MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 97 Holographic tour (4)

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This time when he was drawn into the portrait again, Shao Ci became much calmer. Anyway, he was also an experienced person. Looking at the surrounding scenes, he found that he was standing outside the restaurant this time.

It seems that this time is not the same as the last time ... I thought I would come out directly in the storeroom.

Although I just watched something in the way of an onlooker and left safely last time, no one can guarantee whether it will be as calm this time.

The next moment, someone suddenly patted Shao Ci's shoulder. Shao Ci was startled, suddenly turned to look, and saw a servant, frowning at him, "Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

Shao Ci looked down at himself, only to find that he was wearing the clothes of a servant at this time, but his body was still that body ... Shao Ci was sure that he was not attached to others, but the others were right He looks familiar, it should be the setting of this portrait world?

But the necklace he wore on his neck was so unobtrusive that no one else seemed to see it.

Shao Ci: "..." I feel that things will be troublesome this time.

"Okay." The other handed the medicine directly on the tray, and said, "Be careful when you send in ..."

"Hmm ..." Shao's cold sweat was coming down, but he couldn't refuse. If he refused in this place, he didn't know what would happen ... even if all the servants became ghosts to surround him the next moment. It's not impossible.

Besides, since he was arranged to do this, it must be related to the main line.

Shao Ci asked, "Which room is that going to?"

The attendant looked at Shao Ci with a complex look. "It's going to the master's bedroom. Why did you forget this? If something goes wrong, no one can keep you."

"Just want to confirm again." Shao Ci quickly said.

Then Shao bit his teeth and walked upstairs with the tray.

This manor seems to be a health resort for the Duke of Stuart, whose parents do not live here, so the other person's room must be the master bedroom.

At this time, Shao Ci is really glad that he has seen the map before, otherwise asking more now will definitely make the other person more skeptical.

Fortunately, Shao Ci had the experience of seeing someone knock on the door last time. After knocking, he pushed the door open.

This is a very luxurious room, but with a bit of life.

Obviously the windows were wide open, and it was still day outside, but there was some gloom in the room, which made people feel a little scared for no reason.

Duke Stuart, no, now he is only Master Stuart, and he is half-lying on the bed.

There was no servant in the room.

His face looked paler and paler, his blue eyes were looking out the window, and he turned his head when he heard the movement.

Although it looks much more embarrassing than before, the other person's looks are more delicate, just like a fragile vase, beautiful and fragile.

Shao Ci felt that he was not so irritated before.

After all, this time there is only Master Stuart alone, and there are no servants. Even if the other party wants to find someone to do something with him, it still takes time, and Shao can completely escape in this time.

Then Shao stepped forward and carefully placed the plate on the table next to the bed, but because of the unskilled business, the plate still made a crisp sound.

Shao Ci: "..." lying down!

Master Stuart just turned his head and glanced at Shao, as if he could see who he was, then smiled slightly and said softly, "Hey me."

Shao Ci was relieved, probably ... as if ... maybe all right.

In fact, he still didn't want to have any direct conflict with the opponent, after all, he didn't know what would happen in this portrait.

Then Shao Ci carefully supported the other side to the bed and felt that the other side's body was too thin.

If it weren't for Shao Ci and remember how unfortunate Master Stuart was at the beginning, what kind of sympathy he would have to have now.

Shao Ci originally wanted to raise the bowl, but was directly held by the other side.

The opponent's hand was very cold, making Shao's speech an excitement on the spot.

"Do you sympathize with me?" Master Stuart looked at Shao and suddenly said so.

"No ... no ..." Shao Ci quickly said, "How dare I."

"Really ... Actually, I think you are very interesting." Master Stuart said: "Other people will be afraid of me, even if they look calm on the surface, I can see it at a glance. But your eyes are There is only mercy. "

Shao Ci: "..." He was frightened by all means, but after all it was just a game ... so I wasn't afraid to that extent.

Then Master Stuart said again, "Come here ... sit in this place."

