MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 27 Drunk Albert

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Chapter 27: Drunk Albert

Suddenly there was a big drink next to him, which scared the father and son a big jump.

Crowder turned his head and saw that Albert had not known where it came from. He stood at the door of the restaurant and stared at the silver Tale and a Riazor on the table.

Mr. Morssan frowned, because the smell of a violent bad wine from Albert’s body was unusually unpleasant.

"Where did you go? Didn't come back one day, but also a wine smell, did you drink too much?" Mr. Morssan was a little angry and his face was gloomy.

"I, I didn't go anywhere, just play cards with a few friends... Drink, drink some wine..." Albert made a cellar and stumbled over: "No, no, why are you?" Give him this, so much money, you, you have never given me so much money..."

Seeing that Albert was ready to reach for the money on the table, Claude opened his hand in disgust: "This is not the money for me. This is the money I owe for an antique recipe. I have to give it back to others."

"You, you nonsense!" Albert almost fell, and finally held his hand on the edge of the table to stabilize the body: "What, **** antique dishes, recipes, dishes, recipes have antiques, you, you guys Just lie to me..."

Albert pointed his finger at Mr. Morsan, and the distance was too close, and he quickly poked his face: "You, you are too eccentric, give, give him so much money, want, if I am not coming back, right, just, I have been, you have been jealous, you have passed..."

Mr. Morssan has been a little angry, and anyone who can be used to face his face can not stand it, not to mention his eldest son. He stood up and tried to suppress his anger and keep his father's dignity: "Abel, you are drunk, wash your face, lick your mouth, take care of yourself. As a Fox s. Secretary, you have to be like a high society person, always keep your manners. Don't make yourself like a street drunkard..."

Just drunk Albert, this will not put his father in the eye, he only stared at the two coins on the table: "You, you can not give me, my money, give him, this, This is my money, it is mine, it is all mine..."

With a handful of grabbing Mr. Morssan's collar, Albert hit a big wine cellar and smoked Mr. Morssan to commit nausea.

"You let go!" Mr. Morssan was angry and shouted at his eldest son.

"No, don't let go!" Albert is still insisting, this will completely lose his fear of his father: "Give me my money, give me, my home, my family's money, all of me, me. of……"

What was entangled with a drunk, Claude stepped forward, holding Albert's hands and twisting it, and pushing back, Albert involuntarily released Mr. Morssan's collar and stepped back a few steps. Finally stopped standing.

"You go away!" Mr. Morssan pushed Claude to the side and raised his hand to give his eldest son a slap. "Oh!", this slap is hard enough, Albert Specially turned two times and fell to the ground, the left face quickly swollen at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Go back to your room, wake up tomorrow, come see me again!" Mr. Morssan growled, no longer arranging the eldest son lying on the ground, preparing to go upstairs, taking two steps and turning the table on the table. The magic recipe was held in the arms, and this went upstairs.

Crowder picked up the two coins on the table and looked at Albert lying on the floor. He found that the goods didn’t know whether he was stunned by his father’s slap or drunk and fell asleep. like a statue.

I looked down and looked at it carefully. I found that the goods were still breathing. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Claude stood up and smashed the feet on the ground and wanted to wake him up. Unfortunately, the goods did not react. Grabbing the head, decided no matter what, looked up, but saw her sister stupidly standing in the kitchen door straight hair, this scene happened in the restaurant so that Xiao Loli was frightened.

"Nothing, Anna, Albert is just drunk, my father just taught him." Claude used to touch his sister's head and let Xiao Loli not worry.

"Just let him lie down like this?" asked Little Loli.

"Well, I can't hold him, who told him to be so tall." Claude replied, he was too lazy to manage the life of this goods.

But thinking about Crowder or walking back to grab Albert's two feet and dragging him to the corner of the restaurant, then said to Little Loli: "Anna, you go upstairs to his room and give him a blanket. Cover him, lest he catch cold."

Little Loli is a little confused: "Two brothers, is there any difference between lying here and there?"

Crowder nodded. "Well, this corner mother can't see it from the upstairs, just blocked by the table. So I thought he would go back to sleep and wouldn't bother him. I just couldn't move him upstairs, so Let him lie here, in the middle of the night, if he wakes up, he will naturally go back to his room, and we don’t need to worry about it. Right, have you cleaned it in the kitchen? Well, we turn off the lights on the doors and windows. Go upstairs, go get the blanket first, I will wait for you."

"Okay, my second brother." Angelina was very obedient and went upstairs.


Without magic recipes, there is no need to copy and decipher the diary again and night. Claude has no concern in his heart. He goes back to the attic and sorts out the desk and then considers it for a while to go to sleep at the Egret Island tomorrow. This sleep was very sweet, until the bell of the Temple of God at six o'clock the next morning, he woke up.

I have a good night's sleep... Claude feels full of energy after getting up, and his body and mind are comfortable. Still go to the second floor to brush your teeth and wash your face, then go to breakfast.

However, after washing my face, I suddenly remembered that the goods of Albert were thrown on the ground of the restaurant last night, and I don’t know if it will get up.

