MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 248 get some brazilian chicks

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Daisy was also surprised by this sudden situation. Generally, there is a plan to guard against sudden accidents around. However, the nearby slums are too large, and it is difficult to achieve a comprehensive surveillance coverage network. That configuration exceeds the scale of the operation.

On the other side of the wall, a commotion could clearly be heard.

Daisy flicked her fingers against the wall for the first time, and then hurried to the scene of the incident.

Not long after, Mei broke through the defense line and kicked open the door of the drug lord's room, only to see the target and his bodyguard lying on the ground in disorder. Seeing this scene, Mei knew what had happened, and sighed helplessly with her hands on her hips.

As a qualified agent, you should not leave your post without authorization. But Daisy was worried about accidentally hurting ordinary people around, so she rushed towards the incident at the fastest speed.

The gunfire of the battle became more and more intense, and from the perception, the scene was very chaotic. Daisy swooped and threw the little girl she saw to the ground. There was a bomb crater where the girl was originally located.

The people around are running like crazy, away from the fighting position. They should be thankful that Daisy was on the sidelines, and only a handful of people were injured. Daisy picked up the girl, put her in a safe place, and observed the situation for a while.

The gangs in the slums exchanged fire much more than in the city. When the police have nothing to do with it, the handling of the situation depends entirely on self-consciousness. The scene was like a battle, with two camps facing each other. The two sides covered their faces, only distinguishing each other by the color of their clothes, and yelled at each other.

The wind and sand filled the air, hissing and barking, a scene of war.

Members of the two factions rushed over one after another, and began to clear the surrounding streets of suspicious elements. The situation is constantly escalating and the situation is getting worse.

In the communication, Mei sent an order to retreat. Daisy didn't want to wade into this troubled water, and simply rescued some accidentally injured refugees, Daisy also planned to leave. But when she turned the corner, she saw a sneaky and familiar figure, and Daisy chased after him with interest.

Dressed in rags and unkempt, at first glance she thought she was an ordinary woman from the slums. At this time, he showed absolutely sharp fighting skills, and easily brought down the two gangsters who had lost the team's green logo. Quietly, and also found a hidden place to hide the entity.

She carefully looked around, found two pistols from the two skinny guys, and hid them on her body. Explore the deeper parts of this gangster. A short body, staggered the guard's surveillance, and successfully entered the enemy's abdomen.

The gang with the green logo has a lot of history in Brazil. In the early years, the country was in turmoil, and many revolutionary troops with ideals and strengths emerged. But because the scale was too small, it was quickly suppressed. These people were locked up with gang members, and after a long period of time, the two sides became familiar with each other. One has no brains, and the other has brains but no supporters. The two hit it off and established the current gang "Shengdu Command". The operational thinking of guerrilla warfare is placed on gangsters, and the effect is huge, which has created the strength of today's green gangsters.

In Brazil, there are still many gangs like this. With the development, there are more and more things about big swallowing small, small self-insurance and submitting certificates. The interests of gangsters have solidified, and it is reasonable to say that there should not be frictions of this scale today, which shows how strange what happened today is.

In the small room inside the Holy Capital Headquarters, a particularly strong bald man was hung up, and was brutally beaten by two black men, his whole body was severely beaten. The man is strong and strong, and he still has a good breath. The strength of his body shamed the two who beat him, and the strength in his hands increased a lot.

The door of the room opened, and the person who came in was the Shengdu Command, the leader of the new generation of green gangsters. He watched all this jokingly, and the younger brothers stopped their hands when they saw the boss coming in.

"Old dog, how do you feel, let it fall into my hands."

The hanging man is composed,

"I heard the noise outside, and I don't know how long you can last."

"God can't save you even if God comes! Wilson, you have to pay for my dead sister!"

The leader punched the strong man in the abdomen angrily, and Wilson Fix vomited a mouthful of blood in pain, then laughed wildly.

"In the past, you, a bedbug, wouldn't even dare to fart in front of me! What's the matter? Became the leader, have you got your guts?"

