MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 43 There is a small shop

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Luo Ru did not expect to go to Mu Ling to take something back and actually saw the man by the river. What she most can't understand is that this person actually walked with her brother? Is this awkward? !

The two couldn't help but slow down their steps and Luo Lu was banqueting and then chanting Luo Yong. Luo Yong, simply go to Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei to ask for help.

At this time, Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing also saw Luo Ru. The couple looked at each other and almost laughed.

"Two treasures, are you coming over from here?" Luo Fei first said, "Did you eat? The second brother stewed the fish. If he didn't eat it, he would eat it here."

"No brother, I have eaten." Luo Ru with a doubt in his eyes, "You brother and brother know this person?" She chined to Luo Yong.

"Know. You didn't listen to the Four Treasures before? You have a friend who came to Huaping Village to settle down. His hometown has made a lot of water, so I plan to settle down here." Luo Fei pointed Luo Yong, "It is him."

"Below Luo Yong." Luo Yong said with a little embarrassment, "I didn't recognize the female strong man on the riverside as the sister of Xi Ge and Qi Ge. If there is a rude place, I hope to include it."

"Female, son-in-law?!" Luo Ru forced the basket tightly, his face was ugly. "Since it is a friend of Xi Ge and his second brother, it will be nothing! It is not that you are not rude to me. My brother, I will return first!" Luo Ru took a look at Luo Yong and returned home. The main reason is that when she thinks that this person is talking by the river, she will be tempted to say that she is fierce and she is fierce. ! I didn’t see the problem myself and dared to ask her if she had taught her that she had to be kind and honest. What else is called "female hero"! ! !

If it wasn't because she didn't want to mention her second brother and that of Jiang Baining, let her two brothers get upset, see her not killing him! As a friend of her second brother and Xi Ge, dare to help Jiang Baining?


This **** friend!

Luo Ru did not hold back, went back and said this to Luo Yi. Luo Yiyi pondered: "My sister, it must be that the second brother and the brother did not mention Jiang Baining with Luo Da Ge. He did not know that Jiang Baining and his second brother had a holiday, and it is not uncommon for Jiang Baining to help?"

Luo Ruyi thought that there was some truth, but she was still angry when she thought about what the person said! And Jiang Baining’s anger is so disgusting!

This box, Luo Yong said with a smile: "It seems that I am angering the three girls."

Xi Yan Qing shook his head, as if to say: You still know?

Luo Feixiao said: "No problem, my sister's temperament is the most hearty. If she really understands you as a person, she will never care about it again. And it also blames me for saying this. I didn't tell you clearly. I am with that Jiang Bining. There are some holidays, although this is a shame, but if you want to be free, you can ask your brother."

A large bowl of stewed fish was eaten by three young guys, and Luo Fei was cleaning up the kitchen.

The feast was full and she was doing something. When she heard Luo Fei’s words, she said, “Let’s go to Luo Yong and help me dig the potatoes.”

Luo Yong heard the words, and then went to the backyard with the feast.

The weather was cool at this time, and the banquet cleared the sleeves barefoot and dug potatoes in the potato fields. He was afraid of hurting the potatoes and was careful when digging.

He digs potatoes and talks about Luo Fei and Zhang Yangfan, as well as Jiang Baining. He said that it is better than Luo Yong to listen to some mess from others. In fact, I should have said to Luo Yong, but I always felt that it was better for Luo Yong to know more about Luo Fei. This would not be a bad impression on Luo Fei after Luo Yong listened to those things. After all, in ancient times. The things that were done with the predecessors of Luo Fei were enough to make people criticized.

"In short, Jiang Baining is not a good thing. You don't think that he shows a weak look. Some people have bullied him." Xi Yanqing looked at the direction of the house, thinking that Luo Fei should still work hard to clean up the house. There was a warmth in his heart. "You Qiqi sometimes has a mouthful of people, but his heart is better than anyone else. His sister is the same. It must have been Jiang Baining’s ugly words, so the three treasures will be evil. ""

"I was smashed. But I didn't think that the three girls would grow so strong. I thought..." A girl's family, even if it is not as delicate as a girl's house, at least it should be similar to the little brother. How did you want to catch up with a man? !

"You Qi Ge followed my mother-in-law, and my little sister-in-law followed my father-in-law. Have you seen my father-in-law before?"

"Yeah. But the three girls are born white, I didn't think about it for a while." That Luotian is black! Black and tall, like a black bear!

“Disappointed?” Xi Yanqing asked casually. “I thought it was a weak girl. I didn’t expect it to be quite strong.”

