MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 26 Father's reprimand

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Chapter 26—The Reprimand of the Father

dinner time.

Albert has not been there, and I don’t know where the goods are going.

The mother had already finished eating the chubby chubby pier first went upstairs. It is said that Xiao Buk was very happy to play with the next door sister, and refused to take a nap. Now she is sleepy.

My sister Angelina also finished eating. Her movements are very fast. She is cleaning the dishes used in dinner in the kitchen. This is also the reason why Claude likes this sister very much. It’s too sensible to know that she is only At the age of twelve, I know how to help my family with housework.

My father was very comfortable leaning against his chair and smoking his pipe after dinner, as if he was thinking about the philosophy of life in a big country.

Crowder put down the silver knife and fork in his hand, picked up the gray-white linen cloth on the table and wiped his mouth. He finally finished eating. Well, at night my mother stewed a pot of beef bones, which should be cheap from the butcher, but this is also Claude's favorite dish, but the bones take some time, so the last one is finished.

After cleaning the dishes on the table and sending them to the kitchen for cleaning to the sister, Claude returned to the restaurant and was ready to talk to his cheap father.

"Father, tomorrow afternoon afternoon, I and Ike, Boa, and Vero, they plan to go fishing in Beringa Lake, have rented the old single-sail boat of the old Sonny. At night we camped in the lake I hope that I can have a good harvest. So I will not go home for the next two days."

No way, even if you have decided to take a holiday to Egret Island, you still have to make an excuse to marry your family. It is a very good reason to go fishing in Bailingjia Lake. After all, it is not far from the sea. It is not far from the sea.

Of course, as at the end of last year, the former owner of the body, Claude, fell into the ice cave and even became a serious illness. The passer took the body. It was not water, but the weather was too cold, and the clothes were too worn. More, the body is not ready, fell into the ice hole and smoked. If it weren't for Vero, they would grab the clothes with three moves, and the traverser would probably have no suitable traversing object.

In addition, fishing can be regarded as an alternative job to earn money. The teenagers in Bailu Town find a fishing boat to do a few days of chores to earn a little money. This is a very common thing, no fuss. It is also common to rent small fishing boats like Claude to go fishing, but it takes some luck. Because there is no guidance from the seasoned captains and fishermen, the novices are unlikely to find fish nests and fish news on the lake. After all, the Beringa Lake is too big.

Mr. Morssan put down the black mulberry ivory mouth pipe in his hand and looked at his second son: "Are you short of money? Want to learn to go fishing and work?"

Crowd nodded. "Yes, I bought something. Now I owe Boa, Ike, Vero some money. So I hope to use this holiday for two days to catch some fish. If you are lucky, you should I can return immediately."

"How much do you owe?"

"Not much, just a silver tale plus three rias."

"What have you bought? Where did you buy it? What does it cost so much?" Mr. Morssan wants to know if his second son has been deceived. He spent a sixteen year old and spent a violent labor. One month's income to buy a thing, if it is really deceived, then he as the executive director of Bailu Town must come out to teach those people what is the rules, this is challenging his authority.

Claude shook his head: "Father, you don't have to be nervous, I haven't been fooled or deceived. I was at the old Munch grocery store, oh, now I am buying a fishing gear and a shipping franchise. I used to be an old shop owner. When Pichak was still collecting a recipe, the animal skin had a history of more than 100 years. I think it was handed down from a noble family.

This should be regarded as an antique recipe, the appearance is very beautiful and heavy, there are a total of seventeen delicious dishes. I remember that my mother's birthday is next month, so I am ready to buy it as a mother's birthday present. Only the owner, Vauri, offered two silver tales. Later, Boa and Ike helped me to kill the price of a stalwart, and the money was paid by them."

Mr. Morssan said quietly: "Let's take the recipe and show it to me. Isn't antiques worth the price? I think my father should know more than you..."

Claude went upstairs to take the magic recipe.

Since the diaries hidden inside are also deciphered, the magic recipes have no meaning for themselves. In addition, the content recorded on the last page of the diary and the strange coincidence make Claude's heart inevitably a little jealous. It seems that this magic recipe is quirky, so it happens to fall into your own hands, so it happens that you discover the secret...

Claude now has the idea of ​​getting rid of this magic recipe early, and it is useless and troublesome to leave it in his own hands. In the future, if anyone can see the diary hidden in this magic recipe, knowing that this recipe has been collected by himself, it is very likely that he will immediately think about whether he can see the text in this recipe. Said that he has magical talent...

When I think of these Claude scalp, I am numb. When I bought this recipe, I said that I would like to take a birthday present for my mother. Besides the three small partners and the owner, Vauri, who knows if they will Tell others about it. A short time collection is OK, and it will be doubtful if it is not taken out on the mother's birthday.

Why do you take this recipe as a treasure so treasure, you don't cook, what do you do with this recipe? Is there a secret hidden in this recipe?

