MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 37 human pioneer

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  Chapter 37 Human Pioneers

  The planet in the picture has some similarities with the ecological environment of the earth, but there are also many differences.

  According to the test, the atmosphere here contains a catalyst that can accelerate the growth of plants, resulting in the unusually lush vegetation here.

  The tall rainforest occupies more than 70% of the land area here, and it is very troublesome to develop normally.

  Looking only from space, Li Wenyuan did not see any relics visible to the naked eye on the surface of the planet, which is much worse than the earth.

   "...are there really human remains here?"

  He couldn't help thinking so, and immediately launched a comprehensive survey of the planet, and soon got an unexpected result.

   "Is there any sign of a spaceship crash?"

  The image sent by the drone is recording the wreckage of a burning spaceship. It is even emitting thick smoke, and it looks like it has just fallen here not long ago.

  However, this incident only aroused Li Wenyuan's attention, and his focus was to find human remains.

   Soon the drones flew towards the rainforest covered by tall plants.

  The average height of the plants here is more than 100 meters, and the overgrown branches and leaves completely block the observation from space.

  Li Wenyuan believes that there should be a high possibility that human remains will be hidden in the rainforest.

   At this time, while the drone swarm was sweeping the rainforest, another group of people also fled in embarrassment.

   "Boss, what are these weird guys?"

"I do not know either!"

  These two figures who are fleeing frantically are the pirates who came to this planet with all their eggs in one basket. At this time, they have long lost the arrogance they had when they first came, only the faces full of fear and regret.

   Among them, the pirate leader is particularly remorseful. Now he can't wait to give himself a few hours ago two slaps.

  His original idea was very simple. Since the two of them were almost unable to get along in the interstellar world, they should find an indigenous planet to dominate and let those indigenous people worship them as gods until the end of their lives.

  However, the idea is beautiful, but the result is cruel.

  There are indeed "indigenous people" on this planet, but these "indigenous people" are very dangerous.

  The pirate leader who just arrived was very arrogant at first, thinking that he has an interstellar weapon in his hand, what kind of native can't he take down?

   Then he was given a severe lesson.

  Countless monkey-like creatures are scrambling to chase the two of them, and the bodies evolved in the forest are more suitable for traveling than pirates.

  Strong muscles and seemingly inexhaustible strength kept these creatures firmly behind. If the power armor worn by the pirates was not efficient enough, they would have been caught up long ago.

   "Boss! Do you still have grenades? The distance between us and those guys seems to be getting closer!"

  Hearing what the pirate brother said, the pirate leader also looked back, but his pupils shrank, and found that the distance between them was only about ten meters away.

   For this reason, the pirate leader had no choice but to grit his teeth and throw the last few grenades backward.

  A huge explosion sounded in the rainforest. This old-fashioned grenade can produce strong light and loud noise, and its impact power is not impressive.

  Although it has been eliminated in Interstellar, it is still no problem to scare most of the native creatures.

   However, dozens of those monkey-like creatures turned into a splash of flesh and tissue in the violent explosion, spreading on the rainforest vegetation.

  However, the remaining creatures did not appear in any confusion because of this. They were like efficient killing machines, and they would not be afraid of the death of their companions, and they still carried out the task of chasing and killing.

   What is even more surprising is that the flesh and blood tissues scattered everywhere still maintain a certain degree of autonomy.

  They began to crawl slowly, and gradually gathered together as time passed, reorganizing into those monkey-like creatures.

   After the "reborn" creatures stayed in place for a while, their eyes regained their agility, and soon continued to chase deep into the forest.

  And this is why the pirates fled in embarrassment. They found that all the weapons on their bodies could not completely kill these terrifying creatures.

  This tenacious vitality has completely exceeded their cognition, even the genetic engineering they are familiar with cannot reach this level.

  So they could only grit their teeth and flee, praying to find a safe refuge before the power armor's energy was exhausted.

  The change in the rain forest was not noticed by Li Wenyuan, his drone hadn't scanned this location yet, and now he was attracted by another thing.

  Because he saw a "statue".

   It is actually a bit wrong to say that it is a statue, but Li Wenyuan can't find other words to describe the scene in front of him.

  In the picture, countless thick vines are clinging to a giant tree, twisting and twisting, vaguely combining to form a muscle texture.

  The giant tree to be climbed is also very strange, its foundation is composed of two trees.

  The two trees somehow joined together during the growth process, and finally grew out of the remaining parts together.

   But from Li Wenyuan's point of view, this seems to be a gesture of a humanoid creature straddling its legs.

  The branches of the giant tree are also very strange, inexplicably growing two branches and leaves in the upper part of the middle.

  This is a bit different from the growth benchmark of this rainforest vegetation.

  In order to carry out photosynthesis, these tall vegetation will try their best to grow upwards, and open branches and leaves at the highest point, competing with other plants.

  This situation will lead to a drastic reduction in the distribution of sunlight under the canopy, which can hardly meet the needs of photosynthesis.

   Therefore, these trees are often bare and whole under the canopy, and will not give extra nutrients to grow useless branches and leaves.

  The branches of this giant tree in this position are obviously a bit strange, but from Li Wenyuan's perspective, this may represent "two arms".

  “…Why is there such a strange tree?”

   Li Wenyuan was a little hard to understand, although at first he thought it was just some kind of coincidence or mutation that made the tree look like this.

   But slowly, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this was a statue, which was deliberately grown like this to commemorate some kind of humanoid creature.

   "Will it be humans? Or some other alien species?"

  He was still thinking, and suddenly found an abnormal signal from the "Life Strength Detector".

  The value that originally represented "everything is calm" is rising sharply, and the entire windless rainforest is also shaking slightly at this time.

  Li Wenyuan was alerted immediately, and his perspective instantly switched to other drones above the rainforest.

  I saw that the vast sea of ​​trees seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and the tall vegetation that should not be able to sway independently was actively shaking, as if trying to soften the stiff body.

   Not only that, but the indigenous creatures living peacefully on the planet seem to have also received some kind of call, and headed in a certain direction like a pilgrimage.

  It is rare to see a large number of animals attacking, but what is happening here is even more like a landslide and tsunami.

  Even from space, Li Wenyuan can see large-scale groups of animals moving together with the naked eye.

  The entire planet seemed to come to life at this time.

   It is impossible for him not to pay attention to this shocking scene. According to the guidance of the "Life Strength Detector", he also controls a large number of drones to fly in the direction of the animals.

   It didn't take long for them to come to a special place.

  The rainforest here is taller, but it seems to exist to protect the short tree in the center.

  It looks inconspicuous at first glance, even Li Wenyuan almost skipped it.

  But the data on the "Life Strength Detector" shows that this tree is the root of all previous changes.

   And it was only then that he noticed that under the seemingly insignificant trees, there were countless thick roots that penetrated into the earth.

   It's hard to imagine how far these rhizomes have spread, but Li Wenyuan has a vague feeling that maybe the entire land is under the network of rhizomes.

  The unremarkable little tree sensed the arrival of the drone, and it shook slightly.

   Then the scientific research spacecraft far away in space received a special signal wave at this time.

   Li Wenyuan's eyes moved slightly, allowing the spacecraft to interpret the signal, and soon, he saw something that made his pupils shrink.

   "Welcome to come again, pioneer of mankind."

  (end of this chapter)