"Disappointment? Isn't it good?" Luo Yong's entrance to the vegetable garden, seeing that Luo Fei didn't come, whispered to Xiyan Qing, "Xie Ge, not afraid of your jokes, I am actually a little afraid of skinny." Hey, you said that my strength is so big, too thin girl I am afraid that I can hurt them if I can't get it. When I was a child, I accidentally touched a girl who dressed as a man, but it was just a walk. I was in a hurry, and the result directly knocked the girl down and broke my hand. The girl’s family beat me."

"Ah? Is there anything else? I haven't heard you say it before."

"Is there something to say about it? You are embarrassed." Luo Yong squatted down, effortlessly digging the soil, carefully plucking the soil of the potatoes, and getting the potatoes out of the inside. "I used to Think about it, if you can find a woman who is too weak in the future, lest I accidentally squash it at night."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, really have you." Xi Yan Qing simply served.

The brothers dug up the potatoes and placed them aside. Luo Fei took the basket and smashed it. It also succeeded in digging the potatoes before dark. Mainly Xi Yanqing and Luo Yong are too arrogant to work.

Luo Yong was still eating at the banquet in the evening, and then said to Luo Fei: "Qi Ge, I didn't know that the three girls were your sister, and I didn't listen to what I said. If you see her later, help me. Tell her about it, I was not malicious at the time."

Luo Fei said with a sorrow: "Yes. But you don't have to worry about it. Sanbao has a good temper, and she forgets it after a while."

Luo Yong smirked: "That would be good. It is said that the three girls are really like female heroes, and they are daring. When people see me, I am afraid, she will not look at her eyes."

He was born tall, let alone the girl, that is, some timid man saw him talking carefully, and he really looked back at the girl like Luo Ru.

Luo Fei’s faceless expression: “Luo Yong brothers, see my brother’s share, I tell you, if you see my sister in the future, don’t mention anything like a female warrior, otherwise I promise she will jump up and fight. You have to find your teeth all over the place. You also said that she is fierce, you have not seen her really fierce. Besides, my family's three treasures are strong, but is it because of this that the former man came to the door to make trouble? It’s this she’s awkward, don’t you reveal it?”

Luo Ru is strong, but she also knows that it is because of this that she will never find her family. Luo Ru is no longer a girl. Can she not be sad when she hears such words?

Luo Yong thought, isn't it, blame him for not thinking about it.

When I was in the military camp, there was a big scorpion who grew very strong and raised a horse. It was stronger than many brothers in their military camp. Many people called her "female heroes". The big **** were also very happy, so he Intuitively, this is not a malicious name. But think about it, it seems that it is not appropriate.

But now I want to use it, I have already called it.

Luo Yong felt that he did not seem to get Luoru forgiveness first and deepened Luo Ru’s bad impression on him. He had to find a solution to this problem, otherwise he would not speak well after seeing it later. No matter what kind of girl is Qi Ge and Xi Ge’s sister, it can’t really make people feel unhappy.

After making up his mind, Luo Yong only slept.

On the second day, it was still sunny. When Luo Fei got up, he started picking potatoes. He picked out the small ones and washed them, while the big ones were kept for the winter.

They also have a cellar outside of their homes, and they dig deeper. Xi Yanqing moved a few times to move the potatoes in, and then said to Luo Fei: "I am going to fish with Luo Yong today, let the fish be sun-dried before we cut the rice, and eat it when we are winter."

Luo Feiyi can also think about it: "Then you pay attention to safety."

The banquet was dressed in old clothes and went to Liang Dafu’s house to find Luo Yong. The place where they are going to catch fish is closer to the family of Liang Dafu.

Luo Fei took the time to wash the clothes while the potatoes were still cold. After washing the peeled potatoes, peeling off the cooked potatoes and cutting them into slices of three or four millimeters thick, and taking them on the curtains to set them to dry.

Next week, Auntie is cutting the radish, and the two can talk and chat. The three beans have been following Luo Fei, because they basically feed them every day and play with them, so they are the closest to Luo Fei.

Luo Fei put all the potato chips and wondered if he should go to the town.

In a few days, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Li Siyuan’s family of three clothes was basically finished. They had to buy some food for their own holidays. Can’t they just deal with it? The first Mid-Autumn Festival after coming here.

In addition, Xi Yanqing's injury is also completely good, and he can also go to the wishful boss to see which patterns can be returned to embroider. It’s not a long time to be busy with drying vegetables for a while, but it’s natural to have time.

Luo Fei decided to wait for the feast to come back after the feast.

Xi Yanqing and Luo Yong went to fish, and the harvest was not small. There were more than 20 dozens of large and small ones, and Luo Fei was shocked.

"Where are there so many fish?!" There is no fish net. How did it get? !

