MTL - Black Dragon Kingdom-Chapter 18 Dragon's Majesty

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  Chapter 18 The Majesty of the Dragon

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the pressure brought by the human beings outside, he would have driven the two little black dragons aside long ago, and would eat nothing but his food all day long (Ace The family’s food is equal to his) It’s fine if you don’t know how to be grateful, and you use force to coerce him to hand over the gold coins. What’s more, you even gang up to beat him together, hang him on a tree, and whip him severely.

   It's too much.

  He's pretty crazy these days.

   These two little black dragons are completely unreasonable, they do their own way, and do whatever they want.

   They ate and drank his food, robbed him of his property, and joined forces to beat him by the way.

  He can bear it, and he can bear it quite well. If they are not related to him by blood, to a certain extent, he is his sister, he will never bear it like this.

  It’s too early for them to eat a small meal a day, a big meal every three days, and a meal every week to let them know what the wrath of a dragon is.

  Unfortunately, what should be endured has to be endured.

   It can only be said that the personality of the previous life occupies the dominant position, while the personality of the evil dragon only occupies a part. It is right for the elder brother to take care of the younger sister. It is okay to be mischievous by the younger sister occasionally.

  Ace quietly walked out of the hall without making a sound.

  He must be the strongest of the three dragons, and to be the strongest, he must eat more food.

   Absolutely can't let these two little black dragons catch up with his growth rate, otherwise the breakup of their small group is imminent.

  Five-colored dragons are the darkest creatures in the world, violent and bloodthirsty, insidious and cunning, blood and fighting are their favorite ways to play.

  They are like tyrants standing all over the world, bringing misery and pain to countless lives.

  Eliza and Elena are the most typical five-color evil dragons. Elena calls herself a queen.

  Ace could already imagine how violent and bloodthirsty Elena would be when she rushed into the human army when she grew up, killing hundreds of thousands of lives at every turn.

  Eliza is sinister and cunning, calculating bad ideas in her mind all the time, conspiracy and tricks flashing in her heart all the time, and Ace is the one who has the most headache.

   After all, there is a younger sister who plots against him behind his back every day, so can that elder brother not worry?

  As the most orthodox dragons, it is impossible for them to spit out the gold coins they swallowed.

  The unfairness of property will also be the biggest separator among the dragons, and the rupture of the alliance is almost inevitable.

  For the sake of them and his own life, he must become stronger, so strong that he can hold the two of them firmly on the ground, unable to move.

  The person who acquires and distributes property must and can only be him.

Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam took Ace to a U-shaped puddle, and explained as he walked: "Your Majesty, meat like fish is quite difficult to preserve. In order to let you eat the freshest We raised all the fish we caught that were not dead in this pond connected to the swamp.”

   "I made bacon for the rest. Although the taste is not very good, it is still edible."

  Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam looked at His Majesty nervously. These days, because the nearby carnivorous fish were all killed, the harvest inevitably became less.

   Warriors spend a lot of time hunting far away, so that they can get a lot of meat from carnivorous fish.

   It took a lot of time to go back and forth, and the harvest inevitably decreased.

   That is, their tribe has all been converted into swamp kobolds who can swim around in the swamp.

   Otherwise, the harvest may not even be half of the previous few days.

  After Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam finished speaking, Ace said, "How much meat have you harvested these days?"

  He doesn't bother to care about other things. What he cares about most is what he eats. He asks himself to be completely full, and he can't be wronged by his two younger sisters. He must let them eat half full.

  Now they are all big eaters. With their current growth rate, every month they have to add another 20 tons to the 100 tons of food.

  One hundred tons in the first month, 120 tons in the second month, 140 tons in the third month, 160 tons in the fourth month, and so on.

   Otherwise, the food is simply not enough to supply them to grow upward at the fastest speed.

  Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam said with a trace of fear and sweat on his face: "Only thirty-three tons."

  Ace narrowed his eyes, the dragon teeth were exposed, and a **** murderous intent erupted from the long eyes.

   "You are lazy!"

"Your Majesty, no, our tribe works very hard. We only sleep for half an hour of the sun every day, and hunt at other times, but all the carnivorous fish around us have been killed, and you don't allow us to move those herbivorous fish, so That's all there is to it."

  Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam fell to his knees in fear and explained desperately.

  The swamp kobold tribe has really tried their best. They only sleep a quarter of a day every day, and work the rest of the time, desperately catching carnivorous fish.

Catching carnivorous fish is much more difficult than catching herbivorous fish. Most carnivorous fish have sharp teeth and well-developed muscles. Some of them are poisonous, especially those that live in swamps. Fish, the chance of being infected by his bite is quite high.

   Their combat effectiveness is really not bad.

  And in the hunting process, crocodiles, pythons, mosquitoes, parasites, poisonous fog, poisonous miasma, Warcraft territory and other dark race sites are also big troubles.

Within five days, thirty-three tons of meat, and most of these meats are carnivorous fish, and they still use the rather inefficient way of hunting. The swamp kobold tribe really tried their best. up.


  Ace's dragon claws, full of muscles, spanned a distance of three or four meters in an instant, and directly pinched him in the palm of the kobold scholar Ronnie Stam's desperate gaze.


   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

  Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam let out a mournful cry.

  Ace pressed his fingers casually, and kobold scholar Ronnie Stam felt a huge pressure around him, oppressing his body crazily.

   Dozens of kobolds following behind saw the dragon's fury, and instantly knelt down on the ground, trembling.

  The majesty of the dragon is not something they can provoke, and the genes engraved in their bones do not allow them to resist the majesty of the dragon.

  (end of this chapter)