MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 90, the status quo

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The man’s body fell softly. ◆ top ◆ point ◆ small ◆ said,

A high-ranking dark power, who was trained to reach the eternal trivial, was killed in the moment when he had just finished speaking, and was killed by Ding Hao.

The warrior who had reached the eternal realm, even if he was opened his head, the body became a piece of meat, and he would not die, but when he pierced the man’s eyebrows, the power released by Ding Hao was raging in his knowledge of the sea. Even smashing his soul, letting his power of rebellion still not released, he died on the spot.

The soul is broken, even if the ** is still there, even if he is an eternal warrior, it is impossible to survive.


This is extremely shocking for Shen Tu and others!

However, Ding Hao did not pay any attention to what they felt. After the strong killing of the man, he did not stop his movements. The figure again broke out, the sword light flashed, and the terrible reincarnation of the sword reappeared.

Endless swords and screams, horror to the extreme, rushing toward them seven.

The seven men gnashed their teeth, and the force of the supreme force surged, blocking the swordsmanship that was shot.

The sparks burst and the roar continued.

A strand of the aftermath of the stock is ring-shaped and spreads out.

The ground collapsed, the trees collapsed, and the mountains and rivers were broken.

When the dust settled, the surrounding area was already a mess and devastated.

Even so, the seven people of Shentu were not hurt at the end!

"Let's go together!" Shen Tu seven people looked at each other and knew that they couldn't sit still and wait for them. They could only force their shots. Therefore, they stepped out at the same moment and turned out the virtual shadows. They came to Ding Hao.

The various soldiers who took out in their hands were simultaneously thrown out.

At this moment, they did not have any reservations, and all the power came out.

It is a force that detaches from the world, and the front is crushed, and the mountains and rivers are broken.

The strongest of the seven eternal realms are shot at the same time, and it is terrible!

Ding Hao stepped out, gold and silver two-color yin and yang fish pattern emerged, wrapped his whole person, the ice long sword vibrated, urging the power of all things, with the law of twisting light, rushed to seven people...

Seven people are for one person!

The offensive is constant, killing and killing!

The space is shaking, the wind is whistling, the land is broken, and the heavens and the earth are discolored.

The eight people's offensive horror, even a little aftermath, can also let the dark souls in the distance, panic, not afraid to approach.


In the void, a series of sounds of metal symphony, such as rain and banana, are continuous, and like the rising tide of the sea, a wave is higher than a wave.



In the battle circle, a blood line suddenly flashed, and a figure was shot and flew out of it, heavily squatting on the ground, and then there was no interest...

This person is one of the seven dark powers.

Like the first person, there is also a **** mouth at the eyebrows, and Ding Hao has a strong smashing spirit.

After a while, another strong man fell, flew out of the battle circle, fell to the ground, and there was no sound!

The third strongman is fallen!

The trend of Ding Hao’s victory is even more promising, and several people in Shentu have become more and more disadvantaged.

The almost crushing battle continues...

After a dozen moves, Ding Hao once again killed one person!

After a few dozen moves, another person fell in the hands of Ding Hao!

In this way, Ding Hao, who is extremely strong, has killed six other people in succession.

The other side only left Shen Tu and Seri...

Shen Tu gasped, and the pupil was full of jealous colors, and looked at Ding Hao with horror.

Sally is the same look, even more prosperous.

They thought that eight people would go together. In front of this person, there would be no problem, but I did not expect that he would quickly kill one person at the beginning, then the seven people together, and he was forced to kill one person!

Until now, there are only two of them left, how can this not make them horrified.

At this moment, there are seven faint light spots in Ding's hole. Shen and the two feel as if they are watching a god, and there is no previous war in their hearts, let alone the idea of ​​defeating him.

This person is too horrible, this is the feeling of the two of them at the moment, and at this moment, the hearts of the six of them have already retired.

But they still have some hesitation, because the orders of Ding Wei’s adults are absolute, and even if they want to escape, it is not so easy. After all, Ding Hao is...

When they were tangled, they did not expect that Ding Hao suddenly spoke: "You are not my opponent. Even if you force me to do it, it is only a matter of time before I die. But this time, I can let you both... ..."

The two people of Shen Tu heard that they were all a glimpse. Ding Hao actually spoke to let them go. This is something that can't be imagined!

When they were wrong, the seven spots in Ding Hao’s eyes gradually dispersed, and after returning to their usual appearance, they continued: “But you have to bring those people out of the [magic world] and give me words to Ding Wei. Say that I will go to him sooner or later, let him give me a good wait, I will take his life next time I see him."

The voice is still lingering in their ears, and Ding Hao’s figure has disappeared in front of them.