Although Shao Ci didn't know what he was going to do, he sat down arrogantly.

The other party stood up and came to Shao Ci.

Shao said a moment, looked up at each other, and the next moment, Master Stuart put out the tip of his tongue and licked his eyes.

Lying down? !!

"!?" Shao Ci was frightened for a moment, the physical tears fell subconsciously, and the other side kissed along the place where the tears fell down.

Shao Ci is still a bit shocked. He has traveled through so many worlds, encountered so many snake spoiled diseases, and so on. This is the first time that he has been licked!

Although I have heard about this play, Shao Ci absolutely refused ...

Master Stuart reached out and stroked Shao Ci's cheek, obsessed with his eyes, and looked into his eyes.

"Your eyes look good. When I first saw them, I wanted to dig them out ..."

Shao Ci said: "... this, this ... please don't scare me ..."

However, Shao Ci has no doubt that the other party would really do this kind of thing ...

"Yeah, it wouldn't be as beautiful as it is now." The other smiled again.

Shao Ci: "..." Wow, he has to hold on, maybe this has something to do with the mainline dialogue.

Then Master Stuart pinched Shao's chin again and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

Shao Ci: "... Yes, yes." However, this guarantee feels that there is no use of eggs. If you want to cut your hands and dig your eyes, it will be over.

"After all, you are not the same as those people." He said so softly, as if to say to Shao Ci, and to himself.

Shao Ci was taken aback by his words. Did the other party realize that he wasn't supposed to be here?

No, no, this is just the virtual space of the portrait anyway, and it doesn't really exist.

The next moment, Shao Ci's mind began to vertigo, and the surrounding space also had a distorted tendency.

It seemed that it was time to leave again, and Shao Ci was relieved.

He finally insisted on this time. Although the previous conversation was very peaceful, he always felt that if he didn't agree with each other, he would be killed by the other party.

When he's gone, everything here doesn't matter to him.

Shao Ci thought so, but the next moment, his wrist was caught suddenly.

Is the other party aware that they are leaving?

Shao Ci looked up suddenly and saw that Master Stuart was holding his wrist with his slender hand as pale as his face.

The blue eyes with smiles were full of coldness at this moment.

"You're leaving," he said softly.

"!" Shao Ci hadn't talked in a hurry, he felt a little lighter, looked down, and his body had begun to become transparent.

And Master Stuart suddenly reached out and wanted to catch Shao Ci, but caught a vacancy, just tore off the necklace that originally hung on Shao Ci's neck.

Looking at the person who completely disappeared in front of him, his eyes darkened, and he tightened the necklace in his hand.

"... you will definitely come back."


Shao Ci was suddenly pushed out of the portrait and fell straight to the ground, thinking that he would fall to the ground, but hit something.

He got up and found that he actually fell on Juyt, and quickly got up, "Boo, sorry."

Juyt also stood up and gave Shao a cold glance.

But it's also because the light is very dim now, otherwise Shao Ci can definitely see his red ears.

"I thought you would die in the portrait," Uit said coldly, "I didn't expect you to be quite big."

Shao Ci always felt uneasy, especially before he was pushed into the portrait by the person, and the ghost who pushed him licked his ears, it felt that Shao Ci was covered even now when I think about it Tingling.

"Did you find any information about the portrait?" Shao Ci looked up.

"Almost." Juyte handed over a stack of information. "I sorted it out when you disappeared and let me finish it soon."

Shao Ci took a look at the data, all diaries.

Shao Ci: "..." Sure enough, the setting of this copy is to drop the diary after killing the ghost.

Many of these diaries have different handwritings, and describe what happened that year from various aspects.

Shao Ci also inferred from it exactly what happened.

Probably after moving into the manor, some people found the portraits in the abandoned storage room. Originally these shabby portraits were to be disposed of, but the hostess was obsessed with these portraits after seeing them, and made people take them. All hung up.

