MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 38 Planet Baogaia

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  Chapter 38 Baogaia Planet

   "Welcome to come again, pioneer of mankind."

  The content translated by the mysterious signal surprised Li Wenyuan slightly.

   Judging from the source, this signal came from that inconspicuous little tree.

   But such content undoubtedly aroused Li Wenyuan's curiosity to a considerable extent.

  Since crossing over, he has never seen the existence of "human beings" mentioned by other civilizations.

   This made him think for a while whether the history of mankind has perished in the Milky Way, leaving only various ancient relics.

  But the unknown life in front of him directly referred to him as a "pioneer of mankind". Apart from being curious, he was also full of strong doubts and vigilance.

   He never revealed his "consciousness", why would he be considered "human"?

  So Li Wenyuan thought about it for a while, and decided to play the role of "machine intelligence".

  He replied with the same signal:

  “…keyword detected: ‘human’, Guardian Matrix has taken over the system.”

   "Diplomatic protocol has been activated, the session window will last for 360 seconds."

   "Please explain your purpose."

   Hearing this strange answer, the other party obviously had a considerable degree of doubt, so that they did not reply for a long time.

   For this reason, Li Wenyuan sent a second message after 60 seconds:

   "Session window close time remaining: 300 seconds."

   "According to the Lost Guardianship Agreement, the guardianship matrix will conduct an 'affinity' judgment after the session window is closed, and 'hostiles' will be alerted."

   "Please explain your purpose."

  The urgency brought by the countdown and the mechanical sense in the speech also made the other party fall into thinking.

  Finally, when Li Wenyuan was about to send the message for the third time, he received a question:

   "...can we first know what is your relationship with 'human beings'?"

Hearing this answer, Li Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that his performance of "mechanical intelligence" has indeed successfully separated him from "human beings". If so, he should be able to take advantage of this in the following conversations. Get more information.

And judging from the tone of voice, the other party is not hostile to human beings, and even maintains a certain degree of respect, otherwise Li Wenyuan would not be reluctant to speak when Li Wenyuan did not behave like a "human", as if he did not want to reveal the existence of human beings. Information.

  So he continued to reply mechanically: "The guardianship matrix is ​​responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the lost planet of mankind."

  Since he successfully deceived the other party, then he has to show that he has a very close relationship with humans, so that it is convenient for the other party to open up.

   Sure enough, the mysterious existence obviously relaxed a lot after that. In order not to waste the remaining time of the "conversation window", even the frequency of signal transmission was much faster.

   "I am 'Bao', or rather, 'we' are Bao. This word means 'the secret of life' in human language."

   "We are similar to a hive mind civilization. All individuals on this planet are part of this huge mind, including various animals, plants, fungi, and even...inorganic substances."

  “Death does not exist here, because our consciousness is already intertwined. The demise of organisms just allows life to live in another way. Inorganic matter will also carry our consciousness.”

  The information sent by the existence named Bao made Li Wenyuan a little confused, but on the surface he still maintained the usual silence of mechanical intelligence.

   "As a result, we have recorded a story from a long time ago."

   "That was at least 10 million cycles before we orbited the star here."

   “At that time we had not yet been born with consciousness, and the planet was still in hazy chaos, and all life was fighting with each other for survival.”

   "But a Herald came and put an end to it all."

   "He 'dissolved' himself into the earth here, and his nerve veins evolved into the rhizomes that now spread all over the earth."

   "This complex structure gave birth to the consciousness of 'us', and also made us understand that fighting is meaningless."

  “So we abandoned all previous suspicions and transformed this place into what we wanted.”

   "Now we are working hard to integrate the ocean into our consciousness. I believe this day is not too far away."

   "And by going back to our history, we learned part of the knowledge of that 'pioneer'."

   "We don't know his exact name, but we do know he refers to himself as 'human'."

   "We have always remembered the kindness of this pioneer, and therefore we want to try to revive his consciousness."

   "The 'statue' you have seen before is the body we shaped for him, waiting for his return."

  After listening to this long series of stories, Li Wenyuan understood their origin and learned clues about the "human pioneer".

   But there is no evidence to prove all of this, so Li Wenyuan put a question mark on this story in his file dedicated to recording information about human beings.

   Now he has two questions left, one is how he wants to know how Bao judges that he is a "human being"?

