MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 209 flying daisy

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"This is what Simmons and I have always wanted to do." Holding the data pad, Fitz jokingly joked with the 2.5-meter-tall Anna beside him.

Daisy in the glass room is wearing the new Twilight tights designed by Fitz, and the panel data is transmitting Daisy's current physical condition.

"Because she's the boss, you haven't dared to mention it?" Anna ordered like a little adult. She seemed to have a lot of experience in directing Daisy.

Simmons held the mug with a [None of my business] attitude. Fitz smiled awkwardly. The Boston incident made the three of them acquainted, and it would not be too awkward for the three of them to stay together and talk. After finishing a few sets of movements, Daisy poked her head from behind the glass door.

"What happened?"

"You're as tough as an idiot." Anna gave Daisy a white look.

Panting, Daisy came out and sat beside Simmons with her arms stretched out. Simmons, wearing a white mask, held a needle very skillfully to take Daisy's blood sample. As soon as he touched Daisy's skin, Simmons looked up at Daisy, and she felt Daisy's very hot skin.

Anna kept frowning from the new set of data, and Fitz stood behind her, also reading the data seriously. Here Simmons felt that Daisy was obviously different from ordinary people. She failed her first needle stick. The sharp little needles were pressed against Daisy's skin, and the red skin turned white, but they couldn't pierce through. Simmons took a breath again, and the strength in his hand increased by three points before he succeeded.

With a "snap", Anna put down the data pad, walked in front of Daisy, followed Daisy's face to her neck, her little hand wanted to go down and feel inside, but Daisy slapped Anna's little hand off.

"Where's your sweat!?" Anna looked at Daisy, as if looking at a huge horror.

"I can understand that your physical abilities are several times greater than that of ordinary people, but with such a large amount of exercise, where is your sweat?"

When Anna said this, Daisy also looked at her chest with some doubts, as if her body was indeed not sweating. Simmons on the side looked at Daisy exaggeratedly.

"This is impossible. Sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon of human beings, and it is an important means to expel excess heat from the body. Under this amount of exercise, it is impossible for someone not to sweat."

Daisy, who was at the center of the topic, immediately took off her clothes, and Fitz turned his head away in embarrassment. Daisy was only wearing two pieces underneath at this time, and the others could clearly feel the high heat radiating from her body, but they really couldn't see a trace of reflective sweat stains.

Daisy slapped off Anna, the little piggy hand, and checked one side of her body by herself, her whole body was extremely smooth.

Fitz, who turned his head away and didn't look at everyone, made a hypothesis: "According to Daisy's description that night in Tokyo, could it be that Daisy's body is already used to the high temperature, so the body's secretion does not reach a certain high temperature? It doesn't dissipate heat."

"That's too bad. If so, Daisy, your metabolism will be disordered. You are in danger now."

"Even if it reaches the critical value and starts sweating outward, the sweat will evaporate long ago at hundreds of thousands of temperatures. Oh my god, I'm still a student of biology. What kind of creature can reach this level of body temperature!"

Hearing Simmons' worried words, Daisy thought carefully about her living habits after returning from Tokyo. Eating and drinking Lazard is the same as not falling behind.

"Everything is normal, nothing has changed."

"Why don't you slice and study thoroughly!"

Anna looked at Daisy with complicated emotions. She seemed to have guessed something, but she was not sure and dared not say it in front of so many people. With a wave of his hand, this problem has temporarily come to an end.

Simmons took Daisy's blood sample for a blood test. Anna wanted to know the data of Daisy's superpowers, and forced Daisy to do a demonstration. Daisy easily vibrated a brick according to Anna's request. Became her rule.

In terms of superpowers, Anna can't do enough observations. She wants to know where Daisy's upper limit is, but regrettably finds that she can't measure it for the time being. As Anna put a question mark on this statistic, the test of Daisy's own abilities came to an end.

Weight 130 catties

Strength: 10 tons

Bearing capacity: 3-6 tons

There are also a bunch of other miscellaneous statistics that indicate that Daisy has long since entered the realm of superhumanity.

Daisy volunteered to reproduce the high-energy state in front of everyone, and the thermometer attached to Daisy exploded after rising to 2000°C. Daisy just wanted to show off her ability, and didn't force herself out of this state with all her strength. Seeing that the surrounding instruments emitted a strong interference field due to their forced improvement, short circuits and disturbances occurred, and sparks were scattered everywhere. Daisy stopped short.

