MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 247 crying into brazil

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In mid-March, the weather has warmed up, the glaciers melted, and the swallows built their nests.

Captain Steve took his high pension, bought a handsome retro Harley motorcycle, and began to explore the new era. He always carries a small book on his body, recording everything new.

Dr. Banner is used to Yinhou's slums, the clutter and filth. Having integrated into the local customs, he inhaled the rare fragrance of spring on this new day, his mood improved slightly, and he embarked on a journey of ascetic medicine.

Hawkeye is climbing a high mountain.

Natasha was devastated by Maya beside her.

Stark is showing off his battle suit. Under the new season, he still doesn't know that there is a huge trouble approaching him.

Thor in the original six-member group of the Avengers is playing with the Nine Realms at this moment, and does not yet know the future.

The new season seems to bring all new vitality, gorgeous, beautiful and colorful. But this has nothing to do with the sad people, the people in the extreme north, and the people who can't touch the pain.

A few months ago, Ivan Vanke hugged his late father's alcoholism and sadly, watched the radiant Stark on the old TV, and secretly made up his mind.

Although Daisy and Stark are considered friends, they do not touch the interests. She does not want to remind the other party of this potential crisis. The illegitimate daughter Anna doesn't like to tamper with the plot, and she tends to let the flow take its course. In the impression of the two, the level of trouble that the whip can cause is not an incident.

The winter in Big Bear is fatal, and the snow in Siberia contains blood and madness. This thin dawn in March still cannot melt away the grievances here.

Ivan carried the materials he had scavenged in one hand and the wine bottle in the other, walking dejectedly on the snow-paved road. Under the zero degree of Jedi, everyone is equal. He kept pouring the yellow soup, and the alcohol he exhaled turned into a white mist.

Since the end of the great Davari Scale, the blizzard in the Northland has become bitingly colder. It's easier for bad liquor dealers to make money, **** tear money.

The pain of subjugation, the resentment of depression.

Brothers are not close, good neighbors are not around.

A song of Katyusha, if you hear it again, you will be a subjugated person.

After going through that era, people's personalities are somewhat distorted. Geographical environment changes people enormously. Just like the foot pot, various factors have created the bad problem of the foot pot chicken loves to gamble. But Russia is different. It is covered with snow all the year round, and it was called a place of bitter cold in ancient times. The scarcity of survivable resources has created many bad habits, and xenophobia is one of them.

Ivan walked around a corner and saw two young teenagers surrounding his upstairs neighbor, asking for the fireworks in his arms.

This is a young flower grower named Lu Sibai, who can cook good food and play a good song. Ivan met him several times when he went out. The other party was timid when they met him, and looked like a girl. The actual age is less than 20 years old.

Young, fair and beautiful, with fine skin and tender flesh.

Ivan was able to reproduce the arc reactor, but he couldn't understand why such a young man couldn't think about coming to this snowy Siberia.

study? heh~

In the cold, everyone is equal. Bear people themselves can't understand it, how can outsiders understand it?

The older generation knows the bond between bears and flower planters, but this does not include the new generation. In the snow, in the shadow of disintegration, egoism reigns supreme, and nowhere is this more evident than in the younger generation. Darkness and coldness are the most real in this world.

He watched this friendly swindle with cold eyes, took a small sip of vodka, and continued his way home leisurely. Now the normal state of the arc reaction simulated in his home has reached the final stage. If the purity of the purchased materials is up to the standard, he has completely mastered the arc reaction technology. Then his next plan is to take revenge!

His father was originally a scientist from Stark Industries and helped Stark complete the giant arc reaction device, but his father ended up miserable. In the ruined house and hunger, I left indistinctly. The chief culprit of all this, Ivan believes that Stark should take full responsibility!

He thought about what a reactor-style weapon would look like. In the dimly lit room, all the windows that see light around him are covered by him. Even though he lives in a neighborhood that is not rich, he still doesn't want others to be able to pry into his secrets. Not long after he purified the elements, there was a knock on his door.

"The community sends warmth!"

"Get out, I'm not interested..."

He had just opened the door, and he had just leaned out before his face was put on. Suddenly, the door was kicked and he was ejected. The force was so great that it knocked these two hundred catties of strong men to the ground abruptly.

A group of people filed in and began to search the house for information. The leading man whispered something to the woman beside him, apparently he was the one who just wanted to "send warmth".

"Grandma Li, what are you guys!"

