MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 198 new star field

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  Chapter 198 New Star Domain

   Lu Yu, who once looked up at the starry sky from a different star, thought that one day he might meet humans in the starry sky. It took almost a day before he received the news that the human deep space fleet had crossed the heliosphere.

   This was the first time Blue Star received the news and forwarded it to Lu Yu in the Endless Starry Sky. Otherwise, if he wanted to know the news, he might have to wait a few more days.

  The long space distance makes the speed of light communication seem so slow.

  Humans will find that the further they explore the depths of the universe, the more difficult it is to communicate.

  However, there is no need to develop FTL communication technology to keep the communication smooth. So far, the farthest planet humans have visited is the moon, which is about 384,400 kilometers away from the earth. At the speed of light, it takes 1.3 seconds to complete this distance.

   It's like a small delay when talking to someone on the other side of the world, but it's not a big deal.

   But as humans colonize Mars, then problems arise. The average distance between Mars and Earth is 225 million kilometers, and it takes 12.5 minutes to complete this distance at the speed of light.

   And the deeper you go into space, the more difficult it will be.

   Voyager 1 has already reached the outer space of the solar system 19.5 billion kilometers away from the earth. We can still receive messages from there though, it just takes 18 hours for each message to arrive.

  Alpha Centauri, about 40 trillion kilometers away, is the closest star system to the earth.

   It is very difficult to communicate with this star system, and it takes four years for each message to be delivered. As a result, communication at the speed of light becomes impotent.

   Faster-than-light communication will reveal its necessary value as the star field controlled by civilization expands, and then a large amount of civilization resources will be invested in research.

   According to the civilization technology that Lu Yu has come into contact with now, wormhole technology is naturally one of them, but it involves space technology, and it is too difficult to realize, so it is not within the scope of consideration at this stage.

  Tachyons, this kind of mysterious special substance, are a great breakthrough hope. However, human beings currently have too little technology-related research, and the progress is slow. I don't know how many years of preparation are needed for the application stage that I want to break through.

  The most promising thing is the technology of quantum entanglement for communication. The creation of related technology is the sophon computer that Lu Yu once captured.

It was also created by the fifth-level star civilization, but since human beings have not even figured out the technology tree of the star-level civilization, if they want to reach the peak technological creation of the fifth-level civilization, they also need to embark on a long road of technological development. road.

   But these are all things to come. When human beings took another step to defend their home planet, Lu Yu was still waiting in the light bridge for that strange unknown civilization to reply.

   "This unknown civilization will not use the speed of light to communicate within the civilization?"

   "Or, it thinks that the Silver Star is in the bridge of light?"

  Lu Yu is in the lake in the living area, the mirror-like surface of the lake reflects the sun in the sky, the temperature of the sun lamp is as intoxicating as an autumn afternoon, and he and No. 7 are floating with the waves on a leaf-like boat.

  Of course, the waves are only generated according to the will of number seven, so that they can enjoy their leisure time in this afternoon more comfortably

   "In our original plan, this place will become a sea, right?"

"Complete submarine machinery can create an effect similar to the ebb and flow of the tide. With the cooperation of the atmospheric circulation system, there will be waves in the sea here. Feel it here."

No. 7 touched Lu Yu's head, and said with a smile: "At that time, you also said that you would use some chaotic algorithms for the weather circulation system and the submarine mechanical system, that is to say, at a certain moment, the weather at a certain place above the sea will appear. What kind of scenario, we can not accurately predict."

"This means that at a certain moment, there may be typhoons, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other scenes here. This is a complete simulation of nature. The magic and vastness of nature will be perfectly interpreted here. "

"As a result, the experts at Base Zero were so frightened that they deleted the database and ran away overnight, for fear that if you really came up with such a system, in case, just in case, something happened that would hurt you, they might all be punished by anti-human beings afterwards." accusation?"

  Lu Yu was born on a planet after all, and he still retains an instinctive fascination with the natural scenery on the planet. It is undoubtedly very attractive to reproduce the wild scenery on the planet in the living area.