"How is it?" Daisy, who was shining all over her body, darkened.

At this time, a group of people, as well as Cynthia who came to watch the cats, were frightened out of double chins.

"Pervert..." Anna was possessed by lemon essence, she admitted that she was a little envious of Daisy's current physique that could mess around.

"But I always feel that it's a waste to play with such a strong body like you." Fitz and Cynthia sat around Daisy and Anna with great interest, talking about Daisy's superpowers one after another.

"In theory, wouldn't you be able to fly?" Daisy looked curiously at Fitz who made this point.

"I've tried super long-distance jumps before, isn't the word flying inaccurate?"

Anna patted Daisy's thigh, "Then let's try!"

On the Quinjet aircraft, the altitude is 9000 meters.

"The rear compartment has been opened, guys, I really want to ask what is the goal of this mission?"

Mei curiously asked in the headset, then turned to look at Daisy who was preparing. "Xiao Dai, your clothes are very handsome."

Daisy tightened the straps of the Aurora Goddess's armor, thought of something, and said helplessly to the headset: "I used to have a more handsome one, but it's a pity it's gone."

Anna, who was looking at Daisy's live camera in the control room of the Tricurve Wing, said impatiently: "Okay, it's almost done. Daisy, you can get ready to dance."

"The altitude is now 9000 meters, the temperature outside the cabin is -57°C, the wind force is 9, and the air is thin. Daisy, you have two sets of parachutes behind you, both with manual and automatic devices. There is a diaphragm hidden in the suit. If you fail, you can Use these for emergency avoidance." Fitz on the side reported the situation to Daisy nervously.

"Am I still going to fail?" Daisy chuckled, seeing that both Fitz and Mei in the driver's seat were frozen by the cold air pouring in, Daisy ran out decisively and jumped down.

Daisy's body rolled uncontrollably in the air with the raging wind. Daisy, who suddenly felt out of control, was in a hurry. For a while, I haven't gotten used to the astonishment that my feet don't touch the ground. The body seems to want to sink into the sand, sinking rapidly, and the body is difficult to control because of the external force.

Daisy, who had just left the Quinjet, was top-heavy, like a doll thrown from high altitude.

During the fall, ice crystals gradually appeared on Daisy's clothes. -57°C plus the strong wind and fast fall, the temperature is much lower than the freezing point, as an ordinary person, if they don't wear special insulating clothes, it only takes a few seconds to become a fresh ice cube. In the process of falling, he thawed and died suddenly.

For Daisy, she made the biggest mistake of the whole process. Jumped off with no hair tied.

After finally slapping all the self-indulgent hair back, Daisy has complete control of her whole body. Some icy places on her body, under the action of her thoughts, turned into liquid and gas, and disappeared quickly. The cold is no longer there, and the self-regulation under superpowers is like ordinary people getting used to winter and summer. She put her body in a [big] posture, feeling the joy of slowly falling in the sky.

At first, Daisy's stomach twitched a little when she saw the panoramic view of the great river at a height of several thousand meters, but she held back and quickly got used to the feeling. It is a normal reaction for ordinary people to experience extreme sports such as skydiving for the first time. Shock, fainting and vomiting are all normal reactions. It was also the first time for Daisy to play such an adventure. In the past, she could only go up and down within a hundred meters. According to Anna's analysis this time, she agreed to such a dangerous thing in a daze.

Daisy was also curious about how far she could go.

When Daisy took the Pharah suit to intervene in the battle between Muto and Godzilla, she thought she was going to rely on gliding to fly, and her ability could only be used to assist in the direction. Such knowledge comes from an understanding of the power of vibration. Her own ability is used by Daisy in the TV series as a flying aid. But this flight is obviously in quotation marks. As Daisy herself said, it's more like a super long-distance jump. And the drama version of Daisy has a lot of side effects. Although I don't have this restriction, I still have preconceived prejudices against this cognition.

Clasping the open hand tightly, Daisy closed her eyes and felt everything in the air. At the next moment, a large number of shock waves were suddenly sent downward. As if being ejected by a rubber band, the body sprinted upwards for a while. The messy hair was pulled straight.

Seeing this scene, Anna breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Daisy would faint in the sky because of her lack of mental quality.

