MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 4 melting snow...

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There was a heavy snowfall in the Forbidden City, and Yinyou huddled in the wing room and didn't want to go out. Although the palace has maids and eunuchs to clean the snow every day, for a three-year-old child, the slippery ground is too easy to fall, and outside The cold wind was piercing, and Yinyou didn't want to suffer that.

There is no master in the harem, and the princes in the palace don't have to get up early to greet the queen. In addition, Concubine Cheng feels sorry for Yinyou who lives alone in Nansan at a young age, and doesn't want him to toss around every day, so Yinyou has I haven't been out of Nansan Institute for two days.

Thinking of the New Year's Eve banquet tomorrow night, Yinyou didn't know if Concubine Cheng had anything to say, so she had to ask Yunzhu to wait on her clothes and take Fuduo to Yonghe Palace to pay her respects.

After going to the Yonghe Palace, Concubine Cheng was sewing a leather collar, the size of which should have been sewn for himself, he felt warmed up, went up to ask An and concubine Cheng, talked for a while, and then accepted the hand warmer given by Concubine Cheng before leaving go out.

After leaving the Yonghe Palace, there was already a layer of snow on the ground, Fuduo opened his umbrella and said to Yinyou, "Seventh elder brother, I will carry you away."

Yinyou pulled up the collar of his shirt with one hand, "No need." The three-year-old child said he was not young, and if he was still held by an eunuch, if this behavior was heard by Huang Ama, who would be afraid? And how would this eternal emperor think of him?

Stepping on the snow with one foot, there was a creaking sound, Yinyou looked around the white surroundings, and walked very steadily step by step.

When I met palace maids and eunuchs along the way, although my attitude towards Yinyou was not in awe, it was respectful. Yinyou also took care of his proper attitude, not showing off, but he would never lower his status. Walking past a withered lotus pond, he faintly heard the cry of a child.

Stopping, Yinyou looked towards the rockery beside the lotus pond, "Fuduo, go and have a look." The only child in the palace who dares to cry in such a place is Gege.

"Slave greets the eighth elder brother," Fuduo's greeting made Yinyou figure out who was behind the rockery, and he stopped immediately when he was about to step forward. He naturally knew what the fate of the eighth elder brother in history would be. At this moment, Yinhu is just a child, and he doesn't want to get involved too much.

"Er Niang... Er Niang," Yinhu cried very quietly, but the three-year-old child already knew that this kind of thing should not be known to more people. Yinyou glanced at the **** who hurried over from a distance, and sighed Tone walked to the rockery, and saw a child lying on the ground pitifully with his face flushed from crying, with a lot of snow on his body. Seeing this, Yinyou had no choice but to pass the hand warmer in his hand to Fuduo, bent down and hugged Yinhu from the ground with difficulty, and patted off the snowflake particles on his body, only to find that the clothes on Yinhu's body were soaked through. and his hands were freezing cold.

Yinyou frowned, and when he heard footsteps getting closer, he covered Yinhu's mouth that was still calling "Emiang", and comforted him, "Eighth Brother, Hui Eniang is in the palace, don't you Cry, I'll take you to find Hui Erniang right now."

Yinhu was covered by Yinyou, sobbing but stopped talking about Erniang, but looked at this strange boy with wide red eyes, tears still rolling in his eyes, he looked very pitiful. Yinyou took out the handkerchief on his body, wiped Yinhu's face, and stopped talking.

At this time, a nun came over with a **** and maid, saw that Yinyou was also present, and hurriedly greeted him, "The servant greets the seventh elder brother. It turns out that the eighth elder brother is beside the seventh elder brother, so the slave can rest assured." .”

Yinyou let go of Yinhu, patted the snow on the hem of his clothes on the back of squatting just now, and smiled at the old mother, "Just now the eighth brother was clamoring to see Hui Erniang, fortunately you have arrived, otherwise the master would not Know what to do, since you have found the eighth brother, I will go back now."

Yinhu's biological mother was not born well, and now he is being fostered under the name of Concubine Hui. He is not as lucky as the fourth elder brother. Concubine Hui is pregnant with an eldest son, so it is impossible for Yinhu to be as dedicated to Yinhu as Concubine Tong is to Yinzhen. The slaves are all those who see the high and step on the low. Seeing that Concubine Hui doesn't care about the eighth elder brother, it's natural that they don't take care of her wholeheartedly. Otherwise, why would the eighth elder brother stay here alone for so long before someone found him.

Although Yinyou sympathizes with this child in his heart, he will not do things beyond his power. He is not more than a year older than Yinhu, and not much taller than Yinhu. Standing in front of Yinhu, he really does not have the aura of a big brother. He glanced at Yinhu who buried his head and stopped crying, took the stove from Fuduo and handed it to Yinhu, and said with a smile, "Eighth brother, seventh brother will leave first."

"The slave sends the Seventh Brother off respectfully."

After Yinyou walked out of the rockery, he walked towards Nansan Institute without looking back. As for this eighth elder brother, for him, it was just a chance encounter. Handing him a stove is nothing more than an elder's love for the child, and that's all.

