MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 29, collecting the gods

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Chapter 30·遁天石匙

On the second day, I asked the champion of the sword, Ding Chunqiu, to replace the white emperor, Mu Tianyang, and to fight the new leader of the Yu family, and to defeat it, has spread throughout the heavenly world.

Even in some extremely remote places, I learned about this explosive news.

Twenty-four pairs of [Golden Wings] how magical, [Swords of the Emperor] how powerful power, all with a slightly exaggerated retelling spread throughout the world,

Many people who couldn't go to the scene and watched this war-off show were angry and annoyed.

What makes them even more envious is that Ding Zhizun actually came to the scene and completely destroyed the plan of the Yu.

The situation of Ding Hao's appearance, the warriors present at the time, did not dare to add more exaggeration, because any false retelling of Ding Supreme may be regarded as supreme, they can not dare to take the world.

Most people are speculating that at that time, the new leader of the Yu nationality must have prepared a means of unsuccessful, in order to successfully survive the strong realm of Zhang Fan, Fang Tianyi and other realities.

And he never imagined that his own plan was suddenly discovered by Ding Zhizun who was hidden in the crowd.

The situation of Ding Hao’s appearance is that many military people are relishing. They are vying to say that the Tsing Yi man next to him was Ding Zhizun.

Ding Hao did not kill the feathers. For everyone, this is his kindness to the Yu.

Three days after the war, the place where the Yu people were imprisoned was also found, but the outside people could not enter, and the Yu people would not want to come out.

Those who had been bullied by the feathers rushed to the remote area and watched the enemy being imprisoned for life. Although they could not be slaughtered by themselves, it was a matter of great urgency to be severely punished by Ding Zhizun.

As for why the white Emperor Mu Tianyang did not arrive, everyone did not dare to speculate. After all, this is something that even pigs cannot know.

Everyone was silent about this, and cast a mysterious color on the absence of the White Emperor. Some of the good things that I wanted to find out in the Middle Kingdom also gave up the thought because of this strong mystery.

Mu Tianyang’s absence is only suspected in the hearts of the people, and few people will specifically listen to it. Everyone knows that when the time comes, Ding Supreme will announce the ins and outs of the matter.

In addition, with the relationship between the White Emperor and Ding Supreme, and the contribution of the White Emperor to the Heavenly World in these years, it is agreed that the abnormal absence of the White Emperor must be a major event for the Tiandao continent. .

The world is convinced that when the White Emperor comes out again, the heavenly world at that time will inevitably be a more prosperous and beautiful world.

For some time after the "Supreme Return Day", the various martial arts powers in the Heavenly World were immersed in the wonderful aftertaste and narrative of that day.

However, in addition to the situation on the day of relish, the martial arts strongmen of the Heavenly World have been busy recently, and they are trying very hard to find something -


Things should be started after Ding Hao and others returned to ask Jianzong.


Ask Jianzong.

Within the hall, ask the senior elders of Jianzong, who are already waiting here.

Asking Jianzong's original plan is to draw up a strategic plan for today's road pattern based on the results of the battle between the White Emperor and the new Yuzhu.

The Ding Chunqiu Mu Tian raised the war, these high-level officials have not known for a while.

A few flashes of light flashed, the senior elders knew that Ding Zhangmen and Zhang Fan, Fang Tianyi and others came back, and rushed forward to welcome.

In the blink of an eye, the blue light came to the surface and appeared in front of everyone. In addition to the known people, there was even Ding’s supreme figure.

The people subconsciously awe.

"Welcome Ding Zhizun, Ding Zhangmen..."

"People are excused," Ding Hao said.

The group walked over to the main hall, and Ding Hao looked at Ding Chunqiu, revealing the joyful color and said:

"You have done a good job. In the past thousand years, you have grown a lot, which makes me happy!" Ding Hao gently patted Ding Chunqiu's shoulder.

A pleasing sigh of sighs into Ding Chunqiu's body, which helps Ding Chunqiu's restoration of Xuanli. Before returning, Ding Hao had already given Ding Chunqiu a sigh of relief. .

Ding Hao continued to Ding Chunqiu: "So, I can give you the peace of heaven in peace."

After getting the approval of his father, Ding Chunqiu is not happy.

But after hearing the next sentence of Ding Hao, Ding Chunqiu could not help but frown, and faintly felt that his father had to leave the world.

"Did the father leave the world of heaven again, is this related to the white emperor?" Ding Chunqiu thought in his heart, but did not ask Ding Hao for export.

Ding Chunqiu immediately looked at Ding Hao with a firm look and said:

"The baby is not satisfied with his father!"

Ding Hao nodded.

Immediately, Ding Hao looked at the crowd and said with aloud:

"From now on, ask the disciples of Jianzong to collect all the powers and collect them in the world." In addition, they have sent letters to all the major gates, and the forces of all ethnic groups, who have [遁天石匙], asked Jian Zong to Higher price acquisitions."

As soon as the decree came out, the top management was fully recruited.

After Ding Hao and others returned to Hidden Sword Peak, they asked the top of Jianzong to gradually know what happened in Leihai today. As for why Ding Zhizun collected [遁天石匙], naturally they should not ask.

