MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 288 Standing in front of the abyss, the bright cry and the neighing, the nine

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"Ah, hello, Dr. Serizawa, have you found Godzilla?" Daisy's mind was loaded for a long time before she remembered this middle-aged uncle who only met on both sides.

"Operation Code Slingshot enlisted me."

Daisy took advantage of the opportunity to invite the other party into the house, and while pouring water, Serizawa introduced the ins and outs of her trip.

"What, why did this action happen? But speaking of it, this matter really requires many experts."

"I left the team from the Emperor's organization last night and officially entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. system. The satellite captures of various countries found many special creatures. They initially suspected that our Emperor's organization was hiding some information, but to be honest, S.H.I.E.L.D. reported it I've never seen any creatures."

"Oh? Why don't I know about this? Is there a picture? Show me it?"

Serizawa froze for a moment.

He just entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. system and didn't know much about Daisy Johnson.

From the command level, Daisy is only level 8 authority, and has not been touched for several years.

Serizawa immediately felt that this was against the rules.

Daisy saw that he was stunned for a while and did not respond, so she woke up the holographic projection at home, searched for it, and transferred the content.

Satellite images show unusual creatures have been spotted in various areas. The picture is blurry and unclear, but it is clearly different from the creature in common sense.

In the hinterland of the Sahara Desert, a giant reptile with two horns appeared.

A gigantic pterosaur was captured in flight over the rainforest.

The content captured by the satellite is not much, but these things that are obviously different from the creatures on the earth can still be recognized at a glance.

"Sorry, your bed is a bit soft. I've slept on it." Banner walked over while wearing a thin sweater, naked on top.

"This is Dr. Banner, and this is Dr. Serizawa. Looks like we'll be busy starting today. Let's go to Nick's place now."

Daisy went upstairs to her room and woke Cynthia.

"Get up! Big lazy pig!"

Serizawa looked at Banner with a puzzled expression, which made Banner feel hairy. He explained how Daisy subdued Hulk, and then placed him in the guest room of his house in order to take care of himself.

When an emergency occurs, in order to be able to respond quickly, attack quickly. SHIELD's aerospace aircraft carrier will always hover in the sky. The decision-making level, the executive level, and the logistics department all report on the aerospace carrier of the commander-in-chief.

Daisy led the two of them, and after exchanging greetings with acquaintances on the aircraft carrier, they came to the command room.

Soon Banner entered the working state, using S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ground-to-air satellite to observe the follow-up of the fluctuation.

Serizawa entered the analysis room and used the unique satellite of the Emperor Organization to bring a new direction to the analysis team.

Daisy walked to Nick Fury's side, looking at the scenery outside the aerospace aircraft carrier.

"I heard you beat the Hulk with three punches? You're getting stronger, Daisy."

Things in Bangalore, India caused quite a stir when Nick wiped Daisy's ass.

"It's also getting fatter."

"How to say?"

"I now weigh 170 catties."

Nick Fury heard it, turned his head and gave Daisy a lot for a while.

"Not fat, on the contrary, it seems that you are thinner than when you first came here."

"That's the problem!"

Nick lowered his head and pondered: "I know, the first time you ... after defeating Muto, you said that you gained 40 catties."

"Something is left in my body!"

Seeing Daisy's deep expression, Nick just smiled.

"Isn't this a good thing, it means you are surpassing yourself."

Daisy complained with a broken expression:

"Is there any mistake, I am a girl with such a low body fat rate and not very exaggerated muscles, but I am 170 pounds! You know how broken I am! A girl with the same body is only 100!"

Obviously, men don't care too much about weight. Nick shook his head and changed the subject.

"About your friend, no one in the bureau knows. After she left, I wondered if I should send someone to follow her, but you didn't respond at all, so I think it's okay."

"What do you want to say?" Daisy raised her guard.

Seeing that the other party was nervous, Nick shook his head helplessly.

"My only thought is whether your friend GEM can help us understand Talon, that's all."

"Her..." Daisy didn't think about how to answer everything about Shi Huaiya directly, her expression became lost.

"The ambassador of the United Nations has an excellent voice. I can't believe that such a sunny girl is actually a member of Talon. I think your evaluation of her is very reasonable."

