MTL - Black Clover: Runaway Asta-Chapter 42

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"It feels so good to stretch out your muscles and bones!" Asta shook his body and walked towards the big bathhouse of the black bull, but he prefers to call it a bathhouse, which is appropriate.

Asta took a shower, changed into dry clothes, and walked towards the cafeteria. As soon as he entered the door, it turned out that Chami had already arrived.

"Good morning, Asta!" Chami greeted happily, and whenever she was eating, she was always in a very happy mood.

"Do you want to make another bet?" Asta suddenly wanted to tease this snack, so he blinked and smiled again.

Chapter 95 A man is fearless!

"Ah? Change... BT!" Chami suddenly thought of the last bet, and then fled in a panic.

"Haha!" Asta couldn't help laughing, it was really cute.

"Hmph! It's really early to wake up, but just now I saw Chami running out of here in a hurry, what did you do for BT?" Noelle hugged her little arms, her pink eyes seemed to be jealous .

"I just eat." Asta said innocently, then looked at Noelle, "You look good today."

"That's natural." Noelle said and sat next to Asta naturally. Yesterday she was hugged by Asta even when she ran away, and she was even more energetic after sleeping today.

"Would you like to train together later?" Asta smiled, Noelle's training ground was right next to him, and Asta even made a few bullseyes for Noelle.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I promise you!" Noelle said arrogantly.

"Little Asta and little Noelle really have energy, and they started bickering early in the morning." Banasa yawned and lay lazily on the table.

"Drunkard girl, so you also eat breakfast!" Magna and Lak rushed in, and then Fenlaar and sister-in-law Gosho came in one after another, and finally when the leader Ye Jian came in dozing off, there was nothing 023's presence duo, Gordon and Gray, were already sitting at the dinner table.

"Do you really want to tear down the house early in the morning?" Ye Jian stared at Magna and asked.

"Sorry, Captain!" Magna immediately got up and bowed, very obedient.

"I said Chami, when are you going to see through the crack of the door, why don't you let the sheep chef serve the food?" Ye Jian turned to look at Chami who was lying on the crack of the door and said.

"I'll come in right now!" Seeing that there were so many people in the cafeteria, Chami came in boldly, and then asked the sheep chef to prepare delicious meals, and soon a big table of sumptuous breakfast was ready!

"I'm starting!" Asta couldn't wait to shake off his cheeks, it's all his favorite meat!

"Really, why don't you slow down, no one will **** it from you!" Noelle held a glass of water, for fear that Asta would choke to death!

"Yesterday, I surpassed the limit so many times on the spot, and now I'm really hungry!" Asta is not exaggerating at all. Although the damage caused by opening the Dumen has all been restored by the healing spring, due to the huge physical strength consumed, the stomach Super hungry!

"Well, that's right, it seems that you have listened to me well!" Ye Jian smiled brightly, he likes young people who go beyond the limit on the spot.

"I feel like I'm alive!" Banassa said after drinking half a bottle of red wine.

"Hey, Captain, is there any combat mission to eradicate the robbers today?" Lak said excitedly.

"No!" Ye Jian said bluntly, "You guys just go beyond the limit in the castle for me!"

"It's really boring!" Banassa looked at Asta, her beautiful eyes lit up, "Little Asta, can my sister watch your training today?"

"Of course, and Sister Banasa, it's a pity that you don't have to run with such long legs." Asta looked at Banasa's slender legs and said.

"Asta, can't you judge women with normal eyes?" Banasa couldn't help complaining, such beautiful legs, you let her use them for running?

"Pfft!" Playboy Fenlaar spat first.

"Although Asta's food looks good, and the sheep chef is also praising her, but it's a pity that he is a BT!" Chami stuffed food into her mouth with tears streaming down her face, and finally found a food friend who coveted her fat times !

"After breakfast, I really need to sleep again..." Ye Jian yawned after breakfast, and then left with his eyes in his mouth. This level of laziness, no, it should be the level of chic, is simply unprecedented!

"Magnar, let's fight after dinner!" Lark said excitedly.

"Get out! I'm busy!" Magna showed an aloof face.

"Ah, by the way, I forgot (^) that you still have to do chores for Asta, I almost forgot!" Lak said innocently, pointing his index finger at his lips.

"I'm stepping on the horse!" Magna really exploded at one point. It's okay if others don't say it, but he feels aggrieved when he mentions it!

"Hey, let's have a fight!" Lak clapped his hands on the table excitedly.

"Oh, by the way, whoever dares to make trouble will be killed!" Ye Jian walked to the door of the cafeteria and suddenly turned his head with a murderous look and said.

"Yes, see you at night, leader!" Magna and Lark immediately said in an extremely obedient manner.

"Yeah!" Ye Jian nodded, and then ran straight out of the cafeteria door, and now he didn't even need to lift his hand.

"Let us not destroy it, you are the king of destruction, okay!" Noelle complained weakly.

