MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-Chapter 27 Just a little meaning?

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"Let's just have a look." Lin Shao has already hit the hunters, but the hunters are a bit too strong. It is too difficult for them to reach the official warriors. Let alone They, even Liang Shi, a young high-ranking martial artist, have a headache for the hunters in the absence of martial arts!

Lin Shao apparently looked a little tired in this high-intensity battle: "It’s just that the movie version can’t be played, you can only watch it, just take a break.”

"Really want to see?" Although Song Qingfeng was hesitant in his heart, he still kept a game party's festival without shaking. "It is not a story, what is good."

"Playing a little tired, look at it by the way." Lin Shao and other people played very entangled, simply plan to watch a wave of movies, see the movie version of the story in the end is different.

"Isn't it a story?" Liang Shi and others listened, and even shook their heads, and these people, etc., is not the follow-up of the game version? Are not a story, what else is good?

3 Lingjing's cost, plus the time spent on the machine for more than an hour, is very expensive for Liang Shi, and it is not worth wasting.

Although Xu Zixin’s words made many people mention curiosity, after all, people’s preferences are different. Xu Zixin feels good-looking, but it does not represent everyone’s opinions.

Not to mention the presence of the game party. When I heard that the protagonist changed, I didn’t do it all, so most people still stayed on the sidelines.

In this way, only a limited number of people such as Lin Shao, Xu Luo, and Shen Qingqing are watching.

“The equipment here is all high-end!”

“Is the original T virus researched here?”

“It’s simply not human! Actually shut everyone in the lab and let them become zombies!”

Seeing the change process of these zombies, the more people look at it, the more shocked. If the game version of Resident Evil 1 is a novelty horror game, then the Resident Evil 1 movie version is unimaginable. Horror havoc!

In the game, what the player sees is a team of heroes, with an unforgettable and magnificent ending, and in the movie, what they see is a huge disaster!

All the speculations about the terrible virus of the T virus, and the fear that originally existed only in the heart, have become reality. There are human beings with their own thoughts and consciousness in the first moment, and the next moment is turned into an undead monster that chooses people to devour!

The shock of this huge impact is, in some respects, even worse than in the game!

However, they found that the human beings in this world do not cultivate martial arts, but fortunately, the fighting experience is extremely hot!

Not only are you and your opponents, but even the surrounding environment is well thought out, and the outcome is likely to be in the middle of a tiny detail!

The dazzling fights and gun battles, and the moments are full of tension and escape, so that a few people can all see God, for fear of missing any details!

Until the end of the game, everyone became a zombie, and several people have not returned to God for a long time.

"How?" Song Qingfeng saw the time is almost the same, could not help but ask, "I said it is not interesting?"

"Too shocked!" Lin Shao opened his mouth and was shocked. "The content of the game is simply the tip of the iceberg. In this movie, there is a wider world! And I just witnessed everything the protagonist has experienced!" ”

"A world that is on the verge of destruction!"

"Biochemical virus endangers the world?!"

“Is it so amazing?”

"Do we want to try it too?" Li Xi and Li Ping looked at each other.

"...Is it so good?" Song Qingfeng still has some unbelief.

For these rich children, although there are not many 3 Lingjing, it is not a small number. The story of spending 3 Lingjing to purchase the Resident Evil shows their love for this work, but not everyone has such capital. .

Some players, including Wang Tai, are not so spare players, but they still have a hesitant attitude.

After all, playing games can be good for cultivation, and movies are just a look at it. Although it’s a bit of a blind eye, it’s not dare to spend it now.

Wang Tai is extremely boring and authentic: "Opener, this movie can't be like a game, can we watch it by the screen?"

Fang Qi has some helplessness: "I can't help this."

After all, it is the system.

Just then, there was a sudden exclamation from the side: "Zi Xin! You actually killed a hunter with a knife?!"

Shen Qingqing’s eyes are full of shock, not only killing the hunters, but also killing the hunters with a knife at first sight!

Although the process is a bit hard, it is enough to be surprising!


“Is there someone killing the hunter?! In addition to the boss, who else is killing the hunter without using martial arts?”

This exclaimed, immediately attracted everyone's attention all over the past!

They saw that although Gill on the screen was a little embarrassed, but in front of her, a hunter was indeed falling down at her feet. It can be seen that the hunters, except for the knife wounds, No other scars!

"What is Xu Zixin?"