[遁天石匙], originally a fragment of [Stones of the Year].

[Shenxi Shisuo] is an artifact that Ding Shengshen can travel freely in time and space. When Ding Shengtan used it to shuttle to different time and space, to avoid the chasing of the court.

However, just over 2,000 years ago, due to the excessive use of [Stones], it was exhausted, and hundreds of pieces were broken and scattered in various spaces.

Ding Hao is looking for [遁天石匙], it is undoubtedly to reorganize the space-time artifacts and go to a mysterious place.

For the super-god-level artifacts of the [Spirit of the Year], even if it is turned into hundreds of pieces, the [遁天石匙] as a piece of debris is of high value.

When the little fat man of the incarnation of [遁天石匙] turned out to be born, he was robbed by countless large-scale gates. Even the northern hegemony Xuan Shuang Jingu Temple came out, and its value can be seen.

For more than a thousand years, with the merger of the Endless Continent and the Shen En Continent, with the continuous development of the martial arts strongmen and the Zongmen forces, the [遁天石匙] scattered around the world has actually been included in the major gates. In the bag.

From the third day, he asked Jianzong to come to some messengers.

Ask Jianzong, inside the hall.

At this time, the ambassadors of [Qingyunzong] and [extinction sect] were in the main hall. They all came to offer [遁天石匙], and Ding Chunqiu summoned them at the same time.

"Listen to the Ding Zhizun to collect the collection of the world [遁天石匙], the white palm door immediately sent a piece of the [遁天石匙] of the sect of the sect, please please Dingmamen smile."

Said, the messenger of the [extinct swordsman] immediately took a piece of [遁天石匙] from the storage ring and handed it to the disciple of Jianzong.

Another disciple of Qingyun Zong also said:

"[Qing Yunzong] also put a piece of [遁天石匙] of this sect. In addition, Song’s head said, this is the contribution of Qingyunzong in response to Ding Zhizun’s appeal to the world of heaven. Receive any return for your valuables."

[Qing Yun Zong] and [Extermining the Swordsman] are in the northern domain, and the friendship with the swordsman is also unusual. When I learned that Ding Hao wanted to collect [遁天石匙], the two heads were missing and Baiquanshui When the only piece of this piece of [遁天石匙] will be sent.

In addition, the two cases helped to ask Jian Zong to search for the whereabouts of [遁天石匙].

After [Qing Yun Zong] and [Exterminating Jian Zong], other sects and strongmen in the northern region, but whoever had [遁天石匙] in their hands, all asked the swordsmen to put on the stone spoon.

After all, this is the order issued by Ding Hao, and the people of the world dare not follow the instructions of Ding Supreme. Most of them are powerful Zongmen and forces who sent [遁天石匙], and they are not eager to get a corresponding return.

For this person's situation, how can Jianzong ignore it? This is also the reason why many Zongmen forces have been diligently contributing.

However, some ordinary warriors who occasionally got [遁天石匙], when they handed the stone spoon to the sword, and bent on the expression of the interests they wanted, asked Jianzong will also readily answer.

Many warriors, relying on the [遁天石匙] in their hands, after asking the swordsman to get a lot of benefits, the realm skyrocketed overnight.

Those who dreamed of stepping into the sky also played the idea of ​​being scattered around the world, and they were mostly hidden in some areas with sinister terrain or bad weather.

In order to get a little resource for the sword, many warriors are willing to take risks.

Within a short half-month, with the help of the great forces such as Qingyunzong, the extermination of Jianzong, Baiyi Shenchao, Shenting and Tianfu, most of the [遁天石匙] has gathered in the sword.

There are still a small half on the way to ask Jianzong, or some places where nobody cares.

Hidden sword peak, under the peach tree.

One person, one cat.

Ding Hao and evil moon.

"People, what are you looking for, don't you know that I am busy?"

The evil demon king who also disappeared in the eyes of the world for more than a thousand years, asked Ding Haodao.

The evil moon has not changed much for more than a thousand years, except that it looks more fat.

When the old friend met, Ding Hao was not polite, and immediately said: "There is one thing I want you to help me..."

"No!" Ding Hao has not finished, and the evil moon has vetoed.

Ding Hao was somewhat puzzled. With the curiosity of the evil moon, he would at least listen to him to finish his words before he chose to do it.

Evil moon closed his eyes, a pair of people who did not like to take care of Ding Hao, proudly said:

"Oh, you patted your **** and left. It’s been so many years. I don’t say hello when I come back. I have to think about it when I have something. It’s very unhappy.” The evil moon said it, and said it The head is the road.

Ding Hao was speechless at the moment.

See Ding Hao do not speak, the evil month continues: "I don't want you to apologize, I heard that you have to go far, so then, this time you go together, you should forgive you."

The evil moon is still a face that doesn't like to take care of Ding Hao, but he sneaked a look at Ding Hao with one eye.

Ding Hao understands the thoughts of the evil moon. He pretends to be thoughtful and looks like he is not slow:

"It’s not impossible to take you there, just..."

"Let's say, what are you doing?"

The evil moon demon king changed 180 degrees and looked at Ding Hao with enthusiasm and sincere eyes.


