MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 24 Interstellar Zerg (6)

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Why can you say such lines casually! !!

When Shao Ci was shaken by Xi Zer's line thunder tiger's body, Xi Zer had completely ignored the previous events, reached out and gently stroked the bite marks on the neck of Shao Ci, and said with satisfaction: "Huh ... ... and indeed the trace is still there ... "

Shao Ci was startled, and quickly looked down, all other traces of his body faded in this dream world ... It's great, otherwise, if Israel's bruised body is taken by someone else I don't know what it will take to see it.

There is only one bite mark on the neck yesterday. Think of it as just a dream world. It is a little different from reality.

"As long as my mark is there, no one can move you." Cizil smiled softly and asked: "How are you feeling now? Is it true that Israel has troubled you after returning yesterday? Although he watched It looks good, but jealousy is strong, not a good person to deal with. "

"Do you know my relationship with Isreel?" Shao Ci was shocked again, with a feeling that his sole was being uncovered.

"Sorry, when I saw you for the first time, I sent someone to investigate. I was still thinking about which illegitimate child of the aristocracy." Cizelle slowly said, "But I didn't expect it to be Islay. My friend. I did n’t expect that Israel still has that past ... But I ’m very sorry, since he sent you to me, I wo n’t let go. ”

It was so straightforward to say Heng Dao De Ai for the first time! !! Israel poor?

"You are in a bad situation right now." Cizelle grabbed Shao Ci's hand. He looked quite harmless when he smiled, and looked quite thin, but only when he was so close. The terrifying breath on him.

Apart from that, Shao Ci felt that sitting in this place was not good for the whole person.

"If you promise to be my person now, obediently resist nothing ... I can take you away right away? Because I don't like to threaten others, I hope to get your consent." Sizel Said softly.

Isn't this even a threat? !!

Although Shao Ci feels that all kinds of things can't be done, but now things can only stay by Xizel, after all, Xizel is the target of the Raiders (again, this **** system) ... In order to complete daily tasks, even I do n’t want to, I can only go.

Shao Ci still remembered that he was too miscalculated yesterday. He should calm down and not run, or calm down to deal with the bite, otherwise he would be caught on the spot by Israel, and other things happened.

But I thought for a moment ... if I applied a cure to myself on the spot and then estrus, the scene would be terrible. Suddenly I think it ’s still a low-level Zerg.

"I think ..." Before Shao had finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding scene suddenly became unstable, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the black veil on Isrel's bed.

Why did you wake up at such a critical time! !! But maybe I can't go back to sleep now ... I don't know if Cizelle will get angry.

Shao sighed, "When will I be able to leave this world?"

He can't stand this place anymore ... but it is better to stay here anyway than to mine in the mine (.

The last world was crossed after farting, but even so, he did not dare to die casually. Who knows if he can wake up next time after this death.

[According to the rules, it is necessary to walk through the original male lead before leaving. After all, the host is wrong at this time. 】

"Bottom? Are you serious about the system?" Shao Ci fell into panic for a while, "The original male lead will still be born for a hundred years !!!"

If he really wants to stay in this world for a hundred years, he will be killed either by Israel or by Sisser! !! He doesn't believe he can persist until then! !!

[Special methods can be used to speed up the progress, but because the host's crossing causes a series of butterfly effects, these problems must be solved, otherwise the world's will will be aware of the host's existence due to the dramatic collapse of the plot. 】

Shao Ci was relieved when he heard that he could fast forward, but is it a bit difficult? How did he know where there were problems.

[As long as the host saves the life of the former Raiders Israel. Because he is the original villain, he must live until the protagonist is born, otherwise the plot will collapse. 】

It was also specifically marked as the target of the former Raiders. I feel that Israel is miserable.

"Then what am I going to do?" Shao Ci asked. "And it feels like I'm easier to eat bento than Israel, right? He's better than me ..."

[Because the host's current Raiders are killing the former Raiders, they may cause the former Raiders to die. 】

"So ..." Shao Ci suddenly thought of a more terrible thing. "Wait, then Zizel was also a character who died before the original protagonist was born. Should I kill him?" Raised to **** level?