The other party snorted coldly, "I have made full preparations for this day. Look around me, they are the mercenaries I invited! Today, I will eat your brother's power together! From now on, this is my It's up to you! Look at your ugly face. Ever since you were taken over by the police in New York, you have only this body of flesh left. Do you know that someone close to you told me about your whereabouts, hahahaha .”

The bald head spat out the blood stains in his mouth, and said disdainfully

"You know, you have always been a small character. Today is the time for me, Jin Bin, to rise again! You killed your boss in order to seek power and usurp the throne. You are greedy for money and lust, bullying the wives and daughters of your subordinates. In order to avenge your personal grievances, you openly let the two gangs Huobin! You have been in power for less than a year, so many people are counting on you to die. Do you know how much preparation I have made to get you hooked?"

"What!" The other party was shocked.

"Eric, do it!"

Jin Bin shouted loudly, the mercenary leader who was invited by the other party to show off, pulled out his dagger at the speed of light, swung it left and right, and dealt with the two black men in the room as quickly as possible. The other party turned pale with shock, but saw Jin Bing driving his strong body in mid-air, clamping the leader's head. With a hard twist, he broke free from the rope buckle gracefully. The limp corpse of the leader fell down.

Eric watched Jin Bin's acrobatics leisurely, obviously familiar with Jin Bin's strength.

"If you want me to tell you, you and I have it, what kind of gold mine do you want?"

Jin Bing had a slight smile on his face, but the other party ignored him. Nonchalant as his dry curly hair, he delivered orders into the intercom.


Then there was a dense sound of popping beans, and the head of the Holy Capital Command with a long history was annihilated today.

Jin put on clean clothes, touched his cigar, and smoked it. Regarding the cleansing happening here before him, he was quite at ease. The matter also started when he was rescued in the New York prison while taking advantage of the chaos.

The turmoil that occurred at that time, the remarks about the nuclear explosion, and the systematic investigation by the police station afterwards made him leave Yingqi in a panic. Come back to this hometown where you made your fortune.

The Scarlet Command, which was fighting against the Holy Capital Command, at first both sides gained a sliver of life after a narrow escape, and then the two sides ruled across the street, after many years. Now that the old man is gone, the two sides have long since lost the spirit of the past.

The bottom requires amazing force and courage, but to reach the middle requires rules and credibility. When the interests of both parties are solidified, the bottom will have no chance to go up, and they will always be the subordinates of others.

Jin Bing was regarded as a hero here in the early years. After seeing this clearly, he couldn't bear the suppression here, so he flew to Yingqi with his people, and created a world there. The biggest productive force in Brazil's slums is drugs, and gold has this relationship, so it is easy to develop in the gold street of the eagle flag slum community. In the Hell's Kitchen where fish and dragons are mixed, being able to become the overlord of one party not only possesses great strength, but also possesses cunning tricks and a sense of current affairs.

Jin, who fled back here, planned to make a comeback. He first contacted the Red Gang, and now the third leader is the source of his former white fans, and he is also a brother who had a life-long friendship with Jin. Time is also golden and it is too good to be pinched. The opponent Shengdu complained a lot because of the new boss's coquettish manipulation. It took him two months to make a round with the red people, which led to the turmoil in the slums today.

The purpose of Jin Bin is to get a group of people. Regardless of the Holy City or the Red, he has no interest in intervening, and it is impossible to grab a piece of territory in such a game. In the beginning, he spent a lot of effort in persuading Red to cooperate, not to mention alienating some leaders of the Holy Capital. Now that he wants to lead people away from Scarlet, Ren needs some entanglement, but he has already reserved his hands for these.

Although Yingqi can go back now, it is not necessary. The current situation is unclear, and he is not sure whether he will be caught back, so he set his sights on Kenya and Tanzania, where he has been operating. At this moment, he needs a sum of money and a group of people to go to Africa to do business with him.

Eric was one of the mercenaries discovered during this process. This young guy has good skills and black skin, but he has a good impression of Africa just like him.