Ivan was furious, and got up to look good at these people who broke into the houses. He picked up the large wrench on the shoe cabinet and swung it at the intruder.

The woman behind the man moved quickly, and grabbed the weapon with one stroke, and the strength made Ivan speechless. Even though he was born as a man of science and engineering, with a muscular body, he was no match for the brute force of the woman in front of him. She pushed Ivan to the ground with her backhand, strangling him to death.

The leading man was dressed the same as the woman, and looked much younger than the woman, in his twenties. His men found the reactor device from Ivan's house and placed it in front of the man.

"I know you..." The man looked at the device carefully, and then waved his hand.

"Eva, let him go, I'll have a good talk with him."

Ivan stood up hesitantly, and snatched the device from the man's hand.

"Ivan Vanko, you were supposed to be a professor in St. Petersburg..."

"The country is no longer a country, why do you call it home. You guys! Get out of here! This is trespassing!"

The man took out his ID card, "We know about your father and Stark. In order to take care of your father, you gave up your job. Now that the whole world knows about Iron Man, we know what you will do."

"What are you doing? A lobbyist? A lackey of the government? A **** who likes to lick eagles' ass!" Ivan blushed and was furious.

"I think you've misunderstood something. Let me give you a formal introduction. Leviathan, of the National Security Agency, my codename POI. Your talents have attracted the attention of the country, Ivan. Now Stark refuses to submit the reactor technology to the Eagle Banner government , and you have a big breakthrough in this. Ivan, you should do something."

"Do you want to play fxxk's cold war again?" Ivan didn't think so.

But the man said in a serious manner, "Yes! Everything is for the rise of the country! Ivan, you will only die if you go to revenge! You know that the real culprit who killed your father was Yingqi, and it was Yingqi who killed our father! Join Leviathan!"

Ivan swung around silently for a few times, turned around, and took a few sips from the wine bottle.

"I want more rare metals, bigger equipment, and better wine! And my birds."

If Daisy paid attention to Ivan, she would definitely recognize this POI. But it was her negligence that caused her to miss a certain turning point in the history line. Although the Butterfly Effect is terrifying, she never took the initiative to change Ivan or anyone in Maoxiong's territory. Who's accident led to the change of things? When Daisy and Anna noticed this timeline change, it was already a long time later. At this time, Daisy was already walking in the slums of Rio, Brazil.

In Daisy's impression, Brazil has always been synonymous with dancing football and smiling faces, as if it were a carefree and uncontested paradise. It can be said that this impression is so stereotyped that Daisy misunderstood this place.

Historically, Brazil has not suffered too many ups and downs, and it has played a role in the historical line. What I’m talking about here are all kinds of things that respond to the characteristics of the times. Things that may have undergone drastic changes in other countries can develop smoothly in Brazil. Discovered, colonized, exported mahogany, introduced black labor, gold rush, started cities, planted coffee, Portuguese princes became independent in Brazil, etc... The emperor not only brought independence to Brazil, but also abolished slavery, which is outrageous... Then to modern times. Modernization went smoothly, with constant twists and turns, but nothing happened in Brazil during World War I and World War II. In recent years, Brazil has actively embraced the "Washington Consensus" and vigorously pursued deindustrialization. This makes Brazil have been providing supporting services, actively embracing foreign investment, and cutting off the development of underdeveloped industries. Once dreaming back to S3, overnight back to before liberation. In today's Brazil, the government is mainly engaged in large-scale businesses, with few good industrial products and a serious shortage of social jobs. The service industry accounts for 71% of social jobs. The country's finances are heavily dependent on resource exports, and the domestic unemployment rate has ceilings every year. The intensification of domestic conflicts is a hotbed of crime.

The local area is controlled by gangsters, the economy depends on the face of foreign companies, social efficiency depends on the army, and the future of the people depends on football.

This has led to two polarizations in Brazil.

Economically, anyone who comes into contact with large-scale business can solve food and clothing and make a fortune. Those who can't get in touch have to do service-related positions, or even have no jobs. Big business, to put it bluntly, is to earn money from the land. The land is taken back from the common people, and those who lose their land have to move to the city. The factories in the city are closed, jobs are scarce, and they cannot find a job. Most people become poor. The gap between the rich and the poor has been enlarged. It is said that 1% of the people in the country control 25% of the country's wealth.

With so many unemployed and poor, the gangs have been vigorously developed.