[This is not necessary. The system states that [the world will not care about such things. But just in case, the host must die in this mission, so that he can hide the will of the world, and then use the rebirth method to put the host next to the original protagonist. 】

Shao Ci: "..." Why the world will not care about such important things! !! In addition, the original male lead is also a low-level Zerg, so it was so difficult for him to get away from the pit and go back to the broken place.

[In order to help the host, this system will provide maximum help for this task. 】

"For example, don't call me when I meet Israel?" Shao Ci asked with hope, this matter is more urgent than anything.

[You cannot cancel the punishment, but you can make the current become tolerable by the host. 】

Shao Ci: "..." Well, this is probably the biggest concession made by the system.

Although the dialogue between Shao Ci and the system was so stinky and long that he felt like he was concocting words, in fact, these dialogues took place in the brain, and the outside world was just a moment away.

According to what the system just said, Shao Ci already had the idea of ​​how to solve it. He got up from the bed and saw that Israel actually fell asleep beside the bed.

Maybe I fell asleep accidentally while doing something. Israel frowned slightly while sleeping, a very restless look.

Shao Ci feels that Israel is not easy. How many years ago things are still remembered now, maybe it is because he has so many minds that it is so easy to be blackened.

Actually, Israel has given Shao Ci a lot of good food every day these days. Otherwise, Shao Ci would not think about it if he changed to a more serpentous person.

"It's not good to fall asleep like this." Shao Ci pulled up the blanket on the side and covered Israel's body, because the movement was a bit large, and the chain on his ankle suddenly made a collision sound, and Israel, who had fallen asleep suddenly, suddenly Waking up, grabbing Shao Ci's hand, "Don't leave ..."

Seeing Shao Ci in front of his eyes, Israel was relieved, and then noticed the blanket on his body. He stunned for a moment and looked at Shao Ci with surprise, "Don't you blame me?"

Shao Ci thought that he would be born again a few hundred years later anyway, and now it doesn't matter what he says, it is good to make Isreel happy.

So Shao Ci grabbed Isreel's hand. This time there was only a faint electric shock. It was like tickling. It was quite far away from the previous one. Sure enough, Shao Ci was tolerable.

Then Shao Ci said: "I have never been angry with you ... the past things have passed so long, I do n’t remember the lower Zerg you said ... As for now, I thank you for taking me Bring it out from that place, and thank you for the delicious meals you have been making. "

These are all sincere words from Shao Ci.

Israel looked down at Shao Ci holding his hand, and was suddenly silent. After a while, his voice trembled and said, "After that, this is the first time you actively hold my hand ... I've been waiting for this day ... always ... "

Shao suddenly panicked. "Wait, don't cry."

Israel stood up, hugged Shao directly, leaned on his shoulder, and sobbed, "... I have been working so hard all the time, I want to see your smile again, I want you Call me that gently ... but what did you do wrong, why are you getting farther and farther away from me, what I want is not what it is now ... "

No, it's the direction you're working on is totally wrong!

Shao resigned and said, "No, don't cry, isn't everything all right now? I won't blame you ..."

Israel held Shao crying for a long time before slowly calming down, his eyes were red, and he looked a bit pitiful, he whispered: "Even if this is just what you say to lie to me, I am very Happy ... "

"Am I the kind of person who can lie in your heart?" Shao Ci felt very angry. Although he is indeed a person who can do that kind of thing, it does not prevent him from getting angry → _ →.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was so excited all of a sudden, I said something wrong ..." Israel quickly wiped away his tears, a look of helplessness, and finally bowed his head, "I want to understand, I was too much before I'm not calm ... Although I thought that as long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter anyway. But sure enough, I still hope that you will be happy when I am by my side. "

Shao Ci did not expect that Isreal was such a person who could figure it out so quickly, and the opportunity to make him think of it was just a handshake ... why did you suddenly feel that Isreal was so miserable?

After that, Isreel removed the shackles locked on Shao Ci's feet and dropped them in the garbage disposer. It seems that he is not going to use them again in this life.