   But the experts at Base Zero didn't think so, for fear that Lu Yu would suffer any harm.

  Obviously with the help of intelligent robots, the disasters that occurred on these planets could be easily overcome, but in the end, Lu Yu couldn't squeeze an ocean into his living area, and could only replace it with the endless blue lake in front of him.

  Lu Yu lay on No. 7's lap, closed his eyes and enjoyed the gentle touch, and said regretfully, "At that time, Dahai's plan was rejected, and I wanted to add a mountain to my yard."

"With the help of the atmospheric circulation system, the water vapor from the sea will turn into snow and fall on the top of the mountain, and the heat of the virtual sun will melt them, turning them into water and flowing down, and the water will become a waterfall, become rivers that will irrigate the plants that live on these mountains."

   "Well, having a mountain at home is much cooler than having a swimming pool!"

   When planning the living area a long time ago, Lu Yu was still a newcomer in the starry sky who had just passed the survival stage. Although he was still wandering around in the big universe, he was no longer alone.

  Good times will always encounter some strange things.

  Lu Yu was still enjoying drifting with the crowd, No. 7 stopped and said softly: "The unknown civilization has responded."

   Lu Yu opened one eye and muttered, "Ignore it for now!"

   Turned over and hugged No. 7's thigh, changed to a more comfortable position, and spent this free time first.

  伱I have made me wait for almost three months, why can't I leave you alone for a few days?

  With such a slightly angry idea, when Lu Yu saw the information of the unknown civilization, it was already a few hours after dinner.

  【A powerful unknown civilization, the technology of your spaceship has amazed us. 】

  【We think that you already have the ability to understand the truth of this universe, please transfer to another galaxy and tell us. 】


  The moment Lu Yu finished reading this message, he felt that this unknown civilization probably had a problem with his thinking circuit.

  【The story behind it +1%】

  Hmm...however, the system prompt at the same time made him understand that he was actually one step closer to earning a lot of points.

   Forget it, points matter!

   After the Silver Star is repaired, where can the universe go?

  Thinking like this, Lu Yu turned on the holographic projection, and saw that the light bridge in front of the Silver Star had turned into a space gate.

  Even without crossing the past, the sights far away from an unknown number of light years can already be detected.

   This is a very extreme binary star system, the interior of the galaxy is dominated by a white dwarf and a neutron star. The distance between them has been shortened to less than a million kilometers. Under such a distance, the rotation speed of these two extreme stars has reached a terrifying level.

  The diameter of this white dwarf star is nearly 10,000 kilometers, not much smaller than the earth, while the diameter of this neutron star is only 20 kilometers.

  The size disparity between the two is so great, but in this gravitational battle, the dominant one is undoubtedly the neutron star.

  Because of their own strong gravitational force, neutron stars and white dwarfs have very smooth surfaces with basically no fluctuations.

However, at such a close distance, the terrible gravitational force broke the smooth surface. This white dwarf star, attracted by the huge gravitational force of the neutron star, has become an ellipse, and the side facing the neutron star is attracted. The neutron star is also protruding forward, and the side facing the white dwarf is also attracted by something like a small hill.

  The strong gravitational force also caused changes in the internal structure of these two extreme stars. In the continuous deformation, extrusion, and friction of the star matter, powerful energy is released, and the brightness of this white dwarf further increases. At this moment, it is not inferior to a real star.

   Because of this, Lu Yu was able to observe this extreme celestial system at the other side of the space gate.

  This is not a blessed land of civilization, but a forbidden area for life.

  Because white dwarf star explosion brightness is an extremely dangerous and terrible thing. It is already the end of the star, but now it flashes the brilliance of the star, which means that the critical reaction is about to happen—Gamma ray burst!

  It is the strongest explosion phenomenon in the known universe, which is theoretically produced by the collapse and explosion of a huge star when its fuel is exhausted, or the merger of two nearby compact stars (black holes or neutron stars). Gamma-ray bursts can be as short as a thousandth of a second and as long as several hours, releasing huge amounts of energy in a short period of time. If compared with the sun, it releases in a few minutes the equivalent of trillions of years of sunlight, and the energy of a single photon emitted is usually hundreds of thousands of times that of typical sunlight.