Seeing that his master was silent, Fuduo naturally didn't dare to say anything, but he felt a little strange. The master's attitude towards the eighth elder brother seemed a little strange. Could it be that the two were too close in age so they weren't too close?

Back at the South No. 3 Institute, before entering the door, he raised his foot and stomped on the ground vigorously, knocking off a lot of snow particles on his shoes. After entering the room, he suddenly felt much warmer.

"Seventh brother, where have you been?" Yinzhen's voice sounded behind him, Yinyou paused, turned around and looked, and it was really Yinzhen in fox fur, he hugged Yinzhen, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time." Haven't seen you."

Yinzhen was knocked back by Yinyou's action, but he still hugged Yinyou carefully, and the unhappiness of waiting for a long time disappeared, "I have been listening to the master's lecture in Wuyizhai recently, and Huang Ama only allowed us to I won't go to class in the next few days." The implication is that I will come to you if I don't go to Wuyi Zhai today.

How could Yinyou not know this, he just wanted to show a child's dependence on his elder brother. After rubbing Yinzhen's tender cheeks, Yinyou let go of Yinzhen, and then said like a good baby, "I just went to say hello to Er Niang."

Yinzhen looked down at Yinyou's already somewhat wet shoes, which must have been caused by the snow melting, he said to Fuduo, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you bring back those shoes for your master."

He pulled Yinyou aside and sat down on a stool. Seeing that Fuduo had changed Yinyou's shoes, he said calmly, "You dog slave, how do you serve your master? If the seventh younger brother is unwell in the future, you can take it yourself." fine."

Fudor was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, not daring to breathe.

"Brother, Fuduo is a good slave, I didn't let him carry me away," Yinyou pulled Yinzhen's sleeve, and said to Fuduo, "Fuduo, go and bring the characters in my house to Si Brother, look."

"Hey," Fuduo heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that his master was protecting him, he hurriedly called and retreated, and when he closed the door, he heard what his master was saying to the fourth elder brother.

Yinzhen took out a few opals from his purse and put them on the table, "Seventh brother, this is for you."

Yinyou looked at Yinzhen with a serious face, then looked at the opals in front of him, and suddenly felt that there was a kitten scratching somewhere in his conscience, he froze for a moment, then smiled, "Brother, you have given me a lot, let's keep these for you to play with."

"It's okay, I don't like these, I'll give it to you," Yinzhen glanced at the opal several times, then grabbed the opal on the table and stuffed it into Yinyou's hand, "If you like anything in the future, tell brother , if I get it, I will give it to you."

Yinyou blushed and held a few hot opals, and after a long time put the opals in his purse, showing a big smile, "Thank you brother, I like it very much."

The two played for a while, Fuduo brought in a few sheets of words written by Yinyou, and Yinzhen took a look at them. Although it was still horrible, people could recognize the words at a glance. He touched them like a little adult. Yinyou's head, "I have made progress, very good."

Yinyou cooperated and made a look of joy, but he was ashamed in his heart. He was really not good at brush calligraphy, but Kangxi seemed to value his sons' calligraphy and painting very much. , Yinyou trembled, and he still needs to practice calligraphy and painting a lot in the future.

Thinking of Yinzhen who was able to write neatly with a calligraphy brush at the age of six, Yinyou felt that he deserved to be an emperor in the future, but he already knew so many things at the age of six. In his previous life, when he was six years old, he still played Bullying girls with mud.

At noon Yinzhen stayed at the No. 3 South Institute to eat with Yinyou, and practiced calligraphy with Yinyou for an hour before going out with the little **** beside him.

Holding the stove in his hand, Yinzhen walked out of the South No. 3 Institute before saying in a low voice, "You said the seventh elder brother met the eighth elder brother today?"

The little **** looked around and said in a low voice, "Yes."

Yinzhen looked down at the patterned hand warmer, "What's his attitude towards Eighth Prince?"

The little **** thought for a while, "The slave is a little far away, I can't hear what they say, just look at the appearance of the seventh elder brother, and he is quite unfamiliar with the eighth elder brother."

Yinzhen remembered Tong Jia's words, a brother treats himself with enthusiasm and treats other brothers with enthusiasm, so this person is nothing worth spending his time thinking about. If this person only treats himself special, then it means that this person may ask for himself, or really rely on himself.

Yinzhen remembered that when he met Yinyou outside the Yonghe Palace that day, Yinyou's attitude towards the prince was also very ordinary, but later on he was very clingy to himself.

From this point of view, Yinyou is really dependent on himself.

Thinking of this, Yinzhen felt that the hand warmer that Yinyou stuffed for him in his hand was extraordinarily warm, he lowered his eyelids, "I know, you should do more in the palace in the future, don't let the servants below bully him."

The little **** opened his eyes slightly, then lowered his eyebrows and said sympathetically, "I'll save it for you slave."

A snowflake fell on the stove, and soon melted and disappeared.