Shao Ci feels that the shackles are all superfluous. With so many guard robots in his house, even if he has wings, can't he run away?

However, because of the past, Israel has a psychological shadow. He is not willing to let Shao leave the house for the time being. He has no idea about the genetic improvement agent in the palace. Now he would rather buy it on the black market.

The next few days have been very relaxing. It may be the most comfortable day for Shao Ci to come to this world. Eat, drink, sleep well, and no longer have to worry about what Isel ’s sudden blackening makes. Things come.

Because the task was agreed with the system, the daily tasks of the day were temporarily canceled, and the punishment was naturally gone.

But it's always coming. Another night, after Shao Ci fell asleep, he came to Cizil's dream again.

This time the dream is much more stable than last time. There is no messy **** memory killing (in fact, Shao Ci suspects that Cizelle was intentional last time). The hall has a high dome, and thousands of stars are pouring down. , Reflected on the smooth ground like a mirror, walking on it is like walking in the stars.

There is a faint scent in the air, like the scent of a certain flower.

Shao Ci didn't know what the palace in the real palace looked like. The sight in front of him made him drunk.

On the magnificent throne, there is a young man sitting. He has a more beautiful face than anyone, and his light blond hair seems to have a layer of golden light. He is leaning on the throne with his eyes closed, and he is wearing a complex dress. Thick robes, like a well-dressed doll.

This time, Cizelle waited for Shao's speech in the form of a teenager.

"How are you thinking?" Sisell opened his eyes, but those eyes that were supposed to be as beautiful as sapphire were dim.

For a while, Shao Ci felt some regrets, not because he had any special feelings for Sisser. The feeling of regret was like seeing a missing piece of art, which could have been more perfect, but hard. There are flaws.

"I've figured it out." Shao Ci slowly walked over and whispered: "Your Majesty, I am willing to be your person, please take me away."

Such shameful lines come out of Shao Ci, which is not good for the whole person, but this line is quite commensurate with the style of Sizel ...

"Good boy." Cizelle smiled slightly. Under his smile, the stars around him seemed dim for a moment. He took Shao Ci's hand and kissed gently at the fingertips. "As you wish . Come to me. "


Shao Ci was thinking that if he took the initiative, Cizelle would not embarrass Israel, and then think of a way to die ...

Although I don't know what method Zizel wants to use.

Shao Ci, who was thinking about this, was soon beaten. In the early morning, he woke up with Isrell shaking directly, rubbing his eyes and yawning, and asked, "What's wrong? It's so early ... "

"We need to leave quickly." Israel looked anxiously: "His Majesty has begun to shoot against the family, I don't know if the group of people in the family has acted too arrogantly recently and caused His Majesty ... In short, we stay here too It's dangerous. "

Shao Ci woke up instantly: "!"

Oops, I started to do things so quickly, and also directly started other people's families ... definitely not just because of his affairs, like Isreel said, his family's power in the empire is too great, and there are Many arrogant people have done something that will be caught. Cizelle probably wants to do it.

In this case, he must have been fully prepared for it. It is impossible to let Israel escape easily. Now, if he escapes with Israel, accidents are more likely to occur.

Shao Ci's face sank, and it seems that he must now use the method considered before.

Israel hurriedly packed things, Shao Ci hesitated slightly, went to the living room and poured a glass of water, and poured some sleeping pills into it.

The effect of this sleeping potion is not very strong for the senior zerg, but the system borrows a little power, making the potion effect several times stronger than in the past, which is enough to make Isrell instantly lethargic.

Israel had already packed everything, and Shao Ci's hand was about to leave. Shao Ci passed water to him. "It's very hard to get up so early, let's have a glass of water."

Israel may have hesitated if it was before, but after getting along these days, he now has great confidence in Shao Ci, taking the water and drinking it.

"Let's go ..." Only halfway through the conversation, Isreel almost fell down. He looked at Shao Ci with a stunned look. His eyes were full of complex emotions, not disappointment or sadness. "Why ... "

Before he could hear Shao Ci's answer, Israel fell asleep completely.