"Why? Do you think she poses any threat? Objectively speaking, all her public actions are public welfare. I really can't bear it..." Daisy shook her head

Nick Fury patted Daisy on the shoulder to comfort her.

"I understand this feeling. A brother in the trench suddenly turned against each other without knowing what happened. But he couldn't bear to do it. After all, during the trench period, we really worked together. I won't intervene in the queen singer Shi Huaiya. How will she deal with it? You make the arrangements. Of course, she has already returned to the mainland, and international relations can't do anything to her."

Daisy blinked at dark Nick. He is like a mentor, making Daisy happy forever.

This man seems to always believe in himself, no matter how outrageous things are, he will always support himself. Like a protective umbrella, take good care of yourself, so that you can be unimpeded in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Daisy smiled, and then said, "So, about the Wolverine part, what to do with me? After all, I was really blind."

Nick Fury raised his hand, barely caring: "I'm also responsible for Wolverine Logan's affairs, my eyes are blinder than yours."

The two laughed

"The response from District 7 is the most intense. They may sue you in front of the president. However, in S.H.I.E.L.D., it's about your follow-up remediation at the slingshot base and Talon's performance in large-scale operations."


"Given a high degree of praise, the group of people above blamed me for the fault. For you, it is a joint proposal to promote you to a level 9 agent, and your authority will be upgraded to level 9."

"I've been promoted?" This was really beyond Daisy's expectation.

"If you hadn't raised your authority too quickly in the past few years, you should have been nominated for level nine authority long ago based on your qualifications."

Daisy's heart was agitated. After all, the S.H.I.E.L.D. system had been in her hands for a long time, and it didn't matter whether the permissions were mentioned or not. It's just a surprise that the privilege upgrade was so hasty this time.

Daisy doesn't know, this is the benefit of her integration of Hydra. All the hydra in the secret know the reality that Daisy is respected, so flattering the leader is one of the routine operations.

Including members of parliament, high-level executives, and executives, Daisy's evaluation has skyrocketed because of the people inside and outside the system who flattered Daisy.

In addition, Aries Gatler, who is an important position in the Twelve Holy Palace within Hydra, died unexpectedly, and the position was vacant. Gartler is the one who strongly supports Daisy's upper position, thus winning the position of Hautwyer Aries.

Now that Gartler is dead again, Daisy has the final say on the choice of Aries.

Daisy smiled politely and wanted to talk to Nick about something. Dr. Serizawa ran out of the meeting room in a hurry and came to the two of them.

"Great discovery! Great discovery!"

Daisy Nick and the two were slightly taken aback, obviously a little surprised that the situation happened so quickly.

"Speak slowly, Dr. Serizawa."

Dr. Serizawa straightened up and slowed down his irritable breathing

"We found a new monster with the same tonnage as Godzilla!"

"..." Daisy only felt a headache.

"In the beginning, I proposed to scan the surface with the detection satellites left by the Emperor Organization. This is a satellite specially designed to target sonar fluctuations of huge creatures, and can scan out dozens of tons of heavy monsters hidden. Of course, this is a theory, and its practical use is weak. Some, but better than nothing. It was still very useful during the period of the Emperor Organization. Next, when I docked the work and the satellite was running, I discovered a huge creature outside the Emperor Organization mark!"

Dr. Serizawa hastily projected the information through holographic projection.

"It's hidden very well, and it's not in a densely populated place. And I suspect that the other party has the ability to hide from the ground, and its movement speed is not weak, so it can't be photographed by conventional satellites."

The map satellite shows a vast desert next door.

Hill came over with the document, looked at it with several people, and asked curiously: "Don't you think this place looks familiar?"

Nick Daisy's expression changed instantly.

"Impossible! I'm sure the crack wave can't reach the ground!"

This was the first thing Nick thought of.

The fluctuations in the latitude rift have spread to the surface.

As a decision maker, he can only give orders according to the process.

Traces of monsters of the same tonnage as Godzilla appeared near the ruins of the slingshot base. Soon the haunting incident near the slingshot base was reported to Daisy.

Daisy had to take the lead and scout nearby.

First alone, he flew over the ruins.