"Did you not have a few rains in the first few days? The water in the river is flowing down. It is estimated that the fish has also rushed a lot. The stone that intercepts the water near the dry land of the family is all in the seam." The banquet was changed with clothes. "I have to hurry up and clean up. Do you pick some for the mother and the Han family?"

"What about Luo Yong?"

"He took back three articles and said that we are left with the rest." Xi Yan said with a smile. "When you go back and ask him to come over and eat too."

"Well, that Qing brother, you first clean up, I will come back to help you clean up later." Luo Fei does not have to go to the door to fold the willow branches, just two or three strings together. However, after he took two strings, he thought about taking two more strings. "Hey, then I will let the three treasures eat first. When I say it, it is Luo Yong."

"Bad scorpion."

"A big tiger that is worse than a donkey!"

After Luo Fei took the fish, he returned to his mother's house and went to the Han family. As for Han Xu, he will be sent to the Korean family.

When he came out from the Han family, Luo Fei smelled his hand and felt a little embarrassed. Just as there were dry petals on the side of the road, he immediately smashed it. When he played, he could go and smell it. Unexpectedly, some people yelled at the side and said: "Is your family's flowers not? Just pick them up?"

Luo Fei looked at Qin Guizhi and Wang Yepo, and deliberately smashed several: "I will pick it up. Is this your name on the flower?"

Mom is a wild flower, what is your Qin Guizhi?

Qin Guizhi hated Luo Fei in his heart. He always felt that he had caused her family to be restless. If this little goblin hooked the soul of her son, can her son’s heart not be on Jiang Baining? It’s not that Jiang Baining did the thing that smeared his son. Now it’s better, her son took Jiang Baining off, and her grandson has not fallen behind!

"Oh, then the flowers in your hand can't be changed to that color!" Qin Guizhi stunned his eyes. "It’s a long time to get into the pro."

"Well, I can't give birth to one of my farts." Luo Fei smiled. "You can have a fart at home, and you are born a fart!"

"You!" Qin Guizhi is extremely angry. "I tell you Luo Erbao! After my home has finished the test, I have a good look!"

"I don't want to finish the exam, I look good. I don't care if I have nothing to do with him. The crazy woman." Don't you take Zhang Yangfan's waste to participate in a fall? I haven't even published a list. Who knows how to test? Are you proud of it here? I am not sure about it.

"Little fox!" Qin Guizhi can't wait to dig the roots of the roots and the bandits!

"Do you dissipate the scorpion, and see him in general? Your family Zhang Xiucai is going to be an official." Wang Yepo did not like Luo Fei, and he chose Qin Guizhi to listen. "It’s not like some people do." There are some things that no one wants."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, no one wants something?" Luo Fei clap his hands. "Isn't it, all of them have been wearing a green hat, no one wants to say, this kind of person is just right."

"Luo Erbao! I, see I don't tear your mouth!" Qin Guizhi said that he would chase.

Luo Fei ran quickly, did not run far, Qin Guizhi could not catch up, Luo Fei changed to run, but also deliberately squatting, twisting his waist, that one quickly put Qin Guizhi to see almost spit out an old blood, also I can see that the dinner party waiting for someone is clear and funny.

"Why? Baby? Going on stage?" The banquet whispered.

"No, play it." Luo Fei entered the house and closed the door. He didn't have a squat in the front yard. He was busy taking a sip on the banquet. "Is it finished?"

"Put it up, you come back just right, water me, I clean the fish." If you have to change the water several times to wash the fish, it is better to rush.

Luo Fei quickly smashed the water, helped clean the fish, and then hanged it with the banquet.

In the evening, the young couple got on the shackles. After a while, Luo Fei asked the banquet to go to the town. Xi Yan Qing thought that it is time to buy something, and said: "Yes, that Ming children will go together in the morning. Just Luo Yong also explained that there is something wrong with him."

Luo Yong did not say anything about the feast. He only said that he did not come on the second day.

In fact, he thought that he would give the fish to Luo Ru, and apologize to her, but the Xi Yan Qing also touched the fish, and will definitely send it to the Yue family. He sent it to be redundant, so he did not say it.

Can you send some fish?

Luo Yong扒 pulled the scorpion in the bag. This was what he had done when he went to the banquet to go up the mountain. Not much. He thought that he would sell and change some money. But now he has changed his mind. He thought, if you want to give this donkey to Luo Ru. Just to do this, he has to play some more, and now it is a little less.

So the next day, Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei took the family to Shicheng, Luo Yong was looking for scorpions and walnuts in the mountains. There are still walnuts in this mountain, and quite a few.

Luo Fei and Xi Yan Qing also brought scorpions and walnuts. They left half of their own homes and half of them got stone houses. The main family is very kind to them, so Luo Feiyi mentioned that this family will not be embarrassed at all.