These portraits are very worn out, and many people feel very weird when they are hung up, and the male owner also expressed angrily that they would dispose of these portraits.

But only the second day, the male host became seriously ill, but the hostess seemed to not see it, and only knew to look at these portraits every day.

Then the hostess's necklace disappeared, and all her servants were ordered to find it.

But no matter what kind of necklace everyone finds, the hostess will nervously say no, and then they will insult the servants severely. Everyone thinks that the hostess is crazy.

The state of the servants who went to find the necklace was also getting more and more wrong. Every day, they did nothing to find the necklace. It looked like a magic wand, and eventually they all disappeared.

The master's condition was getting worse, and he almost lost his breath.

But at this time, a maid saw it. One night, the hostess actually fed the poison to the male host, and then laughed after each other's breath, as if mad.

After that the maid fled quickly and hurriedly wrote down this final diary.

Shao Ci: "... It is these pictures that cause all the problems."

"These portraits are probably mentally disturbing." Yoit groaned. "Maybe it can also control and influence the thinking of some people. As for those who disappeared, I am afraid they will be swallowed up by those portraits. Come on. "

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Shao Ci again. "That's why I was surprised. I thought you wouldn't come out."

Shao Ci thought for a while and was a little scared, his face was a bit pale.

With this in mind, Juyte said indifferently: "But don't worry, it's just a game, nothing to be afraid of."

Shao Ci: "..." Can he interpret this sentence as a comfort to him.

"The current situation is still very simple, but there are some ghosts that are not worth mentioning, and they will not affect our lives." Juyte said: "So I speculate that over time, these are swallowed by the portrait Ghosts will come out one by one. "

Shao Ci: "... recession?" So many people have died here. If all these ghosts come, even Uit will have a hard time.

"Maybe I've been here for a long time, and even our thinking will be affected by the portrait, and finally we will destroy ourselves." Juyt said, "Hurry up."

Shao Ci: "The player's spirit is affected ... can such a thing be done?"

"This kind of thing also exists." Uit looked at Shao Ci with the same look as a fool. "But when the mind is completely controlled, it will be judged by the system to be dead, and the copy will be kicked out directly. "

Shao Ci: "... that's it."

"I don't know how you got into the A-level copy, it's just like a newcomer." Juit said casually, then looked down at the portrait on the ground,

This portrait is completely different from the previous one. It looks very worn, and even the appearance of the people above is not clear. It seems to be foggy and with a bit of strangeness.

Uyt did not hesitate to draw it with a black sickle, the image was torn apart, and it disappeared into a black mist.

"What you want to determine now is how many portraits there are," Juyte said. "Everything will be destroyed and everything will be over."

Shao Ci: "If this is the case, should we go to see the diary of the hostess?" That kind of thing should exist ...

"Ah-" But there was a scream from the woman's horror suddenly outside, and the storage room was soundproofed, but the two inside heard it clearly.

"It's the direction of the master bedroom." Juyt stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Shao Ci also followed him closely. He didn't dare to stay in the storeroom alone.

As he passed by the study on the road, Shao Ci hesitated, always feeling that the study that had appeared in the portrait should not be so simple.

Shao Ci stretched out the door and found it locked.

But as soon as he hit the door handle, Shao Ci seemed to hear some laughter ringing in his ears. At the same time, an impulse surged in his heart, everything else was left behind, and he took out the keys and tried them one by one.

The next moment, a lot of black shadows appeared in the surrounding shadows, quickly attacking Shao Zi, and Shao Ci also tried to lock the door like a magic wand, without paying attention to the surroundings.

Uyt noticed that Shao's speech hadn't kept up, and turned around to see the scene. He frowned slightly, ran over quickly, and used the sickle to kill all the ghosts.

He was relieved and took Shao Ci's hand directly.

Shao Ci woke up instantly, only to find that he was already covered with cold sweat.

Uyte gave Shao a cold look, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to help you by the way so as not to cause any trouble."

