MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 41 Pub and treats

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Chapter 41—The Tavern and the Guest

Claude knows very well that this four-partner's adventure to the Egret Island can only be attributed to good luck. On the first night, I was able to ambush a mountain deer on the side of the creek, which was mainly the personal merits of Verizro. The next day, I was able to fight the big python in the basement, and it was also a fateful addition. As for the return trip, it was blocked. The black tiger fish, it is a big gift, not every time to go out of adventure can be so lucky.

In addition, it is indispensable to sell so much money. He has used the onlookers wisely. In the eyes of the public, the shopkeepers who took the shots could not lower the price, and the price became higher and higher. At that time, they also had If you can't get it, you can only buy it at a premium. This is also to make a face for the shop in front of the crowd.

To put it bluntly, this dock auction is more like a live show that pays for advertising. Like a non-income Gilpo store, it is likely that the status of the townspeople has plummeted. After the hunters came to the town to sell fur, the first choice would be the high-priced acquisition of the mountain deer's Mira tailor shop, the second choice would be the two broken antelopes for the two broken antelope skins, and The Gilpo store can only sweep the leftovers.

The sale of seventeen silver tale eight rias is really beyond Claude's surprise. He thought that it would be nice to sell eight or nine silver tale. I didn't expect a dock to bid for life. The price has doubled, which means that after Crowder has paid off his debts, there are still three Silver Taldo, which is already a month's salary higher than Mr. Morsan's public office.

It is no wonder that Mr. Morssan’s attitude last night was so strange that he should have known the price of the dock auction, so he did not blame Crowder’s concealing family behavior. It seems that I have to go to the bookstore to buy a few new books as soon as possible, so that I can block Mr. Morssan’s mouth, lest he often remind Claude, the man will talk, and he will do it...

This is also the reason why Claude asked the partners to go to the town to have a big meal at noon. After eating, it is the main purpose to go to the town bookstore to buy a few new books and bring them home.

"Well, I brought four purses today, I am going to use it to divide the money. I will give you the money when I go to school." Bokal nodded and said, "But, Claude, the money you are going to pay was originally us. In order to go to Egret Island, is it the same now?"

"First put it on your side, this money will not be divided. After we go out from school at noon to buy something delicious, we will take it from here. After all, it will make you unsuitable..."

Eriksson agrees: "Claude is right. Anyway, we have earned a lot this time. After this money, we will go to the public expense of food."

"I don't have any opinions." Verricko said: "But Boa, you will give me four Riazor and five Sunar for this money, and four Silver Taler will be placed first. You, when you need it, ask you..."

"Why?" Everyone was a bit strange, looking at Verrick.

Verikro was a little embarrassed: "It is like this. If I put it around, my sister will take it and say it will be kept for me, then I will never be able to get it back. There have been several such incidents before, I The pocket money my father gave me was in my sister, and there was also a lot of silver tale..."

Everyone is speechless...

Bokal finally said: "Well, I will keep it for you. I will give it to you when you need to buy something."

When I arrived at the school, I didn’t expect the students to stand up and applaud. Eriksson was more proud.

"What are they doing?" Klein was a little worried.

"Yesterday they also went to the dock and said that we are the second-year senior warrior of the middle school. You know how scary the python skin is, even if it is the adult hunter, there are few courage to face such a big one. The python's... Of course, this is all your credit." Bocker's whispered ear said.

The second year of the middle school four warriors? Is there a title more than this? Claude only felt a fever in his face. What makes him embarrassed is the three-section liberal arts course in the morning. After each class, they will mention the names of their four people and express their admiration for their courage. Even during breaks, other class students are pointing at them, even girls are no exception...

Verricko does not matter, the big man reacts slowly. Claude is not used to this kind of eye-catching scenery. As a passer-by, he can't wait for his low-key and low-key, hidden in the crowd to make him feel safe. This will only be self-restraint, and I hope that everything will disappear after a while.

On the contrary, Eriksson and Bocker are both arrogant and tireless to tell the students about the adventures of these two days. If it wasn't for Claude's timely suppression, they might have said that they had camped at the Bailuzhou Magic Tower. Although the two of them just drank more Ganlan and slept all night, it did not affect their imagination. They made a fictional two-night camp at the foot of Bailuzhou Mountain as a horror fantasy movie. Listening to the students around me straight out...

Claude believes that the legend of another new mysterious horror about Egret will soon be released. What nights and nights will hear the horrible ghosts coming from the woods. When the white fog starts, I see a mysterious black figure moving on the mountain. But the sun came out with white fog and there was no abnormality, etc. The people who spoke were happy, but the people who heard it did not have a brain, and they did not want to think about it. If it was so mysterious and horrible, why the four teenagers could return safely and safely...

Finally, at noon, the meals in the cafeteria were as monotonous as ever, and the four teenagers with money around them turned over the wall behind the school again, ready to go to the town center for a delicious lunch.