  But the gamma-ray burst is not just a burst, behind it, there are X-ray afterglow and visible light afterglow. This is due to the lowering of the energy level. That is to say, after the gamma rays are finished, there are still X-rays and visible light emitted. X-ray bursts can last for several weeks, and visible light bursts can generally last for more than a year.

  In such an environment, let alone what will happen if there is a planet in the system, even if there is such an unlucky planet one light-year away, it will be destroyed by the upcoming gamma-ray burst.

  Because the energy level of the gamma ray is very high, it carries a very huge energy, especially the gamma ray burst erupted by the collision of a neutron star and a white dwarf star.

Under the irradiation of the gamma ray burst, in just a few seconds, if the unlucky planet has an atmosphere, its atmosphere structure will be completely changed, and the atmosphere that is countless times more active will overflow with a large amount of gas into space.

  Because it has extremely strong penetrating power, it can not only affect the surface of the planet, but also affect the interior of the planet. Some elements inside the planet will produce some special reactions when irradiated by extremely high-energy gamma-ray bursts. This gamma-ray burst, which lasted only a few seconds, seemed to be fully charged for the planet in an instant, and it immediately became active with full energy.

  Extremely high-intensity volcanic eruptions and large-scale earthquakes completely changed the planet's landform structure. At its two poles, gorgeous auroras appeared, like silver snakes waving all over the sky, showing their figure in the night sky, and under the illumination of the aurora, the earth's surface was turned upside down. If it was the blue star here, all the creatures on the blue star would have died at this moment.

The cause of the death of creatures is not geological changes such as volcanic earthquakes, but gamma ray bursts will directly destroy the genes of creatures. Under the irradiation of gamma ray bursts of this energy level, blue star creatures have not had time to die from the Cancer, because the structure of the protein in the body is destroyed in an instant, will deteriorate, and then life activities will be forcibly suspended.

  So every planet that can stably produce life may not be a cosmic miracle, because during the billions of years that supported the evolution of life, it has not encountered such a terrible interstellar disaster.

   But these are not the focus of Lu Yu's attention. After all, this kind of super star is nothing new to him.

  If it is a super interstellar disaster that can interest him, it is better to try to integrate a two-way foil in the central black hole.

  Look at whether the gravitational force of the central black hole, which can distort space-time, can withstand the blow of dimensionality reduction.

  But this kind of experiment will undoubtedly bring disaster to the entire huge galaxy. I don’t know how many civilizations and species of life will be extinct because of this.

   But having said that, this scene is considered a small scene for an unknown civilization, which is very likely to be a ninth-level civilization.

  Why did you plan to invite the Silver Star to this star field?

  Is there any topic that cannot be discussed in Guangqiao?

   I think this place is also very good!

  Looking at the delta spaceship still guarding outside Guangqiao, Lu Yu couldn't help but carefully observe the other side of the space gate.

   And looking at it this way, there was a new discovery. this extreme binary star system, according to the feedback from the observation data on the 7th, there is actually a planet.

   It is 1.5 times larger than the Earth and has its own atmosphere.

   Such a rocky planet should have been torn and swallowed by the terrible binary star system long ago, and it cannot survive.

   But it does exist in such a binary star system, revolving in a strange orbit.

   And this is not the thing that surprised Lu Yu the most. After all, considering the power of civilization, it is not difficult to keep this planet.

  Think about it, the ring family of the eighth-level civilization used the configuration of massive stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars to achieve a stable gravitational field when they built space transfer stations at the nodes of the universe.

  The double star in front of me is a small scene instead.

   To Lu Yu's surprise, the purpose of the unknown civilization's invitation to the Silver Star was to be located on this planet, and according to the data he returned from the planet, there seemed to be life on it! ?

  (end of this chapter)