When I went downstairs, I saw that Albert had already sat at the table and was drinking black tea in a small mouth. His face was pale, his left face was still red and swollen, and the five purple fingerprints were obviously obvious. However, he changed his pajamas and seemed to have taken a shower. The maroon hair was a little moist.

The father should be teaching him, this will have lost his arrogance when he was drunk last night, but Nono’s nodded and confessed. Just seeing Claude go downstairs, his eyes that look at it spray the anger and hatred.

"Claude, come over," Mr. Morssan said quietly.

"Good morning, father, what's the matter?" Claude ignored Albert's glare.

"How did you leave your eldest brother in the restaurant last night and don't care, just go to bed and go to sleep..."

Crowder shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands. He answered innocently: "I can't hold him, and I can't drag him upstairs. You were so angry last night, I can't call you, Anna is too small. We didn't move him in the two frames. Besides, I didn't care about him. I also specially asked Anna to give him a blanket to cover him, lest he catch cold."

"Oh..." Mr. Morssan had nothing to say at once. He forgot that the palm print on Albert's face was his masterpiece. It was really ruined by this eldest son last night, and he forgot. Take him back to the bedroom on the second floor. Although he suspected that Claude deliberately left Albert in the restaurant, Claude insisted on his own reasons, he could not help.

"You are deliberate, usually you are not very strong?" Albert hopped out again.

"Do you have a face to blame me? If you don't get drunk, then nothing will happen. You won't beat, you won't lie on the ground, yes, you said last night, you drank some wine and played with friends. A few cards, it should be lost, so when you go home to see the money, you are crazy, I have not asked how much you lost?" Claude resentful.

"I, I didn't play cards, I drank some wine... You don't want to talk nonsense..." Albert had a dim sum.

"Do you forget what you said?" Claude knew very well that his father hated the drunkard and the gambler. The drunkard should be a bad impression left by his grandfather. The gambler is the grandfather who gave him the martyrdom. , gambling is defeated!

"I, I have to drink too much to talk nonsense, I have not played cards..." Albert can only insist on his mouth hard.

"You two shut up for me, don't make a noise." Mr. Morssan was angry.

Claude sat down and started eating his own breakfast.

"Are you going fishing this afternoon?" Silenced for a moment before Mr. Morssan asked.

"Yes, the deposit of the fishing boat has already been paid. I hope that the two days of vacation can earn some money to pay off the debts." Claude replied.

"In this case, I will allow you to go, but be careful when camping outside, do you know?"

"I understand, I will be careful, father."

"As for you, Abel, you will stay at home during the two days of the holiday, don't go out, let the injury on your face recover soon, so as not to be embarrassed. When the holiday has passed, Sir Fox should also come back from the county. You have to Get up and work hard around him, don't let me down."

"I know, father." Albert slouched.


On May 26th of each year, the day before the Renaissance Festival, the two public schools of the National Elementary School and the National School of Bailu Town will celebrate the Fuxing Festival.

The content of the activity is basically the same. It is the collection of all the students. Under the leadership of the students, they marched in the town and marched to the square where the first shot of the revival kingdom was commemorated by Sterling IX.

First, thank the statue of Sterling IX of the rifle, and then the president’s report to review the hardships of the revival kingdom of Sterling IX, followed by a speech by the student representative on the stage to thank the good life. Drinking water does not forget to dig wells. We now have a happy life, relying on the brilliance of the Stirling royal family and so on...

Finally, Mr. Mayor took the stage to make a summary, calling on everyone to be closely united around the Stirling royal family, under the wise leadership of Sterling X, to build the kingdom of Ovilas and make their homes better...

After all, I finished speaking, so everyone went to the statue of Sterling IX, and then shot it, and went back to each family, looking for each mother. For the school, it just saved the student’s lunch expenses...

Claude had to go home to eat first, and changed the clothes of the students by the way. If you go to Bailuzhou for adventure, you can't wear such uniforms. Hunting is the best choice.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, gather at the private dock of the Eriksson House.

Old Sonny has parked his small sail boat on the dock. The small fishing boat is about seven meters long and about two meters and four meters wide. With the head and tail removed, the place where the hull can move is not large, and it is about a square.

Such a single sail small fishing boat is the most common fishing boat in Bailu Town. It usually takes two to three people to operate. It can also be used for sea fishing and diving fishing in shallow seas, but it cannot enter deep waters, and it will encounter larger winds and waves. There is a danger of overturning the ship.

Bokal gave the old chartering fee to the old Sonny. When the old Sonny said a few blessings, he left, and the bag that everyone brought will be moved to the deck of the fishing boat.

Eriksson asked: "Is things coming in, don't forget anything, check it again, we are ready to sail."

Now he is the captain of this small fishing boat.

"Wait," Claude said. "Ike, isn't there a block in your warehouse? Let's move it up. We told our family that we can't fish. We can't even bring the fish net. While we are looking for a place to put it down, maybe there is an unexpected surprise when we come back..."