Xiao Changle didn't see Luo Fei for many days, but when he saw him still remembered, he said, "Uncle Luo!"

Luo Fei took this little bit up and hugged it: "Chang Le, you still remember your uncle, my uncle is really happy!"

"This is too expensive." Li Siyuan saw the clothes and liked them. However, this cloth is expensive, and with such fine craftsmanship, he is a bit surprised.

"It is good to give Xiao Changle sewing clothes, Luo brothers are too polite." Shi Shi felt a little embarrassed. When he said that he was sewing clothes, he said it, but he did not expect Luo Fei to sew his family. What is rare is that there is no measure and it fits perfectly.

"I don't want to give up Big Brother Lee, I don't have any other craftsmanship." Luo Fei smiled. "Is Xiao Changle like it?"

"Like!" Chang Le put the clothes on. Luo Fei originally thought that if he didn't fit, he could change it on the spot, so he let this family try it. I didn't expect to be accidentally fit, not too small, nor too big to wear ugly.

Luo Fei had a great effort. He chose three colors for this family's clothes. Shi Shi used a dark blue material, embroidered the moiré, and looked at the stability, very in line with this person's temperament. And Li Siyuan's piece is white, looking at the dust, but also embroidered the moiré. As for Xiao Changle, I chose a tender yellow, embroidered or moiré.

A star sea, a moon, a little sun. The styles are the same, but they are also slightly different.

When Li Siyuan changed, he discovered that the inside of his clothes was embroidered with a gray line... stone?

"Is this a stone? Luo Fei?" Li Siyuan asked.

"Hey, I was discovered by Big Brother Lee. That is the stone." I wanted to keep this secret and let the young couple slowly discover it. I didn't expect anyone to see it.

"The one of mine, is Li Zi?" Shi Shi found that there was also a small embroidery figure in his clothes.

"Yes, Stone Brother is a plum."

"Why not embroider the plums for me, and embroider the stones for him?" Li Siyuan is somewhat puzzled. His surname is Li, and Shi Shi surnamed Shi.

"Large brother, what is the closest picture to my embroidered map?"

"Closest..." to dirty? Li Siyuan suddenly understood the meaning of Luo Fei. This is to say that there is a stone in his heart, and there is a stone in him. When I think about it, I feel that this dress is more precious. "You are a heart-thinking thing." Li Siyuan said with a smile.

"What about me, what about me?" Changle spent half a day and did not see anything embroidered in his clothes.

"Your is a little sun. Uncle hopes that Xiao Changle can be as warm as the sun. Is it good?"

"Good!" Xiao Changle was still in the clothes, didn't see it, and was in a hurry, and he cried out. Luo Fei helped him to see it and then stopped.

After delivering the things, Luo Fei and Xi Yan Qing will go back, but Shi Shi and Li Siyuan are extremely reserved. In the end, there was no way. Luo Fei had a lunch with Shi Banqing at Shifu.

Li Siyuan was also enthusiastic. After the meal, he gave Luo Fei some sweets for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This time, Luo Fei was not too polite with Li Siyuan, and the ceremony was still going on, that was the case.

The banquet was filled with snacks, and Luo Fei went to buy the food for the festival, and went to the Yixiu Embroidery Workshop. Luo Fei bought a lot of lines, and he also spent a long time with the banquet to let Xi Yanqing agree that he would take a little bit of embroidery.

When Luo Fei got the material out of the embroidered workshop, he found that Xi Yanqing was looking at the opposite shop and asked him: "Qing Ge, what are you looking at?"

Xi Yan Qing pointed to the opposite: "The shop has to be sold, as long as one hundred and ten."

Luo Fei listened to one hundred and eleven: "Would we like to buy it?"

Xi Yanqing sees people coming and going on this street: "Go, then ask carefully."

It doesn't have a lot of commercial houses like modern ones, so whether you buy a shop or a house, you have to be lucky.

This shop is actually not bad, but the area is not large, so it only sells one hundred and eleven.

The banquet was really a bit heart-warming.

He and Luo Fei can now have a total of one hundred and thirty-two silver in their hands, even if they buy this shop, they still have some money left in their hands. It’s definitely okay to live, but if you want to build a house next year, you have to do something more.

This shop, about six or two silver rents a year, rushing to this location unless there is any irreversible natural disaster**, otherwise it is unlikely to cut prices. And six or two silver is enough for the family to spend a year.

Luo Fei said: "Will you just buy it? You can't make a big deal in the next year."

He will embroider more things in the future, and the dinner will be so diligent. At the latest, he will definitely be able to build a new house. He is still very confident about this!

Xi Yan Qing is trying to build a new house to raise big donkeys and small tigers, so he is somewhat cautious. He said: "Go, go find Jingbo and talk."