After the matter was completed, the Scarlet Command promised to pick 20 good players for him. In addition to the old department that was originally loyal to him, he also planned to confuse a group of people in the Red. This is a lot of people. Such a group of people can do a lot of things, even returning to Hell's Kitchen in New York is not out of the question. He'd heard back in prison that the new order in Hell's Kitchen was terrible. But Africa is equally important, there are gold mines everywhere.

In the early years, he inquired about a special rare metal circulating between Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The price is more expensive than the heavy water purchased in the laboratory. This is a good way to make a fortune, but if you want to develop your strength, returning to Eagle Banner is the best choice. He knows the rules of the game there, and enjoys the advanced underworld games there. The gangsters in the slums lived a prosperous life, which led to the comfort and depravity of the two gangs. This is not what he wants.

The woman who sneaked in was first surprised to see the scene where the bald Jin stood with the black Eric, obviously a little confused by this unexpected situation. Then her eyes lit up, as if remembering something. But everything that happened today has nothing to do with the unfolding of the information she received. For a moment, he scratched his head irritably, shaking off some dust. When she turned around again, Daisy was pressed against her face.



Eric immediately fired several shots at the source of the sound. Although Jin Bing was not a professional special operations man, he also knew that the sound was coming from an absolute blind spot in their position, and no one should have come in or out. . Immediately called Eric's mercenaries around to help.

After a round of shooting, there was no sound from the other side of the wall, as if a round of air had just been shot. Eric made a gesture and asked his two younger brothers to go over to monitor. The two staggered back and forth, vigilantly walking towards the woman's position.

At this time, Daisy was sticking to the safe wall with the woman, and Daisy teased her in a low voice.

"It's a rare meeting, aren't you excited to see me?"

"Get out, I'm on a mission? I can see you on TV every day, what's so exciting about it."

"No wonder I always feel that Mei is hiding something from me. How are you doing recently? That old man has come back to life. Your aunt has already seen him, how about you?"

"What's so good about an old man, but you, you have a lot of lace."

During the communication, Sharon Carter skillfully checked the condition of the pistol, and listened attentively to the sound of approaching footsteps. At a certain moment of carelessness, he suddenly turned around and fired three shots in a row! Taking advantage of the astonishment of the two people who came to search, they quickly ran towards the corner of the exit. Daisy looked at Sharon's sassy back from her original position, her face was full of awesomeness.

The accident here quickly triggered the reservation plan of the mercenaries, and immediately surrounded Sharon. Sharon dodges from left to right, especially with ease. She rarely chooses to shoot, mostly relying on her agility to dodge bullets, and relying on her nimble reaching out to quickly bring down the enemy.

Sharon made a misleading guide to the enemy based on the terrain he observed when he came in. She turned around and killed back, returning to the position of Jin Bing and Eric. This is her escape route and her chance to capture the culprit of the riot. She had called for help when she met Daisy.

The best escape route is to be unparalleled and kill all enemies.

That's what Sharon Carter thought. Eric noticed something was wrong, but there were not many men here. He has learned that six of his men have lost the ability to fight.

For the first time, Jin Bin thought that he was here to arrest him, and the time to evacuate was approaching, so he hurriedly asked someone to drive away to prevent nights from having too many dreams. Eric didn't want to be so useless, but this place itself is not suitable for staying for a long time, so he reluctantly got into another car. The remainder stayed to hold back Sharon Carter's advance.

Daisy accompanied Sharon the whole time, but never helped her. During Sharon's period, there were some particularly dangerous moments, and they all survived the crisis by themselves. Daisy would sometimes say sarcastic remarks on the sidelines, but Sharon didn't care at all.

Sharon noticed the signs that the enemy was about to evacuate, so he became more aggressive. He was pressed between the earth walls by two powerful automatic rifles, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Daisy followed Sharon closely like a dog skin plaster. At this time, she was suppressed by heavy firepower, and Daisy had time to have a good chat with Sharon.

"I think you're too much" Sharon's head start


"For so long, you never thought of contacting me."