"Where do we go?" asked Verricko.

"Would you like to go to the pub? Didn’t Pied bought our black tiger fish yesterday? I really want to taste the taste of such a **** tiger fish.” Claude suggested that he would be a guest. The money, it is reasonable to say that the respondent should not object, the guest will follow the Lord, but did not expect this proposal to be unanimously opposed by Bocker and Eriksson.

"No, Claude, isn't it going to go to the old pub? Don't you believe it? This will be at least half of the people in the old pub. Your father, my father, they must have lunch there too... Bok Al said.

"It seems that my dad will go. He made an appointment with Pied yesterday afternoon and said that he will give him a big copy of the black tiger fish. Today, at noon, he invited a few friends to try to taste the big ones his son caught. The black tiger fish..." Eriksson said with a little lack of confidence that the father and son have the same love to show off the limelight.

Crowder patted his head, how did he forget it? The pub is an old place where the upper class of Bailu Town often meets. Yesterday afternoon, the pub chef Pied bought the black tiger fish at a high price, so today's noon and evening, those who love the food will definitely gather there to dine. His father, Mr. Morsan, the executive director of Bailu Town, was invited to lunch with no accident. In the past, I was looking for nothing...

There are actually more than a dozen pubs in Bailu Town, of which the dock area is the most, with seven. But it was called the pub or the old pub by the town, which is the earliest pub in Bailu Town, the White Deer Tavern. This pub is said to be as old as the history of White Hart. After more than a dozen hands-over, it became one of the ancestors of Sir Fox, the only national member of the White Deer Town. Of course, Sir Fox, who is a member of the National Assembly, will not run a pub. Now Chef Pied is the actual operator of the pub.

Chef Pied is also a legendary figure. He is a king of the king, and he opened a luxury restaurant in his home. He loved cooking and cooking from an early age. When he was young, Mr. Fox was studying at Wang, and he became a good friend.

Later, a noble lady who likes food fell in love with the young Pied, of course, this love can not be blessed by her family. How to say that is also a noble lady, falling in love with a cook, regardless of his status in the family background is not equal, this has become a big joke in the Wangdu aristocracy circle.

So the aristocratic lady decided to run away with the young Pied! Elopement...

The consequence was that Pied's parents were retaliated by the nobility, and their luxury restaurant quickly closed down. Speaking of this, Pied also really needs to thank Sterling IX, when he was in office, he continued to suppress the privilege of the nobility, and the aristocrat could not effectively harm the Pied family in personal safety. Can strike and threaten economically.

For love, Pied took his family away from the king to a thousand miles to Bailu Town to vote for Sir Fox, and took over one of the ancestors of Sir Fox, the old pub in White Hart.

After taking over the White Deer Tavern, the first thing Pied did was to dismiss the pub waitress of all part-time flesh business and persuade Sir Fox to make a large sum of money to renovate and renovate the old pub, while also recruiting new waiters. Training. After three months, the old pub has been renewed, becoming the most expensive and most expensive place in Bailu Town. People in the town who have a bit of identity flocked, and since then the old pub has become a gathering place for the upper class of these white deer towns, where they taste food and discuss big business...

"Thank you for your reminder, Boa. Where do we go for lunch?"

"Don't you say you have to go to the bookstore after eating? Let's go directly to the big fork restaurant next to the bookstore. The roast lamb ribs and marinade made by their family taste very good." Eriksson recommended.

The big fork restaurant does not actually call this name. People in the Farah continent are accustomed to use their own surname or name as the name of their own store. Originally, the name of this restaurant was called the Lombard restaurant, which was also the name of the old shop owner. However, in order to attract more attention, he deliberately hung a large fork at the entrance of the store. As a result, people called this restaurant a big fork restaurant. This is why things can't be hanged...

There are also noodles in this world, but the noodles are basically handmade. It is to put the noodles and water together, put them on the chopping board and use a stick to form a sheet. Then cut them into strips with a knife, cook them in a pot and pour a spoonful of marinated gravy to eat. It is very similar to the hand-made wide noodles that the pasters have eaten in the past, but the taste of this marinade is much worse.

Roasted lamb ribs are not bad, you can take them directly in your hands. The drinks are fresh rye and honey black tea, all of which are a cup of Sunar. Four people still have classes in the afternoon, so Eriksson and Bokal are honestly asking for a cup of honey black tea.

Claude licked five lamb ribs in one breath and ate a large plate of marinated noodles. Bok Al is similar to him, that is, the sheep ribs only smashed three. Eriksson and Verizro had a unique passion for the marinade, and each had two big plates.

The last account, the sheep ribs a Sunar, four people ate twelve, the marinated three Sunar, a plate, called six plates, plus four cups of honey black tea, Claude paid a total Trianzaso Si Sunar is equivalent to Mr. Morssan’s three-day salary. The price of this big fork restaurant is a bit expensive, but Claude’s guest mission has been reached.