MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 279 variable terminal

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  Chapter 279 Variable terminal

   "The chronicler..."

  Looking at the relevant records in the Ute ruins, Li Wenyuan finally knew what the civilization that once stood at the top of this spiral galaxy was called.

  The Utes also have their own alien expedition team. Thanks to their long lifespan and advanced freezing technology, they have the opportunity to spend enough time in the ruins of a civilization for in-depth investigation.

  For the archeology of "Chronler", the Utes spent a full 700,000 years, most of which were on the road.

  Three galaxy-spanning "chronicle" ruins are distributed in three different star fields, and the Utes even thought that they belonged to three different civilizations at first.

  Because they have not been able to discover a "living" alien civilization, the Utes chose to focus on investigating these alien ruins to prove that this galaxy is not alone.

  Even if it is just a relic of civilization, it can relieve their loneliness in the vast starry sky.

  With the deepening of the investigation, the Ute people have gradually gained a certain understanding of the "Chronicler".

  They found that the three groups of ruins seemed to correspond to three different periods of the "Chronicler", and they conducted a long period of research before confirming that those ruins actually came from the same civilization.

  During the investigation, the Utes believed that the "Chronicler" civilization should be an "omninic civilization" that only existed in their theory.

The ruins of the early "Chronicler" civilization are full of the imagined "cold omnic" style. Although it is not possible to find the organic muddy pulp squeezed by organic organisms, the mechanical and pure rational thinking is everywhere in their ruins All are reflected.

  The Utes once found a large-scale space facility similar to a "rescue station" in the "chronicle" site at this stage. All passing intellectual life can seek help from the "rescue station".

  However, this facility will only provide assistance to creatures that are healthy, have no defects, and have the ability to reproduce normally. As for creatures that do not meet the above conditions, they will be "cleaned up" instead.

  The "Chronicler" civilization at this stage seems to be pursuing an "absolutely rational" benchmark for the reproduction of life, and any objects that hinder the reproduction of life will be eliminated.

  However, after reaching the next stage, the "chronicler" has undergone a series of changes.

  They began to close themselves, the previous star fields and buildings were abandoned, the "rescue station" was no longer used, and they no longer continued to communicate with the outside world.

  During this stage, the Utes discovered that the "Chronicler" seemed to have entered a contradictory state, which can be seen from the tendency of the relic style.

Two architectural groups with very different styles appeared on the same planet at the same time. One still maintains the former indifferent state, while the other has become "moderate" and built a large number of places similar to "shelters". It looks like it is taking in some primitive creatures that are about to become extinct.

The Ute's "Extreme Freezing Core" is inspired by the "Chronicler" ruins at this stage. One day reawakens these creatures.

  The "chronicler" at this stage did not leave too many records, and the group of ruins it belongs to is also the smallest among the three.

  As for the "chronicler" in the last stage, it is a state completely different from what the Utes imagined.

  The "chroniclers" at this stage changed their previous style and began to expand in the galaxy on a large scale, extending their influence to more distant places.

   Not only that, they are also helping other civilizations a lot, whether it is interstellar civilization or indigenous civilization.

  In the process, the Utes discovered that this galaxy seemed to be able to surpass the speed of light, but it was lost in their era.

From some remaining records, we can know that the "Chronicler" and other interstellar civilizations created a splendid galaxy at this stage, which is different from the "darkness" where no civilization can be found for 450,000 years. era" was quite different.

   After this, the "chronicler" entered the era of "recording".

The "chronicle" relics that the Utes discovered the most were "archives". This kind of building that recorded the rise and fall of civilization was especially numerous among the "chronicles" at this stage. It can be said that the Utes were completely derived from those The "Chronicler" as known in the Civilization Archives of the Record.

  —Because only these archives are the most complete.

  The "Chronicler" civilization does not pay attention to its own preservation, but it attaches great importance to these "historical records". This seems to be the "ultimate goal" they set for themselves after undergoing many changes.

   This is also the origin of their name "Chronler".

  The "Chronicler" civilization in the last stage has existed for at least six million years according to Ute's estimates. All galaxy events during this period, no matter how big or small, have been recorded in the "Archives".

  From the progress of civilization as a whole, to the daily life of an ordinary person, as long as the information that can be collected by the "chronicler" is a member of the recorded content of the "archive".

  This is what the "chroniclers" have been doing, preserving these perhaps not so important histories.

  But those who write history write history, but there is no one who writes history for those who write history.

  The history-making process of "Chronicler" was finally interrupted by a civilization called "Tianxing Empire". In the archives found by the Ute people, the last recorded civilization was "Tianxing Empire".

  All the records stop here, and the "Chronicle" seems to have died suddenly, without any warning, and no reason can be found, leaving only a piece of "history of other countries".

   "Chronicle" ultimately failed to compile a history book for himself, but became "history" in other civilizations.

  After this, the Utes also made up their minds to cross the "Sky Moat".

  This cosmic gap did not exist in the history of the "Chronicler". The Ute people believe that there must be a reason for the mysterious demise of the "Chronicler" on the opposite side of the "Sky Moat".

  The story after that is that the Utes continue to study hibernation technology, trying to use pure body functions to cross that distance.

  The materials they sorted out became the history of the "Chronler", which is known to Li Wenyuan today.

   But this matter is not over yet. After searching the records, Li Wenyuan did not find a civilization named "Tianxing Empire" in the database.

The current "lower three spiral arms" have basically been explored by him, but there is still no shadow of the "Tianxing Empire". This situation either means that the "Tianxing Empire" has perished, and the existing "lower three spiral arms" civilization No trace of them has ever been found.

  Either... that civilization is on the other side of the "Sky Moat".

  Li Wenyuan felt that he might have roughly guessed the reason for the demise of the "Chronicle", and most of the evidence was on the other side of the "Sky Moat". For this reason, he needed to cross this distance.

   But before that, he wanted to record a file for the "chronicler". He saw a certain spirit from the "chronicler", and also saw the shadow of a certain group of people.

   That was when the "chronicler" was not called by this name.

  How did the Utes determine that the "Chronicler" is an "omninic civilization"? Those ruins with different styles are certainly one aspect, but the most important aspect is the former name of "Chronicler".

  In the records summarized by the Ute people, the initial "identification code" of the "chronicler" itself is called - variable terminal.

  (end of this chapter)