MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 108 Virtual World (15)

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At this time, the outside world.

Juit frowned slightly, looking at the information in his hand.

Even if the other party tried his best to hide his identity, and he did not have the right to look at the central computer, he could still find the true body of the hot little prince by clues.

And the brightest color is the chopper in the other's hand at the time of the first encounter. Juyt was very impressed with the chopper at first. After all, such a garbage weapon was brought to such a copy. It's hard to remember.

Later, after some investigation, the men quickly found the person who once held a kitchen knife.

It was a person from a small family who had never heard of it, and the information said that the other party was now mentally impaired and had almost been expelled from the family.

You did n’t even think that you could get a copy of the Hot Stripe Little Prince like a mentally impaired person, just after checking the other party ’s information, he recognized it instantly. This was abandoned by the Shao family. The eldest son is definitely the person he is looking for.

Then thinking of the other party's current situation, Uite's anger arose.

Why do these people do it, not to mention that ... Shao Ci, his mental strength is not as unbearable as those people say, if he is there, it will be good ...

Thinking of this, Uite's eyes suddenly flashed, and he contacted his staff, "Hurry up. I'm going to the Shao family of the Dylan Galaxy."

There is no future in thinking about staying in such a family, wouldn't it be nice to bring that person around?

Of course, this is not a good thing for him, but just to appreciate the strength of the other party ...


After Jiang Qinghan did that, Shao Ci was frightened.

Then Jiang Qinghan laughed out loud, "Are you ... keke ... are you scared of me?"

Shao Ci couldn't refute his sentence ... because it was terrible, okay!

The next moment, the surrounding environment burst into pieces, and all the images in front of me disappeared.

"Bottom ..." Shao Ci realized that he seemed to be in the middle of it, and his eyes were dark. He would lie on the ground when he was awake again, and Xavier was sitting watching him worriedly.

Did he succeed? After all, Jiang Qinghan is the protagonist, and this kind of thing is also normal.

As for why the other party was doing it at that time, Shao Ci felt that it was a tooth for a tooth ... Although there was something wrong with how to give such a thing, he should not think it over.

However, Jiang Qinghan was gone, and Shao Ci was able to determine that the injuries he had caused to him would not be recovered in a short while, so it was normal for the other party to hide for a while to heal.

This guy Jiang Qinghan must hate himself after this incident. Shao Ci doesn't think he will quit because of fear. It is estimated that he will come back to revenge.

"Dad, are you okay?" Xavier's voice choked a little, as if afraid.

"I'm okay ..." Shao Ci felt that he was more traumatized than his body. "In any case, let's leave here first ..."

Xavier hurriedly walked to the side of the cupboard and pulled out a book from it.

"What's that?" Shao Ci looked at it, but suddenly hesitated.

The only way to go back to the original world is to get something and use it. And these things are very messy. What they are consistent with is that there is a very strong spiritual power around them, which can directly make people feel its existence.

The book Xavier found is clearly that even in such a dark room, its strong spiritual power is like a beacon, making it impossible to ignore its existence.

Shao Ci's eyes lighted up immediately, and as soon as he wanted to speak, he saw the black mist emerging from Xavier's hand. The next moment, the spiritual power in this book quickly dissipated, and was quickly swallowed by the black mist. This ordinary book.

Shao Ci: "..."

Xavier looked at him timidly. "Dad ... I, I'm just hungry, not intentionally."

"It's okay, we can find it again." Shao Ci stroked each other's hair in a complicated mood.

It seems Xavier can eat anything. Whether it ’s eating food or a mysterious monster or this spirited item, it seems to be very good at feeding.

And it seems that swallowing the spirit can make Xavier regain his spirit faster.

Considering that some of these rooms could be teleported back, Shao Ci took Xavier directly to the nearby rooms for inspection.

It was time-consuming and labor-intensive to find by hand, and Shao Ci looked at it mentally.

Then he froze. In the world viewed by mental power, the entire room was actually covered by mental power.

If it is just ordinary furniture and buildings, it is impossible to have such mental power, and these mental powers are as a whole.

