MTL - Black Dragon Kingdom-Chapter 17 Explosive strength

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  Chapter 17 Explosive Strength

  The sky was bright, Ace woke up from his sleep, and the huge dragon head yawned a lot.

  A few days ago, he weighed only 1.5 tons, but he ate and drank more than ten tons of meat in a daze, but he supported himself.

  In order to better digest these foods, obtain more energy, and grow rapidly, Ace inevitably fell into a deep sleep again.

  For giant dragons, deep sleep is the best way to allow them to grow upward and recover from injuries.

  As long as there is enough food, the size and life level of the sleeping dragon will increase at an extremely fast speed.

   In order to become stronger and pass the boring time, of course Ace will not refuse to sleep.

   "It's really comfortable. If I can eat so much food every day, it may take less than five years for me to grow into a second-level young dragon."

   "If the young dragons at the second level can still eat like this every day, the young dragons at the third level may not take twenty or thirty years."

  He silently compares and inherits the dragon growth knowledge in his mind in his mind.

  Combined with your own actual situation, quickly calculate the difference between your own growth speed and the normal growth speed of the young dragon.

  He found that his current growth rate was four to five times that of ordinary dragons.

  If the other young dragons get ten energy every day after eating enough, then he who is full now will get twenty energy every day.

   It may be very strange, why he who has gained twenty energy grows four or five times faster than other young dragons.

  The reason is actually very simple, this is actually the same as the difference between a salary of 5,000 and a salary of 10,000.

A migrant worker who earns a salary of 5,000, must spend 3,000 to 4,000 to maintain his daily life during the process of working. Most of the wages are consumed in daily life. Four thousand, the salary that can really be saved is actually only one or two thousand.

As for a migrant worker with a salary of 10,000, he, like ordinary migrant workers, has to spend 3,000 to 4,000 wages every month to maintain his daily life. Six or seven thousand.

   One can save six or seven thousand a month, and the other can only save one or two thousand a month. The gap between the two is five or six times.

Ace is now in the same situation as those ordinary little whelps. The little whelps get ten energy every day. Among the ten energy, seven percent of the energy is actually the energy to maintain his movement, and only three percent of the energy , used in the growth of the body.

  Ace can gain 20 energy after eating enough, and he also needs to draw 7% of energy every day to maintain his body's functioning. Twenty minus seven equals thirteen.

  That is to say, the energy he gets every day can have thirteen points of energy, which is used for the growth of the body.

  Thirteen parts of energy are four or five times compared to three parts of energy.

  After thinking about it, he looked back at his body.

With a body length of 2.2 meters, it can already be regarded as a relatively large beast. A pair of dragon wings are fully extended, and the total is more than 6 meters. It can fully support its own weight and fly in the sky, weighing nearly 2.5 tons. , the sharp fangs shone with an astonishing coldness.

  His strength has been greatly increased, and a casual slap is close to five tons of force, and an ordinary second-order powerhouse is absolutely no match for his slap.

  The Giant Dragon Clan was originally the overlord of the world. Below the fourth level of legend, it is absolutely accurate to fight against those white boards without equipment blessings. It is as easy as eating.

After all, the gap between the two is too great. Not long after Ace was born, his weight has already reached 2.5 tons. With the help of magic, the strength of his whole body explodes, and a single claw can burst out a huge force of more than five tons. .

   And humans? Under the fourth-order legend, no matter how high their level is, their weight is only over a hundred catties.

  Even if they can unleash a force that is a hundred times their own body weight, multiplying one hundred by one hundred, they will have a force of about 10,000 jin, and 10,000 jin is only a few tons, but only five tons.

   This is just the power that Ace can explode now.

  In the future, his size will become bigger and his strength will become stronger. After he grows into a giant of 100 tons, a casual slap will be a huge force of 400 to 500 tons.

  Under the legend, a bunch of people can be killed with one slap.

  Of course, the premise of this is that humans don’t wear equipment, and play with Ace naked.

If you wear the extremely gorgeous equipment that can increase your combat power dozens of times, you will get a part of your energy when facing one Ace, and you will be able to hold part of his strength if you face two, and you will pay more attention to three. More than four, Ace also had to avoid the edge.

  Looking back from the entrance of the main hall, seeing the two younger sisters still sound asleep, Ace walked outside lightly.

  Don't get me wrong, he didn't act so lightly because he was worried that he would disturb the sleep of his two younger sisters.

   Instead, he was going to go out to eat and eat first, and he was going to fill his stomach first.

  Five days have passed, and with the efficiency of the kobolds, they have definitely stored dozens of tons of meat.

   If you don’t swallow those meats quickly, and the three dragons will eat them together later, he won’t be able to take advantage of it.

   During this sleep, he put nearly half of the energy he gained from digestion on strengthening his stomach.

  Enhance the digestion speed and efficiency of the first-layer digestion area, and expand the space of the second-layer food storage area.

  Now he can digest nearly 1.5 tons of food every day, and the space of the food storage area on the second floor has also been expanded to five cubic meters.

He digested so fast, and the food storage area has become much larger. Why don't you take advantage of these two little black dragons and eat more when they are asleep. When they wake up, the next time he sleeps, maybe the food storage area The area is simply not filled.

   Therefore, in order to gain more energy for growth in the next deep sleep, Ace had to run out to eat against his conscience.

  He is also doing this for the benefit of their small group. Only if he is the strongest can he suppress the small thoughts of these two little black dragons.

  Otherwise, once one of them has the same combat power as him or even stronger than him, their small group will definitely be on the road to disintegration.

   Just like the nests of giant dragons that fell apart because of property in the inheritance memory.

  He has the memory of his previous life, so he was able to resist the temptation of gold coins to him, and endured the pain like being cut by a knife, and distributed the property to the two of them fairly and justly.

   And can they resist the temptation of property and distribute the property fairly and justly? Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

  (end of this chapter)