In terms of management, the government's economy relies on foreign capital and domestic bulk business. Big business and landowners are closely linked. The polarization of the population caused by the economic model indirectly leads to the distinction between the government's management models for these two groups of people. For the large number of poor people and slums gathered in the city, a lot of energy has not been invested in the management. In the slums where crime was originally breeding, gangsters replaced the government's responsibility and became the role of managers. After incidents happened one after another, it gradually became the status quo that the rich belonged to the government and the poor belonged to the gangsters. Especially after the gang considers development, it becomes more and more formalized. To protect the environment and the people, manipulate local elections. Normal outsiders can no longer tell which is the government and which is the gang.

The story sounds very magical, but Daisy has been in Mexico for a while, so it is not too surprising. When she came out this time, it was all to relax her mind.

For Daisy, what Ao Guanhai requested was too much for Daisy's conscience. She is very pessimistic about the "spring of xxx" that will appear in the future. The consequence of freedom of speech on the Internet is bound to be division, an uncontrollable division. This artificial intervention was what made her feel restless. To put it simply, the government raises the navy and follows the rhythm everywhere. Let the high tide turn a blind eye to this. Such a move would almost explode in a turbulent society under the freedom of the Internet.

Daisy was helpless, but looking back at this wave of operations, Daisy felt very familiar. Thinking of some people in the past, they might be the talents cultivated by Eagle Flag. The stability of the country requires the unity of the people and people's trust in the government. When someone questioned and provoked, would he be beaten to death with a stick? If a country can be provoked by others to riot or even split at will, does that only mean that the country is not qualified?

True gold is not afraid of fire. The strength of a country cannot be leveraged by one or two groups of pests!

What made Daisy quite upset was that she was being used as a swordsman, especially after she just claimed to be the goddess of dawn, such a superhero. feel like a tool...

Thinking of this, she stopped at the tight alleyway and prepared for a while.

The task this time is to track down the whereabouts of a drug lord, who was tracked down for selling a large amount of drugs in Eagle Flag, and is now hiding here in Brazil. The agents wanted to pull the drug lord out of the territory and bring him back to Yingqi territory for trial. For Daisy, the mission was simple and clear without any complexity.

Because of Daisy's level, she knows more.

The other party's business in the country had achieved the eagle flag, and the interests of some people were mobilized, so he was on the wanted list.

It may be because the interests of the gangsters here have also solidified, so they thought of taking risks to do export business. It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, people with a bit of a big picture would not be so reckless.

The task level is very low, and this was originally an act of killing people with a borrowed knife. Daisy was not comfortable being a knife, so she simply gave up on herself. Anyway, she took action this time to do justice for the heavens and arrest drug lords!

Mei's words "I'm already in place" came from my ear.

The thin, dark **** the side of the road greeted Daisy with white eyes, and smiled at the same time with fear, and Daisy smiled happily at her. The little girl's clothes were dirty and baggy, obviously she had picked them up from nowhere. Daisy watched her leave, forgot for a while, and didn't reply to Mei immediately.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing, just saw a little girl."

Mei was taken aback when he heard that, but he was relieved. This task is of a low level, and there is no need for a sixth-level agent like Mei to take action, let alone Daisy's love relatives Ever since she met Daisy in the morning, she felt that Daisy Absent-minded all the time. In the recent period of time, Daisy has been reporting in a hurry. Although the news inside the bureau is blocked, Mei feels that the only thing that can make Daisy lose her spirit is the "Overwatch Proposal" issued at the beginning of the year.

Treating an event's view is equivalent to standing in line. Mei can understand Daisy's original intention, but she doesn't see this plan. Any reasonable person, after watching The Avengers and Overwatch, would say no. Because there are too many.

"Simmons, report the target location..."

Mei ignored Daisy as a combat unit for the time being, and started the normal action steps.

Daisy heard their conversation through the soft rubber headset, and smiled immediately.

In fact, the wall next to her is the target task this time, the drug lord Lucio with dreadlocks.

As long as she has a single thought, she can easily subdue the criminal and five or six younger brothers beside her. It's just that Daisy felt that doing so would hurt Mei's self-esteem too much, so she thought she was the supervisor.

Mei's movements were as sharp as usual, and she was sneaking into the enemy's abdomen step by step, and the people around her were not yet alert. Just when Mei Linmen kicked, something happened suddenly. From far to Daisy's left, there was a gunshot.

The sound was similar to that of firecrackers, but gangsters were particularly keen on the sound of gunfire, and their vigilant actions disrupted Mei's plan.

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