Ding Hao disappeared for a long time, and Shen Tu and Sally were still in the same place, and it seems that they have not reacted.

In the end, Shen Tu finally came back and sighed: "Ready to evacuate."

"But we are evacuated like this. On the other side of Ding Wei, how do we account for it? If Ding Hao blames us, we..." Sally was hesitant.

"How to explain?! Oh, of course, to tell the truth..." Shen Tu took a look at him and said: "We are not shooting, let alone we are not opponents of the other side, even if forced attack will only fail, since So now, if there is any problem with the retreat, how can Ding Wei’s adults blame us..."

"That's also..." Sally was amazed.


Letting them go, it’s not that Ding Hao suddenly feels good, but because the number of dark creatures is too large and there is no intelligence, they will only listen to higher creatures higher than them, so Ding Hao will leave two people. Their lives have allowed them to withdraw from the army.

Otherwise, those ordinary dark creatures will expose their nature once they are not restrained, such as the loss of the sensible monsters, and the killing of ordinary creatures.

Of course, if Ding Hao wants it, he will be able to completely kill these ordinary dark creatures. In this case, he will spend a lot of time, not to mention his main goal is Ding Wei. These dark forces are not the key to everything. .

As for why he had to kill six people, he said this because he knew that if he was not strong, he would let the other side know that he had no chance of winning and could not let the other party retreat...

After returning to the palace, I saw that Ding Hao had nothing to do. [Meizu] and others were relieved. After hearing his words, it was naturally a great surprise.

After a few days, according to the return of the spy, the Dark Army really retreated!

This news came out, naturally let [Meizu] up and down excited, Ding Hao is more grateful, a thousand thanks.

However, the crowds have not been excited for a long time, thinking that they can relax for a while, the emergence of a person, and another news, let them feel heavy again.

The person who brought this news, Xing Wei, the chief of the evil spirits.

As for his news, it is -

"I have a very bad news this time. I want to inform everyone." Xing Wei said with a heavy heart: "In the past few days, there has suddenly been a dark army in the major regions, causing chaos in the world. The world is in dispute, many tribes are suffering, and our nine races have also changed, and the atmosphere is tense..."

"And in a certain day, the dark forces suddenly broke out and swept across the country, and countless small tribes and even large tribes fell."

Xing Wei’s words made everyone’s heart sink again.

The previous guess is correct!

The forces of darkness really do not stop [Meizu] here, there are also other forces in other regions...

That's bad!

"What is the situation in the current situation?" Ding Hao said with a deep face.

Others have returned their sights to Xing Wei.

The most important thing now is to know what kind of things have happened between the major races after the emergence of the forces of darkness, and how big the dark forces are, knowing ourselves and knowing each other, which will be beneficial to the subsequent actions.

Xing Wei sighed slowly: "Now the original world] between the nine races, because of the emergence of this force, the relationship has also undergone some changes..."

"There are some contradictions between the nine races. Sometimes there are some small wars, but it is only a matter of family and family. It does not involve other races. But since the dark forces appeared, the first nine races There is a split."

"The race that was originally handed over to us [Xiangyang] has no news, and even hostile to us. According to our previous news, they are likely to fall into one of the forces of darkness. member."

"If this is the case, then it would be bad." Qin Menglan listened to the first question that came to mind: "The power of every race has the enormous strength that can affect the world, once there are too many ethnic depressions. , become our hostile forces, our situation may be in crisis, let alone counterattack, it is very likely that we are being swallowed up..."

Everyone was scared.

Indeed, the power of each race is extremely large. In normal times, because there is restraint between each other, there has been no division, or there have been wars of more than three races, but once there is power, it becomes a member of the dark forces. Then the forces of darkness will expand in an instant, and the scale of the war will expand innumerable times.

It was already terrible to threaten the dark forces of [Meizu]. If this is the case, then...

After listening to the news from Xing Wei, Ding Hao and others did not know how serious the matter was.

Let Ding Hao slightly relieved that [Nine Lingzu] did not fall.

Perhaps after experiencing the previous events, their families have become more united so that they can resist the invasion of the dark forces...

Of course, this is only Ding Hao's guess. The real situation has to go to the [spiritual world] to know.

"So now, in addition to [Meizu] and you [Xiangyang] and [Nine Spirits], how many races have been swallowed by the forces of darkness, or which ethnic group has not fallen..." Ding Hao looked at Xing Wei, Ask yourself what you care about the most.


Sadly, I have set up an automatic update. Doesn’t Mao appear?

I took my father to Xi'an to check my body. I set up an automatic update before I went there. Why didn’t I appear?

I came back tonight to know that three more tonight.