a young and powerful Nie Liangchen on his head.

   Not to mention that the succession is far away, even if there is such a day, based on the blood relationship between his line and Nie Yongnian's line, it will not be his turn at all.

  He wants to really stand out, the only way to seize this opportunity is to soar into the sky!

  Of course, from the perspective of his family, he knows that it is far from enough to just put all his attention on the test seat.

  Before that, he had to strengthen his influence as much as possible and win the support of the core members of the family.

  Take a step back and say, as long as he steps on Lin Yi today and regains the face lost by the Nie family, then even if he fails in the next trial, he can really occupy a place in the Nie family.

  No matter how you look at it, Lin Yi is a ready-made advancement step delivered to his door.