MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 21 diary

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Chapter 21 Diary

This goods should be able to rest for a while. Back to the attic, Claude remembered Albert's performance at dinner, and couldn't help but scream up.

It’s just fidgeting. I don’t know how much Claude knows. At the time of a meal, Albert used his eyes to know how many times he had Crowd. He wanted to ask clearly, but he didn’t dare, even Crow. When he looked back at him, he did not consciously avoid Crowder's eyes.

The food is not sweet, even the mother is aware of Albert's anomaly. What is wrong with him?

Albert said nothing, but he hurried away from home as soon as he finished eating. Claude was very skeptical about whether he was rushing to the clothing store and asked if Claude had asked the store owner about him and Miss Christina to buy clothes.

Claude did not put Albert in his heart. He is now anxious to decipher the pages of the book and see what is recorded in the diary written by the magician.

... Norman Magic Calendar August 15, 3341, sunny.

Today, three more wizards arrived in Jinshuilu Town, from Marino, Shalizer and Chila Pines.

They were lucky than Master Jones, and they were not attacked by the Musketeers on the road.

Paula was mixed with the pub hostess because of the day and night. He is not like a noble mage at all, but rather like a wandering mercenary and drunkard.

Brother Davari did not care about him.

Master Jones was drunk in the pub again.

By the way, last night I heard Clermonto crying in his own room. When he asked him in the morning, he gave me a cold look.

Elias said that I am really happy, I don’t know anything, it’s really ignorant.

I feel like they are looking at something.

... Norman Magic Calendar August 16th, 3341, sunny.

I heard that the town had sent a team to see the Master Jones who had attacked the scene. The Davali brothers went to see it in the morning and went back and said that the bodies of the seven Masters were shipped back. There were 22 bodies and ambushes on the scene. The identity has been confirmed, that is the notorious brotherhood.

It’s crazy, I don’t understand why the Musketeers will ambush our Masters team, and they seem to have good organization and discipline, as Jones’s Master said, even if their companions are blown into pieces next to them. Will not turn and run away...

Maybe I shouldn’t improve the guns five years ago...

Today there are five more mages in the town, but they did not live in the scented pub.

I don't know where they came from. I wanted to see it. The Master Warri made me stay in the room and didn't let me go.


Crowder frowned at the deciphered sixth page diary, and on this page he finally saw a familiar name: the Brotherhood.

In the history of the Faurea continent, the Brotherhood is the backbone of the resistance against evil wizards. At the end of the dark calendar, the fraternity led the people of the entire continent to set off the arrogance against the rule of evil wizards, and paid a huge After sacrifice and after a hard battle, the evil magicians were finally expelled to the island of Higlos, liberating the entire Faurea continent.

This diary seems to be a war between the Brotherhood and the Magician in the end of the Dark Ages. Can it be said that this magic recipe has been around for nearly six hundred years? This is too unbelievable. Look at the recipe. It is said that it is a hundred years of antiques. Everyone will believe that it can be six hundred years of history. Oh, I don’t know if the preservation period of animal skin is at most two or three hundred years. ......

Perhaps this is the role of magic, let the passing time lose its effect on this recipe, and avoid the problems of rotten mold and bite damage caused by the humidity of the air, which makes this recipe look so complete. .

Still set your mind to first decipher the remaining three-page diaries that have been copied. Wait until the nine pages of diaries are deciphered and continue to copy the rest from the magic recipe. What are the seventeen pages? The magic grain paper made by the lion skin has been copied for nine pages. I don’t know if the rest of the night can be copied...

... Norman Magic Calendar August 17, 3341, sunny.

In the middle of the night last night, there was a fierce explosion in Zhenxi, and there was a wide range of magical fluctuations.

Unfortunately, Master Davari did not let us go out.

In the morning, I heard people in the lobby say that two magicians were in the showdown last night, as if they were rivals and they were fighting for a woman.

The western district of Jinshuilu Town was destroyed by four houses, because 17 people were killed by magic, and nearly 100 were injured...

If it is not stopped quickly, there may be more people who may die.

They are so damn, how can they fight in a densely populated residential area...

Brother Davari returned, and he said that the two guys were punished for paying a gold coin to those who died, and a silver coin for the injured.

He said that the two guys did not dare to go to the town too far from the duel is afraid of being ambushed by the Musketeers, so they only fight in the small open space on the west side of the town.

It’s just that the punishment is too light, and one person’s life is a Sullivan. The two guys who should go to hell, I found that the townspeople looked at us with faint hatred...

Today, three more wizards arrived, I am too lazy to ask where they came from.


... Norman Magic Calendar August 18, 3341, sunny.

We have already described the novel in Jinshuilu Town. The magic world has a high-devil battle world and a low-devil low-mart world. The battle of a rabbit in the Canbers plane is comparable to that of the Faurea continent. Master of the Five Rings, it is obvious that it is a battle world of high magic Gaowu. Therefore, those low-level mages are not willing to go, but they have to go to Jinshuilu Town to concentrate on the order of the magic deacon.

Fourth, a new place name appeared in the diary, and the city of Saint-Pani seems to be the destination that these mages are called to arrive. And there is a transmission array called Tongtian Tower in this city that can send people to other planes, such as the Canbers plane.

The master of the diary, the four-ring master, always believed that he was called to test the magical runes of the Tongtian Tower. This also explains on the other hand that the transmission array called Tongtian Tower is very large and requires human maintenance, so the master of the diary will have no doubt about the purpose of the Magic Deacon to solicit so many low-level mages...

In addition, it can be found from the diary's records that the relationship between the magician and the ordinary person is not harmonious, the magician should be high above, and the ordinary people are powerless to resist, just like those who are killed by magic, they are in the magician's In the eyes of a human life is only worth a gold coin, Sullivan should be the name of the gold coin.

Another point is that ordinary people must also obey the call of the magic deacon. The ninth page of the diary finally records a large force for the magician to transport magic stone, more than 50,000 people, more than 7,000 carriages, and even a There are officially compiled firearms units of up to 8,000 people.

Obviously, there should also be a secular management institution among ordinary people. Otherwise, the transportation team of more than 7,000 people with more than 7,000 carriages will be able to drag the team out of a supply of grain and maintain order. In particular, the one that is licensed to have a formal firearms team represents at least a local government or a country with effective autonomy and management capabilities.

It is here that Crowder is confused. Because of the historical records he has seen about the Dark Ages, there has never been a book mentioning what other state and local governments existed at that time, only the entire Faurea continent. They are all ruled by evil wizards, and the people are not living...