MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 28, a letter

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Chapter 29 · Supreme Return

[Seven skillful creations], you can explore all the illusions and look directly at the source of things.

Ding Hao in front of the "feather of the **** of feathers", the eyes swept away, powerful force instantly penetrated the film, directly to explore its core source.

Presented in the "Seven Skills", it is the power of two to pure.

This kind of power is different from any power in the world of heaven, and it is different from all the energy that Ding Hao has ever touched.

It seems to be the remnant of energy left in the beginning of the heavens and the earth. It looks insignificant, but in fact it also hides the power of arrogance.

Looking at this [feather of the **** of feathers], Ding Hao faintly felt that the two forces hidden in the demon red film represent the bright power of the sun and the dark power of the yin.

At this time, the forces of light and darkness are intertwined, seemingly slowly merging, but trying to separate.

They are like two weird birds hovering in the void, sometimes tightly attached together, sometimes separated from each other, so entangled, difficult to resolve, after the collapse to the fusion.

In the end, the power of darkness is a little better, so evolved, the power of light is bound to be swallowed up by the power of darkness.

Ding Hao speculated that after a long period of time, once the power of darkness or the power of light, one party completely completely fused the other side, this force is bound to break through the "feather of the **** of the gods" and reproduce the world.

No matter which party is completely dominant, it is an unreasonable existence. The power in the egg, like the heaven of the world, must be maintained at a balance point. It is unreasonable for any party to have a great advantage.

This may be the reason why it is too late.

At the moment, these two forces have not yet been formed. Once Xiang Zeyu uses the [Golden Wings] to force the release of two unbalanced forces, most of the strong players present will be greatly affected. At that time, the heavenly world will There will be new confusion.

Ding Hao naturally will not let this happen.

After he noticed that there was something wrong with Xiang Zeyu, he immediately appeared and stopped to stop Xiang Zeyu.

Ding Hao’s sudden appearance, Xiang Zeyu was unexpected.

This item is a man who wants to be defeated by Xiang Zeyu. This man who once thought he had a battle with him, Ding Hao appeared in front of him.


Incomparably distant gaps.

Even if you have spent your life, even if you are really a reincarnation of the gods, even if you use any means.

Not the opponent of this person.


Ding Hao has surpassed the concept of "strong". He is indeed a supreme who can override all things.

At this time, Xiang Zeyu was ashamed of his ignorance. In the face of such an "opponent", he did not have any resistance.

Xiang Zeyu has not dared to demand Ding Hao's forgiveness. He stood upright and waited for the supreme hair of the present.

Ding Hao did not rush to dispose of Xiang Zeyu and the feathers. He took another look at the "feather of the **** of the gods" and immediately received the five fingers.

The enchanting red light suddenly turned into nothingness.

The sacred sacred material that has been circulated for thousands of years has disappeared into the world in an instant.

The Yu people saw this scene and looked at the sacred objects of their own people. This was destroyed, and the infinite pain and loss were expressed on the face, and some even cried.

In this battle, the Yu family failed completely.

Ding Hao did not say more.

He thought about it.

A powerful force instantly radiates to every continent of the world, every piece of ocean, every corner.

Those who are hidden in the dark, the conspirators who are willing to create more chaos for the world, the warriors who are on the battlefield, the ambitions who want to smash and rob the world again...

At the same time, I felt the power of a king from afar, a supreme spirit.

The warrior on the battlefield, because of this power, put down the weapons in his hands; the conspirators hiding in the dark, because of this power, trembled, dare not have any calculations; the opportunistic ambitions, because of this power And gave up the thoughts that have been around for a long time.

This is a warning that Ding Hao has sounded to the world of heaven. This is a warning from Ding Zhizun to the forces that are ready to move.

The world of heaven and earth, from this moment on, has entered peace and stability that has never been seen in the past millennium.

A thought to shock the world, such ability, only Ding Zhizhao more.

After this, Ding Hao’s return to the millennium was positioned as “the Supreme Return Day”.

This is a festival celebrated by the world together.

On this day of the year, all races around the world, all this morning, will go to worship in the temple of Ding Hao’s statue. After the worship, various large-scale events will be held, including the most competitive performances of various performances. The most exciting.

Every year, this year's Selangor is crowded with a large number of Ding Hao's admirers...

Right now, for the disposal of the feathers.

Ding Hao did not intend to destroy it.

His mind was moved again. Around the original territory of the Yu nationality, suddenly the laws of heaven and earth were reversed, and a huge barrier appeared. Like a huge prison, all the feathers were imprisoned.

This is the place where the Yu people will be exiled, and Ding Hao will use some powerful ideas to enchant the power. The people of the Yu people are not allowed to step out of this area for half a lifetime.

Painting the ground for the prison!

Ding Hao imprisoned the Yu people and allowed them to kill themselves. This is the punishment for the Yu people.

Xiang Zeyu, along with the presence of the Yu army, and the other feathered demon people in other places, were immediately forced into the enchantment area by an irresistible force.

In an instant, the presence of the feathers disappeared.

The Terran and the Demon Powers outside the enchantment are still standing in the same place, Ding Hao is still here, and they naturally will not leave first.