Like an arrow cluster, Daisy became slower and slower as she rushed towards the sky. As the upward momentum disappeared, Daisy's body was increasingly affected by the wind force, and her body had already drifted obliquely in one direction.

Daisy, who discovered the problem, quickly reacted from the excitement of sprinting high. She just hit the shockwave and didn't continue working. The body ran upwards for about a hundred meters, and then began to fall downwards.

Daisy had already adapted to this process, she kept the standing posture and let her body fall freely. At this time, Daisy is feeling the experience of flying at high altitude. Obviously, using the shock wave instead of ignition can achieve the effect of propulsion, and then change the route by changing the direction of the shock wave, which is considered to be able to fly. But Daisy always felt that such flying ability was almost meaningless.

In the eyes, I saw the Quinjet plane driven by Mei turning back. Daisy greeted May behind the glass, and then rushed up a distance. Daisy tried to use the shock wave all the time, but found herself in the air all the time. She lowered the shock wave output frequency to achieve her balance in the sky.

As a result, I stupidly opened my hands, half-hanging in the air. Daisy felt like an umbrella. This flying action is different from what she expected.

He took his hand back and thought for a while. She tried to apply the power of the shock wave to the lower body, reaching the frequency that just let herself be in midair. In this way, the speed at which he fell was reduced a lot, but it was not enough to stop his descent.

At this moment, Daisy was like a plastic bag lying on her back in the air. Although she was in a falling posture, it was the wind blowing horizontally that really received the greatest force. Daisy stretched out her right hand, and slowly oscillated in the direction of the wind blowing from this arm. Daisy, who was drifting with the wind, gradually freezes in mid-air.

At an altitude of 5,000 meters, the surroundings were blue and clean, with white clouds floating around, and Daisy stopped around relatively still. She stretched out her hand by herself, although she achieved her goal, she still felt a little bit close to it in the end.

A cloud slowly drifted to Daisy's side, wrapping Daisy in obliquely. The white clouds in the picture are thick and dense, showing the shape of a giant sea turtle. According to Daisy's falling speed, she will appear in the lower part of the cloud layer after fifteen seconds of being wrapped in the cloud layer. But Daisy didn't show up.

Everything seemed to be very quiet, and the clouds slowly drifted past. Suddenly, the huge cloud layer suddenly exploded. Layers of mist dispersed, and finally Daisy's figure emerged. Daisy returned to a high-energy state. At this time, her whole body was shining with a yellowish light, standing in the midair without any influence from any force, and she actually existed in the midair very fixedly.

The clothes on his body were specially made, able to withstand the high temperature of 1000°C, but at this time, a few places had begun to be damaged, showing traces of burnt. At this moment, Daisy in this state was floating in the air in a very fixed form, and even her hair was no longer blown by the wind.

May shaded the sun with her hand, and saw Daisy under the sun appearing in this posture among the clouds.

Daisy waved her arms quite excitedly, and the distortion of the surrounding air could be seen everywhere. She was in the sky recklessly, UU Reading flew straight in one direction, and would no longer be affected by other forces. Daisy tried to reduce the frequency of her own high energy, hoping to find a critical value of when. In the end, she experienced ups and downs in high school and fully adapted to this flying state.

Daisy stretched out her fist in a wicked way, and flew like a superman. Or raise your hands and fly like Altman. Daisy confirmed that she is not bound by any force in her high-energy state.

Doesn't this mean that he can fly away from the earth?

Daisy shivered, thinking it was terrible to think so. Not to mention oxygen, under other factors such as air pressure, he is still alive.

Putting aside this strange distracting thought, Daisy flew to the ground. At this time, the communication on her body was destroyed by her because she entered a high-energy state. Daisy greeted Mei in the cockpit. Although Mei was wearing sunglasses, it was not difficult to see that the way she looked at Daisy at this time must be full of 【Fairy? 】

Daisy fell down at a high speed, and stood firmly in the pool in the middle of the tricurved wing floor. Despite the buffer, Daisy still made a huge splash. For this sudden impact, people who didn't know the truth thought it was a Tomahawk missile, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. staff near the window all leaned over.

Daisy happened to see Rumlow who was exercising in the gym in front of the glass, and Daisy waved to him. Seeing Daisy suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, with a familiar place and a familiar smile, Rumlow's face was extremely exciting.

Just as Daisy got up to walk, she found that her feet had sunk into the cement...

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