MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 146 no clothes

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  Chapter 146 Qi Yue Wuyi

  One night passed, and Kapo, like before, used hunting as an excuse to disappear into the depths of the holy mountain with the ultra life forms. The young ultra life forms who didn't know the truth were used to it.

  They were fighting around the dock as usual, waiting for the start of the Holy Mountain Competition. They didn't know the truth, and they were still looking forward to becoming warriors of the Holy Mountain.

   On the other side, relying on this period of exploration, Kabo and the others have figured out the approximate path to the top of the holy mountain.

  According to the news from the inner ghost, their goal is on the top of the mountain.

  The 100-man team advanced quickly in silence. They were expected to face 5 holy mountain warriors equipped with antimatter organs and corresponding functional organs.

   This is no longer a huge gap that can be smoothed out by pure quantity.

  If it is calculated by civilization, the mature and efficient use of antimatter as energy supply is already a proper star-level civilization.

  And these ultra life forms that still use nuclear reactions for energy supply can at best be regarded as planetary civilizations.

  The strength gap between the holy mountain warriors and the tribal fighters, according to the analysis of the Zero Base, is larger than the gap between humans and ants.

   After all, there are too many ants, and they can indeed threaten humans.

   But for the holy mountain warriors, no matter how many tribal warriors there are, it will not help.

  Because according to the division of civilization, these creatures that can already use antimatter as energy are likely to master the grand unified theory at the same time.

  Think about the gravitational bomb that humans have just explored. If the holy mountain warriors can rub one out...these fighters who are not afraid of death can be wiped out.

  But whether they knew about the huge difference in combat power between the two sides or not, these ultra life forms still embarked on the road to the top of the holy mountain.

  Because the five holy mountain warriors... are already at the weakest point of defense. If they miss it, they may not have another chance until civilization is wiped out.

   Instead of regretting later, it is better to seize the current opportunity.

   "The front is not a hunting area, please leave quickly!"

   "Going forward is desecrating the holy mountain, and the desecrator will be severely punished!"

  Silence marched to the mountainside of the holy mountain. Facing the obvious unkindness of the comer, the two holy mountain warriors guarding the path in front of them stopped them, but they only gave mechanical warnings.

   "Ancestors! Ancestors!"

   "I am the patriarch of the Fish Tribe! Your seventh generation descendant!"

   "I am the patriarch of the hill tribe, your eleventh generation descendant!"

  In the team, two ultra life forms rushed out and knelt down in front of the two holy mountain warriors.

   "Once you convert to the holy mountain, there will be no relationship between the mortal world."

   "Please leave quickly!"

The two holy mountain warriors still answered mechanically, but it seemed that a certain mechanism had been triggered. There was no extra movement for the two kneeling and squirming in front of them, and there was no more for the people in front of them who had already started to dig out the core. reaction.

  They don't have the emergency response that normal creatures should have, and it seems that all behaviors are obviously mechanical.

   This is also the information provided by the insider of the Holy Mountain. Kapo doesn’t know why the insider leaked the information of the Holy Mountain to him, but Kabo understands that he needs to seize every opportunity.

  I saw that two ultra life forms approaching the holy mountain warriors had already come to them, and actually hugged their legs like filial sons and grandsons, as if they really wanted to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.

  In this scene, the two mechanical and rigid holy mountain warriors also searched the database carefully to find a way to deal with it.

  At this time, the team in front of them had already taken out their weapons in a grand manner, and those two ultra life forms hugging one of their feet took out a pitch-black dagger from the core of their chest.

  The high-frequency vibrating dagger pierced the holy mountain warrior's thigh in an instant. The dagger seemed to contain some special substances, and cracks appeared in the body that had adapted to the energy supply of antimatter.

   This attack undoubtedly triggered the switch of the defense mechanism.

  The holy mountain warrior whose body had been cracked into pieces, erupted with layers of pitch-black nets all over his body.


  When it encounters positive matter, it will be annihilated, and photon is also a kind of positive matter. When it comes into contact with antimatter, the annihilation effect will occur, making the net that suddenly exploded in all directions look like a dark one.

  The two closest super life forms were the first to suffer. Before they could even make a sound, they were cut into powder by layers of fine nets, leaving only two cores in place, and they fell powerlessly from midair.

  The large amount of energy produced by the annihilation of antimatter and positive matter unexpectedly did not burst out, but instead seemed to add energy to these pitch-black thin nets, and they suddenly swept towards the ultra life forms that kept taking out their devices.

  So fast, you can't dodge!

The distance between these fine nets woven by antimatter is only a few millimeters. Not to mention super life forms of such a huge size, even the vast majority of life forms on the blue star will be wiped out by the fine nets. fate.

