MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v4 Chapter 605 Forced to install it for you

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Everyone in the hall of St. Hines was slightly surprised at this time.

Of course, just a little bit beyond their expectations, this does not affect viewing.

"Wilson should now be preparing for the main gun of the temple?" The speaker was an old man's projection, wearing a white gods gown, apparently also a high-ranking high-rise in the temple.

His voice just fell, and he saw it. In the old and strange stone temple, the three-sided hexagonal huge stone door opened, revealing the muzzle of three black holes.

Even if it is not launched, it is a terrible deterrent.

Just then, I saw only a few figures flying in the main hall.

The man in the center was sitting in the middle of the main hall, wearing a black gold pattern, a gorgeous printed robe, the extremely powerful existence, "The Land of Thorns" Wilson.

Beside him, there were a total of six knights wearing various armor and three wizards wearing black robes.

They seem to be free from gravity and float in the air.

"Between your previous crimes, we should have given you the most severe punishment." Wilson, the "thorny land," said, "But my God is kind, still willing to give you a chance, as long as you surrender the hostage, and Accepting the glory of my God, I think that my God will condone the sins of Seoul."

Although I did not expect these indigenous people to be so ignorant and dare to personally deliver them to the door, they would naturally not miss it.

But as already mentioned, they need a brilliant victory, so it is not a good choice to let the other party surrender to their own feet without fighting.

"Hey! What have I seen? Are these indigenous people crazy?" The picture has turned, and it has reached a battlefield.

At this time, far away from the border of the Dajin Kingdom, this group of Internet cafes, apparently also encountered the Temple of the Legion that had captured the Three Holy Sepulchre and borrowed from the direction of Tianyuanhai.

"No! These indigenous people are mad, I even have a feeling that another indigenous person on the battlefield will come to the door! This is just too..." Luther suddenly turned around. "Everyone thinks they don't seem to come. What about surrender?"

"It's hard to imagine that their warriors don't even wear armor, they have white clothes. Are they planning to attend a wedding? Or are they going to participate in a dance?"

When he said this, he immediately caused the audience to laugh.

In the hall of St. Hines, there is only a calmness, and for these high-level existences, the half-waves cannot be found.

They are just watching, are these indigenous people really surrendering.

Whether it is selling St. Hines, arbitrating the face of the temple, or simply spending a long life and boring time, they have already had a lot of thoughts about the outcome of this war.

In addition to the fiasco, these indigenous peoples will have other endings?

Compared to the battlefield in Lingzhou, there is only one man in the temple here wearing a fiery red armor and carrying a giant sword behind him.

He flew high above the sky and looked down from the top. He seemed to have a deep scorn in his tone: "You, do you want to vote for it?"

"This is the famous Knight of Heaven, the Lord of the Rage Knights!" Luther said by the way, "is also the top powerhouse behind the ‘Flame Morning Star’.”

"Hawkers may feel that there is no need for 'The Morning Star of Flames', Austin's shot, but I also feel that I heard that this land has very few 8th-order powerhouses, and Lord Austin has already reached The extraordinary nine-order existence! These indigenous people are afraid that they are not enough to see together."

At this time, I saw Nalan Hongwu standing at the head of the French ship.

A white dress, white hair tied behind his head, with a darkened sheathed sword at his waist.

He faintly said: "You should not come."

It is not the Lingzhou language, but the language of these foreigners.

Jessica and others are eating melons and black tea every day in the store. Of course, they can't do anything, or teach a few spells, such as language enlightenment.

"Hey~ this person..." At this time, I watched the scorpion of the spell projection, Joseph and other teenagers in the Dove Square, as well as other warriors, mages, and several members of the Golden Griffin Knights. ...

This kind of concise way of speaking, through the projection of the spell, can be felt, a lonely, cold and arrogant breath.

Feeling good chicken is elegant and deep!

what happened? !

A group of people looked at the square and stayed.

The elf girl Sera also blinked, these indigenous people... really indigenous?

"Don't you come?" "Rage Knight" Huck frowned slightly, and then sneered, "I think you shouldn't come, if you don't come to surrender, is it coming to die?"

"You learn the sword?" Nalan Hongwu took a look at the giant sword behind him.

Haggs groaned... The half-ring responded: "Are you jealous? I have a sword behind my back, what do I learn from the sword?"

Nalan Hongwu said indifferently: "Do you know the ingenuity of the sword?"

"Oh... these people are so esoteric!" At this time, Sera felt that these people on the mainland of the fairyland looked mysterious and elegant. They were not as shallow and filthy as Luther said.

"How is this going?!"

At this time, in the hall of St. Hines, a group of high-ranking presences also looked a little embarrassing.

Are these people not afraid? !

If you are not afraid, forget it. What is the ingenuity of the sword?

"This, I think Lord J. Kruss, have the most say?" The old man, known as the "World Master," began.

At this time, I only heard that Hucks spoke up: "The sword in my hand is born for the judgment of the enemy of the temple!"

"Only sincerity and sincerity can reach the peak of swordsmanship, and dishonest people is simply not enough to talk about swords." Nalan Hongwu looked at him. "You are dishonest."

"嘶-!" Sera touched the thin sword at the waist, thinking, thinking, "This grandfather speaks well and makes sense..."

Not only her, but also the knights of the golden gryphon knights around me, feel that their views on these indigenous peoples are completely different.

Can you still tell such a truth? !

How did Mard feel that he was forced to install it for you? !

The boss behind the scenes: "..."

"Haha!" Hucks took the huge, fiery red sword from the back with a faint sneer on his face. "If you feel that you can convince us with a single mouth, don't dream!" ”

Hucks's face gradually sank down - an indigenous, I am afraid that the eighth order will not come, actually dare to teach me?

"Do you know what is the eighth order?" Hucks slowly said, "The peak of man!"

"After many years, I didn't expect the little guy of Hax to reach the eighth order." In the hall of St. Hines, a projection opened, "should it be achieved in recent years?"

"I received the baptism of the gods last year. If I call the power of God, I can enter the eighth order." A priest explained.

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