"Miss, we all know that you are serious about business. A dignified level 7 operator, you have the confidence to talk to me."

Sharon gave Daisy a blank look, but her painting style on the other side was more dangerous. The enemy's bullets rubbed against the wall from time to time, and gradually raised a lot of dust, which was very cruel.

She thought about it for a while, then leaned close to the ground floor wall, kicked left and right repeatedly, and jumped onto the roof of the house neatly. From Daisy's perspective, Sharon seems to be possessed by Jackie Chan, extremely happy.

Sharon went around from the roof to behind the enemy, then followed the wall and folded down neatly. Daisy seized the time and appeared from the original place. The enemy's expression tensed up instantly when they saw her appearance. This is the perfect moment for Sharon Carter to pounce. She rushed over immediately, kicking one person over with one kick. When I finished typing, I happened to see Daisy silently giving a thumbs up. Sharon laughed loudly.

At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s support arrived, but because of the riots outside, they didn't dare to stay for long. Daisy thought that Operation Sharon was over, but she didn't want her to **** a van and chased it out. Daisy had no choice but to rush along, leaving behind a group of people who came to support, all dumbfounded.

Daisy didn't help because she knew Sharon well. Since Daisy has superpowers and became famous, the connection between the two has faded a lot. This matter is the same as GEM. But Daisy has never seen her, at most she is a netizen. But Sharon is a real comrade in arms, Ji Qing.

What Sharon thought of herself, Daisy could not tell. But to act rashly is a very hurtful thing for an agent. The nature of the matter is the same as that of May not long ago.

Logically speaking, Daisy shouldn't have helped May subdue her target. For Daisy, things are just a matter of raising her hand, but it is easy for Mei to feel frustrated. But Daisy still made a move, it was because the incident happened suddenly at that time, and Daisy did the best handling just to be on the safe side. But Sharon is different here, Daisy has no intention of making a move at all, and even just looks at it like that. Sharon doesn't say anything on the surface, but his self-confidence and self-esteem are much higher than ordinary people, especially in front of Daisy. Daisy thought she was unwilling to ask for anything from herself.

Taking the initiative to help her will make her unhappy, and offering to help her will also make her unhappy. Daisy secretly helped her lock the target, and Sharon confronted a group of enemies with real swords and guns.

But these are all Daisy's thoughts for granted. Sharon does have these awkwardness in her subconscious mind, but she herself is not aware of it. During the whole process just now, seeing that Daisy didn't intend to help, she felt very angry and funny instead. Sharon resists Daisy's help in his heart, and is more concerned with showing his ability in front of her. But generally speaking, Daisy still tacitly helped her with some small favors, which Daisy herself may not have noticed.

Sharon's situation has passed in the past. Whenever Daisy's ability is getting stronger, Sharon always works harder. The taste in it is very hurtful to say it. Sharon's natural sense of superiority is not without it. When the two met for the first time, their status and status were judged. It's just that with Daisy's counterattack, a small change occurred in Sharon's heart. Such emotions are subtle and the most common. Unlike a child's envy, it is forgotten after a night. Adults' jealousy, developed to the extreme, is terrifying. Sharon has always had an optimistic attitude. In order to adjust the relationship between herself and Daisy, she often goes into and out of dangerous missions. Now it is self-abuse to come to the intelligence department of the slums, these sirloins are all done while hiding from Daisy's authority.

Daisy silently chased Sha Lang's car. Sha Lang wanted to go after Jin Bin's car because she remembered this man.

But in the end, the unlucky one became Jin Bin's mercenary leader Eric, and Jin Bin's vehicle disappeared from Sharon's sight. When Daisy saw Eric, especially the pimples all over her body, the first reaction in her mind.

Familiar, very familiar!

Daisy has not yet been overjoyed. During the interrogation of the mercenary Eric, although the other party was very uncooperative, Daisy still heard the "golden tie"

"Three years ago, the person we arrested was Jin Bin?"