Shao Ci turned his head to look at the study. The weird feeling had just completely disappeared, and he was still a little worried.

It was only at the beginning of the temptation that he had tried all the keys and failed to open the door.

… Obviously, the key to the study was not in his hands.

The two hurriedly walked towards the master bedroom, and encountered many ghosts along the way, which were easily resolved by Juit.

Soon the two came to the master bedroom in a hurry, but at this time the door was wide open, and Anna was at the door with a look of horror, and it was clear that she made the cry.

Inside the door, Damons was pinched his neck by a hand stretched out by a red shadow, no matter how hard Damons struggled, it was completely useless.

The red shadow can be seen vaguely as a woman in a red dress, but her face is indistinct. She has a very strange atmosphere all over her. She continues to say with a hoarse voice like crazy, "Give me ... Give me ... ... give me ... "

Seeing this situation, Shao Ci immediately understood that this must be the ghost of the hostess. This momentum is completely different from those of the maids.

When Anna saw Uyt, she immediately looked like a savior, and immediately said, "Master Juyt, please save us, Damons ..."

"What happened?" Juit glanced at her lightly.

Anna said nervously, "No, nothing, we just came in and the woman ghost went crazy."

In fact, after the couple had left Shao's speech, they investigated on the other side, and after killing some female ghosts, they had good luck finding the bedroom key.

When they came to the bedroom, there was nothing in the room at first, but only a spread diary on the table.

After opening the diaries, the two immediately saw some very important information, but then the female ghost emerged. Anna didn't want to give in, but she couldn't beat it. Damons was caught by the other party. I had to step back.

Now Anna is still a little reconciled, feeling that she is only one step away from the customs clearance, naturally she does not want to tell this matter.

Besides, cold people like Juyt have no effect to please, it is better to get good things.

However, at this time, Anna didn't know what family of Juyte was, otherwise she wouldn't dare deceive Juyt even if she lent her another ten guts.

Juyt looked at her coldly, "If you don't say it again, I won't save anyone."

Anna looked at Uite in amazement, realizing that the other person was really serious, and then saw that Damons in it would be impossible, or gritted her teeth: "... as long as you can see the diary in it Do n’t you know? You wo n’t believe me anyway. ”

Upon hearing this, Juit seemed to have an idea and walked in with a sickle.

Even he, in the face of this powerful ghost, looked a little dignified, and attacked the hostess's ghost's hands.

The next moment, the hostess ghost screamed violently, devoting herself to dealing with Juyt, and Damons was thrown to the ground.

Anna hesitated before stepping forward to support Damons.

This hostess is obviously not comparable to ordinary ghosts. Under the Uyt offense, it became even more powerful. Even if Uyt used a black sickle with an additional effect, the spread of the black flame could not keep up with the opponent's regeneration .

Seeing that something was wrong, Anna immediately rushed to the door, holding Damons, for fear of being affected.

While Uite and the hostess's ghost were still fighting, Shao Ci subconsciously took out the necklace in his hand.

Obviously the hostess wanted a necklace too, and the string he had received from a female ghost before was lost, and now only the pearl necklace was still there.

This necklace was denied by the maid, if this time it was wrong ... the consequences would not be so casual.

It was just that he had a necklace with a diamond pendant in the portrait before, and that portrait was also destroyed by Juyt. Could it be said that this task could not be completed?

Shao hesitated, Anna placed Damons next to the wall, and came over and said, "I'm really sorry for the previous thing. After all, we couldn't do anything about that situation. Speaking What's going on with this necklace ... "

Of course, Shao Ci's heart would not believe what the other party said, but now that everyone is facing the same enemy, he intends to test the other party and said, "I found this necklace in one place, but ... "

Before she finished speaking, Anna snatched Shao Ci's necklace suddenly, glorified Shao Ci, and then ran quickly into the bedroom, her face still full of joy.

She held the necklace in her hand, and said to the hostess's ghost: "This is what you are looking for--"