At this moment, Shao Ci's mind suddenly appeared some memories.

It seems that it is the company where the original owner works. It is a company that studies mental power. It seems that it is doing some uncommon experiments.

The group where the original owner is studying seems to be studying how to condense mental power into a virtual illusion.

Shao Ci again linked to Xavier's terrible power, and suddenly realized that this spaceship may not exist in reality, it may very well be a phantom world built with spiritual power.

Anyway, anything unscientific in the copy can happen.

In addition, Shao Ci thought that it was most likely that Xavier had caused all of this ... or how could a good spaceship suddenly encounter such a breaking thing.

However, only players who are involved in this world do not have npcs, it may be because those npcs do not have mental power ... maybe the condition to enter this world is to use mental power.

And to completely end it all ... Shao Ci turned to look at Xavier, who knew nothing, and suddenly felt a lot more heavy.

If other people find out about this, it is estimated that they will come and hunt Xavier, but they are trying to protect the culprit that caused everything.

It is estimated that the system sent him this task, that is, he did not want this copy to be solved so quickly, and Shao Ci's force value was good when he did not face the ghost.

In this case, it would not be good to stay in one place for a while, and one Shaoci would be sure to deal with it, but if a few more, it would be troublesome.

After quickly checking that there was nothing important in the surrounding room, Shao Ci took Xavier out of the area. There was just such a big movement here that it would definitely attract the attention of others.

A lot of monsters were encountered along the way, but these monsters were not Shao's opponents at all, and they were swallowed by Xavier directly after being beaten.

After these dozen monsters came down, Xavier's height was a few centimeters higher than the naked eye, but he didn't seem to be unable to eat.

Shao Ci: "..." Swallowing power can really grow up. If it is swallowed a little more, maybe it can be as high as himself, and the task required to protect him to that moment may be related to this. of.

But I do n’t know if it ’s a matter of luck. After the duo did not find a lot of mental items, they also encountered several players.

These players seemed to know something, and at the first sight of Shao Ci and Xavier attacked directly.

For the first time with so many people, Shao Ci was still a little nervous, but soon he found that these people were not as strong as the face of the passerby before, even if he could not solve them all at once, resist them Attacks can still be done.

Xavier looked harmless on the side, but attacked the people with the black mist without paying attention.

After devouring so many monsters, his power is much stronger than before. This dark mist is much more terrible than Shao Ci's attack, and several players have directly devoured it.

Shao Ci looked awful looking at this picture. Xavier's power seemed like ... really ... like a villain boss.

Forget it, anyway, his task is to protect the other side. Besides, it's normal to see Xavier ... and he didn't directly pounce on the meat of others.

After solving several players, Xavier's height has grown a lot. Now it looks like he is eight or nine years old. The original clothes are naturally small.

Shao Ci had to pull out his clothes in the room next to Xavier, but he couldn't find the right clothes here. It looked a bit big when he was wearing Xavier.

Xavier shook his sleeves a little strangely, and seemed very satisfied with the new dress.

Shao sighed, "I'll buy you new clothes when we can go back there."

However, before waiting for Shao to find another thing that could send them away, he encountered Jiang Qinghan again.

Shao Ci's first reaction was to stop in front of Xavier, but Jiang Qinghan made a gesture, and a dark chain erupted on the ground to entangle Shao Ci.

This chain also had the effect of suppressing mental power. Shao Ci was completely incapable of being pulled off, and was also dragged to the side of Jiang Qinghan by the chain.

Shao Ci's face is hard to look at: "..." Jiang Qinghan didn't even have this weapon in the original work of Teme! It seems that his arrival changed the plot a little ...

Jiang Qinghan reached out and raised Shao Ci's chin. He seemed to be totally unconscious of the mosaic on the face in front of him, and smiled, "I am back again."

Shao Ci: "..." He didn't bother to answer such nonsense.

Anyway, there is a feeling of absolutely not wanting to compromise with Jiang Qinghan Shao's resignation. He is a principled person!