Shao Ci put him on the bed with his back on his back, looked at the sleeping Israel, and sighed softly, "Sorry ... everything I do is for you to live."

Although this is a task required by the system, Shao Ci didn't want to see Isrel die like this.

"System, you can now simulate my breath into the breath of Isreel." Shao said.

Because it was said before that we should provide the greatest help to Shao Ci, the system directly helped. At this time, it is still very reliable.

In fact, Shao Ci couldn't smell any different smell in Zerg, but the system said that it should be good ... don't pit him at this time.

After getting ready, Shao Ci changed into a suit that Isrell usually wore, and then took a deep breath and went out.

Only after descending the stairs on the second floor, Shao Ci saw it. There was a man sitting on the sofa in the living room, and he was almost scared to kneel on the ground.

Cizère seemed to take this place as his own home, sitting leisurely on the sofa, with a cup of steaming tea on the table in front.

"Ah, Israel, good morning?" Cizelle heard the noise, raised his head with a smile, and waved his hand like he saw an old friend.

Shao speech: "!" Sure enough, Zizer recognizes that people rely on smell! That's why he asked the system to help him do this. He had thought that it would be a little troublesome if he only met outside after going out. Now that Cizère is coming by himself, it is still a good idea to cheat.

Of course, Shao Ci didn't dare to underestimate Sizel because there was only one person. He was a man who reached the throne by force, and breaking into this manor guarded by heavy robot guards was like playing ... probably You don't even need to take a shot. Using mental power directly is enough to get those robots into chaos.

Shao Ci didn't say anything, just walking down, his footsteps were very clear in the quiet hall.

"Why don't you talk? Are you afraid?" Cizelle slowly drank the tea and said slowly, "You weren't such a timid person before."

Shao Zi gritted his teeth and walked faster, but a moment of effort would come to Cizère.

"Stop it, but you're here to kill him?" Cizel turned his head and said blankly, "If I take another step, I won't be merciful ... although I didn't intend to keep you It's all about it. "

When Shao Ci lifted his leg again, a strong mental force rolled over, apparently just an intangible object, but slaps on Shao Ci directly like a raging wave, affecting it inside the body. Organs.

Shao Ci immediately fell to his knees on the ground, and coughed up blood as soon as his throat was sweet, and then the blood continued to flow. If the pain was not mostly isolated under the mask of systemic pain, he might just call out Come.

Cizelle, who was still sitting like a theater, was surprised. "No ... you're not Isere ..."

Cizelle suddenly stood up, walked quickly in front of Shao Ci, lowered his head and groped for Shao Ci's cheek. At such a short distance, he finally found out Shao Ci's true identity, and his face became extremely ugly. " ... why? Why are you doing this? "

Shao Ci coughed the blood while grasping Cizelle's hand, "I ... don't want ... Israel has an accident ... I'm sorry ..."

"Even if you want to do this, you can tell me directly, why should you hide from me ..." Sisell fully understands how much he has just hit. If the enemy is Isere, it will probably only be seriously injured, but it will change. Cheng Shao's speech is not necessarily, "I will take you to find someone for treatment now."

"No ... no need ... I know my situation." Shao Ci knew that he still had some help, so he couldn't let Cizel find someone to feed him! How else would he be born again.

Shao Ci made every effort to grasp Cizelle's hand, and then input the healing power in the past with a brain. The use of power will take extra energy, so the severely injured Shao Ci's mouth continued to pour blood, even breathing difficulties, but he did not stop the power delivery.

That's right, this is the final move of Shao Ci's preparation. Use the power to completely heal Zizel's eyes. In this case, Cizel should remember that his kindness was wrong and that he would not hit Israel.

Shao Ci has asked the system before. Although this defect that is invisible to Sisell's eyes cannot be treated with current technology, it can still be saved with healing abilities.

"Why?" Cizel's expression was no longer the usual smile, but a bit dazed, his tone was unprecedentedly dignified. "Why do you want to use this power against me at this time? It's you who need treatment even more now ... "