   You must know that he is now a digital consciousness, and he did not bring a synthetic person with him on this trip.

   Even without confirming his appearance, this being named Bao called him a "pioneer of mankind" from the very beginning.

   It can't be a coincidence, can it?

  Secondly, what did humans leave here for him?

  He came here according to the ancient star map dug up from the ruins. He thought there would be a dangerous ruin for him to explore, but what is in front of him is probably a "conscious" planet.

   So what is he doing here? Listen to Bao tell a story?

  Li Wenyuan thinks this is also possible. After all, Bao's story is indeed bizarre. He can even feel that the number of sociological research samples in the scientific research area is increasing crazily.

  So after thinking about it, Li Wenyuan issued a "question" in a tone unique to machine intelligence:

  “…According to the Lost Guardianship Agreement, the guardianship matrix needs to terminate all exploration of human civilization and ‘contain’ the technology left behind by humans.”

   "How does the Pao civilization conduct human exploration?"

   "Does the Bao'ao civilization have relevant technology?"

   "Please give your answer."

  This cold tone sounds very unreasonable, but it is a very normal statement for "lost machine intelligence".

   And Bao also seems to be used to this question, explaining for himself:

   "In the long life, we are very sensitive to the smell of 'time passing'."

   "Under the distance of the universe, we cannot directly judge who is a human being and where there are human beings."

   "But as time goes by, the 'ancient' atmosphere of human beings should be quite obvious, and even the other ancients are too young compared to it."

   "Because you and human beings are of the same era, it is this breath that made us misjudgment that 'you are also human'."

   "But in fact, we have no way to detect human civilization. Can you understand?"

  Who knows what you said?

   Li Wenyuan really wanted to say that, but he still needs to maintain the indifference of "mechanical intelligence", and he can't be so disregarding his image.

   And he had a faint feeling in his heart that this might be another kind of "idealistic" power.

   Immediately afterwards, Bao also lived up to his expectations and contributed the "technology" that may be left behind by humans.

   “The pioneer left nothing behind, but we believe he must have come here to inspire us to accomplish something.”

   "In the long past we have not been able to understand the minds of the pioneers. But seeing you this time, we think we have found our mission."

   As he said that, a large number of more complex signals were sent from all over the planet to the scientific research spacecraft in an instant.

  At this moment, it seems that every individual on the planet has preserved fragments of knowledge. Through this centralized method, Li Wenyuan can finally obtain some kind of "result".

  【New technologies have been added to the technology tree】

  This miraculous method made Li Wenyuan sigh, and it also allowed him to open the technology tree interface in the database.

  In the gray row of "Level 8 Technology", in addition to "Sky Veil Battleship" and "Jump Engine", there is another new technology.

  【Bao-Gaia Seeder】

  【Technology Level: 8】

  【Introduction: Through the theory and technology shared by this hive thinking civilization, we may be able to transform a planet into a special planet that can perfectly accept any species, and all life can live here peacefully. We name this kind of planet "Gaia Planet"]

  【Possible Technology: Creation Theory (0%)】

  Li Wenyuan took a closer look at this technology and found that the resources required to transform the planet using this technology are not high, but the transformation time is relatively long. According to the size and environment of the planet, the shortest is 10 years, and the longest is 100 years.

   "Although it is not very useful to me now, it is a level 8 technology. Maybe it will be useful in the future?"

  He temporarily believed Bao’s words. After all, Bao was too friendly, and he never showed any hostility from the beginning to the end.

  However, he still reclassified this galaxy as one of the key galaxies. There are still many secrets on this planet, and he plans to investigate it later when he has stronger strength and better detection methods.

  So he took control of the scientific research spacecraft and left after leaving this message:

   “…the dialog window has been closed.”

   "According to the Lost Custody Agreement, the affinity of Bao civilization is: Friendly."

   "Thank you for your cooperation."

  After he left, the planet where Bao lived fell into silence again.

  The downed pirate ship is no longer smoking, but its original owner's situation is also desperate.

  The two pirates were embedded in a tree, and they seemed to be integrated with the tree.

  The branches here swayed slowly, sending out a weak signal.

  “…The analysis of the nervous system of these alien visitors may help us understand the secrets in us, and it should also be beneficial to the recovery of the consciousness of the ‘pioneers’.”

   "...So, will there be outsiders?"

  (end of this chapter)