MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 97 Flesh factories are history

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  Chapter 97 The Flesh Factory Becomes History

   "Aren't these people crazy? Three million helmets were sold out overnight? This is already the third batch of virtual reality access helmets on the shelves?"

   "Where is this? The price in the second-hand market is still maintained at ten times the price!"

  Two employees who operate online sales are smacking their tongues at the explosive sales. This is the first time they have seen a situation similar to that of popular star concert tickets sold out on the shelves of technological products.

   Of course there are no trolls in it, real sales data!

   "Second Life!"

  The younger employees said with emotion: "Virtual reality deserves such a publicity. After I tried it once, I never want to go back to the monotonous Internet."

   “And the learning, entertainment, and game modules are addictive, especially…”

  The more mature employees shook their heads and laughed, "If you keep bragging, we won't pay for advertising."

   "And aren't you planning to go to the factory with the doctor to inspect the next batch of products? Is there still enough time?"

  The young employees hurriedly started to pack their things, and left in a hurry, and a special car took them to the high-tech park in the suburbs.

  The small and flexible unmanned logistics vehicle, according to the remote control of the intelligent program, travels quickly through the wide factory building, carrying boxes of goods and raw materials. Drones whizzed through the air, completely replacing flesh-and-blood workers and adjusting every aspect of the production line.

All kinds of large-scale machines in the production workshop run at full power according to the settings in the database, and produce each product accurately. The whole factory is like a steel monster, and those logistics vehicles and drones are like flowing in blood vessels. The blood cells in it, and the production workshops are like the organs of monsters.

From one production line to another, and from one workshop to another, every gear is running at high speed, and every production link is so efficient, from raw materials to finished products, it is truly smooth and smooth Production.

   What is even more frightening is that the young employees observed all the way, except for the patrol guards on the periphery, there is no worker in this park. This is a truly fully automated factory.

Unless there is a systematic failure in the factory that cannot be eliminated by the machine, there is no need for workers to enter here at ordinary times. The maintenance of equipment such as drones, logistics vehicles, and workshop production is mostly done by AI-controlled machines, and a small part is done by engineers. Remote access to repairs via virtual reality technology.

   "What? Is this the first time you come to a fully intelligent automation factory?"

  The professor next to the young employee looked at him stunned, and suddenly asked: "This is where the entire assembly line of virtual reality helmets is located. Guess how much the output is in a day?"

  In the eyes of young employees, the helmets that can be used in virtual reality must be much more advanced than mobile phones in terms of materials and internal structure. Even if the assembly line is integrated, the output may not be too high!

  The young employee said with some uncertainty: "Ten thousand? Thirty thousand?"

  Professor shook his head and smiled: "Don't underestimate the fully intelligent and automated factory! Guess again."

   "Fifty thousand!?"

  Professor is no longer a joke: "Take another ten! If the raw materials are sufficient, this factory can produce 500,000 virtual reality helmets and 100,000 virtual cabins a day."

  Young employees feel shocked, has human productivity reached such a level?

  Helmets and virtual cabins may already be the top technological products, and this automated factory can maintain such a production speed!

  If factories all over the country are replaced by this model, I am afraid that the combined production speed of all factories in the world may not be able to match the production speed of a factory in a province of China.

   Young employees can be absorbed into No. 0 Base as the first batch of foreign talents to be cultivated. Of course, they have their own unique talents. At this moment, he is keenly aware of the generational gap in domestic and foreign productivity!

   "The first three batches of virtual reality helmets are only produced in the headquarters factory. With the completion of automated factories in various places, there will be no more sold-out situations on the official website in the future."

The professor patted the young employees on the shoulder and encouraged them: "Learn more and see more. Intelligent automated factories will be the future of mankind. They will free us from complicated labor. Pneumoconiosis, heat stroke..."

The young employee still couldn't hide his shock and replied: "I have only heard the concept before. The first time I saw was very shocking! I thought it was a scene that would only appear in science fiction works. I thought it would be in the interstellar era. See you in real life!"

   "Where is this?"

The professor looked at the orderly scene of various machines outside through the car window, and said with emotion: "True intelligent manufacturing...maybe a machine in a factory can match the production speed of our province. Humans still have a long way to go." I'm leaving!"

  Such an automated factory not only shocks young employees, but also all organizations that secretly pay attention to this place will feel inexplicably horrified.

  As young employees feel, this is already a super factory that surpasses the production level of modern factories!

  Although those organizations cannot feel it intuitively, they can roughly estimate its production speed from the factory materials and output products.

  The more you understand, the more afraid you will be.

  For China, such a factory will inevitably set off a round of industrial upgrading. How many enterprises will be eliminated due to various reasons that cannot keep up with this change?

For foreign countries,... How many companies that mainly operate in production feel as if their own death is approaching. After the virtual reality technology smashed Silicon Valley to pieces, they have not been spared. With such a production speed, there are In addition to the almost free energy supply brought by nuclear fusion, Huaguo's goods will rule the entire Blue Star.

   But so what?

  The order dominated by China has taken shape, and the United States even had to open its own market in order to stay in the federation.

  For ordinary people, the factory is no longer called a flesh and blood factory from today onwards, and the entry into the factory that Lu Yu once hated may become a favorite in the new era.

  In the future, Huaguo will not even need ordinary workers anymore, because human beings who have not received skill training can no longer adapt to the production efficiency inside.

   Only a dozen or so engineers are needed to run a huge factory. They will become new workers in the age of intelligence. They don’t need to work in a harsh production environment, nor do they need to undertake heavy front-line work. (Note 1)

  The flesh and blood factories that once consumed human will will be quickly swept into the garbage dump, and the future industrial system will start to sprout from here!

  Note 1: New workers have indeed started to sprout...but they seem to be in state-owned enterprises.

  (end of this chapter)