At this time, the tsunami has quietly receded. The sea **** sprouts with the priests and elders, and is about to come to see Ding Hao.

at this time--

A figure emerged from the crowd and appeared before the enchantment.

Ding Hao couldn't help but frown, and he recognized the person at once.

It is not the other person who appears in the crowd. It is the wife of the White Emperor.

Liu is drunk.

Today's duel was originally a challenge for Xiang Zeyu to the white emperor, and the white emperor had already fought, which is well known.

But at the time of the final battle, the White Emperor never appeared.

Originally, after the end of this battle, many warriors had to go to the Middle East to listen to the situation. Now the wife of the White Emperor appeared, and I must have said why the White Emperor did not come.

It’s really one wave after another, ** stacked up.

First, I waited for many days, and I hoped that the Emperor of the White Emperor Mutian would raise the first shot in the millennium, and then witnessed the battle between the new Yuzawa Yu and the head of the sword.

Ding Zhizun’s appearance is to push the situation to the most **.

At this point, all the warriors present should be satisfied, but unexpectedly, the lady of the White Emperor appeared.

Beyond the enchantment, the exclamation revived.

"The white emperor does not come, but his wife is coming. What is the reason for this?"

"The White Emperor is not a person who will easily make a good date. I am sure that Mrs. Mu’s presence is to explain why the White Emperor was absent from today’s showdown."

"What kind of event is it that let the Emperor of the White Emperor give up the decisive battle that has already been promised. Is it that Ding Wei came back more than a thousand years ago? If this is the case, Mo Ding Ding also wants to test the strength of Ding Supreme through the Emperor of White..."

Everyone has guessed in their hearts, why did the white Emperor not come, and the first lady of the white dynasty will hear news.

Before the enchantment, Ding Hao came to Liu Wei drunk.

See Ding Hao out of the enchantment, Liu Wei drunk first:

"Ding Zhizun has never appeared in the world of heaven for more than a thousand years. Today I am here, and I really waited until Ding Supreme."

"Mrs. Mu is looking for me?" Ding Hao asked.

"Before Tianyang left, I will entrust one thing to me. I must hand it over to you, and say that today's decisive battle, you will definitely appear." Liu Yu drunk slowly.

"Where, where did the White Emperor go?" Ding Hao asked again.

"I have seen this letter, Ding Supreme will understand." Liu Yu drunk immediately took a letter from his arms and handed it to Ding Hao.

At the same time as the letter was taken out, Liu Yi drunk again said: "Tian Yang has repeatedly asked me to hand over to Ding Supreme. The reason why he did not come today is also written on it."

Ding Hao agreed, took the letter, and then opened it.

After the time of the ten-day break, Ding Hao read the letter, he folded the letter and whispered:

"It turned out to be like this. Thanks to the emperor for sending a letter. This matter is of great importance. I immediately proceeded to half."

Ding Hao did not say why Mu Tianyang did not come.

The pig fairy is an acute child. Where can bear the things that hang people's appetites, he squats to Ding Hao and looks at Ding Hao charmingly. He smiles and asks:

"Why can't you come to the White Emperor? I don't know if Ding Supreme can tell one or two?"

Everyone stared at Ding Hao and Zhu Xian with strange eyes. On the one hand, they were very much looking forward to Ding Hao really being able to reveal one or two.

On the other hand, the reason why the Emperor of the White Emperor wants the lady to hand it over to Ding Zhizun is naturally because the matter is not trivial, and it cannot be let anyone know it, but the pig fairy has the gall between the Supreme Supreme and the White Emperor. Fairy is a pig fairy.

Just as the pig fairy and everyone looked at Ding Hao with a look of expectation, Ding Hao smiled slightly, and said to the pig fairy:

"As soon as the time comes, I will be clear."

Ding Hao no longer said anything.

Pig fairy is not good to ask more.

At the same time, Da Yu Wang came over and he handed to Ding Haodao:

"Why should I pay attention to this pig, Ding Zhizun first appeared in the millennium, there must be a lot of big things to do, Lao Sun and Zhu Ganglie will leave first. After the big event is finished, the Orc will go to ask Jianzong to meet!"

Although Da Yu Wang is a rough man, he obviously knows etiquette better than the pig fairy.

Ding Hao also handed the ball:

"Two take care!"

In a word, the pig fairy reluctantly left the king with the big scorpion king. When he left, the pig fairy mouth seemed to be still squatting. He was knocked down by the big bang king, and he was much more honest.

After the Dagu King and the Pig Immortal, the sea gods such as the sea **** Meng Meng and the high priest also came to visit Ding Hao.

Ding Hao had a greeting with everyone.

Liu Yu was also sent back to China by Ding Hao.

After the giants of these heavens and Ding Hao and others left, the disciples who were present were gradually dissipating.

The appearance of Ding Hao this time is indeed beyond the expectations of the majority.

The world that has been in conflict for more than a thousand years has finally become peaceful after he appears.


There is still an update tonight, probably after 12 o'clock. Recently, the knife is studying in Luyuan. I am troubled, I am sorry everyone.


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