MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 148 challenge robin

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  Chapter 148 Challenge Robin

  【The territory of Baron Manu】

   Baron Manu got the warning letter sent by Martha that night. Sitting in his bedroom, after reading Martha's letter, he felt cold hands and feet, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

The relationship between his son Seaman and Phil is getting closer. Manu has known about this for a long time, but he did not intervene. It is a great thing for Seaman to marry Phil back.

   But the situation is different now, Martha wants to marry Phil to Robin, and Manu dare not compete with Robin for a woman.

   "Go and call Seaman over." Manu ordered to the servant.

  A moment later, Seaman came to Manu's bedroom. He was a tall and handsome young man, with blond hair carefully arranged, but he looked a little frivolous.

   "Phil in Redstone Town, you must keep a distance from her in the future, and don't go to her again." Manu sat on a chair and ordered straight to the point.

   Seaman felt inexplicable: "What's wrong? Father."

   "Look at this, my mother has delivered a letter." Manu threw the letter into Seaman's arms angrily.

  Seaman took a glance at the letter paper, was surprised at first, and then denied: "Phil is going to marry Baron Robin? It's impossible, father, Phil likes me."

   "It doesn't matter who Phil likes. The important thing is that Martha will marry her to Baron Robin."

   "Father, let me give up Phil, I can't do it, I like Phil too." Seaman was very stubborn.

   "You fart." Manu stood up abruptly and reprimanded his son.

"You think I don't know you? I'm a flirt, is that what you call liking? You just saw Phil's beauty and became lustful. You shot at the girls in the territory, I turned a blind eye and closed the other Just pretend you didn’t see it. But Phil can’t, if this marriage is facilitated by Martha, and Phil is really married to Baron Robin, then you won’t know how you will die!”

   "Isn't it just a baron, father, that Robin is a baron, and you are also a baron. You both have the same title. What's there to be afraid of?" Seaman said with his hands behind his back, indifferently.

   His words made Baron Manu so angry that he immediately cursed:

"You idiot! You know how to spend your mind on women all day long. The outside world has changed a long time ago. You still don't know anything. With Baron Robin's strength, you only need to move your little finger to get us The crushing of father and son is as easy as crushing an ant, do you understand?"

   After cursing, Baron Manu sighed helplessly: "How can I trust you to hand over the territory to you in the future?"

  Although Baron Manu scolded bitterly, Seaman still acted foolishly and didn't listen at all.

Manu sat back on the chair, thought for a while, and then said: "The letter said that Baron Robin has arrived in Hongshi Town. Since this is the case, we will also go to Hongshi Town. Seaman, you go and prepare your luggage and horses immediately. "

  Manu went to Redstone Town for two purposes. One was to get close to Baron Robin, and he also wanted to hug Robin's thigh. Although I came to give Robin a gift last time, it was far from enough. He must always appear in Baron Robin's sight, otherwise, Manu was worried that Robin would forget him;

  The second is to explain Seaman's matter to Martha face to face, and resolve this contradiction. Even if Robin doesn't trouble him, he can't bear the anger of Countess Martha.

Baron Manu suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted. He felt like a clown dancing on eggs. There were two eggs under his feet. One was Robin and the other was Martha. rise.

  Seaman didn’t think so much. As soon as he thought of going to Hongshi Town, he would meet his longing sister Phil, and his enthusiasm immediately became higher than that of the house.


  At noon the next day, Baron Manu's father and son arrived in Hongshi Town.

  At this time, Martha led Robin and Janna just climbed up the Red Rock Mountain and was visiting her quarry. She was not surprised when the knight Saru came to report that Manu was coming, because she knew that Baron Manu was always cautious, so he might come to explain in person.

  Although Martha looked down on Manu, the territories of the two parties were close to each other after all, and they were quite neighbors. When the other party came to the door on his own initiative, Martha couldn't refuse him.

   "Go and bring Baron Manu over and tell him that Baron Robin is also here." Martha told Saru.

   "Yes, ma'am."

  The knight Saru hurried back to the lord's mansion, and brought Baron Manu to the Red Stone Mountain, while Seaman stayed in the guest room.

  As soon as he entered Redstone Town, Seaman immediately forgot all his father's warnings from yesterday. After Baron Manu left with the knight Saru, he quietly left the guest room and held a maid in the corridor outside the door.