Daisy looked at the collected materials with a strange expression, which made Sharon feel very strange. Jin Bin's body looks fat and fat, but in fact it is full of tendons and strength. It took Sharon a long time to fight with the opponent before subduing him, which was clearly written in the data.

"Emmm, what's the problem?"

"There is a problem." Daisy looked serious

"what is the problem?"

"Everything is the choice of Steins Gate..."


Sharon silently gave her a middle finger.

Seeing this, Daisy stretched out her hand to pat it off, hugged Sharon affectionately, and rubbed her face.

"I finally saw you in a refreshing way. What did you think before, to be such a low-level undercover agent? Let me give you a good hug..."

Sharon's heart softened, and he hugged Daisy and chatted for a while.

Daisy staggered away from Sharon with a hug, looked at Jin Bin's photo on the table, and showed cold murderous eyes.

Soon the interrogation of Eric was over. According to the procedure, SHIELD needs to hand over the prisoner to the local administrative punishment agency. But how could Daisy miss the reasonable development with Zhenjin? She ordered her subordinates to send Eric to Eagle Banner and temporarily detain him first.

Daisy plans to solve the problem of Jin Bin first, and then talk to him about the blood of the panther.

In the afternoon, the local media reported on the riot in the slums, but the content of the interview was unanimously praised for the achievements of the Red Command. On the contrary, it is the foreign media that have an objective evaluation. The reason for this can only show that the development of gangster forces has penetrated the social ecology here.

This was something Daisy hadn't thought of, and it opened her eyes. Sharon introduced Daisy in detail based on what happened when he was undercover. Turning around, Daisy compared the gang development model here with Hydra. The former actively embraces the power of the masses, while the latter relies on anonymity and capital. If the development environment is the same, then Hydra is simply inferior.

The grassroots of the country is completely occupied by gangs, and the status of gang leaders is even higher than that of national leaders in the eyes of the grassroots. Officials were replaced by bandits, and bandits sought a way out and development for the masses at the bottom. This weird identity gap shocked Daisy.

The gangsters here are not out of love and partiality for the bottom masses, because what they do is to pave the way and support for their own sales of white fans. The lower level needs to let the white industry circulate, and it must ensure the stability of law and order and personal safety.

The emergence of such a problem is ultimately a problem of the faulty management of the Brazilian government. The end of not doing grassroots construction is that the grassroots will be seized by other forces. Even though the oligarchs hold a lot of resources, the masses at the grassroots level are the representatives of the people. If one day, the gangsters in charge of this place ascend to the top and launch an uprising, there are probably not a few people at the lower level who are willing to join in.

It's just a pity for Daisy, because the development vision of this group of gangsters is too low. Most of the gang's interests come from white powder trading, because these things come from simple and rude money. But the problem is that the consequences of white powder trading are not a virtuous development cycle. Drugs are evil products after all. If white powder is replaced with other just-needed products, Daisy may be in awe of the development here.

In Sharon's description, she explained the problem of this group of gangsters with concern, and felt that the poisoning of this group of gangsters was harmful to the development of a free society. Sharon wants to uproot this force, and she thinks this is the best choice to set things right. But Daisy has a special memory, and has her own views on the special development of such gangsters. She even made it clear that she wanted Sharon to withdraw. If the development of the situation here, intervening will only make this place more and more muddy.

Daisy thought of the situation of the Eagle Flag. The government also did a poor job in caring for the grassroots. This is quite representative of the term racism, and the development of people of different colors has led to them being destined to become the vast majority of the grassroots. The turmoil that occurred in the carnival a few years ago was the cry of the grassroots for the new rules of capital. Daisy scoffed, but now she suddenly felt that she had discovered a gold mine!

In this regard, congressmen and officials call it "populism", and Daisy regards it as "mass base". Integrating people at the bottom is difficult in a capitalist society, and the identity of a capitalist is a natural barrier. Politicians have never put their votes on this group of people because they blame others and don't look down on any political party. But things like the financial crisis have happened again and again in history. The redneck has accumulated to a considerable extent.