"Noelle, don't just watch, we're going to train soon!" Asta said, stuffing a piece of bread into Noelle's hand.

"I'm afraid you'll suddenly choke to death!" Noelle rolled her eyes, then picked up a slice of bread and ate it gracefully.

"Astar, what exactly did you encounter yesterday?" Magna asked again humbly.

"Yes! Yes!" Lak nodded desperately.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just encountered some headless monsters!" Asta said casually.

"Headless monster?!" Everyone at the dinner table was taken aback, except for Banasa and Noelle.

"Is it so scary!" Chami had already imagined what it would be like to have only a body without a head, and it would probably look like a white chicken!

"They must be super strong!" Lak became excited.

"If there is no magic power to imprison, it is still easy to solve, but with magic power to imprison, then you need to break the gemstones in their chests, so it is still a bit difficult." Asta said.

"There is such an exciting thing as magic confinement?" Lak became even more excited after hearing this. This is definitely an exciting challenge!

"Magna, do you want to come with me?" Lark asked.

"No!" Magna flatly refused.

"You're scared!" Lack laughed, wanting to provoke him.

"A man is fearless, it's just that there are still chores to be done!" Magna gritted his teeth.

"Then let me help you!" Luke said.

"Okay!" Magna nodded immediately.

"..." Everyone was overwhelmed. The confrontation between Lark and Magna this time is no different from the confrontation between Dasha and Ersha. So who is the loser?

Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions, old irons! .

Chapter 96 Water Magic Beyond Limits Creates River Channels!

"Let's go to training!" Noelle wiped her mouth with a napkin elegantly.

"As long as a girl is cute, she can be so cute even when she eats!" Asta laughed.

"Stupid Asta, what nonsense are you talking about!" Noelle's face blushed immediately.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm talking about Sister Banasa!" Asta joked.

"Cough!" Banasa was gulping red wine into the wine bottle, and couldn't help coughing when caught off guard.

"Hundan!" Noelle immediately became angry-getting up.

"But Noelle, your four-leaf clover earrings are so pretty!" Asta said, looking at the small pink earrings on Noelle's ears.

"Yes, is it?" Noelle said after being stunned for a moment, "Forget you have vision, let's go to training!"

"Okay! A new day starts with handstand for ten kilometers!" Asta said while standing on his hands and began to walk, and if you observe carefully, Asta is not supporting his body with his palms, but is exchanging five fingers To proceed, first take a step with two thumbs, followed by two forefingers.

This kind of super-intensive training can not only exercise each finger, but also train the coordination of the body, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

It’s just that ordinary people may be able to walk with the thumb and index finger, but it is extremely difficult to use the last ring finger and little finger to walk, because the normal little finger cannot support the weight of the body at all.

But Asta has already walked on the ground!

"Sure enough, after forcibly opening the fifth gate 'Dumen' yesterday, the body broke through the limit again, and now it should be able to open the fourth gate 'Shangmen' directly. It's the fastest way to improve your strength!" Asta couldn't help but sigh at this time, of course, what's more important is that he now has the magic medicine of healing spring water, no matter what kind of damage his body suffers, he can easily Restoration is the most important thing!

"It's no wonder little Asta can erupt with such terrifying speed and strength. This has a lot to do with his usual hard training!" Banasa couldn't help but praise.

"Okay, I'm going to start training too!" Noelle came to the training ground and immediately began to train his accuracy.

"You're really motivated!" Banassa tilted her head, watching Asta and Noelle's training lazily, feeling like she could watch it all day long!

"One finger Zen with weight!" Asta had already started to surpass the limit on the spot at this time. He first threw a few tons of stones into the air, and then quickly stood on his head, and then the boulder fell on his feet .

"Boom!" In an instant, Asta's right thumb had penetrated into the ground, and then his right thumb began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zen time.

right! That's what it feels like! The soreness of the fingertip muscles and the tremor of the muscles of the whole body, this is training!

"Okay, so strong!" Noelle opened her small mouth in surprise. Let alone the weight-bearing one-finger meditation, even just letting the fingers support one's body is already too great, but Asta is now carrying the weight on his back. Training with boulders as large as huts.

"It would be great if there was water here. You can swim with big rocks tied behind your back like Dragon Ball. This way you can exercise your muscles more comprehensively!" Asta thought regretfully, but then saw that he was practicing water next to him. Magical Noelle's eyes lit up instantly!

It may be that Asta's gaze was too hot at this time, so Noelle noticed it immediately, "Stupid Asta, why are you looking at me with such eyes?"

"Noelle, let's have a cooperation beyond the limit!" Asta laughed.

"Let's hear it!" Noelle said with folded arms.

"I'm in charge of digging a super channel, and you are in charge of filling the channel with water!" Asta said expectantly. In theory, this is a very feasible method, because Noelle's water magic is absolutely nothing to say, It can be seen from the huge water ball created by the out-of-control magic power, so he will be able to swim with weight soon!

