MTL - Beauty and the Bodyguard-Chapter 10666

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   Only in this way, some rumors about internal discord among the strongest factions may not be groundless.

  After all, even if Yuan Kun is not stepping on the strongest faction, but stepping on the Xi family and the Nie family, this is a certainty.

  Xi Tathagata's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

  Nie Liangchen on the other side also had gloomy eyes.

  Kong Shenglin said indifferently: "Rules are made by people, and there was no rule not to allow them to recognize the master before, so it is not over the rules."

  Gu Jiumu didn't refute, but the aura released didn't weaken at all, but became stronger.

  The rest of the giants and everyone present are facing the enemy together.

   For a long time, the cloud of the confrontation between Kong Shenglin and Gu Jiumu has been hanging over the land of the kingdom of God.

  Although both sides are afraid of the strength of the other side, they have maintained enough restraint to maintain a delicate balance of power in the situation.

  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this fragile balance based on terrorist confrontation may be broken at any time.

   It's just that no one thought that it would suddenly explode today, and it was because of a reckless person who had never really entered the mainstream's field of vision before!

  Once the two sides really fight, not only everyone present, but also the entire kingdom of God on land will be involved.

   Whether it is life or death, even these giants standing on the clouds dare not say that they are fully sure!

  The war of annihilation is imminent.

  At the critical moment, another incomparably domineering aura suddenly came in, separating the strongest auras of Kong Shenglin and Gu Jiumu. It was Chu Hantian.

   "Isn't it just a little thing, it doesn't have to be so serious, right?"

  Chu Hantian looked at the two sides who were at war, and grinned: "It's really not worth it for such a guy to lose both sides, why don't you give me some face?"

   After the words fell, although the confrontation between Kong Shenglin and Gu Jiumu lasted for a while, they gradually restrained themselves in the end, giving Chu Hantian this face.

  Without him, once the two sides really fight, Chu Hantian will be the biggest variable.

  Which side Chu Hantian is on, that side may have the last laugh.

   On this point, even Kong Shenglin, who has the strongest faction as a backup, is not at all sure.

  After all, if he really took action, the rest of the ordinary tycoons added together may not be able to match Chu Hantian, a top tycoon.

   What's more, after what happened just now, the internal conflicts of his strongest faction have almost become public. Whether two people like Xi Rulai and Nie Liangchen will still be with him is a huge unknown.

  Seeing that the situation has returned to calm, everyone was grateful, but they couldn't help but look a little strangely at Chu Hantian.

  Among the three top giants, who is the strongest has been debated endlessly, but there is absolutely no objection to one point.

   The most aggressive top giant is none other than Chu Hantian!

   Never expected that today the most aggressive person would come out to persuade the fight, and he was really persuaded, and it would definitely shatter all glasses if it spread.

   Facing the complicated eyes of everyone, Chu Hantian said lightly: "I have never been a combative person, I advocate peace."


  The audience suddenly had the same expression, I believe your evil!

  At this time, Yuan Kun, who was still sitting on the tenth seat, spoke again: "It's done, it's useless even if someone is dissatisfied now. This position can only be mine, and the tenth giant can only be me naturally."

  The people who had just gone through a roller coaster suddenly wanted to scold their mothers.

   You are here to pick things up, right?

   Do you have to force Gu Jiumu and Kong Shenglin, the two top tycoons, to fight to the death, and you have to drag everyone to be buried together, so that it suits you?

  Gu Jiumu looked at him and said in a deep voice, "You can say it again."

  Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison, and for a while, it was about to rain again.

  However, Yuan Kun was full of self-confidence, totally ignored the threat revealed in the conversation, and laughed loudly: "I said, from now on, I will be the tenth giant!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the three top tycoons seemed to feel some kind of great terror, Qi Qi's face changed and he looked up.

  The meeting hall is covered by a roof, and normally you can see nothing but the ceiling.

   But obviously, if it was just a ceiling, it would not have caused such a reaction from the three top tycoons at all.

  Their gazes have obviously passed the ceiling above, looking at the infinitely high sky.

  The rest of the giants took two beats to react, and their expressions also changed drastically, and they looked up at the cloud.

  The rest of the people were unaware, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Lin Yi's heart moved, but he didn't look up, his face showed the same puzzled look as everyone else, but in fact his heart was like a mirror.

  After all, now is the moment when the overall situation that he has worked so hard to lay out is about to be closed!

  Yuan Kun, who was supposed to be the target of public criticism, was also puzzled at this time.

  He guessed all the reactions of everyone, but he didn't guess the current scene. What's going on?

   Joining hands with the first person Kong Shenglin secretly is his most important move. Otherwise, no matter how confident he is in his own strength, he can't say that he will definitely be able to sit on the tenth giant's position. There are too many variables.

  Up until this moment just now, all the developments were within his expectations.

  With Kong Shenglin's public statement, in his opinion, his position as the tenth giant is already a certainty.

  That's why you are so presumptuous, so arrogant!

  Whether it is to suppress Xijile and Nie Tianlu, or to openly challenge Gu Jiumu, he handed over to Kong Shenglin the certificate of honor.

  Since then, he has been an ally of Kong Shenglin, the number one person, and a core member of the strongest faction!

   And this is just the identity of Sheng Xian he used on the surface.

  While sitting on the tenth giant position on the Supreme Board of Directors, he can continue to secretly control the growing new alliance.

   One bright and one dark two hands complement each other.

  As long as time passes, it will definitely not be unimaginable for him to replace Kong Shenglin as the number one person in the future when his wings are full.

  Climbing to the top of the kingdom of God on land, this is Yuan Kun's ultimate ambition, and right now is just his first step!

  But the inexplicable scene in front of him made him a little startled, and he had a sense of instant vision that the wishful thinking that he had planned for a long time was going to be completely overthrown!

Will not! Absolutely not!

  Yuan Kun forcibly stabilized his mind. He knew that at this critical moment, he must not show the slightest wavering, otherwise he might really fall short!

   Right at this moment, a supreme sacred voice suddenly sounded from the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness.

   "You created reincarnation?"