The metaphysical things that the upper echelons of Eagle Flag like to see, even if they are not as neglected as Brazil, are more than enough. Such a group of people with no money and no power are like tasteless chicken ribs in the eyes of politicians. What they do is to continuously improve social security, but such promotion is also extremely limited.

Daisy's identity as a capitalist suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to move this area.

This will inevitably conflict with the interests of capital, but it is very suitable for Daisy's general layout.

What Daisy thought from beginning to end was how to solve the problem of Thanos in 18 years. Concentrating all the forces that can be concentrated must be an indispensable measure. Against such a background, winning over or mastering the power of the grassroots will help her promote what she wants to do.

The obstruction of the "Overwatch Plan" made her unable to see the future, and the malice of the White House made her unable to see the future. She needs a new guarantee of autonomy. If you need to look at other people's opinions for everything you want to do in the future, that would be too passive. Therefore, it is so important to have multiple channels to speak out. Daisy wants to find a new way out for herself.

She couldn't tell exactly what this road was like. Like the Overwatch Proposal, it's like trying to control Hydra. Although it was a bad idea, she still added the title of Vanguard to Watcher, because she didn't know exactly what to do, so let's call it Pioneer first. Controlling Hydra and Sokovia seems like seizing power, but Daisy is also very confused about the specific operation. There are tens of thousands of roads in the world, which one can be the easiest and fastest?

The development of the rising tide, the growth of Weibo, and the advancement of Internet freedom. Everything seems to be promoted by Daisy, but in fact it is just running with the torrent of history.

It is essential for a system to grasp the power of the masses at the grassroots level. Daisy's heart moved, she felt that she could imitate the development process of the Brazilian gangsters and infiltrate them. To unify the masses at the grassroots level and change their thinking from free self-release. achieve true equality and freedom. Let them feel the care of Rising Tide wholeheartedly, and turn white powder trading into free trade of Rising Tide products. Let Rising Tide independently create a new trade system and put it among the lower-level masses. Grasp the dependence of Yingqi grassroots people on the rising tide, and put the brand effect above the public implements!

Thinking of this, a strange smile appeared on Daisy's face. This made Sharon, who was sitting beside her, very curious.

"What do you think of with that look on your face?"

"Oh, it's not about catching gold, I have an immature idea."

Daisy did not go to war, and the search for Jin did not use too much manpower, but she still participated in the arrest by herself.

At this time, Jin Bin was waiting for the departure of the ship at the sea port. He planned to flee Brazil directly. At this time, he didn't know that his trouble was approaching, and he was patiently waiting for the ship to check in.

When it was almost his turn, a Hispanic man in a peaked cap accidentally bumped into him. Jin Bin looked at him with wide eyes, but turned around and found an extra note in his hand.

[6 o'clock, 10 o'clock]

Jin Bing frowned, glanced in the corresponding direction, and suddenly found two people staring at him. Suspicious, he immediately predicted the worst situation, turned around without hesitation, and hid in the sea of ​​people. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had been keeping an eye on him immediately told Daisy about the sudden situation, and tracked down the place where Jin Bing disappeared.

When Daisy arrived, Jin Bin had already escaped the pursuit of SHIELD agents. This Daisy didn't care, but she wanted to use more S.H.I.E.L.D. power to search for gold and gold. Jin relies on the relationship of the gang, and it is difficult to fly under the S.H.I.E.L.D. network.

Jin Bing opened his eyes in a daze. He was taken to a dimly lit abandoned factory, surrounded by rusty equipment. He was quite strange about the place he was in.

He only remembered that before he fell into a coma, he had been looking for a way out, and the people following him had been chasing after him. Then he fell into a coma, as if suddenly lost consciousness.

"I know you"

Jin Bing was the first to say something astonishing, which made the other party startled before he could speak.

"Lester was my best man and I regret his death."

"It looks like you have to wear a mask with a ring around your forehead like that short-lived old man. This way you won't be easily recognized..."

The lazy figure of a woman came from the back of Jin Bing's head, which made Jin Bing, who had mastered the command of speech, feel a little bit in his heart. But because his hands and feet were bound, he couldn't detect the other party.