As an old player, a lot of players are quite familiar with her.

"How could she be so fast?!" Song Qingfeng was shocked and unwilling, knowing that he had been a little bit worse after practicing for so long, even if Xu Zixin was much higher than him, but he could not use martial arts here!

To know that he was the fastest in the progress of the game except Fang Qi, the first person of biochemistry!

Just because the card was in the hunters, it took a lot of time, causing others to slowly catch up!

But he is not worried, because everyone else will have to pass the hunter, otherwise the tyrant lacks a powerful bullet, it is impossible to fight.

But now, some people have directly killed the hunters, and they have surpassed him in the blink of an eye? !

This made him somewhat unacceptable anyway!

Shen Qingqing exclaimed: "How did you do it?"

"It seems..." Xu Zixin recalled some doubts about the process of dealing with the hunters. "I feel that after watching the whole movie, the female alice has a lot of fighting skills as if it were printed in my mind... and the whole body. The control has become more flexible and meticulous..."

Everyone can't help but think of the things that have improved their strength after playing the biochemical crisis for a long time.

Does the film have this effect? !

"Boss! You are a foul!" Think of this, Song Qingfeng righteously shouted, "I used this method to seduce me to watch the movie version!"

Fang Qi shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't force you, the cost of the store is all voluntary."

"..." Song Qingfeng's face was black.

Lin Shao and Xu Luo on the side laughed: "I said Song Shao, you are gone! The movie version is really good!"

"Song Shao!" Li Xi smiled. "Look at it! I am not satisfied with the trouble of finding these guys!"

"Chengchengcheng!" Under the shackles of everyone, Song Qingfeng was depressed for a while, and finally took out three Lingjing. "First declare that I only watched it in order to improve my strength, and I am not interested in the content of the movie."

After half an hour...

"My God! Actually so many zombies?!"

"This shot! This woman is handsome!"

"What is this ghost thing, how do you feel better than the hunter?!"

"This bullet's too big!"


After watching a movie, Lin Shao and Xu Luo quickly asked: "Song Shao, what do you feel?"

"...the amount." Song Qingfeng blackened his face and shouted. "It seems to have some meaning..."

"Is it really just a little meaning?" Lin Shao and Xu Luo several people laughed straight.

"Rolling the dice! I will go hunting the killer first!" Song Qingfeng's face is even darker.

Not long after, in the screen, I saw Song Qingfeng holding a dagger in his hand, although he was covered in blood, but he was lying under his feet, but it was a hunter!

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Although it is still impossible to kill the hunters like Fang Qi, this powerful monster has finally fallen to his feet!

Have to say that this is a huge step!

And his state is even better than Xu Zixin!

"I have succeeded!" Song Qingfeng spit a long breath.

"It’s really a lot of money to watch the protagonists fight." Song Qingfeng screamed. "I feel that I am doing better in detail than before."

"So cattle?!" Liang Shi looked at one and another knife killer also could not sit still.

"Boss! Give me a Resident Evil 1 movie version!" Liang Shi wants to cry without tears, feels like this, the savings of these years will not be long before it will be spent!

"And me!" Wang Tai finally couldn't sit still, biting his teeth.

"Let me first!" The game party, which was originally loyal to the game, is now unable to sit still.


"My God, the quality of this movie version is definitely not lost in the game version!"

“There is a lot of background! I finally figured out how the Resident Evil is what it means!”

"This scene! Is this really just a biography novel? How did the author think of it?!"

"Although I changed the protagonist, it is too exciting!"

"Even if I am the most popular biographer "Wu Xian", I can see it sleepy, but this...the more I look at the spirit, the more exciting! This lab is far more dangerous than the one we went to. Too much!"

"No, I am a little hooked on this handsome foreign girl! This is a crisp and neat!"

At this time, many people have arrived in the Internet cafes. Fang Qi is also unfortunate. Fortunately, before adding the rules of the queue, plus the rules of closing 6 hours and 12 o'clock every day, these rules are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so they are obviously new. The rules are also observed.

Therefore, although the atmosphere of the entire Internet cafe is warm, some players who are not on the same machine are also looking forward to the movie, but it is not chaotic.

This time point has become the most popular moment for the entire Internet cafe, but although the Internet cafe is lively, the players will be depressed.

Xiqi and others are here at this time.

Xiqi looked at the Internet cafes full of people, and his face was stiff: "There is no place?!"