"Don't want to talk? It doesn't matter." Jiang Qinghan let go of his hand, looked at Xavier in front of him, and opened the pages of the book directly.

Xavier looked at Shao Ci with fear, and seemed to want to come over, "Daddy ..."

"Hurry up!" Shao Ci quickly said, but he knew Jiang Qinghan's force value clearly. If it was Jiang Qinghan, maybe he could kill Xavier.

"It's too late." Jiang Qinghan's voice sounded. The next moment, a dark hand grabbed Xavier and plunged directly into the darkness.

"What are you going to do?" Shao Ci looked at Jiang Qinghan not far away. "He's just a child."

"From the previous situation, if I guessed correctly, this child is the key to this copy." Jiang Qinghan said indifferently, "After all, it is only an ordinary child who can devour the existence of monsters and players."

"Did you always follow us?" Shao said for a moment, and he didn't know how many mental powers he used to observe along the way, but he didn't even notice it ... But if Jiang Qinghan used his powerful space, It is estimated that they can completely hide their existence.

This kind of bug can only be possessed by Jiang Qinghan, the protagonist's halo.

"Yes," Jiang Qinghan said. "It's easy for me to follow you."

If he hadn't miscalculated the strength of the opponent before, he wouldn't have fallen into that position.

What happened afterwards was also a shame to him.

If it was someone else, he had already tortured the other party to avenge him, but when he met this hot little prince, Jiang Qinghan couldn't get it.

Of course, Jiang Qinghan would not think that he had any other thoughts about the person in front of him. "Speaking of it, you give me a familiar feeling."

"I'm sure we are here for the first time!" Shao Ci immediately said.

He didn't forget that he was still in Shao's house. If Jiang Qinghan found out that the hot little prince was him, no one would know what he would do.

"Oh?" Jiang Qinghan seemed unbelievable, but frowned slightly the next moment.

Shao Ci's eyes brightened. Did Xavier do something?

Even if all he saw was a mosaic full of faces, Jiang Qinghan could feel the other party's happiness, and immediately said coldly: "You just wait and see, how did the monster you want to protect be killed by me, the copy is not It would be a great humiliation to you. "

Shao Ci: "..." In fact, he is not the kind of person to feed.

Jiang Qinghan's words fell, and Shao Ci went into the flower, and went straight into the room.

This room was exactly the same as before. Jiang Qinghan sat on the chair, dragging the chain bound to Shao Ci, and told him to stand beside him.

The wall in front of it looks like a curtain, reflecting the scene from the outside.

In the darkness, countless thorns grew, and Xavier standing in it looked very scared.

But if you look closely, you can see that all the thorns approaching him were swallowed up by the black mist, and Xavier could not be hurt at all.

At the next moment, he seemed extremely scared, shivering on the ground and shivering, but the dark mist around him suddenly skyrocketed, flooding the entire space in an instant, and the picture was dark and nothing could be seen.

Jiang Qinghan's expression became cold for a few moments. He had just been injured in the battle with the little prince, and he has not recovered completely. Although he looks unharmed on the outside, he knows that he is only seven or eight now. Into the strength.

In addition, the chain that binds Shao Ci also requires a lot of mental energy to maintain. It can be said that Jiang Qinghan can only use 50% of his strength now.

It was originally thought that the monster had not grown up completely and should not be afraid, but it was unexpected that such strength could erupt.

He left Shao's speech in the room, and went directly into the dark mist outside.

Shao Cihuan stayed in this room, but he couldn't see anything. He was still in the enemy's territory, which really made him unable to calm down.

Under such circumstances, he could not even judge how long the time had elapsed, but the short time also felt extremely long.

Finally, the black mist erupted completely, and a powerful force surged, which instantly burst the cabin.

Shao Ci was so happy in his heart that the next moment a flower fell to his knees on the ground, and the chains on his body had disappeared.

It seems Xavier has won, which is great.

Shao Ci raised his head, and saw Xavier fell to the ground, sweating coldly, looking very weak.

