MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 932 There is a woman looking for you

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"Simple preparation is just fine, be quick, for two!" Warmly whispered.

Yev suddenly frowned: "Thank you!"

The butler nodded: "Okay, Mrs. Young! I'll go to the kitchen to arrange!"

"Eh!" Warm calls the housekeeper, "Have they ever eaten?"

The butler turned his head, "Young Master and Young Master have never been downstairs today, but I have made all the refreshments you have prepared!"

Warm dragged some tired body, waved his hand, "Yev, you go to the tea restaurant for a while, I will go upstairs to see them!"

Yev also wanted to go with him. He thought it was not appropriate, and nodded humorously: "I can take care of myself, can you rest assured, ok?"

The warmth turned upstairs.

The whole corridor is very quiet up and down. Although there is no one on the stairs, the servants of the imperial family are quite conscious, and no one hastily went upstairs to disturb. There is no sound.

The warmth subconsciously slowed down the pace, the pace was very light, almost no sound.

When she arrived at the entrance of the study, she heard faintly and swiftly from the false door, like a drizzle suddenly coming in the middle of spring.

Warm took a deep breath at the door, trying to make him appear as peaceful and quiet as usual, and then gently pushed the door in.

In the room, the father and son are the same as yesterday, each of them keeping a few computers, no! To be precise, the Imperial Court and Poppy have kept several units by themselves, and Holy, only specializing in the host in front.

All of them are working attentively, and no one notices the warmth coming in.

Warmly stood at the door, glanced inside, pastries made for them before going out, and they were neatly placed on the table. The fresh "milk" had already cooled down, and the freshly squeezed juice might no longer be fresh.

All things are not passive, they are too busy to eat, or more precisely, they are too busy to forget even hungry!

At this moment, Warm felt like he was not so hungry.

She closed the door quietly and retreated.

If you put it in the usual way, you may be able to comfort them and let them eat something first. After all, the body is the most important, but after a life-and-death contest, she deeply understands that the critical moment can not be sloppy. Any missteps in your trip may cause you to lose!

Going downstairs warmly, Yev quickly greeted him, "How is it?"

Warm shook his head gently.

Yeff suddenly looked hurt, "I don't want to inquire about any news, I just want to express my concern!"

Warm smile: "You think too much, since I have regarded you as a friend, then I have no doubt about you! I really don't know how it is, you know, what network technology and financial turmoil do I have? Yes, I do n’t know anything! "

Yev sighed: "The Emperor Ai Lan family is very powerful and may be stronger than you think! If it can't be supported, don't carry it!"

In fact, Warm wanted to tell the emperor and the children, but she didn't say it after all. On the one hand, stems from trust, on the one hand, she understands this insistence!

"I'll take a look at the kitchen!"

Yev was immediately distracted, looking forward to it: "I found that your family's Chinese food is the best, see what is delicious at noon today!"

The two went into the dining room, and the kitchen just prepared lunch for them. The two people ’s meals are relatively home-cooked because they have to hurry. Although the dishes are not many, there are only five or six, but they are also matched with meat and vegetables. The appetizing soup before the meal, the dessert after the meal, and the fruit are just as good.

Warmly pointed his finger to the chair, "Hurry and sit down and eat!"

"Thank you!"

Yev opened the chair and sat down, picked up the bowl in front of him, and immediately ate, although he was already very hungry, and some of them could not care about eating, but his movements still looked fast and elegant. The noble etiquette training is indeed in place.

The warmth was also very hungry, but thinking of the three people upstairs who were still hungry, they had no appetite, just scooped a bowl of soup, and drank slowly there.

Eve ate two bowls of rice and swept most of the dishes, and then slowed down. Looking up at the warmth, he was a little embarrassed: "Oh, you have n’t eaten much yet, look at me, put all the dishes I've robbed you! "

"But ..." Yeff pleased. "You can't blame me all. Who makes your food so delicious!"

Warm smiled, "You eat, it's okay! My appetite is not good, just drink some soup!"

Yev immediately turned his wrist, "Then I will hold another bowl of rice, otherwise it would be a pity that this dish is left!"

The two were eating, but the butler came hurriedly from outside, walked to the warm side, and lowered his head to report: "Young lady, there is a strange woman outside looking for you!"

Stranger woman?

Warm frowned, and my heart quickly slipped over the thought, who would it be? Is it warm? She didn't show up today, and now the wind of the emperor has been caught by her own people.

Warmth is not afraid of warmth, but she is afraid that this matter will be in the ears of the emperor. Although the emperor will know about this sooner or later, it is obviously not at such a critical moment!

After warm and quick soup, he got up, "I'll go out and see!"

Yev also hulled the food in the bowl, throwing away the bowl and mouthing, "I will follow you too!"

The two reached the gate.

"Young lady! Mr. Yves!"

The bodyguards knew that Yeff became a friend of the emperor's family, and he was also respectful to him.

Warmly seen through the iron fence door, a woman who looked soft and weak outside, her eyebrows was still pretty, and her face was pale.

It was the woman who was replaced from the wind of the emperor this morning!

Warm had just recognized it, but Yeff was already angry and reprimanded: "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here! Hurry up!"

He looked at Yev in warmth and surprise.

"what happened?"

"Untouchable" "touch" the corner of his mouth.

"Is there rice grain on my face?"

"Or, do you think I'm overstepping? I'm not disrespecting your host, I just help you get rid of that nasty woman!"

With that, Yves glanced at the woman very disgusted, an expression of how far away you are.

He smiled warmly, "Yev, are there any holidays between you? How do you feel like hating her? I'm just a little curious, but you have always been very polite, the first time you swear!"

Enough to imagine, how annoying!