MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 108 to be an astronaut

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  Chapter 108 Want to be an astronaut

  When Lu Yu was considering the commission of the black card, Blue Star was also not idle.

  An assembly center in Huaguo.

This high-tech factory covers an area of ​​more than 100 mu. It assembles and manufactures the parts of Huaguo's cutting-edge aerospace equipment. A series of automation equipment such as machines have realized completely unmanned standardized production.

  If you look at it from the outside, the core assembly factory actually has a taste of the base car in "Red Alert". A steady stream of parts are sent in, and when they come out, they are already finished products.

   This super factory is preparing various space shuttles for the Huaguo deep space project, and they will undertake the transportation tasks between the ground and space orbit!

  A spaceship in the true sense is actually very difficult to build and take off on a planet when the level of civilization and technology is not enough.

Because of the huge size and terrible mass of the spaceship, it is necessary to let it get rid of gravity. First of all, the material of the spaceship is a big problem, otherwise it cannot resist the huge body of the ship that may be torn apart by gravity at any time, and secondly, it needs to be able to provide huge thrust. Engine, most of the fuel that such a spacecraft can carry can only be consumed in the initial stage of launch.

  The engineers of the Zero Base referred to the construction of the early spaceships of the Horn and Lizard civilizations, and determined the first step to establish a forward base in the asteroid belt—the establishment of the first human space factory at the Lagrangian point of the earth!

The main components of Huaguo’s spaceship going to the asteroid belt will be continuously launched from the blue star to complete the assembly there, and the energy will come from the helium 3 that can already be exported on the moon. The planetary belt is launched.

   “We used to take two or three months to go from an assembled aircraft to an overnight … or even a few hours.”

   "Has technology improved productivity to such an extent?"

  Standing in awe on the observation deck of this behemoth, Professor Mao, the general manager of the advance base, sighed, while a group of senior engineers and executives of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group accompanied him attentively

   "What empty cannon are you firing?"

  A well-built, middle-aged man walked in wearing a hard hat: "When you were still in our system, Mao, we had a fart space shuttle!"

   "Hello Mr. Guo!"

   "Hello, Mr. Guo!"

  The one who dared to speak like this in front of Professor Mao was of course his old acquaintance. In the beginning, it was thanks to Mr. Guo that the command center quickly confirmed that the Silver Star was not a creation of an alien civilization.

  Originally, he should have reached the age of retiring to the second line, but thanks to the genetic resonance technology, he looks like a middle-aged person.


  Professor Mao also showed a sudden realization: "I have seen so many things in these years, and I have forgotten them all."

   After all those who tried to show their faces in front of Professor Mao were kicked out by himself, Guo Gongcai asked: "Although you are no longer the person in charge of Base Zero, at least you are still a lifelong consultant, right?"

   "Instead of guarding your ultimate secret of the universe, why did you come out to inspect it yourself? Can't you even see a virtual reality?"

Professor Mao smiled wryly and said: "The group of theoretical researchers at Base Zero are going crazy now. The existence of the ultimate civilization, the Rebooters, simply challenges human science. At least a bunch of people are starting to discuss deism." ( Note 1)

  Deism believes that the Creator, as the original cause of the world, will no longer interfere with world affairs after the creation of the world, but let the world exist and develop according to its own laws.

This theory itself is a kind of philosophical thought. It opposes obscurantism and mysticism, and denies superstition and various "miracles" that violate the laws of nature; therefore, it is also called rational deism. Many famous scientists believe in this theory. Einstein is the one who advocates In this regard, I believe in self-confessed theology, and it has been passed down by many editors, and it has become a theology in my later years.

   "According to the description of the black card, those restarters have almost reached the so-called creator, right?"

   "In order to block the civilization of the entire universe, they will break through to the universe-level civilization on their own. They will become a cosmological constant or something at the big bang of each singularity."

   "Can you imagine that everything that constitutes us has their handwriting?"



   "Why are you chattering?"

Guo Gong was still planning to expand on this topic, but Professor Mao interrupted quickly: "Just hearing this makes your ears tingle, and you can't be more pragmatic when doing scientific research. Don't think about the ultimate in the universe, and do a good job of what is in front of you first." Work."

   "Great to the great, Blue Star's biggest difficulty now should be the unknown fleet that will arrive in the solar system in fifteen years, right?"

  Gong Guo touched his hard hat, and seriously replied: "Don't worry! We have even detained the space shuttle that is going to fly to the moon base, and we must fully support the work of the space factory at Lagrange Point."

   "The assembly center in front of you is already producing 1,000 tons of parts for the second phase. The 700 tons of parts for the first phase have been sent to various launch centers."

   "According to the plan, the main frame of the first human space factory will be completed at the beginning of next month, and the first real spaceship of mankind will be assembled in half a year."

It was the first time for Guo Gong to fight such a rich battle. The productivity was reflected in the aerospace industry, which made it really take off, but then he said with some concern: "Compared with time, I am actually more concerned about all these things. It’s all going to be done in space, which means it’s all going to be done while we’re all observing it in a foreign country, will it be…”

  Professor Mao looked at the efficient unmanned automated factory outside, and said confidently and proudly: "Even if you show them the complete process, can they still reproduce a space factory?"

   "Just because the United States has restarted it for several years, NASA has not yet been able to return to the moon?"


  The Huaguo launch base will soon be launched. According to the publicity, this will be the most spectacular scene of launching a spacecraft in human history, so the viewing platform built outside the base is already crowded with tourists.

   "I'm out of the cabin and in good shape!"

  A lively boy pointed at the launch base and shouted, and more children followed suit.

   At this time, it was the launch time, and everyone counted down following the live broadcast.





  The poet once described the beautiful scenery like this: more blows fall, stars are like rain.

  Now those space shuttles are struggling to get rid of the gravity and point directly to the sky, as if hanging their field of vision upside down, they are like brilliant stars spewing out of blue stars.

  Tourists watched the blue flames continuously spewing from the higher and higher spacecraft engines, as if they were watching dozens of meteors across the sky.

   "Among the army conquering the universe, I am the one who silently contributes!"

   "I melt the brilliance into the constellation of the motherland!"

  I don’t know who sang it first, and there was continuous singing on the scene, interweaving with the sound of the engine, playing the most charming symphony.

"Mommy mommy!"

  Amidst the singing, the boy suddenly pulled his mother beside him and said, "I want to be an astronaut when I grow up! I want to explore the starry sky for our country and for us humans!"

  (end of this chapter)

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