The surrounding land is seriously desertified, and the visibility has dropped a lot compared to the previous few days.

Daisy circled around for hundreds of miles to confirm that she didn't see any monsters, and at the same time, her perception of the ground didn't stop, and she didn't react when she encountered a huge creature.

Except for the heavily weathered rock formations, the surrounding area is semi-arid and semi-desert land. Except for the strong wind blowing around, there was no other major movement. Because it is spring, you can see the overflowing green shoots under the stones.

Daisy was puzzled and asked Dr. Serizawa who was beside Nick Fury.

"Dr. Serizawa, why don't you report the coordinates again? Are you sure the other party's reaction is as big as Godzilla?"

"Sorry, I said that Emperor's satellite is not accurate enough. The location detected by the satellite is indeed near your area."

"Ah, I have nothing here except Gobi." Daisy searched around again, but returned without any results.

For such a situation, Nick Fury had to send a large number of ground troops to detect. There will be a lengthy process link.

Soon under the powerful search of S.H.I.E.L.D., all kinds of strange creatures appeared all over the world. It is no longer limited to the area near the ruins of the slingshot base.

Dr. Serizawa couldn't concentrate on one spot either, so he immediately went back to the analyst.

That night, Daisy rushed back to the ruins of the slingshot base. She went deep to a safe altitude and checked with a special detector to make sure that the fear latitude crack had disappeared. She was very unsure about this unclear situation, and she had a lot of conversations with some members of the excavation team in order to learn more about it.

Soon she heard singing in the middle of the night.

Daisy immediately searched for the sound and chased after it for a long time. But in astonishment, he found himself wandering around the ruins.

"The sound seems to be coming from under the ground." Daisy murmured uncertainly.

But there is such a strange sound within 200 miles nearby, it is impossible for this monster's vocal cords to cover such a wide area!

Daisy, who searched again to no avail, confirmed that there was indeed something in this area, but she couldn't perceive it with her own ability.

On April 2 the next day, Daisy personally led the team and pulled a large team to use sonar detectors in this area to look for monsters.

A row of oversized jeeps, each carrying surveyors to observe the sonar detectors at any time. Each vehicle is responsible for an area until it is fully inspected.

Daisy drove the car, Cynthia co-piloted.

Daisy has gone from being very nervous at the beginning to a somewhat relaxed state.

Fear stems from the unknown. After two investigations, Daisy felt somewhat confident. Not to mention that the beauty was by his side at this time, chatting and laughing with Cynthia along the way.

Nick Fury, who was taking a break from his busy schedule, stared at the progress of this task, and Bruce Banner, who was wearing glasses and wearing glasses beside him, had a slightly teasing expression.

"I really didn't expect that the famous Daisy Johnson...that girl named Cynthia is several years older than her."

The fear of Banner within S.H.I.E.L.D. is obvious, and no one dares to provoke him. Nick Fury is calm on the surface.

"Being dumbfounded by her three punches, aren't you very convinced?"

"Not convinced? No, no, no! I'm really happy, at least someone can hold Hulk down in time when he goes berserk. I can't control it..." Banner lowered his head at this point.

"Daisy said that she can completely trust you. Although she and I were mercilessly backstabbed not long ago, she still believes in you."

As soon as the words of comfort were clicked, Nick Fury fiddled with the USB flash drive with his arms folded, his expression gradually becoming dignified.

"Hulk goes berserk, Daisy can give him three punches to calm him down. If Daisy goes berserk, who will give her [three punches]?"

A little bit and made Banner feel something.

"Daisy tied Cynthia Schmidt by her side so that she could be like a..."

"Ordinary people?"

"Normal people..."

"Ah, be careful!"

After a while of braking, Daisy felt that she had bumped into someone, and she felt a little dumbfounded.

One must know that the surrounding area is the deserted Gobi Desert, so why would someone crash into a car.

Porcelain is not such a touch method.

The two quickly got out of the car to check.

The girl who was dressed in khaki and dressed in a weird style was stunned because the other party's clothes were too similar to the color of the environment. But Daisy is very curious, she can perceive most people, how did such a thing happen just now.

Cynthia ran over first to check the opponent's wound. Daisy arrived slowly.

