MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 39 "Cosmic Horror Attacks"

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  Chapter 39 "Cosmic Horror Creature Attack"

  Since the trade enclave of Corebo 13 had the deeds of communicating with the "Guardian", its status has risen among all the trade enclaves of Corebo.

  The space station, which originally only had trade functions, has installed many new facilities with the strong support of the headquarters.

  Departments similar to observation agencies, research agencies, and diplomatic agencies have also set up branches here, aiming to study all behaviors of the "Mechanical Lost Empire".

  The value of the person in charge here, Breining, has also risen accordingly. He who once regarded returning to the headquarters as the greatest honor, now feels that it is good to stay here.

   Because of this, he proposed to the headquarters the idea of ​​continuing to serve.

  Although his current status is only the manager of a trading enclave, after contributing the "flesh and blood" Ascension Technology, his status seems to be "below the director and above ten thousand people".

  Even the managers of other trade enclaves need to see his face.

   And this, of course, made Breining feel a little elated, feeling that he had met a noble person in his life.

  Today, he is very comfortable staying in the top-floor casino, enjoying the treatment that can only be enjoyed in the top clubhouse of the headquarters, and feels happy about his relaxed life during this period of time.

  However, one of his subordinates came here in a hurry, bent down beside him and whispered a few words:

   "Manager, our observation agency here has observed a change in a nearby star. Its brightness is declining rapidly, and it seems to be showing signs of going out."

  Brenning heard the news without raising his eyelids, and said lazily:

   "So? What does this have to do with us? Birth, old age, sickness and death in the universe are perfectly normal, and stars will also end one day. We need to get used to this scene."

   "Uh... that's not the case. According to the research institute's speculation, they believe that this kind of extinction is not a normal situation. It seems that something is grabbing the star's matter, which directly leads to the demise of the star..."

   Hearing this, Breining finally raised his head, but the laziness in his eyes remained unchanged.

   "Just tell me, why did they pay so much for you to come to me? You should know that I never like to hear this kind of news."

  The subordinate trembled all over, and cold sweat quietly wet his back. He swallowed and said with difficulty:

  "...They think this may be a prelude to some kind of huge threat, and they want to send more senior scientists from the headquarters to study, but they also know that they don't have this persuasion, so they want to ask you to come forward..."

   "Heh! What a joke! Can I invite you to come forward?" Breining sneered, and the tone of his words caused his subordinates to lie on the ground in an instant, not daring to look directly at his majesty.

   "The headquarters is now researching the key technology that allows the dead to work. It is impossible to spare manpower to deal with such trivial matters. Do you want me to discredit the authority at the headquarters?"

   "No, dare not..."

   "Go back and tell those guys that I don't want them to spend money on this kind of shit! Focus on the 'Guardian' for me!"

   "After a while, I will spot check their results. Those who fail will not have to eat the company's meals. The No. 3 mining station is more suitable for them."

   "As for you... just take a good look at the gate in the future, and you don't need to come see me again."

  The prostrate hands nodded tremblingly, and finally crawled away.

   And Breining kept shaking his head, lamenting that no one under him could use him.

   "If only everyone would put my mind at ease like Bear..."

   Mao Xiong, who was dozing off in the guard room, suddenly sneezed and almost fell off his chair.

   Sleepy-eyed, he rubbed his head and fell asleep again.

   At this time, everything in the trading station is normal. But the star system mentioned before is on the countdown.

  The star at the center of the galaxy is extremely dim at this time, like a patient with cancer.

   It stands to reason that all the planets in the galaxy will enter a never-ending ice age due to the sharp drop in heat received.

   But it still maintains a similar state as before, as if another heat source is providing energy comparable to a star.

  Finally, the star is completely extinguished in a faint flash, announcing its demise.

   However, just behind this star remnant, another huge luminous body is slowly rising from it.

  The planet has warmed up because of its appearance. If it is below this temperature, there may be a planet where life is born here.

  However, the luminous body didn't have any intention of staying. It continued to head towards the next galaxy with "food" according to its instinct.

  The luminous body gradually recedes until it disappears, and the planet here has also entered permanent ice at a temperature of more than two hundred degrees below zero.

  Since then, all civilizations have removed it from the star map because they cannot observe the light here.

  Here also fell into a real dead silence.

  The unnatural demise of this star system was observed by observatories in the trade enclave of Cripple XIII.

   But suffering from the order from above, they could only hastily record this incident, and then focus on the "Guardian" Lost Empire.

   Not long after, a group of indigenous residents in a galaxy named "Botu" also observed the scene of the star dying.

   "It is reported that the star Proxima Centauri, which experienced abnormal fluctuations two years ago, has been officially confirmed to be extinguished."

  "Experts say this is the greatest discovery of the universe in the past century. We have successfully witnessed the death of a star."

   "Experts said that through this discovery, we may be able to know the mysteries of the universe. Maybe in this universe, we are not alone!"


  Among the large number of advertising screens around, all of them are now overwhelmingly promoting the same thing.

  In recent years, the curiosity and exploration of space has become a trend among the public.

  Whether male, female, old or young, or scientific research workers or cleaners, everyone can say a few words about the universe, and they can also speak clearly, as if there is a kind of "universe for all".

  Films, novels, and games about all kinds of space science fiction emerge in endlessly, and there are many people who stand out from the crowd and are sought after by the public with their whimsy, which also stimulates people's enthusiasm for the universe.

  Everyone is full of yearning and optimism for this unknown sky, as if nothing can stop them from exploring the starry sky.

  People on the street are also enthusiastically discussing the news that the "Proxima Centauri" is going out this time, even the students.

  A group of high school students even had an argument about it:

   "Do you think that the extinguishment of Proxima Centauri is because there is a huge cloud of water that extinguished it?"

   "...Your physics teacher must not die of anger on the spot after hearing your words. Stars are not 'burning' in the conventional sense..."

   "I'm just proposing a possibility!"

   "This is not a 'possible' thing, it is completely impossible. I recommend that you review the content of the nuclear fusion chapter instead of arguing here."

   "You... well, so what do you think is the situation?"

   "Me?" Among the group of students, the one who had been extremely calm all this time smiled, showing a mysterious expression.

   "I think... there is a kind of 'creature' that eats stars."

  (end of this chapter)