MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 794 Borrow soldiers and win

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? Mo Wenchen kissed the army and went to the funeral palace in the south.

And he also wrote the war books, he will never sneak attack.

Since Zi Wuya is not a gentleman, he never asks Chen that he is not a gentleman. However, the two sides have to take care of many battles.

Mo Wenchen is a **** of war. He will never fly in the air, and Zi Wuya disdains sneak attacks.

So this time the two were at war.

Just look at who is stronger, who is more sophisticated in tactics, and whose soldiers are more fierce.

Su Qiqi and Lei Yufeng stayed. It was not Lei Yufeng who did not want to go, but Mo Wenchen ordered him to stay. The battle was to be fought. Su Qiqi also had to be protected.

"Rest assured, there will be nothing wrong with asking Chen." Lei Yufeng saw Su Qiqi's spirit was not very good, busy whispered, his face distressed, but full of helplessness.

He is now practicing mana every night in order to make himself break through the first order, but at this stage, the first order is really heavy.

Sometimes it can't be achieved by hard work. It depends on the chance and the constitution of the person.

However, after being stimulated at the funeral palace this time, Lei Yufeng must advance anyway, no matter what his physical fitness and no opportunity, he must work hard.

For Su Qiqi, we must do it.

"Well, but I'm still a bit worried. The person at Zi Wuya is very cunning." Su Qiqi nodded gently, and she was praying for Mo Wenchen's victory.

You should know that Mo Wenchen is a **** of war. In these years, he has never fought defeat.

Myth-like existence.

"Zi Wuya is cunning, and Qian Chen is not a good person." Lei Yufeng shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to Su Qiqi: "If this time is over, we can go back to Dayan."

"Well, Dayan doesn't know what's going on, Anjia and Li's forces are still there." Su Qiqi also sighed, Dayan Kingdom now has no leader.

Leng Yan alone does not know if he can support Dayan State.

Her heart sank suddenly, her complexion changed, and she got up quickly: "No good, something is wrong with Qin Chen."

"What's wrong?" Lei Yufeng was a little hesitant and pulled Su Qiqi's arm: "Okay, what's wrong with you?"

"I have a hunch. Something must have happened to Chen Chen." Su Qiqi could not help but said that he pulled Lei Yufeng's hand and left: "Go to Meng Li, I want to borrow soldiers."

"Juqi, calm down, you can't be so arbitrary." Lei Yufeng wanted to pull Su Qiqi back, but he put up with it.

It's not easy to borrow troops.

Because Meng Li now has no soldiers.

Meng Li has just entered the early dynasty. For this war, he is very confident, and people have a lot of spirits. As long as Mo Wenchen paves the way for himself, he can walk as smoothly.

Governing the country, he really lacked too much, but Mo Wenchen also let him learn a lot.

Coupled with Su Qiqi's previous instructions, he is now in control of the situation.

Looking at Su Qiqi, who was rushing by, Feng Lihuo almost fainted and fainted: "Girl Qiqi, you have to be careful, but you are pregnant."

"I know." Su Qiqi stopped in front of Mengli: "Do you still have soldiers?"

The question was quite straightforward.

Meng Li's face turned white, and then he smiled, "All Huang Yan was taken away."

His face was a bit helpless, he didn't want to be too embarrassed in front of the goddess in his mind, but the truth is here, he can only tell the truth.

"This" Su Qiqi suddenly had no idea, turned to look at Lei Yufeng, and gritted his teeth again: "Dream away, the teacher can be here"

"If you see him, I will declare him into the palace now." Meng Li answered without hesitation, and greeted the eunuchs around him to spread the will.

The little **** also left with a sloppy trot, but Su Qiqi was still at a loss.


"What happened is that there is no news of defeat in Yanhuang." Mengli looked at Su Qiqi with a distressed face, watching the fine sweat beads on her forehead because she ran too fast, and wanted to lift Wipe her off with her hands, but still bear.

Lei Yufeng sighed, took out the handkerchief from his arms, and gently wiped Su Qiqi: "Okay, what's the matter, let's talk into the hall."

It is already the late autumn season. Relatively speaking, the climate here is more stable than that of Dayan, but it is still a bit cold, especially the cold sweat of Su Qiqi.

Another blow, I am afraid that it will be infected with cold.

However, he promised Mo Wenchen to take good care of Su Qiqi, and he must not let her be ill.

The three quickly walked towards the study. Su Qiqi looked tense and couldn't relax for a while, but didn't say anything, she just hoped that her hunch would not be reality.

Mo Wenxuan quickly went to the palace and met Su Qiqi, seeing her pale and very anxious, she also stunned: "Juqi, what happened?"

They have now disappeared those barriers, and these days Mo Wenxuan and Meng Li are teaching her dream-building skills, and their relationship has become more and more relaxed.

On that day, Mo Wenxuan was called away, that is, to discuss with him the teaching of Su Qiqi's dream-building. Now Su Qi Qi can freely activate the mana and help the moon soul, and she will urge the dream-building. It will definitely achieve unexpected results.

In addition, Mo Wenxuan's dream-building technique is unique, and he has his own experience. After all, he inadvertently urged it. So, within a few days, Su Qiqi's dream-building technique could not be underestimated.

Even Mo Wenxuan secretly admired it.

"I need to borrow a soldier." Su Qiqi opened the door like a mountain: "I want to ask Chen something happened."

"How is it possible to ask Chen Chen but God of War." Mo Wenxuan was not convinced, and hesitated again: "In this way, we still prepare for the king to take you to the funeral palace first, and Lei Yufeng went to Chu Fan to borrow Bing, can you? "

There is no other way now.

"Yes, there is also the Broken Soul Pavilion." Su Qiqi remembered this, Broken Soul and Xun Qin promised that she could speak at any time. She really needed Broken Soul Pavilion to help.

"Let's break up." Mengli also looked: "My king just sent someone to arrange it."

He said he turned and left the study.

He didn't want Su Qiqi to be sad and anxious, and he didn't even care about Dreamland.

In the funeral palace, Mo Wenchen sat at the head of the prisoner, and the prisoner of war kneeled down below, but there was no shadow of purple boundlessness.

Fan Hehua is not here either. They are pursuing Zi Wuya. This time, it can be said that Mo Wenchen is a great victory. No matter how strong the funeral palace is, it ’s the same to meet the God of War. Fail, and be careful to fail. In Search of Shaohua: Happy and Abandoned Concubine

Su Li and Sheng Ge were taking their prisoners of war seriously.

After all the prisoners of war were pulled out, Han Ziyue came hurriedly, and Tieqing with a look on his face went directly to Mo Wenchen: "Fen Hehua fell into Zi Wuya's hands."

"What" Mo Wenchen frowned slightly: "It seems that we have underestimated Zi Wuya. He is so injured and can fight back to Fen and Hua Chi."

"Yue funeral flowers and Fang Yi made hands and feet from it." Han Zi is not going to return, it is convenient to come and go, he will not worry about being captured, and he will not worry about encountering a master, but as long as he can run .

"The two men actually appeared at this time." Mo Wenchen secretly fisted, and then turned his face: "What does Zi Wuya want?"

"I want you to see him in person." Han Zi told the truth, but he was worried: "This matter should be discussed for a long time."

"No need." Mo Wenchen waved his hand: "Zi Wuya is not the master of fools, I'll take a trip myself."