"What kind of BT proposal are you talking about!" Noelle said in shock.

"I think it's ok, just to practice little Noelle's manipulative ability further!" Banasa laughed at the side. To be honest, she was also amazed by this idea. Is this a plan to make a river!

····Ask for flowers·····0

"Then try it!" Noelle nodded, looking forward to it.

"Okay!" Asta immediately bent his legs and bounced the boulder behind him, shaking up a lot of dust, then took out the sword of breaking the devil, and began to burn his youth!

Sword of Broken Devil: Is this how I was ruined by stepping on a horse? !

"Okay, so fast!" Noelle was shocked by Asta's speed. This is simply an excavator. A small hole can be dug in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, the depth of the small hole can't be seen directly. It's Ashtar, it's a foul!

"Noelle, it's your turn!" Asta threw a river channel eight meters deep, twelve meters long, and nine meters wide in less than ten minutes. This already belongs to the ranks of super swimming pools, but this level of The buoyancy is obviously not enough to support a few tons of weight-bearing swimming!


All this is just the first river channel. For better efficiency, Asta plans to dig a total of four such river channels, and then run through after Noelle fills it!

"Okay!" Noelle's spirit was highly concentrated immediately. It is well known that the more magic power accumulated, the easier it is to get out of control. I saw Noelle held back her mind, and then raised her hands above her head like gathering vitality bombs, and then one more and more The bigger water polo formed above Noelle's head.

"Come on, little Noelle!" Banassa cheered secretly, while Asta smiled relaxedly, because human potential is unlimited, once the limit is surpassed once, the previous limit will become normal!

Sure enough, Noelle quickly gathered a water polo that was even bigger than the water bomb whose magic power was out of control last time. This huge water magic power shocked everyone in the castle again!

"Is the magic out of control again?" Ye Jian turned over and yawned and got up from the bed, looked out the window towards the dense forest, and indeed saw a huge water bomb!

But this time, although the magic power is equally turbulent, it is not violent, and it is obviously still within the controllable range.

"Well, these brats did a good job, and they surpassed themselves on the spot!" Ye Jian nodded in satisfaction, and then rolled back on the bed...and...

Chapter 97 Fudge Noelle Massage!

"Hey, the newcomer is really energetic, isn't he, Magna who started cleaning up the sundries early in the morning!" Luke said, dragging the broom and flying into the air.

"Magner is just Magna, why do you add the word cleaning in front of it, are you looking down on me?" Magna became angry in an instant, he is a noble magic knight, okay? Same as cleaning!

"But you are just cleaning up the sundries, and you are replacing Asta, and you have to clean up the sundries every day!" Lak said again affirmatively.

"I can't take it anymore!" Magna threw the mop in his hand, "Flame Magic, Explosive Shotgun Ball!"

"Magna, stupid pig, you can't stop me!" The look in Lak's eyes became more and more excited. He finally concluded that Magna is a volcano. The more violent, this is exactly what he wants!

"Do you want to die!" Ye Jian appeared murderously at the stairs on the second floor, he just fell asleep on his horse, can these troubled teenagers have a quiet meeting?

"I'm sorry, Captain Yejian!" Magna lowered his head in an instant, and then suppressed his anger and took Luke to the outside. Let Lark have a **** disaster!

"The world is finally clean!" Ye Jian returned to the bedroom with tears streaming down his face. His continuous dream of the God of Gamblers series has reached a critical moment, and the battle of the Conferred Gods is about to begin, so sleeping or something can't be done at all. stop!


However, just as Ye Jian was about to fall asleep, the sound of fire magic and thunder magic colliding and exploding suddenly came from outside the window, but fortunately this sound was getting farther and farther away, otherwise Ye Jian would really beat up the child!

"Magnar and Lak are really hardworking. They actually have actual combat training early in the morning, and they are still the kind of fist-to-fist, knife-seeking blood, wishing to kill each other." Asta heard the sound coming from behind The explosion sounded, and he couldn't help but smack his tongue looking at this scene, but he didn't know that Magna and Lark lamented him just now!

"Water bomb!" Noelle threw the second large water polo into the second river dug by Asta with difficulty, and then squatted down to rest, obviously already on the verge of the limit.

"Silk creates magic, rest the sofa at any time!" Banasa waved the magic wand in her hand, and a knitted sofa immediately appeared in front of Noelle.

"Thank you, Sister Banasa, but I don't need it. I also want to go beyond the limit. I will never rest until I gather four water polos!" Noelle glanced at Asta, and there was a firm look in his eyes. Look, from today on, she will also look up to Asta and surpass herself every day!

"Banasha, this magic is good!" Asta saw that Banassa created a sofa in an instant, and immediately became happy. When going camping in the future, wouldn't he let Banassa create whatever he wanted? what!

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