But Kapo and the others had been prepared for a long time. They quickly formed an instrument to generate a force field. Those deadly antimatter fine nets brushed the semicircular force field, but failed to penetrate. fatal blow.

  The holy mountain warriors obviously have more means, but they have no time to use them.

  The ever-spreading cracks on their bodies caused their huge bodies to collapse quickly, and the holy mountain warriors who had all kinds of means to deal with Kabo and others quickly disappeared before their eyes.

  Kabo, who won his first victory by sneak attack, didn't look happy at all. He could only glance at the core of the two companions, and then retreated behind everyone with a serious face.

  The chilling atmosphere still shrouded everyone's hearts, because where the two holy mountain warriors fell in front of them, three more holy mountain warriors appeared.

  They give people a completely different feeling, even if they just appear in front of you for a moment, their agility is in stark contrast to the mechanical and rigid holy mountain warriors before.

   "Have the intelligent programs of these two machines aged to this extent?"

   "Oh, these cute pets actually have such abilities?"

  The three of them obviously look like Ultraman, but they look at the same race in front of them as if they were looking at insignificant ants, and then they want to crush all these ants to death

   "Go! Wipe out all creatures No. 1207 who came to the holy mountain."

  The one in the middle of the three seems to be the tallest, but judging from the appearance, it seems to be a female Ultraman.

  A templar on the left glanced over the super life forms who were all on guard, and sneered, but his figure disappeared in the same place in a flash. It seemed that he was ordered to hunt and kill young ultra life forms.

   And another holy mountain warrior beside her didn't need her order, and went directly to slaughter their so-called pet in front of him.

   It was a massacre indeed.

  The super life form that only mastered the nuclear reaction was swept away by the gust of wind like burnt ashes with only a slight touch by him, and completely disappeared in this folding space.

  No one can stop him for a second, but likewise, no one takes a step back.

   One down, two on top!

  Two fell down, and three got up fearlessly.

  The ancient tribal war songs resounded in the majestic holy mountain, and died generously amidst the singing.

   Do you say no clothes? In the same robe as the son. Repair my spear and share the same hatred with my son.

   Do you say no clothes? Same with Zi. Repair my spear and halberd, and work with my son.

   Do you say no clothes? Wear the same clothes as your son. Cultivate my armor and walk with you.

  For them, the struggle seemed so powerless, but the sacrifices they made one after another seemed to be brewing something.

  When the new holy mountain warrior really killed most of the ultra life forms like crushing ants, the vigilance that was secretly in his heart was slightly lowered.

Originally, those rigid holy mountain warriors were consumables for real members of civilization like them. They were thought to be accidents worth being careful when they were easily resolved. It's just so powerless.

  Looking at the few people who rushed up again, he seemed to wave out casually, and the ripples of destruction rippled.

  In his prediction, these people would be wiped out as before.

   "Watch out! You!"

  The companion's warning was so urgent, and then he saw an unbelievable scene.

  A hand pierced his abdomen, and the speed was so fast that his core was pinched before he reacted.

   "You... already generated antimatter organs?"

   "But how could it be possible to penetrate the space barrier??"

  Kabo stood quietly in front of him, but his hands were already tightly clenched, and the space bubble melted and collapsed in his hands.

  Before, Lu Yu was still wondering. Kabo, who had used many nuclear explosion fists, was not even interested in collecting a large number of nuclear fusion raw materials. It turned out that he already had a more advanced energy supply method!

  Just retreated behind everyone, showing weakness to the enemy at the same time to replace the antimatter organ!

  Those compatriots who died...before climbing the mountain, they already understood their mission, but they still went up.

  As they swore before, for the sake of the tribe, for the sake of the clansmen, they will never hesitate to die.

   And now it's Capo's turn.

  The shattered core and the body of the holy mountain warrior exploded suddenly, and behind Kabo was the remaining companions, who blocked most of the damage as motionless as a mountain.

  The basic material that constitutes a super life is a high-strength material that is smaller than a nanorobot. It is unrealistic to equip it with its own energy source. Only through wireless energy transmission technology can this problem be solved.

  The principle of wireless energy transmission technology is very simple, that is, by constructing an electromagnetic field, and then installing an induction device on these materials, when the induction device resonates with the electromagnetic field, electric energy will be transmitted to them.

   On Blue Star, the main obstacle of wireless transmission energy technology is the problem of excessive energy loss during the transmission process. However, after the popularization of mature controllable nuclear fusion, this technology has begun to bear fruit in various fields.

  In ultra life forms, especially Kabo who has already produced antimatter organs, it is no longer a matter of energy consumption to realize this technology.

