MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v4 Chapter 604 . The legendary wearing a suit?

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At this time, the strength of the two major families, at this time has been divided into three shares, in this piece of the big 6 laid the foundation.

In their view, this is just a devastating war, they will make a detailed operational plan, just because they need a perfect victory.

These indigenous peoples have been defeated and defeated.

Rather than giving them a counterattack and gaining something.

"Is the route clear?" As a commander, Yaris personally directed the battle. Although his opponent was a little weak, he was still prepared.

"It has already been proved." I saw that the guard showed a map. The red line marked the direction of the march. Even the forces on the route, the level of strength, were explored.

What can be seen is that the more the Sansheng Zong went to the Tianyuan Sea, the strength distribution was gradually reduced.

"These indigenous people are unclear. They are as bright as our lights in the night."

At this time, the other side of the Dajin Kingdom is outside the country.

At first glance, the vast and boundless Gobi beaches are docked in a variety of ways, and the body is extremely large.

At this time, their boat can be said to have been improved many times. From the beginning of the exchange of the craftsmanship of the public losers to the exchanges with the monks of Lingzhou, it is obviously not comparable.

The Western Pole, this time, may have become the end of these Western Pole.

The displaced West Pole people are either trapped, captured, or concealed by the harsh environment of the Snowy Mountains.

But obviously this is futile.

At this time, almost all the prisons in the Western Pole have been requisitioned, and they are still not enough.

A large number of soldiers in the West Pole were forced to shed their armor, wearing their hands and feet, wearing ragged and dirty clothes, crouching in the snow-capped square of the largest snow-capped city in the West Pole.

They barefooted, and they were sealed by the special force that sealed them, and their hands and feet were almost frozen.

Even the soldiers who grew up in such a harsh environment, without repairing, are still difficult to resist such snow.

The sky is very different, suspended in the empty huge stone temple, it is like a huge shadow, almost covering the entire Xuefeng City, it may be their most terrible nightmare for thousands of years!


It is worth mentioning that the name that was originally reported by Karl, Tai Hui is the translation of the Lingzhou language through the magic, the right to power.

In this other big 6 legend, the full name is the ancient **** language. The meaning of translating into vernacular is the **** of glow arbitration. It is the leader of the six-day ups and downs and has the right to arbitrate the gods.

But they naturally cannot report the vernacular version, which is a disrespect for their beliefs, and this is the version of other languages.

As a member of the noble and noble temple, I naturally pay attention to my glorious and noble image and take pride in it.

Luther is even more so. It is said that in any occasion, before taking a look, he must take care of his image for one to two hours.

In the shadows outside the Dove Square in Yucheng, two people wearing gray-black cloaks, obviously most of them are not used to being exposed to the sun: "The ambassador of the Glorious Kingdom Luther, the running dog of the Arbitration Temple Hey! This is a clown! The clown! It’s disgusting to see his face in the spell projection!”

"Damn, I really want to lick a dog on his face! Then smash his mouth!"

For such an evaluation, Luther would not care, because in his eyes, this is just some of the most despicable, hidden in the dirty places of slums and sewers, like mice and bedbugs.

And if there is such a voice coming into his ear, I am afraid that someone will fall into the mold: "I remember that someone once asked me whether there is still a despicable, full of decaying presence under the glory of God."

"I thought there was only one kind of dirty ones hidden in the dark... even those that God could not redeem..."

He paused in his speech: "Hey, I want you to know what I mean. They are wearing dirty clothes, and even a smell of smell on their bodies. They are in those stinking ditch, the dirtiest. The place shuttles, but now I think these indigenous people are just like them."

At this time, the magic projection shows that it is the small country in the morning star.

"Behold, this humble pity, even the strongest is only the fifth-order country... Oh, Huo Huo, but still hope that Shenguang will shine on this land as soon as possible."

"Hey! What have we seen!?" At this moment, in the magical projection of the glimpse of the glimpse, they saw the west of Lingzhou, the snowy peak of the northernmost land, outside the sky, as if There is a black shadow, along the edge of the sky, coming from the mighty.

"These... these indigenous people are actually coming to the door?!" Even in the hall where the strong man of St. Hinds is gathered, many people are surprised or wrong.

"Haha... attack? I thought they were going to stick to the sea, at least the strength of the troops, and they could struggle."

"In this temple, there is the 'thorny land' personally guarded, and there are six big heavenly knights of the thorn flower family, three gods, all of them are the nine-order powerhouses, they actually send them in person. Come to the door?"

"Destruction-level magic guns are ready!" In the central hall of the main hall, there is a man in black gold, gorgeous carved robes, and deep-eyed.

In front of him, there are a total of nine people standing in two columns. They are full of powerful and heart-warming atmosphere. They are the six great knights of the thorn flower family and three gods.

“It’s time to let these ignorant indigenous people have a taste!”

Jinyun Fairy was born in a group of hidden monks like the wild cranes of Qisheng Mountain. He is not good at fighting.

But not all monks who are not good at fighting are useless on the battlefield.

Dan medicine, magic weapons, auxiliary spells, and even - the calculation of the law.

Although the salted fish has recently come down and watched the "White Snake Biography" all day long, but ... in the daytime to see Bai Suzhen is a predecessor, and it is counted Xiaoqing and others who counted this, then her spell actually has Enhancement, even if you only need to count, you can know the specific location and status of an individual, and even the distribution of people in a certain area can be calculated.

So although the salted fish is a bit more, today it was actually distributed on the command ship.

There are grades.


"They are really close!" Luther's tone was obviously with some disdain. "This distance is just close to the spells, so let these sad peoples."

In the square, and in the hall of St. Hines, the spell projections are drawing closer.

Soon they clearly saw that the quaint and gorgeous giant ark in the center stood at the head of the boat and looked at the distant sky, including the lonely cloud and the major clan owners and elders. .

The clothes on the body are white as snow, or on the dark or gray head, with the bead crown of the sandalwood.

Their instruments, even a piece of silk, are meticulous, as if they had been in the incense and bathed for three days.

Their costumes are neat and uniform, gorgeous and atmospheric, rigorous and regular, correct but without losing their aura, but they are not lost, but they are as if they are coming out of a mysterious and ancient, picturesque country. .

Standing in the stern of the boat, the wind blew the white robe hunting - like the flying fairy in the sky, coming to the world.

"Oh my God!"

“Wow – are these people really indigenous?”

On the white dove square, there was an exclamation immediately.

"It's not that they are not yet open. wearing dirty clothes, no rules, like the humble guys?" With a small mouth, he was shocked.

"Oh... the elf **** is on!" The elf girl Sera next to it also looked at it.

"I think..." The moment they saw it, it was completely different from the undeveloped, dirty and humble indigenous people that Luther said in his mouth!

At this time, the boss had just gone outside to finish lunch, just passing by the Baige Square and seeing this scene.


"Ye Gucheng?! Ximen blowing snow?!" What are you special! !

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