MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-Chapter 26 The corpse is coming and feeling the charm of the end of the world!

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"Zi Xin, do you really want to see it?" Shen Qingqing is also very optimistic about this film version. As a loyal biographer fan, naturally know that this change of the protagonist is a taboo in the taboo.

Xu Zixin laughed and said: "Exactly, I like new things, maybe it's not bad."

"Our advanced game." Song Qingfeng simply ignored her, and told Lin Shao and others, "Maybe it will be cleared in two days."

Aside after Xu Zixin paid Lingjing, she soon discovered that the movie version of Resident Evil 1 in the Super Theater was unlocked!

She quickly double-clicked to enter!

Then she noticed that there was a red and white icon in front of her, which is often seen in the game's foreign museums - the Umbria company's LOGO.

But on Xu Zixin's computer screen, there is still only one poster, and there is no other display.

Fang Qi smashed: "Encrypted?"

Fang Qi originally wanted to see how the movie version produced by this system is different from what he had seen before. Now it seems: "Do I have to open a computer myself?"

Fortunately, his system is a trick, but as an Internet cafe owner, he does not spend money on his own play, which makes him feel conscience.

He simply opened one for himself.

“In the early 21st century, the company was the largest profitable organization in the United States.”

The film began, Xu Zixin found that she did not just see, this background knowledge, as if a stream of knowledge, into her mind, so that she can clearly understand the knowledge of each vocabulary.

“9 out of every 10 households use their products.”

"It is politically and economically reachable and is known everywhere. It is the world's largest producer of computer equipment, medical and health products."

“But even though many of its employees don’t know, its main profits come from arms, genetic testing, and chemical weapons.”


"It turns out to be like this!!" After reading this background, she can even clearly understand what biochemical weapons are and what genes are! This knowledge is clearly reflected in her mind with the knowledge she has learned in books!

Soon, she discovered that she was in a test base, a researcher wrapped in protective clothing, operating the console, a small blue and light green test tube in the console. Was taken out!

Although wearing the researcher's clothes, he was not like a scholar. Instead, he was like a thief. After plundering all the reagents, he saw that the person threw a light blue test tube and the test tube hit the hard metal table. , bursting instantly!

If Fang Qi is watching it, he will recognize it. This is a test tube with T virus!

The light blue liquid gradually evaporates and flows into the entire lab with the ventilation ducts!

Soon, after discovering the abnormal red, I began to close all the channels, and all the humans who might have infections were trapped in this underground laboratory to stop the spread of the virus!

Until the rescue team appointed by Ambrella arrived, the Resident Evil... started!

She felt as if she had crossed into another time and space, and everything happened to her side!

This feeling is really too real. If she didn't touch anyone, she would even think she really entered the world! Be a member of them!

She can clearly see what is happening between the protagonist groups!

I have to say that the "Resident Evil 1" movie version is more likely to make people nervous. Xu Zixin is standing in front of all the researchers. They can't see her, but she can see everyone and even watch everyone. Become a zombie little by little!

She saw the whole process of human beings becoming zombies!

This situation of seeing but being powerless is more depressing and desperate!

When I think of all the people who are gathered together, they become zombies. Just think about it, you can feel a scalp numb!

It’s horrible to know that you have seen several zombies in the game at the same time!

And these human beings, all together, will soon become zombies in despair, and it is - zombie group!

A few zombies have been difficult to deal with, what should I do if I encounter a zombie group? !

Her heart could not help but rejoice: "Fortunately, I don't need to experience this myself. Is this really a place for people to stay?!"

This is simply hell!

Her whole heart was hung up, even though she knew that these zombies could not hurt her, but these zombies were enough to make people feel cold!

When she saw the protagonist breaking into the underground lab that had become a human purgatory, she followed her heart.

When she saw the black team being split in the laser channel, she was even more shocked.

"What kind of weapon is this?!"

Everything here is so magical, a few rays of light, can actually kill people invisible? ! This kind of thing is not a gun. What is the magic weapon? !

Then he saw that the red that can control everything can be "closed" by a small black box.

This simply refreshed her understanding of the whole world!

At this time, Fang Qi is also watching.

He found the film to look like the original, but in fact, it is quite different from the original.

For example, fighting techniques are simply rigorous to a terrible point!

Even if Fang Qi integrates most of Chris's fighting skills into himself, he can still learn a lot from it!

Yes! Learn! Fang Qi found that these fighting experiences and skills are like the invisible flow of knowledge in his mind!

And their marksmanship, every move, every step, is also rigorous and accurate!

Rigorously let Fang Qi feel that this is not a movie at all, but to implement a real war that has actually happened in a corner of the world!

"Looking like the production of the subsystem, it really does not live up to expectations..." Fang Qi sighed slightly.

At the same time, Xu Zixin saw countless zombies being released, looking at the zombie group that surged like a tide, and the teammates who were physically strong were dragged into the zombie group, and the whole movie has entered a climax!

Soon, the foraging eater was also released! The power of this monster is not as good as the hunter, but the speed is faster than the hunters! Even exceed the limits of human response!

So it can easily avoid bullets!

Coupled with the claws that can easily grasp the steel and the tongue of the ghost, this monster is simply a killing machine, whoever meets who died!

"It's terrible! I didn't expect to have such a powerful monster besides the hunters! Can you actually catch bullets?!"

Xu Zixin looked at the whole process with a sigh of relief, until the woman and the remaining teammate Mark escaped to the sky, and finally finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, the last scene was staged. The whole city, where it is, is actually a dead field? !

Everyone has become a zombie? !

All the sights she had worried about were all staged here!

It’s too shocking!

This kind of heaven and earth seems to be the only one who has left the horror and loneliness of oneself, just like the tides will engulf people!

"Is this the end of the day?" Her heart only felt a strong sense of oppression before the end of the last days, and the breath was accompanied by a rush.

The scene in which only the female host and the human being remained in the whole city reverberated in her mind for a long time!

I don't know how long it took, Xu Zixin suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from her side: "Zi Xin ~ How? Good-looking?"

“Qing Qing?” She turned her head and quickly took hold of Shen Qingqing’s hand. “The Resident Evil 1 Movie Edition is simply too shocking! I really didn’t expect that the plot would be like this!!”

“Is it really so good?” Shen Qingqing’s heart was puzzled. “I’m not saying that the protagonists have changed, is it boring?”

“Absolutely not!” Xu Zixin said, “Do you know, what we are worried about has really happened! It’s too shocking! The whole city is infected! Everyone has become a zombie! I really want to see it soon. What will a protagonist develop into!"

The last scene of Xu Zixin seems to be a little emotional. Fang Kai's Internet cafes are not as chaotic as the Internet cafes before crossing. At this time, everyone is playing games quietly, not noisy, so Xu Zixin's words have attracted the attention of many players.

“Seeing what the protagonist has experienced with his own eyes?”

"T virus out?!"

“Everyone is infected with a zombie virus?!”

"Zombie tide? The end of the world?!"

It’s just a word, but one is more shocking than one! !

In the game, encountering a number of zombies is very troublesome. Now there is a zombie wave in the movie version? Too scary?

Originally, the "Resident Evil 1 Movie Edition" dismissed, and even Song Qingfeng and others who were criticized for changing the protagonist were curious.

"What are you talking about? Where is the zombie tide?" With the lessons of the previous two days, Liang Shi and others came a little later today, but that's it, so that two of them and six of them have no place. Sit.

"The new biohazard movie!" Lin Shao and other slogans explained, Lin Shao began to shake a little, hesitantly asked, "Do you want us to see?"