  These high-strength basic substances are real nano-scale materials. If they are all supplied with energy through wireless energy transmission technology, it means an extremely large demand for computing power.

  How much computing power is needed to control those antimatter organs that are still brewing terrible organs, and want to control the energy released by the constantly annihilated matter?

  This is also the reason why it is basically impossible for them, the tribal people called pets, to generate antimatter organs!

  Even Kabo, who has achieved nuclear fusion, is already a famous genius on the mainland.

  But the strength he is displaying now seems to be proclaiming to the Holy Mountain—the pet in your mouth, now also has the power to bite you back!

  The explosion in front of him passed quickly, and the damaged parts of Kapo's body quickly recovered.

  Each wound needs to consume 670,000 basic substances, but Kapo's core seems to be gushing out endless basic substances, constantly repairing and at the same time generating functional organs one by one.

   "Capo, we finally..."

   There is only one holy mountain warrior left, and a smile appeared on her originally frosty face in the blink of an eye.

   But before she could finish speaking, Capo's fist had already reached her eyes.

  The two pitch-black fists collided together, and terrible cracks spread from the center of the fight to all directions. At this moment, it seemed that the entire holy mountain was shaking.

  Kabo said coldly: "Don't try to fool me with my wife's memory, I won't let you complete the sublimation!"

  The female holy mountain warrior returned to her previous indifferent expression: "You even know about sublimation. It seems that the traitor who united with you has a place on the mountain."

   "As the only pet that has killed its owner in a billion years, I will keep your core and bring it to those elders for questioning one by one!"

   A more terrifying battle broke out, even in the universe, it is equivalent to two star-level main battleships fighting with all their strength.

  The huge energy erupted by the fierce collision process completely changed the material structure of the mountainside.

   Their bodies are much smaller than star-class civilized battleships, but their output power is not weak at all.

  During these few moments, a series of indescribably complex material changes took place. Some matter has been changed directly from the nuclear level. They become various metallic elements. Among them, there is gold, silver, platinum, radium, uranium, mercury...

   This is a fusion mechanism that only occurs inside stars, but now it actually happens in the battle between two super life forms!

  Civilizations that create such living organisms probably raised their combat capabilities to the extreme at the beginning of the design!

   And this is the level of energy provided by antimatter. If the organs are upgraded to the energy that can only be mastered by river system level civilizations... How powerful can these super life forms be?

  Every collision will produce heavy elements, and they have used the grand unified theory as a weapon.

   It is important to know that the birth of heavy elements is mostly nuclear fusion that occurs only when supernovae explode, and most stars are close to the end of their lifespan when they reach the iron element.

  But at the moment of the fight, all the elements were produced, some on the periodic table of elements, and all of them were produced.

After those extremely heavy elements appeared, they couldn’t exist stably, so in a very short time after being thrown out, they lost some protons or neutrons that make up their atomic nuclei, and eventually decayed into other elements .

   Terrible radiation and heat appeared on the mountainside of the holy mountain, as if a round of sun was rising.

   This kind of battle could have lasted for a long time, and the top of the holy mountain would be alarmed, and more warriors would be sent to kill Kabo, but in fact, the battle lasted only for a moment.

  When the sun went out, Kabo's fist also pierced his wife's body, and he held a space bubble in his hand again.

   "It's okay, Kabo, wasn't the core of the transplanted holy mountain just for this moment?"

   "Go forward, remember our oath - for the tribe, for the tribe."

  The holy mountain warrior in front of me, no... or Kabo's wife, Nemo's mother, regained consciousness during the battle, thereby interfering with the body, so as to fight left and right.

   Once again, a space bubble was crushed, and while most of the basic substances in his wife dissipated, some spontaneously began to heal him.

  The hundred companions who set off together, now only seven or eight are left.

  Advance is the unstoppable holy mountain!

   And Capo, who had just lost his wife forever, couldn't help but look back at this moment. That was the location of the dock, and that was the location of his son Nemo.

  A holy mountain warrior just went there, but why did they bring this group of potential children?

  …..For these fighters who look at death as home, the group of children who seem to shoulder the future of the tribe is not a cover and a bait?

   After all, there was just one more holy mountain warrior here, even Kabo, who had planned for a long time, would never win.

  Kabo, who had just killed his wife to testify, knew that his only blood relative, Nemo, was in danger this time. Even with his heart as steel, he couldn't help but pause for a few seconds.

  Continue to go up the mountain, he may be able to complete the great cause of civilization and independence, and will become the next **** ruthless person.

   Turning around and going down the mountain, he is just a somewhat ambitious father.


   He only hesitated for a few seconds, but he already had an answer on the way up the mountain.

   Capo, he chose civilization.

  (end of this chapter)

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