In a way, the passer-by suffers from a mildly persecuted fantasy. After all, this is a completely strange world, and it has become a 16-year-old from the thirties. Juvenile middle school students. Therefore, the passers-by are particularly concerned about whether their behavior is abnormal with others, whether words and deeds are out of place, and the more they entangle, the more they think about it, and often associate with bad places.

Fortunately, the passer-by has not yet reached the level of seriousness that always has the people's fears. As long as the fears he has entangled are removed, he will immediately return to normal physical and mental health.

Pass the recipe to the father: "This is this."

Mr. Morssan took the recipe, first carefully sniffed the smell under the nose, then opened the glasses case on the table, put on the glasses that can be used as a magnifying glass, and began to carefully look at the cover of the recipe and the animal skin... ...

After a long time, Mr. Morsan finally took off his glasses and nodded with satisfaction: "Wakuri is still a businessman's integrity. He doesn't like fools like hawkers. This recipe is indeed an antique, a Silver Tale Sanriasso is not expensive..."

"I think so too." Claude agreed: "The main reason is that this recipe is made of animal paper, which looks very luxurious and rich. So I guess this may be the time when the king revived the kingdom, a broken territory. The recipes used in the banquets held in the aristocratic homes also flowed out and were bought by the dealers and sold to the old Munch grocery store.

I just took this point, plus the 17 kinds of delicious dishes recorded in it, I just want to buy it and give my mother a birthday present. I think the mother will be very happy to see this recipe that day. ”

Crowder made a move to get the recipe that was placed in front of his father, and he did not expect what he expected. His father reached out and pressed the recipe.

"Cough, cough..." Mr. Morssan first coughed twice, then shook his head at Claude: "Claude, you have this filial piety as a parent. We are very happy. But you are still young, no Adults, there is no source of income, so we will not ask you to buy expensive gifts on your birthday, as long as you have that mind is enough.

This recipe is really a great birthday gift for your mother, but it is an antique. It is too wasteful to put your mother in the kitchen to learn to cook, and it is easy to damage the cover of this recipe and Animal paper. So I decided to keep it in the study and keep it safe. Of course, if your mother wants to learn to cook, you can re-copy one. For your mother, the recipe you copied is a more meaningful birthday present. ”

"But father, I still owe them money for this recipe..." Claude was very unwilling.

Mr. Morssan took out his black deerskin purse with gold thread from his arms and reached out to find two silver taels from inside. He thought about it and put it back one, which will leave the rest. The silver tale was placed on the table.

"Like this, you have spent a recipe of a silver tale three riasso, a silver tale, I will help you out, and the other three riasau will buy the gift money for your mother, you will Do you copy this recipe again, so that you don’t have a birthday gift for your mother?”

"This is also OK..." Claude was mad, and this gave him a deep understanding of his father's stinginess.

"But I have to copy some of the books and cover papers! I have no money around me..." Claude looked at his father with grievances.

"I didn't give you two Riasos to buy books for the first two days?"

"I bought Anna a card for sterling silver and bought a toy for the four pirate dolls for Buick. It has already been spent."

"You see you..." Mr. Morssan sighed long and sighed with enthusiasm: "This big man, spending money, not planning, not thinking about it, it’s coming out, hit it. What to buy. Anna is still small, you buy her such a expensive card, what a few Sunar's copper hairpins will do. And Xiao Buke, his toys are not tired or broken in a few days, no need Always buy him a new one.

I know that you have always cared for your younger siblings, but don't get used to them. The money I give you is to let you buy books, but it is not for you to buy gifts for them. You think about it, when you spend money, you are happy. You bought a gift. Your brother and sister are also very happy, but where are you going to buy the books I am going to buy? When it comes to doing it, the promised thing can't be repented. This is the minimum quality of being a man..."

Crowder finally understood that his father had long known where he spent his money, and this would be just a good opportunity to teach him a good meal.

"Forget it, a silver tale is a silver tale." Claude whispered: "I can't go fishing for two days. If you are lucky, you can sell a big price. When you buy a book, you will have money." When I said it, I didn't say that I didn't buy a book."

"Hey, you are a hard mouth." Mr. Morssan pulled out a Riazor from the purse: "I don't want to give you a silver tale, but with your current temper, the biggest possibility after having money." Just want to buy what you want to buy, there is no concept of whether you should spend money. When you have no money, you know that you want to ask your parents, so that you not only have not developed the habit of thrift, but because of the habitual big hands and feet Become a loser.

I earned a salary of three Silver Tale a month, and earned a Riazor in one day. Parents are not easy to earn money, and they are willing to spend on your children. But I still hope that you have to know how to cherish the money. You don't have to spend the time and do not spend it. You must plan to buy things... You can take it with this Riazor, and when I am doing it for a day..."

Crowd grinned and reached for the silver and copper coins on the table. He said, "Don't think that I don't know that you have another way to pay. The salary of your civil servant in January is already starving." ......"

"Father! What do you give him money?"

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