Cynthia pulled the other party away, facing upwards, and Daisy saw that the other girl had delicate features, goggles on her head, and a thick cotton dress that should not appear in hot areas. The clothes looked better, not fashionable, very retro . The knee pads on the lower body are very thick, and he is carrying a thick and large book on his back.

The appearance is very oriental, very similar to the Japanese actress named Hirona Yamazaki.

"What's the matter? Are you dead!"

Cynthia touched the other's neck and looked back at Daisy

"No, there is still a pulse, and there is no obvious injury on the face. Maybe the rib is broken..."

"Let's carry it to the car first... Let's see what valid identity information she has."

When this happened, Daisy had no choice but to stop her search. Drive back to the nearest joint location, and send the wounded to treatment in time.

The wounded were placed in the car, and when Daisy was about to start the engine, the intercom rang.

"This is the search and rescue dog team, here is the search and rescue dog team, we have encountered an attack and need support!"

"This is Daisy, search and rescue dogs, what did you encounter!"

"It's a monster! Ah..." There was a loud bang on the intercom, the sound of the car being violently hit.

The other party's signal stopped abruptly.

Daisy sighed, facing Cynthia

"Things always come in piles."

Cynthia shrugged, glanced at the unconscious woman in the back seat, and turned the air conditioner to a very low level.

"now you…"

"Can you drive back by yourself?"


"Okay, you go to the back and take care of this woman who suddenly ran out. I'll rush over."

If there were no Cynthia and Little Lianzu by her side, Daisy would have already flown to the scene by herself.

Daisy primed the engine and rushed to the GPS location of the search and rescue dog team.

As soon as she arrived at the scene, Daisy saw that on the scorching hot sandy ground, there were only two people left in the search and rescue dog team, running desperately supporting each other. There was a huge amount of dust on the ground behind them, and something was chasing them!

Daisy got out of the car and rushed over immediately.

At the same time, a monster like a hill rushed out from the ground, and rushed towards the two of the team with huge sharp horns!

In the nick of time, Daisy catches up before the monster crashes into the search and rescue dog team!

Due to the severe impact on the head of the monster's dash, the head deviated from the direction, causing the hill-like body to seriously deviate. Only two of the search and rescue dogs felt the great danger, and they rushed forward at the same time.

The monster's body rubbed against the two of them and slid aside.

The raised dust instantly buried the two of them without a trace.

Seeing this, Daisy gave up the pursuit and quickly pulled the two out of the mud.


An earth-shattering long cry!

Daisy was so frightened that she couldn't help shrinking her head.

Cynthia, who was watching everything from a distance, covered her mouth in shock from the monster's figure.

Daisy turned around, and the dust in the distance gradually dissipated, and the monster hiding in it showed its burly It is about 15 meters high, with tense muscles all over its body, and a long head. There are two huge and rough horns, and a pair of small horns on the lower jaw. It spreads a pair of huge wings, and there seems to be a huge hammer on the tail dangling behind it. The whole body is the same color as the sand, but it is only surrounded by red soil, which makes it look out of place.

The monster lowered its body, its small bean-like eyes were blood-red, staring straight at Daisy's direction. The huge feet are plowing the ground, ready to go, as if ready to charge at any time.

"Eh..." Seeing the monster's true face, Daisy suddenly felt familiar.

In the Talon base, a great funeral is going on.

On the enshrined tablet, it is written: The deceased Boer Jijin Man Dalin.

The death of the Mandarin caused a break between the decision-making and executive levels. Mandarin is usually approachable and approachable, and has a high status in the hearts of everyone. He is more afraid of the leader.

In private, many people have criticized the leader.

Erica, who follows the customs of the Mandarin's hometown and wears sackcloth and filial piety for her, looks at the whispers around her, and becomes more and more sure of her own thoughts.

She looked at the big figures who filed into the mourning hall and kowtowed for the Mandarin, and couldn't help but shouted:

"This is a serious misstep! Our enemies are still laughing, and we can only weep here. It's urgent now, let's kill Daisy Johnson!"

a thousand waves startled

"Kill Daisy Johnson!"

"Kill Daisy Johnson!"

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