   "Is your Miss Phil here?" Seaman asked the maid.

  The maid recognized Seaman, and replied: "Go back to the young master, the lady is upstairs."

   "Please pass this on to your lady." Seaman took out a piece of letter paper from his bosom, which he wrote just now. There was actually a sentence on the letter: I will wait for you at the old place.

   "Yes, Master Seaman."

  The maid took the letter and left, while Seaman showed an expectant smile on his face.

   Half an hour later, outside Hongshi Town, in a hidden grove. Phil arrived on horseback, and as soon as he got off his horse, he saw Seaman coming out from behind a big tree.

   "Seaman!" Phil yelled, and immediately greeted him joyfully, and threw himself into Seaman's arms.

   "Phil, I miss you so much." Seaman hugged Phil and wanted to kiss her, but Phil turned his face away.

   Seaman was a little anxious at once. He had been chasing Phil for almost a year, but he still couldn't win Phil. The girls he pursued in the past can usually be won within a month or two.

  However, this just aroused Seaman's "fighting spirit", and he insisted on taking down Phil.

   "I still miss me, I will soon become someone else's person." Phil broke free from Seaman's arms, turned his back, and said disappointedly.

   "It's that Robin, right? Don't worry, I won't give you up to him." Seaman said firmly.

   "Are you serious?" Phil turned around again, looking up at Seaman expectantly.


   "However, I heard from my mother that Baron Robin was so strong that even Baron Baron died under his hands. Seaman, can you beat him?"

   "This..." Seaman felt guilty for a moment, but in front of Phil, how could he say that he was inferior to Robin.

"Actually, that Baron is nothing special. Robin can defeat him, and it doesn't mean anything. During your absence, my martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds. Let alone one Robin, two, three, ten more Neither is my opponent."

  Seaman said without changing his face, looking like a calm and steady strong man.

  Where did Phil see what a real master looks like? She is a naive girl. Seeing what Seaman said so confidently, she immediately believed it.

  Under Seaman's long-term coaxing, Phil always thought that Seaman was extraordinary in martial arts and was one of the best masters in the western wilderness.

   "Seaman, for me, are you willing to fight Baron Robin?" Phil suddenly asked with a serious expression.

The little girl's mind is very simple. The reason why her mother disagrees with her and Seaman is because she mistakenly thinks that Seaman is incompetent. If Seaman can defeat Robin, her mother will definitely look at Seaman with admiration and agree with the two of them. thing.


  Ximan was a little confused for a moment, wondering what happened to this little ancestor today? Why do you keep leading yourself into the ditch?

   "You want me to fight Baron Robin?"

   "Yes!" Phil nodded vigorously, and then expressed his thoughts.

  Hearing this, Seaman suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger. Seaman is very good at bragging, but Seaman doesn't have the guts to fight a duel that could cost his life.

He could only make excuses and said: "For you, of course I dare to fight Robin, but since Robin is your guest now, if I challenge him to a duel at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of your mother? No, no, no!" , Absolutely not, it doesn't matter if I am misunderstood, but I want to protect your mother's dignity."

When Phil heard this, it seemed to be the truth, and she couldn't help being moved: "Sieman, you are such a nice person, you don't know, my mother scolded you for nothing, and you still think about my mother. "

   Seeing that he had successfully fooled Phil, Seaman couldn't help saying happily: "Your mother will also be my mother in the future, of course I must always think about her."

   "However, if you keep hiding your strength like this, my mother will always look down on you, and will always disagree with us being together." Phil showed a worried expression.

"It doesn't matter. When Robin leaves Redstone Town later, I will go to him personally and challenge him to a duel. At that time, the entire western wilderness will praise my bravery. I will let your mother know that Baron Robin is not worthy at all. On a par with me."

   Seaman looked swearing, as if he had become such a warrior.

  Phil smiled happily: "Okay, I'll wait for that day."

  Because Phil ran out secretly, she couldn't stay out for too long, and the two chatted for a few more words before they had to separate.

She returned to Redstone Town, and it happened that Martha and Robin also came back, so Martha called Phil and asked her to take Robin for a walk around Redstone Town. Take a look at the distance between Phil and Robin.

  Although Phil was a little unhappy, under the power of her mother, she could only obey her mother's orders.

  So, Robin and Phil walked out of the gate of Hongshi Town, and walked around the town along the edge of the town.

