MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 112 the sky is so quiet

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  Chapter 112 The starry sky is so quiet

  Actually, Lu Yu had always wondered why the Union of Conscious Life Forms could be established.

  After all, according to the description of the Qing people, the founders are equivalent to using their own civilization's technology as the foundation of the entire alliance for free, and the objects of support are some low-level civilizations.

   This is completely thankless!

  After all, the builder has been spending continuously during this process. The so-called tasks it sends out can be completed more efficiently by itself. There is no need to spend more technology and waste time to find other people to do it.

   This is what Lu Yu couldn't understand before.

  But now combined with the information from the black card and the information disclosed by the Qing family, everything seems to be clear before your eyes.

  In order to break through to the universe-level civilization, the founders spared no effort to spend hundreds of millions of time to establish the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms.

  The purpose is to realize the common connection of consciousness, to break through the second blockade of the restarters!

  Those substances below the Planck length will show different properties due to the observer effect! The principle of uncertainty has bypassed the physical limit and is once again reflected in these lowest-level substances.

  This is the second blockade of the restarters after hiding the matter under the Planck length.

   Therefore, it is impossible to grasp the properties of these substances by relying on a civilization alone, let alone how to study and analyze and master the laws!

  That being the case... the founders chose to unite hundreds of them! Thousands! Tens of thousands of civilizations!

  However, there are very few civilizations at the ninth level, and it is even more difficult to communicate with each other in such a large universe. It is even more difficult to persuade the other party to connect with their consciousness to help them complete the observation experiment.

   Then cultivate it yourself, find all the intelligent creatures within the reach of the starry sky, transform them into conscious life forms, and share your own technology.

  Finally, realize the union of conscious life forms in the way of co-connection of consciousness, and observe what is the material composition at the bottom of the universe from the perspective of different intelligent races!

  This method has spent so much energy and time, everything is for the second criterion of civilization - development!

  The most frightening thing is that when it is implemented, no one can guarantee that this is a way to break through the blockade.

  But the founders still did not hesitate to spend hundreds of millions of years to organize such a cosmic civilization experiment with unknown results and involving tens of thousands of civilizations within a billion light-years.

  【Conscious life forms of the whole universe unite. 】

  Once successful, how many universe-level civilizations will be born in these combined conscious life forms?

  Lu Yu understood that the founders' civilization was on the right track, because they successfully attracted the attention of the restarters, and they sent their dependents to observe.

  Such an observation...I'm afraid it is definitely not a good thing.

  After combining the two, Lu Yu has roughly understood the basic situation.

   First entrusted the communication with the Qing people to No. 7, and Lu Yu switched his perspective to Base No. 52.

  He looked at the black card and asked the most critical question about the mission: "How do I need to observe the Union of Conscious Life Forms?"

  【Very simple. 】

  【If they are still collecting matter at the bottom of the universe, it means that they are still unwilling to break through to a universe-level civilization. As long as you confirm this situation, you can report it to your restarter and it will be completed】

  【That thing, except for us dependents recognized by the restarters, other civilizations can't use it at all, and they can't study it. 】

  【Actually, when I returned, I had already left them a warning. If I still persisted, then the restarters would probably not let this alliance of conscious life forms go. 】

  But who knows... how to contact the so-called rebooter?

  Even I only learned about their existence from you. Compared with your family member, why do I feel like a wild one?

Lu Yu still doesn't know which restarter it is, and for what purpose he endowed himself with the black technology system, but his current purpose is also very simple - to keep No. 7 first, and then find a way to solve Blue Star 15 Years later the crisis of the arrival of an unknown fleet.

   Lu Yu is determined to get that tenth of the cosmic star map!

   Although the content of this task sounds simple, Lu Yu is at a loss for matter below the Planck length.

  Among the scientific and technological information that Lu Yu has obtained so far, even the database of the fourth-level civilization shows that the quark is the smallest particle in the universe, and the smallest unit of material division is the quark.

  Up quarks, down quarks, and electrons together make up the protons and neutrons of atoms, and atoms combine to form molecules, and all complex structures have been born since then.

   This is a unified physical structure from microscopic particles to macroscopic things!

   But the premise that this task can be completed is that Lu Yu himself can discover substances smaller than protons. Otherwise, how can he judge whether the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms has collected those substances?

  Lu Yu thought for a while, and tried to ask: "What if the alliance ignores your warning and is still collecting the substances that will allow them to break through to a universe-level civilization?"

  【The restarter will strengthen the logical blockade of the entire alliance of conscious life forms. 】

  Lu Yu asked again: "Then what if the second warning is still ignored? What methods will the restarters have to eliminate them?"

   2-way foil?

   Not to mention the civilizations that have reached the river system level, star-level civilizations are not afraid of this thing anymore!

  The dimensionality reduction weapons deployed at the speed of light can’t threaten the civilizations that have reached the speed of light at all, so how should the restarters eliminate those ninth-level civilizations that insist on breaking through their blockade?

  After all, these ninth-level civilizations still have mastered space folding technology, and even the technology of building space bubbles, so they no longer need to stay in one place for a long time.

  The so-called dimensionality reduction strike, the black cage is still a directional strike weapon, and it can't help the ninth-level civilization that is fighting guerrillas in the universe.

  【The Alliance of Conscious Life Forms broadcasts gravitational wave broadcasts to the whole universe in such a high-profile way. If there are a few more level-9 civilizations acting like this in the universe, why is the starry sky still so quiet? 】

  【In some places, it seems that no high-level civilization has ever appeared? 】

   Fermi Paradox?

  This is also a question that human beings have been asking for a long time. Lu Yu has traveled all the way in the universe. The existence of civilization is definitely not an isolated case.

  Then why is the whole universe so quiet when viewed from the blue star?

  Hei Ka paused for a while before sending a message that made Lu Yu's hair stand on end.

  【Because they were all erased! 】

[Just like all information will be erased when a detached civilization leaves the universe, one of the reasons why restarters can be distinguished from universe-level civilizations is because they have mastered the ability to erase information in the universe Technology! 】

  【The civilizations that have been warned many times and still insist on breaking the blockade of the restarters, along with their existence, the information they send out, and all their creations, are all wiped out from this universe by the restarters! 】

  【So in a certain area of ​​the universe, when you gaze into the deep space, you will find that the starry sky is so quiet and silent. 】

  (end of this chapter)