Eliza slapped Jin Bin angrily, and glared at Erica who was behind Jin Bin.

"How did my father die!"

"In this situation, it seems that you are not talking about business. Moreover, you are not the one who can make decisions." Even though Jin Bin was a little angry, he still spoke calmly and calmly.

Being belittled by the other party, Eliza's face was not very good-looking. After being held hostage by Erica for training, she became more and more hostile. Many things, she did more and more extreme.

Hearing that the target this time was related to her father, she couldn't calm down very much.

Rising tide's brand effect and Daisy's star effect have changed a lot from her past. But for her father, although she has always been indifferent, his sudden disappearance has always been a knot in Eliza's heart that she can't let go of.

It was a big surprise to Elisa that Jin could not recognize it. Jin didn't want to care about anything with this little girl. In his opinion, she was just a small character who had no right to speak. However, he answered the girl's question well.

"It was very sudden that day. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob the Hand. Suddenly, an arrow hit the bull's-eye. Don't listen to your leader's advice. I always thought that coat was stupid. Right, Hand So who? You are not Mrs. Gao, you are the one next to Mrs. Gao that day."

"Put away your poor cleverness." Erica walked out from behind Jin Bing in a cold voice.

Jin also eagerly confirmed the cause of his father's death from Elisa, and boldly speculated that the other party was someone at the scene. Using Bullseye's death to trick his daughter into working for him. The high probability is the Hand Association.

Seeing Erica, Jin confirmed his thoughts. he said coldly

"The second half of what I said was not to the little girl."

"What did you say!" Erica said angrily.

"Hehe, even though I have been in prison for so long, my eyes and ears are not closed. I have heard about the follow-up of the Hand Association. Rather than waste my time reasoning about these useless things here, it is better to get straight to the point. Help me escape arrest, there must be other plans!"

Erica's hands were itchy with anger, and she was about to strike gold and give her a meal. Ke Jinpin broke free from the rope and punched Erica in the stomach. Elisa on the side was surprised, but because of the existence of a certain adult, she didn't help Erica immediately.

Erica has been under the guidance of the Mandarin, and her fighting skills are not what they used to be. Jin Bin has brute strength, relying on his own weight and strength advantage, but he didn't put a lot of pressure on Erica. The only embarrassing thing was the accident when it exploded in the first place. Soon Jin lost to Erica's attack and was kicked to the ground.

"You're dying, Wilson." Erica said coldly.

Jin Bin struggled to get up from the ground, slumped on the chair, panting.

"If you want me to die, you have already done it. Who are they?"

"She initiated the order." Erica put Daisy's photo in front of Jin Bin's eyes, and Jin Bin's eyes became difficult. Daisy Johnson's reputation has long been known to him. As an ordinary person, he has no way to fight against such a pervert.

"She knows about your have only two fates. Either you die, or you are on your way to death."

"What the **** are you trying to say!" Jin Bin roared. "How can you be sure that she will let me die?"

"Because I said so."

A vicissitudes of voice emerged from the darkness, and a mysterious man in black wearing a cloak and mask suddenly appeared. Jin couldn't see the face of the other party, but was amazed by the way the other party appeared, which was too weird and dreamy. It was as if he had stepped out of the shadows.

"After Daisy Johnson found out about your existence, you have no choice but to die. This is what I said, you must die! If you want to survive, you can only please her and become her minion."

Jin Bin stared in horror, cold sweat broke out on his body. The appearance of the other party was really unreasonable, and the sense of coercion he possessed made him tremble unconsciously from the bottom of his heart. What kind of monster is this? It can make a person with such a strong psychological defense like a humble ant at this moment, and his soul begins to tremble at this moment.

"What do you want me to do..." Jin Bing made a trembling sound.

"Obey her, submit to her, do whatever she asks you to do. Anything you think is crazy, you must obey her. And you just need to do one small thing secretly for my Talon, one thing Small things."

"whats the matter…"

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