  Robin took a walk with relish, and while wandering around, he silently took down the topographic map around Hongshi Town in his heart.

  He is a leader of troops, and he is used to observing the terrain wherever he goes, where ambushes can be arranged, where it is suitable for formation, and where it is suitable for defense.

  But Phil kept a straight face, and didn't talk to Robin along the way, and she followed Robin wherever he went.

Robin had seen the surrounding terrain almost, and the two of them came to a hillside at this moment. He turned his head and looked at Phil beside him. Seeing that Phil was unhappy, he suddenly became interested and took the initiative to talk: :

   "I asked you to stay with me, are you very unhappy?"

   "That's right, I'm very unhappy, and I definitely don't want to marry you!" Phil replied airily.

  Robin smiled: "I heard that you have a good friend, the son of Baron Manu, who also came to Hongshi Town today."

   "How do you know?" Phil looked at Robin in surprise, and blurted out without thinking.

  She always thought that the relationship between her and Seaman was well hidden, and it was fine for her mother to know about it, but why even an outsider like Robin knew about it.

   "Looks like I hit the spot." Robin laughed.

  He learned about this from Janna. Janna was not only in charge of the caravan, she traveled all over the world, and was also responsible for collecting intelligence for Robin. If you can't even find out about this, then Janna, the intelligence leader, doesn't have to do it.

  It is actually nothing new for a businessman to be an intelligence leader. Businessmen are often very well-informed, especially those big businessmen, who generally have their own intelligence network. For those businessmen whose news is delayed, it is difficult to expand their business even if they do not lose money.

   "I remember, it seems to be called Seaman." Robin thought about it.

"Hmph, let me tell you, Seaman is very strong, even two of you can't beat him. And he likes me very much, if you insist on pestering me, Seaman will not let you go." Phil took the opportunity Threats, she naively thought that this would scare Robin.

   "Is he strong?"

   "Of course, Seaman has promised me that he will challenge you to a duel and prove to my mother that he is stronger than you." Phil thought Robin was afraid, and wanted to make persistent efforts, so he continued to scare him.

   Robin shook his head, thinking it was funny. He remembered that Janna told him that this Seaman was a vagabond, not very good at fighting, but he was very good at deceiving women.

  He thought to himself: It seems that Phil was deceived by this Seaman, but this is none of my business.

  While Robin and Phil were wandering around, on the other side, Janna was commanding the caravan to fill all the trucks with stones, and they were going to leave early tomorrow morning.

   Then, night fell slowly.

  Robin and Janna returned to the guest room together. The two of them waited for dinner and chatted about what they had seen and heard in Hongshi Town.

  Martha and Manu are in the reception room. They are discussing the direction of future cooperation. Manu wants to use the influence of Redstone Town to strengthen himself. Although Martha looks down on Manu, she wants to take the opportunity to control Manu's territory.

  Seaman and Phil, these two restless young people sneaked out of Redstone Town again. The two came to the grove where they met during the day, and sat side by side on the grass, talking sweetly.

   This was an ordinary and quiet night, but suddenly, a rush of alarm bells broke the peace.


   Anxious alarm bells rang non-stop over Hongshi Town. When Martha heard the sound, she immediately ran out of the reception room and came to the lobby on the first floor.

   "What's going on? Is there an enemy attack?" Martha asked loudly in panic.

  The knight Saru hurried over from the gate and reported to Martha: "Madam, the sentry at the gate has spotted the enemy."

   "A native of the wilderness?" Martha frowned suspiciously. She remembered that there were no native tribes of the wilderness around Hongshi Town.

  Saru showed horror: "No, it's a blood demon!"

  At this time, Robin and Janna heard the alarm bell, and they also came to the lobby on the first floor curiously.

  Robin originally thought that there was a night attack by the natives of the wasteland, and didn't want to make a move at first, but when Saru said that there was a blood demon, his expression immediately changed, and he stepped forward and grabbed Saru's arm.

   "You said there was a blood demon, did you see clearly? Is it really a blood demon?" Robin asked nervously.

   Saru felt that Robin's big hand was like a pair of iron tongs, and his arm was suddenly scratched, and he grinned and replied: "It's absolutely true."

   Blood Demons are very terrifying monsters. They are descendants of ancient blood races. After the ebb tide began, the blood race gradually declined, some of them merged into the human race, and some became blood demons.

  (end of this chapter)