Before waiting for Shao to lift him up, the surrounding spiritual power quickly gathered and turned into a vortex flowing towards Xavier's body, and finally turned into a cocoon, completely covering the scene inside.

"..." Shao said for a moment, was this the moment?

What happened to Xavier's body after successfully defeating Jiang Qinghan?

Shao Ci still barely remembers what happened in the end-time world. At that time, the villain boss also turned into a cocoon, and then came out a big circle ... I guess it will be similar this time.

Shao Ci's mood was a bit complicated. After all, he didn't know who would be hatched from that cocoon, or whether it was Xavier he knew.

But now the biggest threat is also resolved, there should be no problem with this copy.

When Shao Ci was thinking about it, there was a crackling sound behind him, the sound that the light cocoon was about to break.

The spiritual power that escaped from it was even more powerful, giving Shao Ci a sense of oppression.

It is not that his mental strength is inferior to that of the other party, but at this moment, this space seems to be under the control of the other party, and of course Shao Ci, like an outsider, cannot of course exert all his powers.

Shao Ci: "..." Although I should be happy, I always feel a little worried.

[Current mainline mission completed. 】

[Mainline mission update: Escape here. 】

Shao Ci: "wtf?" Is this copy teasing him? !! Escape from here? Want him to face Xavier?

But also, think about it and know that this copy will not make him so cool.

Although he felt that he and Xavier were still a little bit emotional, who knew what would happen.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth, hurriedly turned and walked out. In the end, he still didn't want to face the other party. If he was going to run away, it might not be that he didn't have the chance to avoid fighting.

Shao Ci turned around and did not see a part of the light cocoon cracking at the back, a pair of eyes opened.

Those were pale golden eyes, staring at Shao Ci's back straight, suddenly flashing a little helpless.

--do not go.

What Shao Ci heard between them.

He hesitated a little, the ghost turned his head around, and saw an amazing sight.

In the broken half of the cocoons, the spiritual power flows like a liquid, and among them is a young man with long silver hair and light golden eyes. He has an amazing human-like beauty. It looked like he was fifteen or sixteen years old, and the whole person was glowing in this dark room.

Seeing this scene, Shao Ci was a little stunned, he was thinking, is this person in front of him really Xavier?

Whether it is hair color, pupil color, or appearance, it is much worse than before ... If it was like a normal human child before, he is no longer like an ordinary human.

Although he looked very harmless, the power emanating from the other side was appalling, after all, he had devoured so much mental power.

Shao gritted his teeth and wanted to leave.

At this moment, a powerful force came in, countless golden threads of spiritual power intertwined and trapped Shao Ci, but this was only temporary. Shao Ci confronted with his own mental power, and it was extremely difficult. This golden silk-like mental force walks between.

Xavier moved a little behind him. It seemed that he couldn't control the body and fell to the ground. He didn't care about other things. Instead, he looked at Shao Ci and climbed forward hard, wailing. "Father ... don't leave ... don't leave me ..."

His voice choked a little, as if crying.

Shao had a bit of intolerance for a while, but he continued to move forward. If you stay, maybe you really have to work with Xavier.

To be honest, the opponent is actually just an npc in the game, but Shao Ci still doesn't want to kill him ... Contacting the bosses encountered in previous copies, he guessed that if these npc did not die in the copy It is estimated that it can still survive in the world of games.

"Father ... are you abandoning me ..."

Hearing this sentence, Shao said something for a moment, then sighed, "You have grown up too, it's time we parted."

After saying this, Shao Ci had a sense of accomplishment. He finally left the scope of the room and quickly ran towards other places. He had to find the thing that would return to another world at the fastest speed. .

After Shao's departure, the light in the room dimmed instantly, all the mental powers dissipated, and the cocoon of light also turned into countless light spots and sank into Xavier's body, and then even appeared outside his body. Outfits made from spiritual power.

Standing up from the ground, Xavier lowered his head, his golden eyes darkened a little, and said softly: "It doesn't matter ... even if my father abandoned me, but I will never leave my father ..."